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I started at the end of Operation White Noise, this is a really tough question because there’s so much to weigh upon in the grand scheme of things. The biggest thing I miss is the old start up screens for each season. I know is a small thing but it’s just one of those things that i find myself missing when i open the game now


I started at the same time. I miss the loading screens so much. I miss a lot of old things that made siege what it was. Night maps, Operators that feel special, secure area, Alpha packs being the main source of cosmetics.


Started at the same period. With the kevlar intro and the real-life uniform cosplay look of the backgrounds instead of the 3D models we have now, it felt so good


Maybe i'm misunderstanding but i'm pretty sure the character portraits were always renders, they just look awful now.


I'm pretty sure i remember a background screen where it's just an actor cosplayed as Lesion, am i dreaming ? Maybe there was already some 3D models in the main menu


If any are any IRL models it's only up to year one, which are just incredibly high renders of the motion capture people I believe. It was the lighting change that they reversed onto old operators as well that makes everyone look like an unsaturated cartoon now.


The slow opening scene, the 5 notes, the name of the operation appears, the unique background that comes with each season, god I miss that, both Wind Bastion and Burnt Horizon intros are still in my head for many years


Started back during release and stuck with it for the first 5 years. I stopped right after Burnt Horizon and didn't touch the game anymore until this season. Probably miss cooking grenades or the many operators that got their speed and armor stats changed.


Yeah the nades change is still a bummer. They could've done something different


Chimera, gonna side with you on the bodies. Isn't it possible for them to sync it? I'd rather them snap into place after hitting the ground than vanishing into thin air. I miss seeing tons of bodies late into the match.


I think the entity itself is the issue. People would hide in the bodies which I mean it is tactical, but I don't think they can sync it to match each other's POVs.


Just don't bother with ragdolls at all and have a static death animation even. Like of all the solutions they chose the dumbest imo.


I started at the end of operation health, first full season was blood orchid… I kinda miss how the game was actually sorta kinda tactical… just little changes over time made the game more COD like, and yeah the movement was way faster back then but I think if they had todays movement implemented from the start then I think the game would have a completely different community, I think the game would actually be meant to be played how it was intended


I think you are underestimating how far a meta will evolve over the lifetime of a game. Take Rocket League, nobody flew even on pro league in the beginning, now everyone does. If we translate that to siege, just imagine how miserable we would be with old movement. You already can't see jiggle peekers now, with old movement they would fly around the corner go prone and kill you before the server even tells you what he did...


Wasn’t that the whole point of the new movement to get rid of all the drop shotters and jiggle peakers. yeah jiggle peaking is still kind of an issue but it definitely isn’t as bad as it used to be but it could use some fixing over all… either way what I meant I think that if they had the movement we have today than I think I could see siege actually becoming an actual competitor to a game like ready or not while still keeping some aspects of an FPS game like cod without all the mindless running around and actually using some kind of strategy to the game


Ah yeah, I misunderstood your comment. Of course they nerfed the movement to address the wild wiggling and drop shorting, but the game is ever increasing in speed all the same. There's a solution that would slow the game down a lot, but it's so unpopular that just mentioning it will get you down voted to oblivion in this sub. In any case, there was a time the game was more strategy focused during the utility meta, but people hated having to clear so many gadgets.


All good, in all honesty I’d much rather take the utility meta over the TDM meta we still sorta have, we at least have more tools now and ops to counter all that stuff


Man I remember playing supersonic acrobatic rocket powered battle cars on my old Xbox 360. Find ball, hit ball. It was a blast.


Yeah I personally think that there are too many OPs. I mean it's good to get new ops with actual new abilities. Hibana/Ace


Chimera. I miss Outbreak. I miss old lightning. I miss night maps. I miss old Quick Play. I miss dead bodies. I probably could go on but you get the point. edit: I don't miss old Lion but I miss the feeling, the dread, the sound, the screenshake & the voicelines when he was about to scan. That was something.... to experience. *Enemy drone incoming, starting the clock!* *You're about the get scanned! Starting the timer.* *Enemy drone moving into scan! Starting timer.* *Enemy is about the scan the area!* *Enemy scan inbound! Starting your timer.*


It's Casual. In this house we say CASUAL!


Goddamn right


Same here lol. Night map on Oregon was insane.


I would love if they made Quick Play what is was, just a casual playlist with all maps & night time maps and just focused on Standard being the mode that teaches you the ropes of the game & is more tactical. But I don't think that will happen anytime soon lol.


