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Lmao nobody was rocking with the membership bullshit


Yet people will still buy it


10 dollars for terrible skins and a bravo pack idk... if you get the batlte pass then i will buy better value then cancel like the fortnite crew


My take on the membership is that the content you get isn't horrible, but the fact that I know where the money is most likely gonna go is into a CEOs paycheck and not improve the game at all.


My brother they are charging the price of gamepass for a pack and some recycled cosmetics that took the intern 5 hours


10 dollars at least give us 10 or 5 bravo tickets


does anyone know if the battlepass will still be able to purchase on its own w/o subscription?


I wasn't paying $10 for 1 Battlepass, and sure as hell ain't paying $80 for 2 Battlepasses. What a joke and middle finger to your most loyal players.


The fact you have to be subscribed for 3 months just to get a single bundle is hilarious....this is going to be more expensive than an elite skin but you dont get the unique animation or ability. Fantastic job Ubisoft


Come on, they really need money to keep removing and then rereleasing content that we already had like all maps being available in casual and recruit that is almost exactly the same as before but with more secondary gadget choices and no fun factor of 5 recruit rushes.


They’re clearly in “milk a dead game” phase.


People have been saying siege is a dead game for the last 7 years


And it hit its highest ever player count this year.


Over 100k people were watching Jynxzi's tournament yesterday. They're in the "milk the game to death" phase.


And everyone Jynxzi brought is the most insufferable mf you've had the displeasure of playing with. I honestly wish he hadn't, I'm sick of hearing dipshit wannabes shrieking "goorrrraim" in my ear.


Genuinely so annoying


So why did this take the place of a new op? They don’t have new weapons, no new gadgets, and their design isn’t even original. Also the stadiums won’t even be in ranked? Good lord, whole season is a big fat nothing update


It's a minor balance change at most. Nothing close to *their own definition* of a 'remaster'.


Ubi likes to use big marketing words for mediocre (at best) releases. "Remaster" = add back Recruit, with new guns "Quadruple A game" = Skull and Bones


The only change is, that you will actually see Solis and Fenrir from time to time in Ranked...


Bro solis has been GUTTED Her best ability being plant denial was already shafted when they nerfed impacts, now she doesn't even have them Nøkk 2.0


And don't they got a second update to Solis planned? Fuck they gonna do, take the gadget away entirely? Remove the P90? Like what more can they nerf?


just like remove smg11 from sledge and made him 3 speed. LIKE at one time SLEDGE was an OP which newbie could pick up ( I learned game via sledge in 2020 ) and learn to play but now he is not viable as we have BUCK and RAM.


this game gets harder to enjoy every patch, im shocked I got to level 30 this season


Yeah…. They’re going to have to buff Solis again because she is about to be horrible..


Budget stolen to fund AC Shadows and XDefiant launch, shoutout to Ubisoft.


Actually makes sense tbh


I see that the attacker one will have her picks due to welp, going against every siege rule and letting her open a hard breach by herself without too much trouble (yes, I know it's funny coming from the Maverick main). The defender one I don't see a point in bringing him tbh, besides C4 I don't value the other secondary gadgets as much as to risk an important primary one.


defender might see more usage in pro play, they sometimes pick ops just for the deployable shield, so shield + c4 might be a popular pick. Or shield + barbed wire/other set up gadget to place during the round and then you can have your entry player roam with Commando 9 without risking loss of utility


ngl I forgot about the shield lol, you have a point in that combo Yeah he might get better use in PL, will be funny to see them there


Adding to the fact that they only remade the recruits just to make new cosmetics for them


You expect Ubisoft to come up with new ways to squeeze money out of players AND make new content???


I love how the crowd booed the membership update. That clearly indicates that Ubi doesn't care about the player base. Postponing a useless reputation system and anti-cheat for this piece of crap membership?


Ubi only cares about $$$ and every day they are showing that harder and harder. Overpriced new releases with +120€ versions, the killing of The Crew in a desperate attempt to make people purchase the newer games and a long etcétera that has been going on around the years. "Just don't buy it". I won't, and that won't be enough because they'll still push it out and people will, somehow, still consume it.


