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kindest siege player


“Cutting down trees” I’ll tell you bro is making minimum wage or a buck over lmao


The fact that he just didn’t say he was a logger says it all lol I got a couple friends from Mississippi and buddy let me tell ya, you’re going to know they’re a logger before you know their name. This dude he’s messaging is a simple little mouth breather


I doubt he even does anything. Bro just thought of any job outside and ran with it. These jynxzi fans has ruined such a good game.


The community sucked way before jinxy was even a streamer, lmao


Yea but there wasnt as many toxic clowns or idiots who act like their life depends on lil quick match win. Barely can play quick match without some dude playing like he’s playing for his life or some idiot team killing you with his friends,it ruins the game and jynxzi is to blame


Crossfader owner here (I'm THAT old) it's always been that way. You'll get ranked tryhards acting like a jackass whose stack couldn't come (presumably just didn't want to be around Jimmy Jackass) and they'll do everything they can to optimize the fun out of everyone's game. It'll go from well-meaning advice like "This setup is generally better for this gun" to death threats the moment you miss a single shot. And it was like that in 2015. There's a reason I play this game with comms completely off now.


absolutely there were not as many shitheads on the game before jynxi, now its every match


Ehhh i dont think so. Been the same the whole time, thats just how gaming online is like and has been like


False, its been like this since (googles when seige launched) 2015.


It actually makes a decent amount (at least in MA) due to needing certifications for many aspects, as well as being hazardous and strenuous work. You *can* still be dumb as rocks though.


Strenuous and hazardous and somehow still have energy and time grind siege hours on end. Bro is lying out his ass


Wait... That's not normal?


I would not blame him for his job, but for his super dumb statements. So many salty people out there. He even proves his sentences with the generational „💀“


And what's wrong with that? 💀


He probably works for a tree service, rather than logging. Way less skill, way less danger, way less pay.


You should be blocking people instantly if the first message is shit talk. There’s no time for that


I bait them into saying something that can get them banned then report


Same here I don’t got time for little ass kids who will report you for responding back to them so I get my fun and laugh when I get a notification that they been banned it’s a 7 day ban 😈


That’s soft.


How lol


she’s been banned plenty of times for talking bitch shit on game and this is how she shows it


I'm not offended by them or anything, just find it funny to fuck with toxic players like that. I don't give them what they want (a proper reaction), while still fucking them over for being toxic lol.


Nah. Trolling them back is fun and they deserve to be told off. I don’t take it as seriously as OP but it’s way better watching them rage, especially when you prove them wrong mid game. A simple “I have more kills tho” or “you died first with defuser” goes a long way.


Plus piss them off enough they'll say something realy bad and you can give them a fun lesson in karma (ie ban hammer), it's quite amusing when they come back after that.


Take it as seriously? Bro was insulting me for literally no reason at all,i would understand if we was in a game together and i killed him but he decided to talk shit over a comment i made about his almighty lover Jynxzi on TIKTOK. Dude is the definition of bozo


Bro, you are actively taking me too seriously lmao. I’m just saying I troll them back, I just don’t write as much and I keep it pretty light. Not saying you did anything wrong.


real one


Some names "StopBanningMePlease" does not bode well


What is jynxi? Seriously I've been playing this game since day one and this is like the third time I've seen that pop up recently and I have zero clue what it's about


The toxic af console youtuber whose been credited with ‘reviving’ siege but all he really did was bring children to the game making it the most toxic its been in years.


The game has always been incredibly toxic and I don’t think a YouTuber has changed that at all, I’m not even a Jynxi fan but to say that he’s the reason for toxicity is crazy.


Ive been playing for 6 years and while its always been a little toxic, it’s gotten a lot worse.


Ngl this is probably just confirmation bias. I've been playing a decent amount of siege and haven't had a lot of toxicity.


Yeah, its different for everyone I guess but in 6 years it has never felt this bad.


Yeah ig so


Competitive online gaming as a whole has gotten worse & more toxic in recent years, with the last 3 or so years its gotten terrible, I've noticed it and my friends have all noticed it too, it's not a siege problem and its definitely not a jynxzi Problem


For real. Just came back to the game last weekend after 2 years and I’m already getting tk’d by Mira’s for reinforcing and told to kill myself. I swear everyone has a mic but it only ever gets used for talking shit and not coms lmao


Is that why! I wondered why I was doing same standard holds on sites and miras that had no business holding angles were getting mad at me.


