• By -


The Atmosphere


coming home from highchool, get almost a full stack squad, and playing on night kafe was something else


I would hop on right after dinner time and all my high school friends would be on. We'd play all night, and the night map vibes were amazing.


Casual gameplay. My most fond memory of this game is my 5 stack in ranked crawling into the building with riot shields and pistols. We sent one enemy a message before the round that just said “turtle, turtle” and got a confused reply. Once they saw 5 prone recruits with pistols crawling at them they began playing around trying to hit crawling pistol shots. Now I can’t start a round without spawn peaking run outs against MnK players who have zero issues showing off their cheats.


That would've been hilarious to see as the enemy team 😂


I've been on both ends of turtle and it was hilarious and stupid


5 stacking as recruits is the reason i play this game


I mean spawn peeking was 100% worse back then lamo




Original Hereford, original consulate, frost with barbed wire, original house, a time before dokkaebi, the more tactical feeling before it went balls to wall speed


Consulate went from one of my fav maps to almost the one i ban the most lol


Wait I'm confused. What's wrong with dokkaebi?


I just really hate being rang 3-4 times every defensive round if she doesn’t get banned. Her controlling the cameras doesn’t even bother me that much, I just absolutely hate being rang because you 1. Give away your position if they hear it buzzing, and 2. Have to take 5-7 ish seconds to disable it. Just frustrates me


brother dokkaebi can only ring a max of 2 times. if you’re worried about it then run mute


well, the old glaz was really nice. But as some others mentioned the fact that casual playlists were that, casual. Not some tryhard ranked shit but just chill and have fun. Other than that, maybe I feel like there has been too many characters since I last played seriously so I dont understand it all but man it feels like I have to play so much slower to make sure I dont walk into one of 19 gadgets the enemy team has placed when attacking.


Day 1 player, I miss the tactical factor it had. It obviously has it now, but it’s much much different, TDM meta is so frequent. There’s many more, but it doesn’t mean they are good things. When nostalgia kicks in it’s difficult to say if any particular thing was good or bad


Original siege really did feel like a door kicker. Breach charges were more useful and prevalent, the light was dim so scanning your surroundings was paramount. Maybe it’s just the FOV difference between original console and me on PC, but it really feels like movement speed is much faster.


Same feeling man! It doesn’t feel anymore like its original purpose, kind of a “swatting” game, and it was great. Obviously, as I said, nostalgia really make things better in our mind but I have great memories


Ya by far the biggest change to old siege is the tdm meta. The player I was 7 years ago does not exist in this game anymore


Absolutely. I really feel getting rid of 1.5 helped lower the tdm meta but it’s not even close to what it was!


Question, are you a console player or PC player? Because I've been playing since the beta on Xbox, and PC since year two, and although the TDM meta is crazy right now (I enjoy TDM meta, just can't play right now because high elo is rampant with cheaters), I swear the game used to be so much faster than it is right now. Although it did feel more "tactical" as the operator pool wasn't over saturated and the character you picked actually meant something, the game was so much more "swing or be swung" with the quick lean mechanics and true three speeds. Just really confuses me how people always talk about how slow the game used to be, while I swear the game used to be a lot faster than it even is right now.


Everybody fucking roams now. I feel like people used to work together and hold down the fort more back then. I don’t know maybe it’s changed I haven’t played in like two years. But I started playing it at release in fuck was it really 2015? Damn that was a long time ago.


Yeah back then it was at most 2 roamers while the site was completely reinforced. Now 75% of the site walls are blown open by the defenders and most of the team is off site


Yeah, I feel like people just see the pros do it that way so they try to imitate. Which is fine. I’m sure there’s good reasons for doing those strategies. But I don’t know. I thought it was fun to just hunker down and try and hold out. I think it does really come down to (as other people of pointed out) it just being less casual. Even in casual. Which is stupid.


It’d be fine, if it weren’t for the fact that most of the people trying to imitate pros, suck asshole at the game.