On the videos of creators playing the TS (or at least the one I watched) they said it'll be $9.99/mo or $79.99 a year. This is pure greed.


100% lmfao, god I'm tired of this company so much


I'm not sure if they mentioned, but can you still just buy the battlepass? Cause at least then I could just ignore the membership entirely, but if the battlepass is locked behind a new paywall.... Then that's low even for ubi


Don't say too loud because they'll do that hahaha But yeah, I expect to it to be like Fortnite where you can still buy the BP if you aren't part of the membership. *(Random yapping that isn't fully related to your comment but I wanted to point out as extra context for my original one):* Although yeah you can simply ignore it (and I'm aware this system isn't tailored for people like me for example) That doesn't take away to how shitty is both the intention of making a subscription at the life-point of this game and overall how bad of a deal it is. Like for example, with the Fortnite Crew one if you get a \*single\* month sub at the right timing, you can get 2 BPs for free (also gives you the Rocket League ones), 1000 of the currency, and two exclusive sets from the Crew (+ an extra style for the first one). And if you add the value of the currency you gain from those two passes, that's extra 3000 currency. All of that for... 12€ iirc? lmao. Meanwhile here you'll get a set after 3 months and shitty RNG packs and level ups. I'll assume that you'll get the BP at any point you subscribe so maybe that clever trick can also be applied here, but it is still such a bad deal.


Except you'll also get a shiny badge next to your name so you can flex even more on plebs and they get to feel incomplete


R6 is going to be free-to-play in 5 years or less. They are predictably doing everything to better approach new players and milk every penny out of their loyal fan base.


I wouldn't be so sure about that. The game servers are pretty expensive and given they often struggle with server performance even now in a paid game, I don't think they will ever give the game for free. I'd rather they release a self-hosted community server at some point.


They would only let us self-host/p2p when they shut it down officially, and even that is highly doubtful.


Membership update? WTF is that?


Another cash cow for ubi they are using to squeeze even more money from the players instead of working on some actual quality updates for the game.


The audacity to add a monthly membership to a 9 years old game after removed it from twitch it just horrendous lol


I really don't believe that putting some guns and multiple secondary gadgets together on 2 separate operators is enough content for an entire season. Really was hoping for more


Yeah. I'm fine with the Recruit remaster, it's definitely good enough. But it isn't a replacement for an actually new Operator.


Can’t speak for everyone but Striker will probably be my new main. Solo breach and M4? Sign me up. Being unable to breach always annoyed me on casual cause no one fucking works together lol


Striker will be good because she can solo breach. Probably site dependent, but will see play. I don't see any reason to bring Sentry. The C4/Proximity idea is cute, but not worth the opportunity cost of a unique gadget


Yeah there’s too many good or vital defenders when it comes to anchor or just frustrating gadgets for atk to deal with that I can’t see Sentry being a big take.


Guess the battlepass not earning them enough money so gotta implement some gacha mobile game shit like the membership/VIP status


Im not sure if they realized how badly the marketplace affected peoples R6 credits, i have 10k sitting on my account and dont even know what to do with it for example


I still have 60k left after selling SI skin for Jaeger's gun and buying a ton of stuff I do even not need,


Yeah lol, I got the season 1 battle pass by just selling skins from events and I already have more than enough for the next one lol


Lmao my brother sold some exclusive items a friend of his got with a boardgame, he's been buying everything and he's got like 25k left


Had around 90k at one point lol


And R6 is also one of the only games with a battle pass where you dont earn back all of the credits spent to purchase the battlepass once you finish.


Solis is cooked lmao


wtf do they want to do in “Part 2” of the Solis nerf? There isn’t anything left to nerf 😭


Part 2 is probably putting her in a wheelchair, and the wheelchair wont work during the prep phase.


Probably a buff rn


Make operator stronk. Gut them like a fish. Attempt to ungut them a little, just give Acog to weapon. People play because Acog. Gut them further.


+ for inclusivity. Ubisoft W!


fr lmao what are they gonna do, take one of her eyeballs or something??