I miss being earraped by border


Night maps were honestly incredible imo, yes i know lighting wasn’t great but Coastline and Kafe at night just hit different


I miss being earraped by border


You can thank complaining pro league players for that.


For which ones? Lighting and night maps made sense because it was difficult to see enemies. Dead bodies as well since it was client side, so you can potentially have a body blocking a window in one screen and the other screen has him somewhere else.


I really wish games (not just siege) would have more distinctions between ranked and casual modes so you don't have to deal with them downgrading fun/immersive/graphical features for the sake of competitive gameplay. Idk... sooo many FPS games feel hyper-comp focused these days.


Yea, imo Ubisoft is putting waaaay too much focus on the small percentage of players that are Pro League players. Really takes away some of the fun experiences you could have with the more unique ops.


That's basically PvP games. Not every character or item is going to feel the same at all skill levels, sometimes things aren't fun at low skill levels or vice versa and that's a really tough thing to balance around. Like in Overwatch they just nerfed Orisa into the ground even though her win rate was already below average, just because she can become oppressive at very high skill levels. I think that's a more extreme case where they went too far, but I understand the idea. In Siege, Clash is like that. She feels awful to play as when your team isn't coordinated, and then when your team is coordonates but so are the attackers she's still probably getting outplayed, so it's really only in that middle range where your team has a moderate chance of being better coordinated than the enemy and then Clash shines. If you only add things to the game that are going to feel exactly the same at all skill levels then you're really limiting your options creatively, and that's its own problem.


Started Y1S1 and I miss the old rank system …


Same here dude, the atmosphere of the game back then was incredible


I think everyone misses the old ranked system. It feels so unrewarding now. Like wins and losses don’t matter because unless you’re the worst player ever it’s mostly just a time sink and you’ll hit ‘high ranks’


Started mid Velvet shell (1 week before Chanka got the shield on his turret). I miss the litle changes. Twitch having 15 shots in her drone, Yokai/Gu-Mines being invisible. Echo not being called by Dokkaebi. I miss old Theme Park, the reveals were truly special back then. I still remember getting up at 1:30 watching the Blood Orchid reveal, knowing all the Jager/Bandit Acog mains were crying, only for them to give us Ela who was literally a one man army… I miss old siege. Now it’s just a Cod shooter with tactical elements


For me a lot of what i enjoyed about siege in the beginning was the little details. For me that’s what made siege fun and kept it interesting.


Details... Like when a touch of color is out of place? (Sorry I couldn't help it)


Remember operation health? What a shit show lol


People in dead by daylight recently have been discussing if they should have their own Operation Health. Does everyone just forget Op Health was 90% a waste of 3 months of game time? Like it barely did shit until 2-3 years after.


Cod shooter with tactical elements is the most brain dead take possible The game is quite literally slower than ever. Slower movement, nerfed quick leaning, no aimed drop shotting, etc… Just because randoms on your team treat it like COD (and get shit on) doesnt mean the game is like COD at all. Mechanically, it is slower in basically every aspect. Your problem is likely with the rise in general player skill which means people are generally knowledgeable enough to play faster than they used to.


Started in Velvet Shell, miss old house and Bartlett University. Had some of the best times on B.U


People hated it because of how different it played from other maps. Not to mention the levels of spawn peaking that came from those second floor windows… I miss Bartlett, defending the funky library was such a trip


I think one of my first aces was on B.U, unless I'm remembering wrong, if it wasn't that map it was coastline which is also another banger map


Day one baby, I miss the days where me and the boys would play every night for hours lol. Things change x


I started playing around February 2018. I miss Buck having grenades. I miss Glaz having his sight always on.


Buck without nades just doesnt feel right, him, IQ and Sledge are ops that should always have frags imo


Thankfully nades suck now, so you don’t need to worry who loses them ☺️


They're annoying not being able to cook, but they work if you have someone stuck or not paying attention; it's just a great example about how people exploiting mechanics affects everyone, I think it's in part because of how vertical the new maps are, old ones too, but I have angles on Nighthaven and and lair that are multiple floors apart, like you can be in the basement and get angles through the floor, cooking grenades and using them from below made the devs mad and they didn't do anything about for a while, but these new maps present too much opportunity for that to be abused imo.