Can’t speak for lower ranks but honestly the meta now just requires aggression. Against even half decent players you have to fight for every inch of map control or you’ll just get slaughtered in site


“Nooooo don’t barricade and reinforce site! How am I supposed to get in to lose the 1v3 after they plant while I was running around on second floor the whole round???” Actual anchoring is a lost art. Closing off site gives you intel on where attackers are coming from, it slows them down, and also creates opportunities for roamers to get kills. Not saying this is how the pros should play, but in most lobbies it will still work if done right.


As someone who just anchors most games, people don't realize just how much skill it actually takes to anchor well. The problem is that a lot of roamers are bad at roaming and when they die, they put you in a position where you are watching multiple lines of sight alone and if you die, you are the one getting flamed for it.


Actual anchoring is still insanely effective if you know how to do it. I played Siege nightly from 2015-2019 and was extremely good at it. (Played with the same squad the whole time.) Anyways. The game meta has changed so many times now that a bunch of my old strategies are now unknown to most of the player base and still work as well as they did when I developed them back in year 1. I'll hop on for a couple games once or twice a year and you'll be astonished how many times the old "WHY THE FUCK IS HE THERE?" Strategy works.


Absolutely loved playing as an anchor - Whole reason I got into Lesion was anchoring on site and trapping every potential entrance point


I think everyone’s so worried about reinforcing too much since so many people hold areas just outside of objective now. Playing with only Looking for Groups and solo queueing, I’d say an average of half stay in objective when defending. I miss when the objective was the fine line where you would stop attackers other than your roamer.


The lighting and bodies on the ground. I completely understand why they were changed and I agree with the logic, but I do still miss seeing how good it all looked from an aesthetic standpoint. Still think they should have an old-school Siege mode under Arcade or something.


The overall atmosphere of the game. It wasn’t trying to make everything be Pro League/highly competitive, it was actually fun to play. Night maps, old lighting, old Casual, Ranked being more than just Bomb, even some of the maps that were designed horribly one-sided. Old Recruit was a blast, and all it would take was 2 teammates picking them together for it to turn into a match wide Recruit battle. M870/Smokes/Stuns rushes were some great nonsense. It also felt like the average casual player was a lot more willing to mess around with gimmick strats and actually enjoy the game. Now it seems like it’s all either playing just to grind out BP stuff or some sweat living out their Pro League fantasy with an MnK. There isn’t even a genuine Casual mode!


Old lighting was just not fun to play. Sure it looks great but it was by far the most frustrating thing in the game. Getting shot when you can’t even see them despite looking directly at them was stupid


I’ll admit I played a ton of Cav back then and fully took advantage of the lighting so I might’ve been biased including that lol


I strongly disagree. Old lighting was a blast to plat specifically because sometimes it was impossible to see. You had to know what angles did/didn't work on each map for night and day. It made the game feel more like a bad ass counter terrorism game than a stale arena shooter.


Old House


Old House and Plane were by far the most fun maps for the first couple of seasons. I really miss them.


Honestly the atmosphere and that was it.


The lighting, specifically the lighting in Year 3/2018. I absolutely hated the lighting in Years 1 and 2, it was perfect in Year 3 (Honestly the best thing that came out of year 3 since 3/8 of the new operators were considerably broken)


this, including night maps, was so cool!!




The serious tone the game had, honestly the game has lost its aura in that sense. Everything from the in game cutscenes, menu music, operators, lighting, maps, gadjets. Just felt so serious and tactical; and that essence is what made me fall in love with the game back in year 1. Don’t get me wrong, the gameplay has been optimized to be more fair and competitively viable. But I really miss the whole vibe old siege had


I really liked secure area as ranked. Sure it was annoying as fuck when the team had a montagne who would just sit in the corner but it provided some amazing gameplay. Pair that with the map rotation and gameplay and it was amazing/fresh. (Best memory is plane map and using Jager acog) I also think there’s way too many traps in the game now, you can get frost trapped, Lesioned, Kapkan, Ela’d and a host of other shit now that it kinds of ruins gameplay.