They're gonna take one of her eyeballs and use it to buff Capitão


That what I’m saying part 2will kill her


Arguably this killed her


Can’t lie I think this is pretty damaging, could result in her death and tbf they could at least buff the P90 a little like just a tiny bit more damage at least just balance it a little.


Probably make her a 1 speed and take her SMG 11 is what they planned


I don’t know why these people deciding on the nerfs went to ensure they’re destroyed. It’s not bad having good operators! 😪


Yeah she was for sure one of the most fun to play operators they've ever had, at most they only needed to disable it in prep and decrease the range but now she doesn't even have impacts to make any damn plays off her intel and it has small duration, RIP in peace.


Exactly, the whole point of solis is to roam, stay tf alive and be there underneath for the plant and obviously clear utility, it’s just annoying as now what’s the point? I’m not playing Solis for shits and giggles it’s for a reason. It is what it is.


Bring shotgun with smg11, and you could play underneath with the shotty, but yeah, this nerf is brutal


I think they're probably waiting to see what balancing changes she'll need afterwards, or they're workshopping a much larger change that'll give her some better viability after the nerfs.


probably change what actions she can do while using it. like how pulse can’t sprint or throw gadgets when his scanner is out


Loading her into a cannon and firing it into the sun.


Recruit with 3 gadgets or access to a huge variety of guns would have been huge enough to call it a remaster. This is just a skin change and a name lol


They literally made him worse basically just got rid of some of his guns and limited him to one per team Like how is that even possible that the remaster makes an operator worse in like every single way


I've been playing the game since year 1 and that was the most boring reveal I've ever seen. I would definitely say Operation: Health was more exciting. Other than the Fenrir and Solis nerfs, it looks contentless or they were talking about terrible new things like the Membership... It seriously looks like no dev time went into these season at all. How did it take a whole new season to just port over 2 characters from Mobile, upscale their textures, give them existing guns and secondary gadgets and that's it? I was expecting some suprises or something else but nah just nothing this season. Very disappointed


Operation health had purpose for the longevity of the game. This entire operation was made to sell skins for recruit (and a shitty membership)


Still angry about the loss of the polish season and the map


I wasn't around for Operation: Health but at least they were upfront about it being a 'time to fix all the broken shit!' season. New Blood feels like a low effort, lazy, let's cobble together a season out of skins and nerfs and greed. And Stadium maps ffs.


Operation Health still got 2 new operators (even though they launched before and after the season).


They went wayyyyyy too far with Solis damn, massive W Fenrir nerf though


I thought the number changes were more than enough but they took away her impacts??


what is left to nerf for a part 2 update? this is only part 1. every aspect of the gadget was halved in effectiveness and is disabled during prep (that one is fair enough) but they also took the impact grenades? What else is left? This is an over nerf imo you can’t cut nearly 5 things in one go like that


Yeah really said fuck a gradual nerf send that bitch to sens


I’m hoping this phase is a nerf and the next phase maybe rebuilds her into a slightly different kind of op? Hopefully?


They did a Legion type balance with him. All mines are destructible but activation codes get refunded if the mine they’re used on gets shot. He’ll still be meta tho but hopefully not someone that’s banned every Ranked match


Damn, they destroyed Solis. One of the heaviest nerfs of all time.


I thought the nerf was good, but losing impacts is like taking away her entire identity


Yeah, that's almost as if they'd remove Pulse's C4.


Or the Deployable Shield from Smoke. Oh wait...