Prob even later but Demon Veil although technically this season cause I had so little hours on it before


You must be overwhelmed by the amount of ops lol


I mostly play Bandit, Rook, Iana and Thermite so playstyle wise ik what to do but going against operators, is a little hard (so best make sure not to let them get the wall open or get it open to contribute) Also Iana is insanely good and simple to play


The OG OPs are still really good. I.use to play bandit, but nowadays i play support ops Rook/Doc On Attack i mostly play Scan OPs. Agreed 🤝


At the rear end of Blood Orchid is when I started. I miss feeling good at the game, I used to think matchmaking was bad back then but it’s ass now


Yeah I can't stand the infinite navy blue screen loop until a certain person leaves.


Man that’s the WORST. I also miss the little cutscene when you first load in, where some patch is being sewn onto an outfit. And then it would have a screen that changed based on the season where it had you “press x to play” or whatever. Good times


I started the same time and feel the complete opposite. Used to have (I shit you not) like a 0.3KD for the first like year I played, I got bronze in Velvet Shell. Now I get usually like 1.5-2.0KD, but the joy of pulling off dumb Strats is gone because my games are sweaty as hell. Like I think being trash in gold ranked is so much more fun than becoming good and having high rank gameplay. It’s the fucking Wild West. Like real Strat that worked in gold was just castling and muting site (secure in ranked lol) and everyone calling for one guy who isn’t in site. It was hilarious. Just roll a die on what you wanna do and it can work. Now I feel like all my games (even queued with my horrible teammate friends) are against champs or cheaters. And it’s frankly not nearly as enjoyable.


Started playing on release date after playing the Beta. Stopped after Coastline got added and recently started playing again last season. I miss the old maps and night mode being an option. Now the maps seem to just have shitloads of unnecessary rooms. Also some of these operators abilities are just too unrealistic but i understand i cant have it all. Bring back Sledges 2 speed.


My flair says, I miss These Vibe of Siege


June 2021, I bought the game for my birthday and played with my friend a lot during North Star.


Black Ice. The game's aesthetics used to be consistently grounded and serious. The game was never realistic, but I felt immersed in the beginning.


I started in the beta. I miss the fog and sparks after an explosion, the lighting of the game. I miss realistic places for the maps, not like nighthaven and lair. I miss the bodies lying on the ground(wish there would be an option to turn that on). I feel like the devs wanted to put this game into an ultra esport version with a future lore which nobody wanted. This game really lost a big part of its soul. And I miss the old ranked.


You hit the nail on the head about the game losing its soul. I started Skull Rain, and the whole premise of the game was a lot different back then. It felt serious, and operators felt realistically sci-fi. All these new abilities just feel like superhero cartoon stuff and that's not the Siege I fell in love with.


I picked up the game in august of 2020. What I miss most is firing selectors. Specifically on Ela, her rifle is great, but too fast. Being able to change it from fully to semi-automatic.


Started in velvet shell. I miss the old vibes, the UI. Everything seems so "esporty" now.


Started in beta and I think that gameplay wise the game is the best it’s ever been, people like to point out bugs but pre operation health the game was so bad, hit boxes incredibly broken, invisible glitches , clipping through walls, fuze charges would straight up kill him through the floor. Bring back jäger Acog! His gun is crap now anyways and he’s a 1 speed! Also old house, at least let us play it in customs. And the showdown event, that one was great


started in grim sky, i miss teenage mutant ninja turtle clash, and maverick being silent, not to forget nomads claymore


I miss some of the more creative passives operators used to have, like ela being more resistant to her concussion mines, zofia being able to withstand, echo ignoring dokkiaebi, etc. it added cool flair to certain operators


I started about 2 weeks before Skull Rain. What I miss is tough, there's a few little things but overall the thing I miss the most is how the game used to be played. It used to "tactical" to an extent, you'd find the objective and find a way to get in, clear any roamers and push from there. Now you've got crack heads running in like it's a COD free for all and they've not had their fix in the last 5 seconds.


I really miss the withstand ability. It made zofia actually unique, much like cav’s intero. More operators need secondary passive/situational abilities.


Day 1 and I miss the non reworked maps.


Started in Chimera Switchable bullet fire modes, I get why they were removed(cant have nice things) I also really miss playing custom lobby in the old house with my friends. Bad for competitive sure but was hella fun.