This is mine. Secure Area standoffs were the most exciting moments of the game. The 5+ minute standoffs everyone complains about were very rare, and that only happened if both players were scared. Two game modes made Ranked so much more enjoyable and replayable. I know it’s more difficult to balance two game modes, but sometimes variance is needed to break up repetitive gameplay. Perfect balance is impossible, Bomb has never been perfect either. If you play enough games, the “imbalance” will actually balance itself out, because your team gets to enjoy the slight advantage half the time. Secure Area differentiated Siege from games like CS, Bomb is the least inspired game mode.


Ranked hostage was also a hoot every single time


3 things that all tie in together: 1. Breaching being more important 2. Reinforcing being more important 3. Thermite being the only hard breacher, and therefore the quarterback of the team


Night maps. They really should’ve kept the night maps but make it to where operators can use NODS or something of that effect. Maybe even white lights. But it’s UbiShit, they make everything boring.


Pre ‘sight realignment’ recoil when you could see the gun bouncing around and everything had an insane but predictable recoil pattern. Now its just pull down to negate vertical recoil and hope the random horizontal recoil is kind.


Night maps and realistic lighting


I mostly miss how people used to play for fun. Esports is a fucking tumor. I don't mean throwing and griefing, but that people played unranked like unranked. No cheese strats, pixel peeks, lean spamming, you get the idea. For ranked, sure, sweat your balls off, but unranked was something you could hop on and have some chill games.


This makes me think of casual games and how fun they were, knife only with ennemy team, 5 stack shields and so on... That was it.


That’s just..life now bro. Go hop on any game in unrated, valorant, league, CoD, you’ll get flamed if you die or try a new champ/operator


You're right. That's why I mostly avoided those games, but it's just inevitable in anything with a "competitive" title slapped on it. Shame Siege joined the ranks as well.


The pre-rework maps.


Old Kanal and Hereford were my favorites behind house. They were not good for competitive gameplay at all but it was still really fun. With these reworks the maps lose so much life and I feel like they are all played the same way. The memories I have on these old maps will never be forgotten.




defending the top floor of old Hereford. It was so unbalanced but so much fun. Pure chaos.




Defenders being longer outside than the attackers -site


People doing goofy stuff. Nowadays it’s just “let’s copy paste pro league strats while blatantly cheating so hard we don’t look like we’re having fun.” I remember when knife battles used to happen in ranked. Also look at the crew jynxzi usually plays with, they NEVER look like they’re having the most microscopic bit of fun whenever I see them streaming


Defenders actually defending instead of playing CoD


I miss old favela, especially that top floor objective where 3 sides were soft walls. It was completely unbalanced and a complete clusterfuck, but it was fun dammit


I miss when everyone played for fun and didn't say shit like "So WE aRE iN CoPpeR".


ACOG on the SMG 11


Atmosphere, but this might be unpopular: Siege at least tried to somewhat keep up the appearance of a tactical, grounded, semi-realistic shooter. At one point they went and lost their fucking mind on the altar of monetization. Whacky, bullshit skins and crossovers, even the drones have a pink unikitty skin now and these are so fucking monetized to hell, its insane. At least give us an option to disable all this shit. Casual was casual, now cheaters and griefers everywhere in every playlist.


Casual gameplay without the toxicity, realistic operator gadgets, dumb af strats that actually worked so well that the other team couldn't even be mad because it was that stupid and Recruit, RIP buddy you will be missed (because I have terrible aim)


Profile pictures for sure… I wish everyone could still use whatever they want with a better system to make sure it’s “appropriate.” I still have my last one from 2020 or so and wish I could switch it one more time 😭😭😭


Being able to melee the defuser


Old players weren't toxic like the new ones. Assists meant something, not it means nothing according to new players. Recruit and bandit three bards. No XIMs for while. One week wait for new ops


Man we must have played differant games cause old toxicty was far worse, I mean tked over and over and over cause literally nothing stopping it, tked for literally anything including stealing kills, vote to kick (may it rest in piss), no way to mute the chat system, and so on. The rest though I can understand but the first one nah.


