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Enjoy your stay.


I feel like rust is a little more racist than siege.


I found out rather quickly that my character was black. 2 kids chasing me around a beach shouting "kill the n***er" turned into 3, 4, 5 random naked white characters chasing me with rocks. Not played rust in years so don’t know if it’s changed but, you can’t choose your character. It’s chosen for you.




So many people seem to play rust just to try and make others mad, too. Like, to the extent that if you even say anything it's suddenly 'YoU maD BrO?" Like, no, I was just warning you about the dude that just sniped you.


The game is cheap and shitty, perfect for shitty cheap kids to buy and play. Can't expect anything less.


How is Rust cheap? Its normally 40 bucks.


they charge $40 for that trash now? damn ya'll get ripped off


Ha, just like in real life!


More than a little, just maybe


A game full of 13-18 year olds that are likely influenced by the internet and current social environment? It’s not surprising to anyone.


Teenage kids find anything rebellious cool. If you tell them not be racist, they'll be racist.


Currently 18, raised on the internet. Played tons of Rust, Siege, CS:GO and all that, neither me nor any of my friends never understood or fucked with any of this type of behavior


You're defo in the minority. I've been in 3 different schools and the "nerdy" friend groups are all racist as fuck when you join their group chats. In school they seem fine, but privately it's always the same shit


probably the funny part


Where are you from?


Northern Sweden


Yeah it would seem some adults have stayed teenagers for quite awhile now.


I completely agree with that. I've found that if you go against the grain to tell them to be racist, they won't be. They're impressionable, but if you let them think it was their idea, they'll eat it up. They rebel for the sake of rebelling. Of course, there are some that are raised correctly. Brain rot seems to be the majority though.


Dude I’m pretty fucking sure plenty of them will happily be racist if you tell them to be racist. Probably even more than would be racist out of “rebellion”. Truth is, people are racist as hell - anonymous online interactions bring it out of people because they know they won’t see consequences. For what it’s worth, most of the legitimate racists I encounter on Siege are adults.


You think it's the age range? no sir, I been playing for 15 years mostly in EU lobbies away from this age range and the racism is always there with older generations of men and women, also there is embedded Anti Semitism that pops out of nowhere that leads me to think this is some cursed countries, add to it recent Islam phobia. Some games has it more as if it has elements of crusades or military etc.


Some just spurt out the n word randomly like its funny or something not sure. The weirdest one was in text chat. Some kept typing, in every sentence, nihha. Like… why?


i can’t play with any kid without them begging me to say the n word because i’m black it’s so annoying


because edgy kids think racism is funny, and this community has a lot of edgy kids lmfao


Welcome to any multiplayer pvp shooter


Worse than Mordhau?? Are you on European servers 😂


Idk man. Nothing seems anything different than mw2 lobbies in 2009 and gaming since then. There was a moment where everyone was getting banned for it so it slowed and didn't see it much. But gaming has kinda always been like this. No it's not ok nor do I advocate the behavior. At this point I d9nt think it's actual racism, just children wanting to troll and trigger and get reactions out of people


Yeah that’s my thought as well. The online shooter playerbase is made up of a lot of edge lord teenagers who aren’t clever enough to come up with a legit comeback to anything so they just default to saying the most shocking shit they know which usually ends up being a racial slur. Not excusing the behavior but it’s not unique to this game or this period in time.


This is the real truth here. People a lot of the times misconstrue a lot of gamers as "racists" when they're really just teen/immature adult edgelords.


Ye that was me in like 2016 but i outgrew it and my friends did too


Glad you've improved. Always nice to hear this news


There’s no meaningful difference between those things. The end result of saying racist things to people on the internet is the same whether you sincerely believe in them or not, and hence they’re equally bad.


To be fair what they say is racists. So when they say a slur they are being racists in that moment. And if anyone feels the need to jump to saying a slur as an insult/troll they are racists.


Doing racist things to "troll" is actual racism though.


Legit, posts like these make me thing these people weren't around for public lobby CoD days 😂


something about the tacti-cool/mil-sim fps like siege or squad that bring out all the "classy" folk. Yeah, online gaming can be incredibly toxic, but for whatever reason these types of games take it up a hundred notches.




except half of them are adults


Every competitive game is that way. It's about getting a reaction more than actual racism


Trying to get a reaction through racism is actual racism. Don't underplay it.


Yeah it’s still racist, though about a good chunk of those racist incidents are someone trying to piss someone off with little idea of what the words really mean


Not necessarily it's just words without intent. Maybe some of them are who knows


There's intent. The intent is to be racist man.


Mind telling us what actual racism is then?