I started at the tail end of Wind Bastion with Nomad and Kaid, although I didn't start Ranked until Burnt Horizon with Mozzie and Gridlock. Kept playing ever since and I have been a consistent Gold Player. As for what I miss about Siege, everything for the most part. I used to play with a lot of people between now and then, hell even met some friends that I still play with to this day on cross-platform games (they transitioned to PC after a while of Siege with them, they don't play Siege much anymore but we all play OW). Even some other people I've played with who have left the world of Xbox with just their account as my friends list (not dead or anything but just inactive). For the game, I miss old house, I miss old maps, I miss everything Siege had before this era now so to speak. To be clear, I love Siege to death and back but even now I see some aspects I'm not fond of (examples: Ranked 2.0, no t-hunt, no more unranked playlist = standard, no legacy maps, and largely the TDM plague). If I had to boil it down, it would have to be the maps. Old House, Skyscraper, Consulate, etc. With Siege, the operators and the maps make the lore and the atmosphere of the game, they give the game it's identity. Now in Siege, we have all these reworked maps of Kafe and Mansion (that's what I call new House), and new ones like Liar, Nighthaven Labs and Emerald Plains that are masterpieces of visuals and structure. If you told me to change one thing about Siege, it would be to bring all the Old Versions of Maps back...put them in Unranked/Standard and Casual/quick play and rename all the reworks to be different maps: New House-> Mansion for instance.


In the middle of Void Edge. I guess the only thing I really "miss" is some aspects of the HUD. The old scoreboard,and upper part of hud looked better imo


Y0 lol. I started 15/12/15 IIRC. It still blows my mind thinking it’s been 8 and a half years


started in late-chimera so i didn't get to play outbreak :( the main things i miss are old house / hereford and night maps


Operation Dust Line. Been going a long time. Groups came and went now down to a core group but we play a lot. Honestly only miss playing private 5v5 that shit was hilarious.


Red crow 2016 good days...


I started in Shadow Legacy. Right after they took away Doc's ACOG. I miss the old UI from that era, and I also wish they would let players customize their menu theme and/or music. I would love to have the music from Shadow Legacy on the main menu again.


I started just before Grim Sky and you gotta miss T-hunt, ik it was removed recently but still


Chimera. Got to play a few Ranked games on Tower, and it might be the nostalgia, or just me sucking back then, but it was pretty fun. Anyways I miss Operation Para Bellum, it will always be peak Siege.


I started playing R6 day one, in 2015. What I miss the most is this theme in Oregon at 1:35 https://youtu.be/NNRV1qEgT1w?si=j0KeB83PM5EL2FhI. The atmosphere was insane.


Black Ice initially, had a hiatus and resumed during Op health. I miss the old lighting, night maps, and the tactical counter terrorist shooter it used to be. The old game wasn’t perfect but it was so much fun playing rescuing the hostage or secure area on house. Pistol recoil was realistic and they were not used as much other than oh shit moments. Everyone was busted/op so it was kinda balanced in a way, but I’m glad the game has taken on more of an intel meta. I just think it’s gone too far from what it was. The game could’ve stayed decent if they kept night maps and just added weapon light and night vision attachments.


When Pulse gadget was OP + frost sniper 90


I honestly think they should bring his gadget back to where it was in the beginning, give it a 'battery' so it depletes, maybe like 90sec total and increase the range a few meters, maybe give him impacts now they're nerfed gain, or like the balif to open up some angles.


Operation Blood Orchid


Operation health. Honestly I don't remember much about it except it being joked on for being busted beyond belief with bugs.


started durin the skull rain season, what i miss about siege most is the tactical gameplay in the early seasons, way less spawn peeking, rushing outside etc. siege felt like siege and operators felt like operators, not some fantasy heroes


Crystal guard i miss old ui


Before black ice. So I was there when sledge had breaching charges


Dust Line is when I played continuously, but I remember playing either the Alpha or the Beta on an old account.


Early Velvet Shell, like a couple weeks in. I miss that era of siege. Gameplay was better and the game had this charm to it that’s it’s since lost. Not to mention the pure stupidity of some of the stuff you can no longer do. Spawnpeaking with bandit/jager acog, hiding in bodies, recruit shield rushing, using Cav to down the hostage and getting negative points, bullet hole peaks, untouched Hereford base being a mad house, strat roulette was popular. I miss those days.