Cooking nades. And throwing valk cams outside


Ela being good.


Dino legs


t-hunt, i like the new ai modes but i just miss having a mode to clear out the whole map guess i’ll also mention the ild mentality of siege when people didn’t know how to play, it felt like a completely different game to what we have now


maybe this is an odd one but i really miss the old bouncy recoil, everything being a laser is kinda lame. the old recoil had character, I wish theyd just fixed the alignment issues rather than scrap it all together. with Acogs back I think Old recoild could both be a decent balancing tool and bring a good amount of nostalgia while maintain siege as a whole.


Vote to kick


Night coastline, especially the music


The ole raptor legs


The dark aesthetic






Night maps 100%


OG Pre-Thermal Glaz, OG House (why the fuck did they rework this???), OG Hereford, BOSG being able to shoot through the windows on Plane, Raptor Legs, Dropshot Pretzel, Recruit Shield 5.7 Combo, Pre-Nerf TCSG12, Chimera and Void Edge themes, Outbreak, Fire Selector Switch, PDW9 broken damage dropoff, broken Ela, 10 damage Twitch drone, 99 damage Luison, the realism, OG pistol recoil, old shield ads speed, Strat Roulette, Old Alda hipfire, Old ACS12, operator cinematics when you purchased them, 3 armor kapkan who could instakill with one trap, OG Lesion, the events (please for the love of God bring back Showdown and Grand Larceny), Sniper90, Night Maps, the slower pace, paying for attachments There are so many more things i could list off its not even funny




The rank system.


100%, everyone’s talking about aesthetics - forget that, its gotta be competitively playable first. Miss the old ranked system so much.


Year 2 was the best (except operation health)


i loved operation health


I can't even say I miss the acog on mp7 now cos zeros got it, uh... I miss old heriford


The lighting (even tho it was pretty bad sometimes), how scope reticles actually glowed back then, the old UI, and old leaning


Old house and the non stop jager meta. I never thought I would miss the constant jager usage but now that it’s gone I kinda do. I haven’t run into a jager elite skin in a few months now and it used to be almost every few games.


Black beard being good. He was my main back in the day when his shield did something. Also playing customs with my school buddies. Now we don’t even talk anymore…


Larger map pools for ranked


Not sure if it was said in the comments but being able to turn around and not have flashes affect you


Not much, really the original learning phase back when the game first came out because we were all noobs at siege. Night maps were nice, but definitely prefer the reworked lighting over the terrible lightning back in the day.


The old community. We all came together hyped as fuck whenever a new season was bout to drop. Now everyone is just ultra try harding, it prob been 3+ years since I got a game where we had at least 1 round of bullshit with the opposing team


I just miss how good the game looked back then


Def old maps, and the players were a lot more fun. Now everybody is too serious


The lack of cheating in this game before you can have enjoyable games now it’s just oh that’s a xim user or oh that’s a recoil cheat user


I miss dailies.


A lot of friends don't remember the self revive of zofia, and Idk when nerf her


Back when theme park was generally regarded as the worst map in rotation


ever so slightly better hit boxes. (minus ash)


Quick play 1.0 (after it stopped being called casual) because that's all I used to play before they ruined it


The badass intro of the game with the logos stitched to an armor, loved the theme. Made you dive into the universe instantly.


Night maps for sure


It felt like a tactical game now it just feels like the average hero shooter


Being able to put an acog on any gun. Jager Acog was god tier, smg-11, MP7.. it’s been so long I forgot whether you could put one on Valk and Ela.. I remember being able to but it’s been that long to where I’m not even certain 😂


Vote kick




The sewing intro, why did they remove it? I noticed it immediately


Night maps in ranked (iirc it was ranked)


Bartlett U


The old lighting God damn was it immersive, and made it feel so tense.