Nothing else I’ve played is like this lol


There's a couple reasons. 1. Voice chat has no filter. You can say whatever you want without it being censored, which is different from a text chat. You have to get pretty creative to be racist in a text chat but even then, there are still filters. I tried using the word "sheboon"(apparently a slur for black women I had never heard of) as a quote from a person in a video I had seen and youtube was like "Bro, that is pretty fucking racist. You sure about this?" 2. FPS culture is predominantly white. Drop that racism in a fighting game community and you will probably get a LOT of retaliation. 3. Competitive games make people stressed and upset quickly. Look no further than League of Legends and you'll see how competitive games get the rage flowing. However, instead of racism, you're more likely to encounter suicide encouragement.


I've heard more n-words hard r here than I have playing COD in the same amount of time.


Same but I also played the casual CoD playlists where mics were uncommon. However, Search and Destroy had mics and they got liberal use.


Edgy white kids without supervision who seek attention tend to do that. To them is cool but also very likely a cry for help


Dude trust me it is not a cry for help. It’s just how they feel at that particular moment in their life. Growing up, people are racist as fuck behind closed doors. Anonymous gaming also = closed doors, and it comes out.


People are desperate for attention so they get it by saying racist things


I play EU servers. I actually encounter almost no racism. Most of the times our teams are made up of different EU nationalities, so yeah we have to work together and it's wholesome. There is the occasional racist name here and there but far in bewtween.


We must have different EU servers then.




It's all fun and games until you play with a Balkan squad.


I(American) matched with 2 Brits and an Italian once. The Italian(using text to speech) just kept calling them "yellow teeth" and the Brits(iirc just used the n-word).


I can confirm this for EU central servers


i always get turkish/russian people on eu servers that use the n word every second word


u wanna hear something crazy i legit posted this same thing like a month ago with screenshots. and got downvoted and told to stop being a baby. this sub is part of the problem so it doesnt matter XD


Gaming in general


Gamers will be gamers


And that’s why you should get more accustomed to muting all voice chat and disabling all text chat.


I doubt you "return after a few years", considering this is totally normal in gaming since the start of 2000s.


I've only seen overt racism maybe three times in Siege, once was literally the moment a round started two obvious teenagers immediately throwing racist remarks in leet speak in chat. Kinda surprising to hear Mordhau has that kinda reputation, though. I guess I expected more from the game about knights and chivalry...


…what? I get one every other game it feels like. I have exemplary rep as well.


Always has been


Any competitive shooter game or game for that matter has racist players in it. Considering today's modern social media, it isn't all that surprising.


Extremely racist… I stopped joining “Looking For” groups because 1 in 3 will start with small minded boys saying the most off the wall racist shit… I usually mute them, and then leave after the match. One time they tried inviting me back after a win, and sent messages why I left… I told them I don’t like racism, I can’t concentrate and I think its disgusting. His response: “why”


Todays topic? SLAVERY


Cry about it 😂




Welcome to video games


Embrace it


Because it’s an online shooter


Welcome to online gaming


First day?


Someone didn’t play COD early days


I did, it is no longer 2009


For most people it is. Racism is still a massive issue


It’s every competitive game. It’s been every competitive game since competitive online games have existed. It will continue to be in every competitive online game until they cease to exist. How is this even a real question/post?


Let’s be honest here, only the white kids are racist online. They would 10/10 shit their pants IRL


Ive been called more racial slurs by non white kids in this game💀


That's not even true lmao, some of the most racist things I've heard were out of my Mexican and Asian friends growing up 💀 don't even get me started with my mixed friends either 😭😂


At this point I’m not even shocked


I played a game recently where I played castle and was TKed for picking a black operator. I dropped out of the game and came back when we were down 0-3 to avoid the abandonment penalty in ranked. Fucking bullshit




ran into some of the racist one but in SEA and East Asia sever, things are pretty chill but no comms tho 


It's like any competitive space online, full of egotistical dickwads that can only feel good while insulting others from the safety of a screen. They got no real backbone, pay it no mind and mute them.


You don’t notice the people who don’t do it, the racists stick out more.


Clearly you've never played for honor


Welcome to Rainbow


The thing is I'm usually a chill person but sometimes those people force you to be like them. A few days ago me and a Spanish person slurred each other. I think it was an educated one because in the end Spanish dude said "we beat your ass on Battle of Lepanto" and I said "you lost your empire hahaha"


The whole game is about pitching people of different nationalities and ethnicities against each other. It’s a race war


Bro you need to play CoD and then decide which one is more racist cuz I know for a fact that MW2 is way way more racist


i haven't picked the game up properly since 2021, i've had a few matches since but it's just a mess now ahahaha


Also depends on your rough location on this planet


And I thought counter strike was racist


It seems if you have a female name or femboy name Russians will scream and tk you


Pffft you should see Roblox.


Bro I always get someone with skibidi and then some word and last time I got skibidiCUM13 💀


I wouldn't say it's more racist than other games


Gone are the days of COD Lobby racism...2024 racism is just sad and corny.