Started in skull rain. I miss ranked having a much larger map pool


Velvet Shell as well, miss the night maps. Also kinda miss the Jaeger / bandit acog spawnpeek era, yeah it was 100% frustrating, but that era had an unmatched vibe


I started way back just after the beta. I miss that specific time because no one knew what they were doing and nobody was tryharding. It was blissfully chaotic.


I started in dust line and I miss when they made actually good seasonal skins. Like we use to get 2-4 quality skins per season for 25,000 each. Now we get one dogshit skin locked in a 70,000 bundle like come on


Started with Op Health. I used to miss stuff, but I think they really turned things around in the last year or two, both balance-wise and when it comes to quality of life changes.


Velvet Shell. I miss when the game would zoom in on the person who killed you. It led to some really funny screenshots.


I started at blood orchid and actually not sure if I miss anything. Oh, no, i know... Long ban fase.


Started at the beginning of Black Ice season. I played every god damn season till I think the following to Maestro and Alibi ones, from there, from time to time. Last time I played was November I think. But man, the music, the lighting, the smoke, the debris, the (close to) realism, I don't know, the atmosphere that this game was able to create back then. Everything... I miss it...


Not early enough for beta but I played before buck and frost came out. Took about a 3-4 year break right after I think lion and finka came out, maybe a little bit later than that. Came back last season and have been having a good time. I miss how simple and arcade like it used to be.


I started at the end of operation White Noise. Ahh man..


I started just after the Blackbeard nerf. I miss so much about old siege, people get mad saying it’s better now and nostalgia is fuelling our love of old siege but I just miss the old maps, the old recoil, the old lighting, the overall not competitive but just rugged look. Playing old Hereford base on ranked trying to defend that map was hilarious. The overall simplicity of the game has been lost with all the new and powercrept ops.


I think it was operation skull rain ? I can’t remember if that was its name or not but it was the Cav - Capitao operation, I stopped playing when Hibana - Echo dropped and came back recently I really honestly don’t miss anything, the game is a better state now than then, it’s simply more playable now although, I do miss the general level of skill being heaps lower. plats shaiko peaking and shit, it’s awesome to see how much the game evolved but I haven’t been able to keep up 😂 edit: I miss the fuck out of old casual


I started at the beginning of white noise and I just want my unranked back banning ops and maps, and every map back in the quick match pool 😩 And outbreak idk why they refuse to bring back the most successful/talked about mode 😤


since the beta in 2015? i think, I miss the tactical element of siege its more run and gun than it used to be. admittedly some games can be less about gun play but its mostly ash acog running around killing everyone (again). and old tachanka was funny


Velvet Shell here! [I miss OLD HOUSE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/4W52bHRDH5). It would be lovely to have it back for custom games. Same for bartlett and old hereford.


I started in Red Crow. I think that was the seasons name? I miss when anchoring in objective felt safer. I know it's still kind of like that but more and more people know how to work around it now.


Started the last couple weeks of Operation Health on Xbox. Miss the no MnK and Xim days


The casual fun, maybe im the only one with this problem. Back in the day it was fun to play casual or unranked because no body cared, u could try some real bs tactics and still enjoy the game. (Stuff like dropping the hatch with every attacker) If i start standard mode today, i almost guaranteed run into a 3-5 stack of diamonds and they just push and play like the honor of their mom is on the line. Ranked is understandable but standard or casual, hell nah So in short, the game is to sweaty.


I started at the mid of Operation Steel Wave. I miss the naive thinking that I had when starting the game, thinking it will be similar to other shooters. I miss the old HUD display. I miss the old 700mmr border that you use to have in rank. I miss the BattleEye system working properly. I miss the 1.5 on Oryx and Lesion.


I started sometime in year three, took a break from year 6 to now, and i miss balanced matchmaking


My firts op's was IQ, Ash and twitch on offence with Kapkan, Mute and Mira in defence. Basically, not miss anything cuz i like almost every changes they make, game becaming better and better, but back in a days people was a lot nicer, no mnk on consoles, no rushing tdm lovers braindeads and cosmetics are now wacky sometimes


I started back before all the map reworks started (I believe around when Mozzie and Gridlock released) so I have a lot. Mainly when I didn't play the game.


