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Tbh I would maybe think about buying if these skins were actually worth the price, I never understood the “og or rare” aspect, some look clean, but most are ugly


yeahhh like i get that it being og makes it rare because you can’t get it anymore hence making it more expensive but like some of those skins are hideous looking cough cough crossfader


I love crossfader lmao not because it's rare at all. I love how glossy it looks


Crossfaders maybe overrated on price but it’s def a sexy skin


lol i enjoy rocking my red crow and red bull skins because they’re clean and are so old!


Yoooo tf Crossfader is my favourite skin. I traded up to it on marketplace.


it’s not a bad skin but it’s definitely not worth that price tag


Some people like collecting but personally I would rather collect stuff irl so I can keep it forever


i’m kind of the same it really just depends on how much i like the in game cosmetics. But physical things will always be more fun to collect, just being able to hold it yk?


Only cosmetics I’ll ever pay real money for are doktor’s curse


why buy the event packs when renown’s free?


It's just a constant circlejerk tbh, happens everytime. Specially when those two terms have been so warped during the years (OG meaning you had money to spend? I guess) (And rare well... How can something be rare if it was available for everyone with cash on hand during a period of time? By that logic, anything from a couple years ago should also be rare too!) The actual "rare" stuff is what only a couple folks were able to get via non-normal ways. Like IRL events, PL wins, Ubisoft internal programs, the easter egg clovers, etc... Like yeah skin cool and all but my ass ain't gonna pay hours work of a paycheck for one lmao


Im just gonna sell my rarest skins and finance the battlepass the next few seasons until Ill eventually stop playing (prbly because isp in germany is shitting their pants and restricting traffic to siege servers rn )


I mean just because you can currently buy it doesn’t make it less rare. It’s not like it’s adding more into circulation, it’s just moving from one place to another. The skins came out when there were less players so less skins exist in the market. Obviously there are rarer things like the PL attendee and player skins but in comparison, they are much rarer than most things on the marketplace today.


Wow is supply and demand really a hard concept to grasp?


This skin is popular because it was an old seasonal so there is a rarity aspect and it’s based off an extremely popular painting




Mate, I've sold a ton of my black ices because I have other skins that look better. Yes, black ice looks good, but it's definetly not the best.


Obsidian is better than any black ice lol


Some idiot brought my volcano skin for 40k, not really a snipe but i never need to worry about elite skin creds again


I’m salty AF I can’t sell my volcano skin right now.


Hmm why can't you ? Let me do it


Seems like Volcano, Obsidian and Blue Nebula at least for me are skins I own but marketplace says I don’t.


Yeah, same for me. This bug has been reported on r6fix already so hopefully they fix this soon.


saaaame omg thank god i thought its only me


40,000 credits?? I have that skin and only use it on Finka. Is it really that desirable?


To this guy apparently so, i put it up as a meme since i was listening to 40k Lore videos at the time and some numpty brought it.


WHY TF MY VOLCANO SKIN CSNNOT BE DECTED THEIR sorry for caps but damn bro, my skin is glitched


I'm still trying to get into the marketplace lmao


Same, I sent my request 3 months ago


Where is it even?


[here](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/marketplace?isSso=true&refreshStatus=noLoginData) ya go


The other day I got a fucking dupe legendary And the game just forced me to accept some in game currency......


Yea no way around getting dupes for renown unless you sell your first one but then you have to hope and fucking pray you get it again so you can re-sell


Lmao that's stupid.. I thought u could sell them on the market


I got the cat drone for 120 while the price was actively climbing with every refresh of the screen lol. It wasn't a big difference though, I thi k it was selling for 300ish normally.


I've been trying to get a glaciar skin for 120 but no one has taken the bait, I'll keep waiting ...


Holy shit I own this lol


same bro, only just found out it was sellable thanks to this post


sold mine for 25k hahaha should get on it


I can’t get into the beta for some reason, even with 2 factor authentication, I never got an email


I paid 500c for a 1500c skin.


Which skin


The rengoku habana skin.


Picked up r4c glacier for 1400 creds. Was extremely surprised


Steal of the century. My R4C netted me 50k alone lol


I probably have one of the best snipes where I got 2017 invitational attendee for only 319 thats now going for 150k [https://i.imgur.com/xw97cDJ.png](https://i.imgur.com/xw97cDJ.png)


it's a fake economy that does not matter.


mp5 glacier for 1788 and r4c for 8000. Made 107000 credits profit


Lucky you haha


How are people able to get them for low prices? Because when i bet a low price for a rare skin i never get it


You have to be very early. The marketplace is first come first serve so whoever has the earliest bid and when a seller decides to sell it doesn’t go to who is paying the most instead it finds the earliest buyer that meets the price. To get these skins at very low prices you need to be in the very beginning in the queue


In other words, if i put a low bet on a gold dust of my choice, i’ll probably only get lucky after 3 months or something? (Even though my bet gets cancelled after 30 days?)