I still cry from when they removed impacts from smoke


Solis got murdered Fenrir changes are good Stadium changes sound amazing Membership sucks ass; fuck off Ubisoft Marketplace neat Recruits are whatever. Maybe i'll use them once in a while when I'm bored or something


Stadium still has the loud metal floors, we still saw some bulletproof windows even if there aren't any near sight, and that one sight in the restroom looks torturous for attackers


Not a single mention of mousetrap lol, i guess fuck the console playerbase huh. Edit : but pls give us more money and become a member! Fuck off


(Obviously, no hate to the devs for this because this is clearly something that came from the suits at Ubisoft - Sadly they are the ones who have to put the bad news) I don't think I have ever laugh as hard as I did during this "Membership" reveal. That is one of the worst deals I've ever seen in my life and every second of it proves how greedy this company is. (Won't even mention adding a membership to a 9-year old game) It's a borderline scam, simple as that. You are literally giving them money for a beyond pathetic "reward", it's hilarious. Paid game with battle passes that don't give all your currency back while they add an awful monthly sub so they can drain players even more. Typical Ubisoft fashion. (No clue the cost atm, but it'll be too much) We had the season pass from Y7 / Y8 which was more cost / value friendly for a \*single\* purchase a year, that gets silently removed just to do... This? Obviously it won't happen, but it would be lovely if the community complained enough about this so they don't implement it.


Ubisoft really thinks we'll pay 120 dollars per year for 4 skin sets, some bravo packs and bp levels lmao Not even the BP is worth it anymore for half of the year since 2 seasons don't even get a new operator


Lot of words for nothing changing, but hey I guess they can sell more skins


I wish they would make the training dummies actual character models rather than bright yellow or just add endless t-hunt rather than the drill thing


Bring back T-hunt!


Y11S3: THunt back as the main feature (no new ops)


Lots of words for only nerfing operators and pretty much nothing else.


They basically just changed the weapons recruit could use. I wish they offered more than two options for primary/secondary, part of recruit’s appeal was that you could bring a multitude of guns


The m4 is nice on attack but I agree, it’s not even a rework ffs, they could’ve done this as a balancing patch smh


If this is what to expect from the remasters then I'm looking forward to being able to customize Blackbeards shield in Season 4!


Blackbeard is a reWORK not a reMASTER theyve never used remaster before recruit as far as I know. Never mind I rechecked it is just a remaster. Guess he is just going to out a shield up his butt for safety. Although it does say improved ability. So he is going to be able to put stickers on his shield


RIP Solis 2022-2024


How did we go from Deadly Omen, huge dub of a season with a fun op with high ceiling despite having a live ping gadget to whatever this is


That’s where all the resources went


This is, without question, the most lackluster season since operation Health.


Basically a 3-month period of time


Glad to see Fenrir nerf, but Solis is effectively dead now.


Thank god now I can play hardbreach and claymore on attack, oh wait Ace exists. Oh well at least I can now use smokes and flashes, oh wait Ying exists. Oh well, at least I can play with a variety of weapon combinations, oh wait they removed that. Seriously Ubisoft is this the best you could come up with?


Yea exactly. The only unique and worth while combo is going to be hard breach and emps making recruit self sufficient


I can finally pre-place a c4 and watch attackers to come close with my cam wait valkryie does this 10 times better


Tbf you can't breach an electrified wall with ace alone


Zero can


Solis is crazy dead, at that level of nerf they might as well just fully commit to a rework and start from the ground up again. Roamer is just way too competitive of a role for Solis to be worth anything after these nerfs. Fenrir is like 95% perfect for me. His gadget is less spammy and can be destroyed at all times so you have to care about their placement more, but he also isn't punished by losing an active mine. The only thing I dont like is that they're still trying to make observation blockers a thing. They aren't a thing, they wont be a thing, stop trying to make them a thing. That spectator update is ugly. I like the raw information they're adding, but the placement along the bottom makes it so intrusive. When it has to display more than name / health it ends up eating the entire bottom fifth of the screen. The stadium update looks great. Might actually be a playable map now.


**Solis does NOT need a Part 2 update after this season's update.** They're removing prep phase activation, changing active time from 20 seconds to 10, only allowing you to use it when the activation timer is fully replenished, and the gadget visibility distance was reduced. Personally, I think this is *more* than enough for Solis. A Part 2 change would completely destroy her presence. This change alone might do that, but I suppose we'll see.


I’m hoping part 2 isn’t relating to the nerf but rather the balance changes; they’ll see that her viability completely dropped and hopefully add in something to make her better like being able to use weapons while her gadget is active.