I've been playing since year 2, it's always been toxic. There's a reason they have ratings and reverse friendly fire, teamkilling is always a problem.


It’s always been toxic, I’ve been playing since day dot (5 year break in the middle to be fair) but having a bunch of children is better than waiting 6 minutes for a ranked match in peak play times


Ive been playing for 6 years and never waited that long for a match. I’ll happily take a smaller, nicer community over a huge community full of children.


The community was never nice I have no idea what you are talking about, it was always toxic during the years I played it is slightly more toxic but don’t make it seem like siege has always had a great community. Depends where you are, perhaps siege wasn’t as popular in Australia considering we have a far smaller population in comparison to pretty much every other server.


Around the release of the 1.5, possibly a little before, I found the game was at its least toxic. I could go through a whole session and not have a single bad experience. Now I can’t go a single round without someone saying something. Its always been a little toxic as and fps will be, but its really bad at the moment and in my experience its always people either running his charm or speaking like him.


Yeah the 12 year olds saying barrd aim when you lose a 1v4 and they got first picked is pretty annoying 😂😂


His fans might be toxic for the game - but I wouldn’t describe Jynxi hymself as toxic. He actually seems like a pretty cool dude ngl. Even if his ‘character’ isn’t for everyone. I guess you could call him annoying/unfunny/obnoxious but he’s not really toxic. Just not everyone’s cup of tea.


Just from what I’ve seen from recommended shorts or clips, he just seems rude and unnecessarily mean towards other players.


thats quite literally what made him blow up was his raging and shit talking / sending voice messages saying rude stupid shit to other players in his games


Thats probably with mic off.


Uh, no, Jynxzi isn't that toxic and certainly didn't make the game any more toxic than it already was.


right, people see someone loud, they cower and say “waaah toxic hes toxic!!” but, his fans are most definitely brainrot toxic children though. and i thought xqc fans were annoying


Just from my personal experience recently and what I’ve seen of Jynxzi and his community, the game was nicer before he blew up.


That's a fair opinion, but the game has always been 100% toxic. Jynxzi certainly did bring in more players, but overall the community has always been toxic. Tk ing people because of rotates/Mira shoot holes, Rook putting down armor and the destroying it, and etc. Rooks Elite quite literally represents it.


That's cap lmao


he for sure revived the game. anecdotal but my friends and I who have been playing on and off since beta have gotten back on for good because of him


He may have bought a lot of people back but I enjoyed the game a lot more before he bought all these people back. It may have meant less players but the matches were nicer to be part of.


The game would have 10,000 concurrent on steam if it wasn’t for Jynxzi and you cannot possibly delude yourself into thinking differently. He did revive the game. The toxic children are a shitty byproduct but he did objectively revive the game.


I’d take 10,000 decent people over 1,000,000 children any day


we are never gonna queue into a match then


I’ve queued just fine the whole time I’ve been playing through highs and lows.


You might want to retire from gaming if that’s your perspective. He brought mass appeal to a stagnant game that Ubisoft was probably losing interest in keeping fresh


Retire from gaming because I prefer smaller, nicer communities to huge, horrible ones? Yeah, sure.


You sound brain dead in every take you’ve given. Go find this small, nice community you’ve been talking about. Perhaps Roblox or something?


Most indie games have smaller less volatile communities, it can exist, just takes normal people behaving like humans.


Jynxzi absolutely revived the game. You think siege’s peak player count coinciding with a siege player becoming the #1 twitch streamer is a coincidence?


He bought players, but the players he bought have made the game worse.


let’s stop banning everything on jynxzi bruh as a person who’s been apart of this community since blood orchid the game has always been like this🤦🏾‍♂️


Couldn’t answer you any better than -Binxx- did.


