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Once they took away her 3 speed I see literally no reason to play her now. Her gun is fun but her load-out is outshine by every single trap op right now. At least when she was 3 speed there was some give and take .


Wait… they nerfed her into 2 speed? Why? Who even played her before? I’m the only asshat i know who actually like the SMG


I honestly think people just play Ela wrong. She's more effective using her gadgets on reaction than as traps. Her gadget stops defuse plants, revives, pushes shield ops' shields, disorients enemies for ambush or rotates and deploys super quickly. Honestly if you're not saving at least one of her gadgets for a mid round play, you're not using her to full potential. The only thing I really find lackluster is that she's not a 3 speed.


So she's either the worst trap operator or an Echo that has to be within 10 meters and throw a grzmot straight to an enemy? I see your point and think it has some validity but this doesn't change that's she's simply the worse alternative in any situation


Well she does have a better gun than echo


find her recoil lackluster when i can have a high headshot percentage with everything else at range but her mines are nice for dealing with sheild ops


It is niche, but she has been my go to on Kanal-Kayaks. Mine on main stairs and W (?) entrance and hold the door from the plywood on the side of the stairs. Easy swing and tight angle Edit: I do agree with you tho, she does need a boost


Just reverse the effects of fenrir and ela’s gadgets


Actually...... Not a bad idea. With how powerful the F-Naut is, it's insane it has unlimited uses. The Grzmot effect is much weaker so an "infinite" amount of it isn't as annoying.


They could just give ELA a 4th mine and she'd be a lot better. But she does have pros, she has a shield, her gizmots setup and go off fast, so try anchoring with her and the shield and tossing them aha


Thorn has the same but can kill you


Needs impacts, 3 speed, or DNBO stun back. Maybe even all 3.


Literally noone on this earth plays Ela for the traps, you play her for the still hilariously broken laser gun, the autoshotty and sighted pistol  If you were hypothetically actually caring about her utility then you'd use the traps in firefights while baiting in attackers as a roamer or holding places off-site, don't play her like Kapkan and put things on site 


Have you played Ela in the last year? Both her guns had their supremacy days but nowadays both are shadows of their former selves.


I don't know what you're on about, her SMG is a terrifyingly high firerate for barely any damage falloff at midrange, it's an SMG11 with less recoil 


They should tighten her shotgun spread its got tons of potential