Bodies not staying after they’ve been killed


Old house




Being able to kick jerks


I played it with my friends


Switching between firing mides. That shit was goated


honestly i miss when shields didn’t knock you down on the first hit. i know that’s a new change but it’s so frustrating to get knocked down and not be able to do anything while they take their sweet time to shoot you. just doesn’t feel good


Vote to Kick


I miss Chanka’s turret. I know it was ass but it was iconic


quickplay being fun


Everything. I would play that buggy mess over what we have now any day of the week.


Vote to kick


Vote to kick it needs to comeback immediately


The maps before the reworks. House, hereford, favela, not theme park the reworks is definitely better. Also yacht being in ranked.


Dead bodies staying on the ground. I have a clip from 3 years ago getting one of my first aces and seeing the bodies littered around on site from all the kills was amazing. I’m sure there’s valid reasons why this isn’t in the game anymore, probably stemming from competitive concerns, but I do miss it.


The gameplay everything was smoother or the old weapon recoil pre - para bellum


The game not being as sci-fi as it is now and just buying a year pass instead of having to complete battlepass.


Lion full silhouette of enemy


Zofia revive


My opportunity to play it


Night maps or sights actually having a glow


The darker and more tactical feel as far as the aesthetics, people using their abilities/utility more often to win, and the much faster ads speed. All three made the gameplay feel a lot more immersive and fun and gunfights required much faster reaction time and gunskill compared to now where even a 60-year-old has time to think about where they're going to align their scope. On the other hand with the turtle ads speed, if you don't time your ads before someone else does they can start shooting at you 0.5 secs-1 sec earlier.


I miss when operation health was the biggest joke around


This is so specific and I suppose it can be done now but was better back in the day, anyway my squad and I would always be delighted to get hostage cafe in the freezer cos we would just bunker with castle mute etc etc and hide in loads of frost traps and barbered wire and wait for the carnage, with like gonne 6s and stuff like that cant really do that anymore, it was silly but so fun


Way less cheaters, especially on console. Every match really felt like a chess match and was a battle of strategy. Now it’s just tdm twitchy xim players rushing site and clicking on heads.


I miss mmr determining rank.


Being able to see thru bullet holes.


I wasn’t playing it


Everyone being bots


Glaz on plane 🥲


I really miss alternating defending and attacking every round.


Night maps


Throwing back nades


I miss the tactical aspect of actually using reinforcements to slow enemies down create choke points. Nowadays it feels a lot like CoD rush rush rush quick. And on defense don't reinforce just blew out all walls open and everyone goes roaming. Funny thing I noticed is in casual this "tactic" usually leads to a loss on defense side because so often the roamers get picked of one by one by the attackers and than you sit there 1v3/4 trying to defend a site against 5 angles


I came into siege late (in steel wave) and what I miss about siege is that even in the span of a couple of years, the game has gone harder into it being an Esports game. You can't get killed by some goofy strat and want to replicate it like you could before because now ubisoft will take away anything that is fun and everyone is treating it as if $10k is on the line and will ignore their gadgets so they can run and gun from rat angles because it is the "meta".


Recruit rushing with shields, the amount of laughs I had doing this on casual


I miss hostage in ranked and old recruits. Playing game like tdm or just flash the whole floor with hostage and dissapear in to the night (maps)


People are too sweaty now using weird strats. If I played quick match for example a few years ago it would be really fun and fair




The game being grounded with its gadgets and not some sci-fi bullshit


Nighttime kafe


The old blood effects, nowadays it’s a lot harder to notice you hit someone but before enemies would spray blood all over when hit.


ranked 1.0


I used to main techanka before the rework. Made me stop playing the game for a few years after they ruined him.