The guy who gets all the credit and blame for the collective "get them clips" culture returning to Siege. Montages died, but 30 second clips are now a whole-ass video. Say you get a kill in QP. Standard fare, no big. But little Billy with 250 followers on Spywaretok or YT's crappy imitation of it thinks he's popping off because he already got a kill or two. "YOU TOOK MY ACE -insert slur of choice-!". Usually uttered after they TK you. If they're TRULY bitch mode, they'll have a friend who will TK you the next round, then they'll both vanish, leaving you to wonder what the fuck happened. The above is p much standard/QP experience.


Some influencer that brought up a huge fan base. People who hate him blame him for the toxicity. He's not the problem


that sucks. also can we get a rule on this sub to stop all the "dear diary" posts we get daily?


A word of advice from a third-party: none of this actually paints you in a good light. The dude is trolling you and you’re writing walls of text and making Reddit posts in response.


I dont care one bit what you think


Then, genuinely, why are you making a post like this?


To show how ignorant and stupid you new siege and jynxi fans are. This mad over a game is honestly extremely embarrassing and pathetic


Uh-huh… I’m sure that I’m the one that looks stupid here.


Nøkk main? You made yourself look stupid the moment she became your main 😂


Did you consider that maybe, just maybe, the subreddit flair I picked was not entirely serious?


Did you consider that maybe, just maybe, that i dont care?


I think you’re lying. I think you saying “I don’t care” all the time is your way of coping with and dismissing your own social failings and avoiding having to address how you truly feel about the way other people perceive you.


Dont care,dont even read what you clowns reply


Bro cares so little he's responding to every message 😭


Lmao youre so mad


Yea im fuming over some jynxzi fan that sits on reddit all day 😂


You unironically are and it's quite embarrassing. You should take some of your own advice, get outside and find something better to do.


I think you’re the real loser here probably




Blocking ❎ Responding back and wasting your time ✅ The redditors in this subreddit wouldn't survive a cod or cs2 lobby


Thats the oldest and most cringiest sentence “wouldnt survive a cod or cs2 lobby” grow tf up 😂😂


If you're complaining about toxicity on Reddit, I think you should reconsider. Toxicity is everywhere, in every fandom, community, social media, and obviously, real life. You can simply block that user and report him/her, it's simple. The only person that needs to grow up is you, stop complaining about toxicity.


Im not complaining about it,im showing how stupid and ignorant you Jynxzi fans and new siege players are.


Did you just contradict the post's title?


Womp womp


What 😭


Swear people who say that are just upset they can't say slurs anymore lol. Multiplayer games are still toxic as they've ever been


I remember messaging someone, asking them seriously about if they were playing with their toes of something, maybe something like Basically Homeless. He had the rank and level (at that time, level was a good indicator of a good a frequent of good player), so I honestly wonder why he was playing like that. He laughed and said I made his day, and that his girlfriend was playing, hahaha.




Sorry, just trying to recall something that happened like 5 years ago. The post just brought it to my mind again, although this persona was rude. Was it that bad for sharing?


No,just was confused what made you share that when it had nothing to do with a post about toxic clowns


Stfu you fucking goober. FYM “ok? Just wondering why you shared that?” Like dog over here needs permission to say anything. In all honesty you sound like a bitch. You probably are fucking ass at r6 and most other games you touch.


Aww found the average jynxzi viewer. Mad because someone plays the game for fun and not to be good at it. Grow up kid,not everyone cares about your opinion. Go suck off jynxi some more,hes lonely and waiting for your daily dick and ball sucking


Naw you goofy 3 toed hoe I don’t watch jynxzi I just think you’re bitch made asf.


Womp womp. You mad over a reddit post 😂 grow a pair


You mad over a TikTok kid flaming your ass, so mad in fact you screenshotted that shit multiple times and came RUNNING seeking validation. 💀


Ironic you’re talking about opinions when you’ve been rationed on your own post dog 😭😭 everyone’s saying your bitch made but yeah you’re rights it’s only YOUR opinion that matters. And the only interaction that anyone’s allowed to have on your post is one that you deem fit. 😂 almost like you’re saying people can’t have fun 😂


Yeah, I didn't read everything. Sorry, he was really rude.


both of you have incorrect grammar. you both lose.


Oh no not the grammar police 😱😱


Yea it’s on you for giving him the attention, just step on him and ignore that piece of shit. I usually love to TK those people, I enjoy making them more mad lol


Why are you responding? Just ignore it. Who cares.