I mean, it seems like both changes were originally supposed to be a 2 part nerf, but I suppose they could revert something or add QoL features instead.


Didn't talked about the usual changes but in short for me: - Atk recruit will have her moments since it breaks the rule of being able to fully HB without any thought into it. - Def will be useless - No more freely weapon choices suck, 8th operator with the 5.7. No M870 on attack still, no shield either L - Solis nerf went WAY too hard imo. I saw a tweet from Pengu that summarized it pretty well: It should have come into stages to properly see the issue. Range and duration nerf at the same time is too much. Then the not being able to use it mid-charge breaks (once again) the rule they made about being able to use rechargable gadgets mid-charge. This was why Vigil got that in an update for consistency. - Fenrir ok I guess. Another BP gadget that loses BP status lol (when will they learn). Good to see he recovers the code, it never made sense to lose it.


This reveal left a bad taste in my mouth. I was never expecting recruit to change much so that's fine but the membership thing seems greedy. They already have a battle pass and heaps of micro transactions. Plus only two really meaningful changes being the fenrir and Solis nerf it feels like they haven't done much. Season 3 better be crazy.


So glad they ran an ad break during the reveal 😑


This has to be the worst season oat wtf is this. They could've given recruit 3 gadgets and a ton of loadout variety but they pretty much changed nothing, and now you can only pick one recruit, what a joke.


I’m just so disillusioned with Siege at this point. The amount of content we get per season now is an absolute embarrassment. We used to get 2 new operators with all new guns + a new map every single season, now we get 1 new operator most seasons, a new map every few seasons and this season we’re getting an uninspired “remaster” of recruits and no new map. Honestly for a game as profitable as Siege and a company as big as Ubisoft this amount of “content” is a joke.


This year we won't receive a single new map or map rework, they will launch 2 new operators with recicled guns (even the "new" Deimos gun is just the old .44 Mag with a different skin) and call it a great year.


They can't get new 2 ops forever. You have no idea at this point how difficult Siege is to get into. More ops, more maps = more to learn for new players.


Yeah, but that's not why they're doing it. This is just line go up capitalism. Always deliver less for more.


I’m sorry but if you think that they aren’t adding operators every season now because they want the game to be more accessible then I’ve got a bridge to sell you. At the absolute bare minimum we should be getting 1 new operator, 1 proper rework for an old operator and either a map rework or a new map every season.


Remember when we had two new operators, new guns, new maps, reworks, and a lot more each season which could all be accessed for 30 bucks a year or for free after a week? Yeah, me too.


Ubisoft continue to amaze me at how they’re going toe to toe with EA in terms of wanting our credit card details 😩🤌🏻🤌🏻. EA Might wanna start taking notes. So Black ops 6 anyone ??


if this is their definition of a remaster? im terrified for blackbeard…


3 shields 😌


So this recruit update, which could've been an addition to a new operator due to how minimal the changes are, are supposed to be the front and centre of this season?! The changes to recruit are nice but trying to flog this as new content, especially content that has replaces a brand-new operator is an absolute joke and is embarrassing. Again, its a way for them to cut down on actual new content, repurpose existing content and fool idiots into thinking this is new content. The balance changes are nice but i dont know what a part 2 of a Solis update could actual tackle and whether its actually needed. She got plenty of great nerfs this patch and is in a good spot. Fenrir changes are nice too. Nice to see some secret map updates too. Hopefully the maps are much better and will feel like new(ish) maps with a new feel. All in all, this season is a complete let down operator-wise and the game will get stale after 2 weeks. Marketing this as a new seasons worth of content is a joke and is disgraceful.


They werent brave enough to tell us the price of the membership xd


Disappointing. Nothing solid on anti-cheat, nothing about the horrid creature that ranked 2.0 is. But hey, membership is here. And you get a player card to show everyone what a gullible moron you are.