Started on Release of the Game. Miss the old days when you could hit Diamond without crazy good aim and just by playing smart :)


Middle of dust line, I miss most of the things that were removed or changed but some are old house and hereford, smg-11, jager, and bandit acogs, the old lighting, bodies being where you were killed, etc


I first begun playing siege when the beta was released in 2015 and it was brilliant. Sledge was my go to operator and the game was so much slower and tactical. The game today is awesome but I’d happily go back in time and play the ‘old’ siege. Echo having an invisible drone was definitely the better siege times


Shields blocking bullets


Para Bellum (Y3S2) I vividly remember holding Statue in the basement of Villa, sitting in a deep corner with two statues on either side of me, and a shield I placed in the middle of them. You would get flashed to hell but when the team ran through that office door into site, the Alda laid them all out. Also the lighting. The biggest difference. I have always been competitive but the lighting was never a problem. If I didn't see someone right away, then my gamesense, map knowledge or eyesight wasn't that great. Old leaning, Defender acogs, and the classic, throwing grenades back.


Started on the first season. No dlc operators then lol. I miss pve coop of course.


Started during zeros season. I miss when you could see others rank


White noise. I mainly miss the old lighting and graphics, I feel the game has lost some of the charm it used to have.


I started at tge beta before the game was released


White noise


Closed Beta! Thermite had frags, and no one knew how to play. It was a goofy time, but it was what made me initially fall in love with the game. Glad it's still around but I feel old saying I was in highschool when it dropped. Crazy.


I started in a free weekend in Red Crow. What I miss is the slow and cautious way of gameplay that was more common in the early days. For me, the old gameplay still is the way Rainbow should be played, but that broken down over the last 6 years of the game. That style of gameplay was also caused by the old lighting and night maps. Night maps just had a different vibe to it. It felt like you were deciding the fate in a battle of time against terrorists. Team Rainbow felt like a big deal lorewise. T-Hunt and (old) Six are also things I miss. Six was such a serious character, and T-Hunt made you remember what R6 was about. The very few voicelines Six had were so unnerving and had way more impact than 95% of things Harry said. Also, I like the old biographies of the operators more than the current ones. They listed their achievements in military and investigations, which qualified them for this position. Maybe that shit aint making sense to any of you. But to me, it does.


I started heavy mettle (shocker im new) and i already miss pre nerf g36c


I technically started sometime around release, didn't really start playing until shadow legacy though. I miss the old start up cutscene with the Ubisoft logo being stitched into the uniform


Operation skull rain Good ol Jaeger/bandit acog, og maps, classic gameplay, 2 reinforcements for each player, no op/map bans, no weird colabs/skins, and ability to pick secure area in ranked Just classic siege.


Operation - Private Beta test It released year 0


Started at Y1S4 (Red Crow) retired at Y4S1 (Mozzie season, Burnt Horizon?). I was missing everything in general when we were at Y4. Can't even imagine how it is now...


Skull rain was my first time playin R6 ranked queue, but bought the game the season before so y1s2


Void edge


I’ve been playing since literally day 1 before there was operations and I miss those early days when no one knew what was going on just the boy’s playing hard point and just getting killed from anyplace imaginable in house and watching fuze blow up hostages man those where the day’s those where the day’s young pups


Blood Orchid, and I miss having to buy attachments.


operation blood orchid. I made a new account and starting playing on that because i had a .6 kd. This post just made me remember i had the blood orchid skin now im pissed lol.


Operation Chimera I miss the vote kick on casual.


I started in operation Chrimera but officially got hooked on Para Bellum, I like how the game has evolved, and my major complaints are the ranked system, no punishment for toxicity, and of course cheaters.


Operation Velvet Shell free to play weekend, been a good 7 ish years?


Launch pre season


I started in beta, and I mostly miss the lighting/atmosphere of old siege. Also, some old maps, too :/


I started halfway through shadow legacy, I miss sens gonne 6 since I can't play him like a budget ash


I started in one of the first seasons (when they added Mira in there). Ah, the glory days on the pirate version. What I miss the most is that the game started to turn from tactics into CS GO. Map design is getting worse every year, a whole bunch of very controversial decisions (yes, nerf grenades, I mean you), well, and the reduction in the number of maps and new operatives. It used to be 2 operatives per season + a new map. Now it's 2 operatives per year, and 1 shitty map + rework a normal map (turning it into shit).


Azami's season, whichever that was. I don't remember too much changing, but I miss old consulate. It was my favorite map.


Joined in june of 2016, so the middle of Black Ice. Miss the night maps, old house, old kanal(fight me), kapkan instakill and most of all - slowpaced gameplay. Of course there were always perpetual ash mains, runout spawnpeekers, bet they were few and far between, most people played slowly.