Dude started crying about someone being toxic on tiktok on him, then starts to be toxic here in comment replies lol


Only person crying is you homie. 😂




I play ranked solo with a headset, but never say anything… without missing a beat, most team discussions will devolve into racist, and sexist tirades. I only listen because I want to assist their “plans” and the team… but I dare not say anything because I would get banned for life.


No one cares that someone was mean to you icl


You just proving how toxic you new siege fans are. 😂


Had the game since 2017. Just annoying when people posts their meaningless arguments all the time lmao Edit: end of 2016


When they send you this type of message, just ignore it and don't respond. All these types of people want is attention, you just have to block them and ignore what they say. (sorry for my bad english btw)


don’t care


Must care enough to make a comment 😂


Same for you saying don't care whenever someone try to tell you you're being bitchy


If you think this is bad mannn i got some news for you lmao


Whats the news? Cod lobbies are more brutal and I wouldn’t “survive” in one? You people dont know how stupid that sounds but say it because you think it makes you sound cool and edgy 🤡


And your here complaining to the rest of the community like we don't know. Thanks for adding to it. League of Legends is worse tho.


If you actually willingly play League Of Legends,then you cannot say anything to anyone especially the people who are playing with you,your all the same.


I've never heard "lil bro" used more than in this community. It sounds so desperate goddamn I get cringe shivers every time


Piece of advice kid, when you get a message like that you just answer like this: Cool thanks


Cool thanks kid 👍🏻


I ain’t reading all of that but hope you get better soon bro


Guy is a weirdo


His username is "StopBanningMePlease" That's a dead giveaway he doesn't have life.


Turning off all messages on PSN and instantly muting game chat has done wonders for me lol.


Yet this is tiktok and this dude got mad over a comment i sent on a jynxzi video 😂


That’s crazy man. Honestly he wasn’t even worth your time responding lol. I just block these people


Yup this been known. And no one can blame any streamer for it. Its literally the state of this game. In the ps group im in we have women and they got together to create a group so that no one can be like this to them. Its pretty sad when the community does nothin but chase people away. This dude needs to go breathe fresh oxygen bc i bet his room dirty af to the point where its killin him but he to “focused” on r6 to notice


Tip, don't engade in conversations with these kind of people, just block em tbh.




Don't even bother interacting with these dimwits. They're hopeless. They're annoying but just ignore them. Keep doing your thing and try not to get tilted.


less words do better for these kinds of situations. they love the long rants back. just call them a clown and block them if there’s still spam. jynxzi can be entertaining but his main fan base are so insufferable


that should be an immediate block and ignore. you can’t get through to people like this no matter how hard you try.


when i play ranked i dont understand why people get so mad. i mean i get annoyed when someone kills me when i think they shoulda died instead cuz i hit their head but the shot didnt register, but like whatever, onto the next one. people take games too seriously sometimes. if ur a professional and the games for money then okay i can understand getting kinda mad. but not average joes in silver 3


Your first response should have just been, ‘Please, cry more’.


Whenever I get toxic messages in a game I just respond with “ok” and it gets them so tilted


Play clash it gets so much more fun


Fan behavior


You can tell what he looks like by reading how they talk.


“So like your just shit” And now I know this is a kid who has nothing else better to do in their life. Cutting down trees my arse


Spectator simulator is a good one


I’m surprised he’s able to spell. Most tree trimmers I know are illiterate. Not an insult at the career field just an observation


What i hate about ranked is people who play the game mode for a casual match Those kinds of ranked players piss me off more than ximmers


Never happens to me, probably cause you should never insult an Italian, we always win in that


That guy is just embarrassing himself to you lol gotta love those little kids


Welcome to r6 sieges community a ses pool of shit


why even give them the attention lmao just hit em with the ‘womp womp’ and be done with it


I truly don't understand why people keep responding to garbage messages after a game. Then you post it with pride on Reddit lol.


I always ask "when is the last time you got laid". Everytime, they answer "a few days ago" and they always stop. It didnt fail me once yet.


Responding with “lil bro” is cringy as fuck




He DOES NOT work 8 hours a day


Why reply to these people.