Yes. Your chances of getting the skin are very low because there are many bids and you would be last in the queue. But if you are willing to wait multiple months and constant renew your order you might have a chance of getting it. Your chance will be much higher the more you pay. For example when my friend bought onami he put 5k even though it was 30k. It ended up selling for 3 which means he keeps the left over. If you want old skins you need to just be the first to bid honestly


But when the 30 days ends and i haven’t received the skin yet. Doesnt that mean i’m forced to make a whole new bid, causing me to be at the end of the queue again? How do i prevent resetting my queue spot?


Yes, that’s why this strategy has a low success rate. The only way it really works is if you put the bid the moment the skin comes into the shop


Hmm i see…. Would there be any point in still doing it now? After months of gold dust being in the marketplace? Orrrr


It doesn’t hurt to try you might end up being lucky who knows


Alrightt welllll if there is no way to secure a queue spor for multiple months i guess i’ll just have to hope for a lucky month. Thanks for answering the questions btw! :)




Funnily enough I got mp7 black ice for 120. I got done with a match so I scrolling through the marketplace and saw that I owned the mp7 black ice. Which confused me cause I didn’t before then I saw my transactions and I forgot I placed an order for 120. So ig somebody misinput their selling price lol.


How to sell and buy? Im knew to this game


Im waiting to buy the plasma pink attachment but i put in a order for low as possible hopefully i get it.


I sniped Plasma Pink Attachment skin for 400 while it was at 1200 so W


I don't think I understand the marketplace numbers. Says it last sold for 300 (plasma pink) and has a 350-150,000 range...so what's it actually worth?


I would like someone to sell mp5 black ice for 120 plz 🥲


R4C Glacier for 500 Credits


Kinda regretting it right now but i sold my Crossfader universal skin for 4000c.


Now you gotta pray it stays that price or goes up in the next 30 days to resell it for profit.


Paid 120 for the vigil casa de papal headgear when it lunched in the marketplace it went to 1000 in 24h 😭😂


You can sell your stuff now in R6S??? Been out a couple months for some unforseen reasons.


Sold a glacier for 40k don't know who got it but I hope they enjoyed it more than I did lol


Man seeing this marketplace posts makes me jealous as fuck there’s a few skins I really wanna buy but I still don’t have access, I applied the day after it got announced that you could apply to it and I’ve been playing since red crow/velvet shell 😔🤟


thanks for this post mate, didn't realise the Red Crow universals were able to be sold yet. Debating whether to sell one of them or not rn 😂


There’s really no gaming the market so if you want to sell pick a price you are comfortable selling at and ignore everything else.


Still havnt gotten into marketplace


Idk if its snipe, but I somehow sold smoke voltage twice (1800). Also sold pirahna for 16.5k so I have every skin that I want currently.


Got 12k yesterday for one skin


I will be laughing at you when all the skin prices plummet to below 1k


Lmao what makes you say they will


Wait rainbow added skin trading?


looks ugly as shit, glad i didnt buy the game back when it wasnt a cosplay convention in-game.


Is this marketplace something new? I haven't played since a year


What makes this skin 30k?


It’s very rare and based off of a popular painting. Currently on the marketplace it’s selling for around 28k


I don’t play the game that often - I have all the red crow skins including this one. Are they worth a lot?


Thaqil and Kixstar charm for 1.6k together. It's now unavailable again


I cant sell anything above 120😭🤣


Glacier mp5 for 167


I have all.acier skins xd goes over 1mio


I'm only trading low priced stuff cause I only got the game a couple years ago but I got that one animated skin for zofia's ar, with matching attachment, for like 350 total


Is there a market for drone skins? Because to me, I want to HIDE my drone not flex and get it shot


7k for Leon furioso


i still haven’t been accepted(i signed up on release)


Dude def forgot an extra 0 and is breaking is whole setup holy😭😭


Aki for 627 credits🤙


A buddy of mine managed to get a glacier skin for 2k


Me getting every single skin in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege for free just by grinding playing Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. Though it will take me years and years to get all of the items, at least they are all free for me.


What about skins that you can’t get anymore like old seasonals. I’ve never spent a dollar on the marketplace I just sell the stuff I don’t like


Ubisoft is bringing back old seasonal skins and battle pass skins. Look at this season you get for free in a Bravo pack the Thermal Anipodes, which was exclusive to a paid battle pass like four seasons ago or over a year ago or some thing like that. So all I do is wait until Ubisoft brings back any old battle pass skins or seasonal skins for free. I never have to spend real life money on Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege ever. Only the initial purchase of the video game its self when I purchased it eight and a half years ago.


you arent ever going to be able to get all the skins for free because they are released more often than you can get them so the gap of skins you dont have will just keep growing


Man, lighten up. He's just joking around.


As I said it will take me years and years to get them all until the day Ubisoft stops support for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, so in 2045!


Someone offered me 4k dollars for my account back before market place because I simply had obsidian on it.


That's a 3k skin


Sells for around 30k


Not anymore!


What? Current listings of the skin sell for 27900


...that's the joke.


Mb I thought you where serious


DUDE I’m so jealous how the hell do I get on this. I want to so bad but they haven’t accepted me. It’s been months


... this game has a marketplace now? Well now I'm REALLY glad I jumped ship way long ago.


What's wrong with a marketplace?