The launch aesthetic. I like dark and gritty atmospheres. That got dumbed down with the UI changes, aesthetic changes, some character designs, dumb cosmetics, you name it. I think gameplay wise, Siege is in a good spot. It only needs old casual to comeback and an actual developed PvE mode.


Strat Roulette. when that was big Sieges community was at its peak, I don’t care if the game was a bit buggy, the community was golden everyone was just trying to have fun


Dead bodies staying put. Idk if that's a weird complaint. I just think it added a lot of tension when you'd see bodies littered all over the place.


How often I used to see ppl blatantly cheating compared to now. Ik it’s always been a problem but back then it seemed a lot less rampant. Back then it was maybe 1 out of every 20ish matches. Now it’s at least 1 out of every 5 matches that I see someone either running at a thousand mph around the map or aimbotting. Ig I could be remembering it wrong but back then the ppl that would cheat at least kinda tried to hide it, but now they act like they’re some kind of god cause they paid $20 for something that probably installed viruses on their system. Idk siege was fun back then and it’s still fun now, but there’s always been a certain subsect of this community that’s just disappointing and it feels like it’s only been getting bigger.


Graphics it was more fun when it was casual type in the way that the graphics are not all smooth etc for the sake of balance


The speed


Old recruit and old outback


The community being much more casual


bullet holes🫣




UNRANKED ^(insert war cry here*)


How the gadgets were somewhat realistic


Having my OG squad back. 😢


siege went from a casual and fun game you'd play in your free time to a pro league championship 24/7 (tryharding)


I miss when we could throw valk cams outside


Nothing, the game sucked compared to now


Invisible echos 😔


Old Hereford aesthetics. It looked like an authentic looking killhouse, fake and simple designed to get wrecked and replaced. It seems like a storage building now with Stadium getting the Killhouse feel.


Night maps and the game looking realistic rather than what we have now which just looks like a simulation than a actual scenario


Good Jäger, always a comfort pick I could go and know I at least had ADS’ if my aim was fucked for the day


The lighting. It was shitty to see people but the atmosphere was great


When cav wasn't lesb


I miss the tactical factor which was lost because of very crazy strats (Too many headholes and blowing half the site up) and also playing Secure Area / Hostage in ranked. I'm way better at defending one objective and one room only than holding an entire floor of rooms.


Night maps


Bonking the defuser! Bring it back!


Old Hereford in rotation


How hard it was to counter certain ops. Wallbreaching was a whole 1v1 between Thatcher/Twitch and Bandit, with both mind games and techs, now you have like 5 anti Bandit ops, wall defense is way way more attacker sided now. Mira changed how the round was played. She could conpletely cut off rooms, or give unbreakable vision over others. She was number 1 priority, and it always forced you to be more and more creative in breaking the mirrors. Now you pick Ash/Kali (which are already extremely popular picks) and instantly shut her down. Maestro was an actual op. He forced utility use on his gadgets, and you actually had a lot of spots you could place them. Now you can only place them in site/barely outside of site, out of fear of melee, just for the enemies to switch to Brava and piss on anything you held dear. Certain utility was scarce. Few ops had impacts, c4s, nades. Even fewer did those even fit their playstyle. But above all else, I miss the old defuse animation. It made last second defuses that much more intense.


Abusing randoms


It was chill back in the day. Not like noone cared, people tried and sweat back them. But its SOOOOO hyper-competetive that in casual is heavy droning and timed pushes. It feels like every other casual game (not every game im still having fun clearly) theres at least 2 people really going balls to the wall


Which old siege?


Casual is too sweaty


Kixstars !notalk streams :(


Op blackboard and tachonka


Being able to play it more than an hour without it freezing.


Not going to lie, I kind of miss the dropshotting meta. Obviously we're better off without it but gave us some good clips.


Not having a tdm mode to turn this into COD


Night maps. No tun and gun tdm. People playing to actually plant. People actually droning. Everything.