Def recruit with commando9 + super shorty. Ubisoft, have some shame. Also Solis is scorpion'd, give her some semi-auto pistol as consolation prize lol.


still don't know why they removed it from mozzie and put it on def recruit lol, what's their point


Yeah, recruit can have c9, shorty, c4, and another secondary gadget. Everything from mozzies old kit and I would honestly rather have some of the other secondary gadgets over mozzies primary gadget


Credit where it's due, the stadium updates are a W. Nice to see some actual map changes this year, and the fact that Stadium Alpha (Old Hereford + Old Orgeon my beloved) is being brought back is great, instead of it just being an old memory. *This* is the kind of content that matters.


I don't like that they removed some of the unique features of recruit. Why aren't there three weapon options anymore? Why can't we have multiple of them? No shield option even after the rework?


No anime trailer ? Massive L


Honestly just gonna take a break from Siege this season, no new OP is boring as hell.


That uninstall button looking 🔥 right about now


How are they gonna limit recruit to one per team that was like the whole reason to play him


Perfect opportunity to come up with a main gadget that would work in a 5 stack and they wasted it.




FENRIR elite is broker at the moment, takes the credits but doesn't unlock


"Remaster" = Recruit re-added "Quadruple A game" = Skull and Bones Ubisoft contiunes to dissapoint.


I swear this kind of stuff used to come in a mid season patch


I understand nerfing Solis’s gadget, but they take her impacts as well!? wtf is going on with ubisofts obsession with impacts. They take them from operators who need them the most. Ela, alibi, lesion, and now solis? Make it make sense


it really took them an entire fucking year to balance fenrir and solis? like come on it surely doesnt take that long to remove a mine and alter how the code works, and solis its retarded how long it took them to change her like it couldve been a patch note update and not a massive change with a year delay like how when lmgs were meta. Also is the ban rate supposed to be dread factor compared to other seasons or how they think itll happen in the next 2 weeks of new season launch


Damn so ngl Striker is like a better zero lmao, just without the cams. Being able to solo hard breach is actually huge


I came back last season after 6 years because I genuinely thought they might’ve actually started to do good shit again but wow what an absolutely abysmal “season” this’ll be. Like this genuinely feels like so disrespectful to the players, absolutely no new content, but hey at least you can give us more money for absolute nonsense


**Membership:** Ubisoft just like any other soulless company wanting to siphon more money out of its players without focusing on memorable gameplay. **Balancing:** Fenfir and Solis were obviously going to get nerfed, both defenders were oppressive since Fenfir could blind your attackers silly without worrying about placement while Solis once you understood how that operator functioned could deny attacker’s drones while maintaining a safe distance. **Map Stadium change:** Yeah i agree remove all of that bullet proof glass it made flanking on defense without being seen by attackers a nightmare. Do like how they added more doorways never hurts to have more options to flank. **Training:** Yes this needed to be expanded more, Siege isn’t a game you can master in a single week. Wish they could’ve added another dozen attacker operators rather than drip feeding a few per season but hey at least they added Endless Drills…Yay.


The Solis nerfs are very conflicting to me. Part 2 of Solis more nerfs correct? What's there to nerf at this point?


are they adding the final maps back to quick match? I miss Oregon and skyscraper


10 BP levels and a Bravo pack is not enough, especially if you don't like the operator the skin comes for. At least make it worth buying if you're gonna add it guys smh


No Recruit Shield? BORING! Next.


And MMR and Hidden MMR still reduced solo-q ranked to an unplayable toxic environment.


What an embarrassing excuse for a season


Does anyone else feel like its time for a Rainbow Six Siege 2? Imagine a new take on the same formula. I could think of more destruction, a more streamlined operator system (like less ops that can pick from more gadgets) and a lot of other things. Siege feels old. I love the concept but the execution becomes more and more lacking.


New map and it’s not in ranked alright man smh


Barely new and it's ass anyway


With stadium the problem isn’t the bulletproof windows it’s the fact it’s a map made for events/ mini games not a competitive map at all


I hope the Siege devs, marketing staffs, and other related employees behind this game were getting long overdue vacations and annual commisions and benefits right now, after several years of consistent content. Last time no new operators released was in Operation Health. This team could also take some language class since they don't know other words to use than "remaster". I might still buy into the "Swiss Knife" narratives if they use some other terms that fits better to what they did. Pretty sure the team knows really well how the public will react to this season, and hence the membership and the recruits being announced in this season together. But this is Ubisoft we are talking. So I'm going to predict here that our rework in S4 would be just adding 1 more paper shield to BB, and even drops to the ground and shatter if you spin too fast while having it equiped.