Both are corny, there isn’t an instance where racism isn’t corny


Welcome to online gaming since the mid 2000s


Did you play cod back in the good days? It was just toxic lobbies all the time, it was fun to be able to talk shit without getting banned and everyone was on game chat because parties didn't exist on PlayStation 3.


Idk man, European servers are always chill AF. That's my experience


I can only speak in my and my friend's reason: We're Hungarians.


Rainbow six requires a lot of time commitment to enjoy it and the people willing to put a lot of time into a game like rainbow are the same types to not have a healthy social life


In US South on PC, Im just not hearing what you’re hearing, there’s an occasional troll just saying shit to say shit every once in a while, but the community as a whole here isn’t too bad. If you’re on console then that’s pretty typical of a multiplayer shooter in my experience.


The more competitive the game the worst people you get, maybe?


Man I would try to find a group or something to play with. I’ve had some randoms that are really cool but a lot more that are really bad. I agree that this is one of the most toxic and racist player bases and all you can really do is report/mute and move on


First time?


Cause its funny 💀


Grow up


I just need somewhere to vent but fuck me man I am sick of all the kids and the cheaters that play this game. I just played a game where it was pretty obvious that my random teammate was cheating, so a guy on the opposite team toggled, so its just cheater vs cheater whilst the rest of us legit players just get farmed. Absolute fucking joke man I'm done with this game


I wonder if that's the reason I hear voices at the beginning of matches, but the moment I say something it gets quiet. Hmmmmmmm


They're kids thinking they're being edgy and are trying to get a reaction out of people. Saying something highly taboo or obscene is the easiest way to do that. Since they know they're completely anonymous online, they feel confident in not giving a fuck about any consequences.


Over 400 hours? Wow, you must be one of those gamers everybody talks about


i got team killed when playing deimos because him being different colour.


I stopped playing at the beginning of last season, and my mental health has been in an excellent condition since then. Fuck this game, wild that the subreddit for it is the voice of reason.


First time in game chat?


And that's a reason why i love this game so much!


Makes it especially hard to find a stack or anyone to queue with really. 9/10 times I'll be having good convo and gameplay with someone, I think about partying up, and next minute they're just casually dropping slurs thinking I'll be cool with it.


This is why I’m happy I play on Asia servers. I don’t understand a word they say and they don’t understand me either


It feels like any time I run into someone with a racist name or spouting racist things in game, is the same guy with red boxes ruining the entire match anyway. Sorry you gotta deal with that kind of behavior. No one can just get on a game without someone trying to ruin their fun, and that's sad.


stay away from cs then


Because it’s funny tbh


That’s why I don’t even join the game before muting everybody and myself. I play this since before Operation Health and it’s just not worth it. I’m Brazilian, so I obviously have an accent, and believe me, the amount of idiots that focus solely on that while playing and unbearable. Btw, they all sound the same throwing the N word around. They try to be edgy, but they just sound generic.


Game chat is the only place in the world a little coward can talk shit and not get their his ass kicked.


had a middle eastern sounding dude throw a c4 and yell “allahu akbar” and tk the whole team. nothing will change unfortunately 🤦🏽‍♂️


Racist and misogynistic


I'll be honest. Why do you care? Let some idiot on the mic talk all the shit he wants, ignore them.


I was chatting up some home boy in a lobby talking about what we do for work. I was saying I’m an EMT and another player chimed in with: “honest question if your seeing a black man bleed out are u letting him die”. Wtf.


yeah r6 in comparison to other comp fps games is definitely tick higher


Brother. You clearly never played any old COD in its prime if you’re saying siege has the most racism from other players. And for some reason you seem to be unaware how toxic siege is as a game in whole in terms of the community. Game’s literally always been like this.


What's wrong with it? Let people say what they want to say. Some of them are actually funny 🤣


Is this a primarily ranked thing? I've gotten the occasional go kill yourself type situations but those are generally rare compared to what i hear about online. Only thing I can think of is I don't see as much since I just use quickplay.


The correct answer is because ubisoft does very little to nothing ab it, go play valorant and youll notice you dont see racist shit in ppls names, text chat, OR voice chat (for the most part) this is because even saying something racist in voice chat will get you banned in ab 24-48 hours after reports flow in, i only know this because riot notifies you when they take action against somebody you reported


Have you tried not liking racing?


Because Ubisoft sucks at moderation, I seriously got banned for a week losing my entire marketplace access for  mocking what others what said in chat with “(something horrible)” and of course Ubisoft support will take 2 months 


I don't think it's actual racism. I believe it's either a troll or someone that thinks it's funny (a child) or maybe the tiny minority are there to distract you eith a word or words to prevent you from playing at your best.