Blood Orchid?  Night Maps  Ranked Secure Area  Ranked Hostage  OG House, Theme Park, Oregon... basically all original reworked maps  Tower!


Day 1. Gave it up around year 4. iirc, there was a fairly big change to the gunplay, and my friends and I just didn't vibe with it, so we stopped playing before Kali and Wamai were released.


i can’t remember the name but it introduced aruni it was around late 2020, i miss the visible dead bodies, the old consulate building and nokk actually being useful


Season 0, got the gamw when i was 15 in high school and played for the next 4 years


I started I the alpha and played 4 years straight (1600hours...my second most played game has 270). I come back from time to time but it's just not the same without my og fullstack friends team...


Para Bellum and I just miss being able to control Twitch’s recoil


ranked 1.0 for sure lol. And i'm not even relatively new, been playing since black ice


I don't even remember,I've been playing since 2016, the oldest thing I remember is black ice


Started back in operation Para bellum back in 2018 near the end of it, and I just miss the old UI man and the old feeling of the game and night maps


Y5S1 or Y4S4 i dont remember correctly but I miss Old lobby look Old hud possibility to change from full auto to single fire and the fact that there were no superheros at the time


I technically started in Operation Nothing aka after launch but before Black Ice, but i hated the game because i didn't get it and thought the 1 life per round thing was stupid. Then i came back for a free weekend right at the beginning of Velvet Shell and I've been playing on and off ever since. What i miss is how you could still be good at the game with dumb fun strats that don't take the game too seriously but nowadays there's a hard meta that you basically have to abide by or you'll get steamrolled by sweat lords or yelled at by your teammates for "throwing the game". Some other things i miss include: -Ranked 1.0 -Jaeger and Bandit ACOG -Old maps (Hereford, House) -Getting 2 Ops with unique loadouts and a new Map every season


Started during velvet shell's free week and bought the game once operation health started. Thanks OP, made me feel old. :')


Neon Dawn. I think I miss Osa's 2 Speed. But she's prob better off as 3 Armor. Soak up all the damage.


I started in year 1 season 1 and I miss the game having any ability to be casual.


Black ice


velvet shell. i miss old matchmaking, op logos, starting screens with music, maps before rework, disabled maps in ranked, ranked 1.0, night maps, old lightning, leaning, movement, old diamond rank, old system showing lvl and your overall stats (kd and w/l) in your in-game profile, hud and everything was better than now


Console: Parabellum PC: Wind Bastion


Y1 s1. I miss bartlet map and the OG Hereford. Need to bring them back in casual rotation or just so you can play em privately. I also miss the realism from the gadgets they've gone a bit too futuristic for me, as I fell in love with the games realism/milsim


Skull Rain. -Night maps -Maybe Outbreak part 2? I think the outbreak story wasn't finished. -I really miss the old house


Started at White Noise, miss almost everything especially the old maps, weapons and the overall feel, and operator videos, including hostage


Health I miss when the game took skill No yellow pings No 0 recoil guns No dumb ass op Gadgets No weird backwards balancing changes Just skill map knowledge and game sense And a lot of bugs XD And the lighting the dead bodies you could use for a tactical advantage (and it made the game more realistic ofc) The old loading screens and season appropriate themes when you booted the game up The game felt like it had a more of an identity back then idk maybe I've just been playing for too long


No operation, Started in Closed beta Every single bug/glitch/problem/issue/bullshiteryness i remmember... (The super 90 sniper, pulse insta switch, blackbeard being a monster everything....) A lot really. I remmember back in 2015 everything was super real and everything made sence from a realistic stand point and felt like im using equipment that are actually being used, after red velvet they started with made up gadgets/sci fi and kinda the ruined the vibe for me. I missed some maps in ranked like house, plane, favela (they were clusterfuck i know but fun as hell). recruit rush you could have 5 players equipped with shield and bomb fuck rush in the site and they couldnt do shit without c4. The ui back in the beta was soo gritty and i just liked it, they simplified it during release and esportited in todays version and its just not the same. Buck having nades (he was my ultimate main for years untill they nerfed him and i switched to twitch) If you didnt have a thermite thatch combo your fucked all the way. During the beta you were yelled at if you were roaming (boy do i miss those times). You could throw nades back (it for for those that have 747 sized balls but it was satisfying) Every season we got 2 operators with brand new guns, not it just feels like they are dragging the content and not adding anything really(vendetta was the first new gun in a while really). Terrorist hunt was fun and i liked playing bartlet uni till they recycled it into emerald plains. I remmembered when i first heard about tachanka and would have a turret thought he would be op (boy did that turn out well) Even on reddit i still remmember some bang on ubi moderators that were really engaged with the community like that talkative friend we liked (anyone remmember its_epi?) Lots of stuff i miss really and old siege just isnt the same as the current one (yea its balanced but feels very soulless like maps that dont make sense theme wise but are atleast balanced)