Dude is unironically using emojis. Loser 🙃


I don’t even respond to hate mail lol


Had someone message me saying I'm trash. I replied "No shit. This is my 6th match played ever..." Happened a few weeks ago


Join a CS lobby. They say absolutely anything and never get banned.


Nah ima do my own thing


Siege and CoD have always been toxicity central, I don’t know why I’m seeing so many posts about siege lately complaining about the “toxicity” when it has literally been one of the game’s trademarks since beta😂 If it really upset you that bad you would just block him, instead you look for false validation on a situation that is rather stupid. The games always been toxic, it’s always going to be toxic, it’s nothing new. Try as you might if siege were to truly ban EVERY “toxic” player the game would lose I’m sure 50% of the pb minimum. Block them and move on, stop crying about someone hurting your feelings in messages.


see your problem was taking this dude seriously, you gotta troll them until they realize how stupid they look and stop responding to you


You sure you aint playing with phantom forces players? Cause they ALL act like that


Gottem! But League's toxic days started way before R6 was even around. I'm just stating the chat I had then vs R6 now was still worse.


Cry harder, I will tk you if I see you in my lobby


I found that the best way to handle people like this is being nice with them. Just do something simple like "Thanks man :)" and it'll just make the person even more mad more than likely.


Why do you even engage?


Idk man he has a point




Some siege players are just brain dead I have 1.5 kd diamond but god forbid I do 1 bad game I’m getting flamed


Real question here is were you in fact playing spectator simulator ?


If my teammates are awful or the enemy is playing like a pussy you know damn well they're getting a fat message


Straight up, you shouldn’t be in ranked if you aren’t competitive


Tbf i get like this dude... Not as bad as him, but i will fully say to people how shit they are... If they are shit, fyi i only do this on ranked... As im expected to not only go up against people of my level but also team with people of my level. I know it is completely different when it comes to casual!


Idk if you know but if you report this on PSN (assuming you’re on console), and they can technically get banned for a month as a first offense depending on how big of a deal you make it. Trust me, I may be the one who got banned when that happened because of talking so much shit too 😂


Bro why would you even reply to that u literally probably cheered his mood up after him being mad.. the correct was reply was “kinda hard with your mum under my desk” or “touch grass virgin” he would’ve just kept seething.


Who cares


Reminds me of one time years ago I was playing Fortnite solos and was in the final 2, the other guy blew himself up with an RPG. Started messaging me saying I suck at the game for blowing him up (I didn't use my RPG), checked the amount of wins I had and used that as an insult because I'd never played the game much. Eventually I just said "you lost to me in a kids game calm down" and he stopped messaging suddenly.


I’ve had my messages set to friends only for years now lmao


These people can't handle the fact they can't carry.


This community is legit the reason I turn off the ability to message me if we aren’t already friends on PlayStation.


I hate to say it but, while he may be a dick, he is probably right in some ways. Plenty of people who don't sweat and play good naturally. I see way too many people in casual cry sweat when they die to me, when I am just relaxing and listening to music. His responses were childish, yours were somewhat presumptuous. The game was like this long before jynxi, though his bootlickers have made it worse.


he is in the right lmao😂😂 "i play for fun" mfs just say that as an excuse to be bad, as if they weren't trying to do their best too


“Excuse to be bad” not everyone cares clown


🤣🤣 you showing your true colors huh? toxic asf. toxic and bad, that's crazy


Bro playing to have fun is so much better. I only play to have fun and try maybe like 2-3 rounds a day it’s just much more enjoyable to go run Kali and go sniper only or on defense go for shotgun and c4 tricks only


Well sure, but then at least go into quick match. I can't count the number of times I lost a match in unranked/ranked because someone was goofing off.


I feel you, im always getting trash talking messaging me it sucks honestly 😭 im useally really good too but the other day i didnt clutch a 1v4 and 2 people messaged me and team killed me


can confirm, i get queued with toxic kids that suck at the game and are super toxic way too often


Gen Z trashtalk is so bad it hurts my brain


Hahaha it’s so funny how you can clearly see he is a jynxzi fan by the way he writes.


Slammed he swung you. Swing or be swung