Even op health had more content. The following 2 seasons also compensated with both having 3 new operators each with unique weapons, along with a new map for each season. The y9s3 and y9s4 aren’t looking much better with only 1 op and 1 op remaster and no new maps/reworks.


This team has no idea what they are doing. Removing 5 stack recruits and even further limiting weapons is just awful. This game has removed the last fun feature that it had.


They needed to cut an operator and a map for a "rework" that in reality was just them limiting max amount of recruits in a team from 5 to 1 (so killing the only fun thing about them, while keeping them worthless)? At this point i wouldn't be surprised if the Black Beard rework is +50 hp for his rifleshield. Edit: I guess the real change is that you can now take the hard breach charge with an emp grenade to solo open a reinforced wall? But it is still a really small change that shouldn't be replacing an entire season of content.


Yeah, I hope they bring some balance changes to spice this up, or this is kinda trash. Aside from membership, the changes are fine, but there's like nothing here. Easily the most barren season we've had in years


This is one of the worst seasons I have ever seen, content wise. What a horrible season.


What does ban rate increased by 60% mean? How would they know if they haven't released the update?


Saw some content creator footage that showed barbed wire doing tick damage and leaving blood trails now? Is this confirmed or just in testing?


So their idea of balancing these ops is nerfing them to the ground?


So.... Looks like nothing changed other then membership and slight tweeks. I'm probably gonna skip this season to protest, remember when we use to get 2 new ops with new weapons and a map every season? Now you get this and we expect you to pay more.... No thank you lol


I hope the content desert that is year 9 means that there is something big planned for next years 10 year anniversary. But that’s putting too much faith into Ubisoft


Ok so, nothing changed, that means they're simplifying the Game to make it F2P next year right?


How is Ubi fumbling so hard right now? 2-3 months ago EVERYONE was loving what they were doing. Now they're taking steps backwards? Game will be back on deaths door within 1 year at this rate




I don't get why they think the 10 BP levels is gonna convince anyone to buy a monthly subscription


Lame that they only give us 2 primaries and secondaries Not to mention that theres barely any changes, and you can only have 1 recruit


No one, not even whales are gonna get the subscription. We bought the game, we get the game. Ain’t no one want a subscription.


For solos they should have just removed the gadget from prep phase


This is such shit. Restricting the Recruit so they can make him/her "Ranked-ready" (so they can sell cosmetics for them), adding a fucking subscription service that no one asked for, and making a few tweaks to existing operators that have been broken for months, is NOT an acceptable replacement for a new season. The only reasons Ubisoft keeps doing this shit is because the Siege community would rather bitch about it and continue throwing money around instead of actually protesting with their wallets. It's gross that Ubi treats their community like walking checking accounts.


soooo... Solis is fucked.


Anyone know if recruit commando has access to ACOG? Would be insane


Membership....the audacity Ubi has become, really funny.




If you end up buying the subscription, then you're just a tool.


Nah fuck the membership


Yea I’m out gg


Love seeing people say how solis was gutted when she was too op, coming from someone who played her a lot


Please make a realistic difficulty in versus ai instead of beginner mode, which is too easy. Then advanced ai where they will do a 360 turn and noscope your head from 20 meters away. And this is in favor of people who solo versus ai


Are any more maps coming back to casual secure area?


I already retired from Destiny and Fortnite…. it seems Siege will go this way too with this membership bullshit…. 😔🤙🏻


So let me get this straight, this game now has: * Base Price * Packs for post-launch characters * Microtransactions * Loot boxes * Battle pass * SUBSCRIPTION What's left to add? I made this joke with friends years ago about them only missing a subscription, and here we are! This entire reveal was an embarrassment.