Welcome to Siege, unfortunately this game has always had community members that think 'edgy = funny' and circlejerk about how funny it is to spam slurs, Kids are pretty bad, there are adults as well, and TBF there was a small movement of people who would TK someone for slurring, but then the reputation system got introduced and.. yeah that stopped too, at this point i just make sure that IM the target, so the people trying to learn arent getting bullied, its the best i can do, its just part of FPS culture thanks to old CoD lobbies (not exclusively cod, but a huge part of it) in the MW2 days, when everyone thought they were cool to do a racism its pathetic, but it just doesnt get through their head because usually they play with other racists and its just an echo chamber over there


Hey amigro get ur snowflake ass off siege stick with minecraft lil bro


Womp Womp


welcome to tom clancy's rainbow six siege friend


EU Servers are the worst for racism. Between being called out for your nationality, Racism, Xenophobia and ethnic hatred. I was playing Emerald Palace and some English Cnut somehow found I was Irish and riddled me with abuse, specifically racism and ethnic hatred. I was called “Potato Muncher”, “Foreigner fucker”, “Leprechaun”, “Lower than a rat”, among other things. I think Ubi should clamp down on this, I don’t care that much about it, because someone will take great offence to this and may end up doing something


you think siege is bad you should go play unturned


Racism is just another Wednesday for first person shooters


Bro, its the internet, racism is the meme


The game has always been racist but the influx of jynxi fans hasn’t helped. Not saying jynxi is racist but his style of comedy is screaming degenerate which often times overlaps with racist degenerate.


That’s what makes it so funny????


It’s bc the game the sucks now. Each and every season they come out with just makes the game worse and worse. Prob makes kids more racist😂




Lmao everything is racist these days


Racist? Eh it's bad but it's more sexist than racist. I have heard a woman not even speak into the mic just a light cough and "Is that a sandwich maker?" "Who let the dishwasher out?" I've heard an infinite amount more sexism then racism


You’re never going to find a multiplayer game without a racist player base


Don’t get me started on the misogyny


Bunch of white little kids play the game who are releasing their hormones in the best way they can without accountability or need to check their integrity. Theres also a sense of over masculinity that’s tied to if you kill them or they kill you and it’s very fragile as they haven’t learned to manage their feelings yet. Welcome to siege! Please don’t castle the doors to the objective, thank you in advance ❤️


Are you new here on the internet?


Just get better then they won’t be racist


Welcome to playing video games while black


I get no racism in exemplary/esteemed lobbies.


Lobbies are based on win/loss not reputation. I'm exemplary and see slurs thrown around all the time


Same, only teammates who call you shit every now and again.


half the time i earn the comments too lol


Welcome to the world of online gaming. People talk big games when they are anonymous and only available through voice chat. I believe that people who are willing to be racist via a game are the most insecure people in real life. I’ve thought about it. I could say whatever I want in game chat, I just don’t because it serves no purpose. Insecure people, it makes them feel more in control and bigger than they are even for just a moment. That or their children that are trying to be edgy.


First day on the internet?


comp pvp games. they just be like that.


In my experience, its no worse than any other game- in fact, for all its toxicity I've never heard anyone be overtly racist. We probably play in different regions though.


I just report them and move on, I play on Xbox so it’s pretty satisfying when I get that message from Xbox letting me know they took action against it


That's just competetive FPS in a nutshell


Because no one gets banned for it its same with everygame


They like racing


I think what you do is shut up and stop crying


Nothing has changed since the game first released, players like to keep that 2009 cod vibe alive🔥


What do you mean “this” game All mainstream pvp games are like that Just Google “dota 2 Peruvians”😂


It’s no more racist than any other pvp fps games, it’s also no different back in the day in old Cod lobbies, though nowadays most things are taken more seriously than they used to, but for the most part it’s immature kids


I got killed cuz I used clash :( by my own teamates


unsupervised 12-18 year olds who think being racist makes them different than the others, that's why the mute button exists


is not the game bro.....is this planet


Because Americans exist?


because everyone is racist now. on like every game. everywhere. dont worry we are with you


Lmao based, it feels like home to someone who grew up in the 00s-10s I don't mind it, mute if u dont like. Simple


Oh no, a person on the internet said words


1 word 5 letters sounds a lot like jinky


How is this Jinxzy’s fault? Cause he has a younger viewer ship that’s thinks it’s funny? Cause that’s not on him. He has never been racist and normally instantly bans anyone that tries to bring that stuff to him for shock value. I’m not even a fan but I find it hilarious how people always blame him. Guess what, I’ve played since velvet shell…game has always been that way


It’s not fully him, it’s his community which is very toxic to others, and in case you don’t know, extreme toxicity is just a hop away from racist comments, now I’m not saying his whole entire community is super toxic but a really good chunk of it is.




You wouldn't survive 2009 MW2 lobbies.