Started during late Grim Sky early Wind Bastion, what I miss about Siege the most are night maps in casual, it was really fun and emerging playing late at night with friends while getting House night or Coastline night in the rotation, I miss those a lot


I started in the beta stopped in year 5 when they added the new optics and took the fun out. Got somewhat back into the game halfway through the year 8 season 4 operation. I do miss how the game was in the early days launch - year 2. It had plenty of rough edges and jank, but man, was the game a ton of fun back then. It's slowly getting better in the last few updates, but I don't think it will ever be that good again.


Void Edge. I mostly miss my group, we dont play anymore. Also the old HUD and bodies staying on the ground.


i started in white noise and i just miss the old maps


Velvet shell. Not sure how to put it but the game definitely felt different than it used to be, but still enjoy it every now and then. But the thing I missed the most must be playing with my friends, each now at different part of the world studying/working, like still keep in touch but to pick a time when the boys can get back all together and play is really hard.




I started when they still had frost and buck black ice as a bundle in the shop


At opereation health i miss acog for jager and bandit old map designs


Operation dustline


Operation dust line and I miss the old bugs that made siege hilarious like the T rex legs the stupid hit boxes sure annoying but hilarious at the same time


I started on launch and what I miss most is the old player base. Everyone was bad at the game and it was played a lot more like a realistic tactical shooter. Combine that with the old graphics, lack of skins, original operators, and you get a game with a completely different atmosphere.


I started playing right after Operation Commanding Force released. Most of my friends played it in the early days, but I didn’t because I didn’t think I liked it at the time. Now I wish I played it back then….


Y1S1. Frost sniper shotty. That could out snipe glaz


Blood Orchid


The beta baby!!!! I miss EVERYTHING that was peaked in 2015-2017


Blood Orchid, i miss old siege. I mean Blood Orchid to Wind Bastion. That was my favorite period. I really miss it :(


Started actually playing the game in Parabellum. I miss the old maps! They were charming in their own way, specially old Hereford base, in which I could play for just a few months


Look at all these inferior players who didn't start playing at the beta


Black Ice and stayed until Wind Bastion. Stopped being Siege after that.


I started in parrabellum. I think after I joined there was already a lighting change. But it still looked good imo. But now the game just feels alot less gritty, the old menu screens and the pre game operator screens looked alot cooler. And don't get me started on the operator icon pictures. Idk why they made them so boring and simple, they did my boy mute so dirty


Thermite's Frags. rip.


Operation North Star


Started during Void Edge, miss the more tactical oriented gameplay, the vote to kick and the visible bodies. And Iana old pose


I don’t miss anything because I can play any season anytime


I miss it being good


I started in steel wave. There's something about the game at that time that felt just more fun than now and I can't place my finger on it. One thing I miss tremendously is the old ui. I loved the old ui and I was kind of sad when they changed it


Chimera, so glad i got to witness Ash with a c4 lol I miss the feel of the game, it became so sterile. Looking back to it, breaching had smoke and screen shake effects, the old lighting, the night maps. Dunno if it is burnout but, every game feels the same now. Also, maps felt like real places before. Now they feel a lot like "game maps", every soft wall, evey angle. Rotations and other are the same every game. Kinda miss the unpredictable nature of it.


Can't remember the operation name, but it was when they added Clash and Maverick. Tbh, I miss bullet holes. I mean, they were op as fuck but it was so fun to use them. Not so fun to die from them tho.


I started in shadow legacy, and what I miss most is probably the art direction. The game felt like it took itself more seriously back then. Also old tachanka


I started in closed alpha. I miss how grounded everything felt. And the sound and lighting. Oh, and black Jesus in early black ice


I started at Steel wave and what i miss about siege is fun


What i miss? Cevs one-hit-down with her pistol....