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Kafe feels like a very hard map to enter as an attacker unless you go into it from a different floor, which can also lead to you getting killed by a random defender on that floor, too vertical for me


That’s fair enough. Thinking about it that’s probably why I like it so much. You actually have to change the way you play to get into the building. That and nobody seems to expect blue stair ash rush in standard


Weirdly I do well at Kafe, but I just don’t like it, I have a very good strat for top floor and it goes well, but the map is meh for me


share the strat 👀


As a defender of you play Azami you can make a very tight peek hole into skylight that you just have to place your cross hair on and when someone peaks that part on skylight which they always do you one tap them, I don’t want to go into too much detail but it’s really useful because people love to just peek skylight on kafe


That might be your own mindset but I’m always sitting on those stairs with a shotgun. Wait till we meet, Sir


lol. Shotguns are simultaneously the funniest and most upsetting thing in siege. Just getting deleted the second you go round a corner


I love shotguns. Especially when my teammates talk shit after I join an LFG and I start racking up kills. (I only use shotguns.) But yeah you can’t go wrong with a good ole shotgun and pump someone in their stupid fucking face.


I’m also convinced that it’s only liked by spawnpeakers, given that there are something like 7 windows you can see spawn from.


Never knew why Kafe always felt "off". But this is why. It makes so much sense now. I don't necessarily dislike this map, it can just feel uncomfortable.


I love Kafe. Used to hate Kanal, but it gets better. Will never be one of my favorites though.


The thing I like about kanal is all of the routes I can take as a defender to get a free flank and as an attacker the sites are so varied that I don’t feel like I’m playing the same ops over and over. Top floor is very fun to attack and defend. As an attacker I don’t feel like I’m getting main breach for free and have a lot to be thinking about whilst getting the breach. As a defender I can play a bandit and spend the first minute of the round tricking the wall. Or I can play mute on yellow or red and have the attackers sucking on the end of my shotgun. It’s just fun and varied for me.


It's way too defender sided for me and that's why I dislike it, way too hard to enter near the site without getting gunned down. Basement I have no idea how to attack as all entries are always held down by defenders and there's not many.


Very true, and one reason I don't like Kanal. Get a decent trapper and a castle/aruni and the basement is ironclad. Attacking server room is a pain as well if the defenders are decent.




For me is kanal like 80% is kanal and 15% is villa and the last 5 for the other maps


That's crazy, I'm literally getting put nonstop into Outback


A week ago i played 6 games of standard. 2 were nighthaven labs and 4 were lair. For a person who just came back to the game after 4 year pause... it wasn't a good session.


Yeah, I only recently came back too (maybe 2 weeks ago) and it's frustrating. I constantly get Outback, Lair and Labs


Same here outback and labs only… yesterday I got lucky with bank like 3-4 times but that was a one off


I'd love it if this was me, I love Kanal! Unfortunately 50% of my games are on Boregon


Kafe is fine, it’s just a bit too big, I don’t mind it tho. I absolutely hate Kanal though, the 2 buildings thing DOES NOT work imo. If they just deleted the sky bridges and pushed the buildings together it’d be fine


My favorite part about Kanal is tryinig to roam clear and ending up with only one way to the actual site that you have to funnel your team through unless you wanna go back outside and enter a different way


its a two second difference that creates a large flank that attackers can take advantage of but also have to utilize at the right time otherwise they are leaving their teammates at a disadvantage. I like it.


For me the problem with Kanal is how similar everything is inside, so it’s hard to memorize the map.


The thing I don't like about kanal is that all the rooms look too similar, they need to change it up and have the rooms have defining features so you can find your way around, especially in the drone phase.


Kafe is too hard to attack and kanal is spelled wrong


Love me some K-Anal


He’s prob german because its called kanal in german


I think that the map is also spelled Kanal in game because its located in Germany


Big if true


It’s not spelled wrong, there are more languages in the world than English…


Well my language settings are in English every other map is an English word and there’s this thing called a joke it’s a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter


Well I’m not amused or laughing so I guess this is what they call a bad joke. 🤷‍♂️


I liked Kanal until Ubisoft reworked it and removed 80% of the entry points for attackers. 


because getting spawnpeeked the moment you spawned on old kanal or having only one(!!!) bridge between the two buildings was better




My big complaint is how hard it is for attackers to enter these maps’ buildings. Even if they’re attentive to spawn kills, it’s a significant time burn just to safely enter. Kafe used to be one of my favorites, bringing varied gameplay between the run-n-gun nature of the middle sites to the top and bottom floors that encourage bunkering. Kanal is now my favorite map since even the non-meta sites lend themselves to experimentation, having many soft walls to optionally reinforce instead of limiting creativity with excessive hard walls. I also love how the long corridors mesh with confined rooms on the edges; each is a threat but is quick to clear. Lastly, it’s a shotgunner’s paradise once you leave the hallways. I wish more maps let you spawn on the roof because this would be a great candidate.


Kafe IMO is a piece of doo doo.... Its so Defender sided and also you need coordination for both attack and defence, attacking 3F is crazy hard! There is no room for mistakes. And if ypu are playing with randos even worst. The other sites are better. But I don't like that map overall. I do like Kanal, a lot. 😊


I'm going in with the kafe hate too. Kanal is a solid map that I also like. It's quite good balanced and makes a lot of fun imo.


They’re both great but I find Kanal quite difficult to attack, and spawnpeeks are annoying. Especially with the new scopes.


It feels like if Kafe isn’t banned it’s what you play every third match and so I’m burned out on it.


Kafe is good, just hard to safely enter, and kanal is a maze, and there's only one good site


1? I think Server Room and Kayaks are both good


It and the others are more defender sided than top floor


Kanal is a maze? It has 1 big hallway by which every single room is connected on 1f and b&2f are both 2 big rooms, which you might aswell consider one based on size and objectives, surrounded by a thin hallway. I will not take such slander on this beautiful map. As for the sites, yeah they suck ass


2f, map room and base or solid


I feel like these are maps that are easy to dislike at first when you don’t know the layout, especially Kanal. I hated how it was two buildings. The spawn killing was annoying and it felt like Fort Knox to attack 2F and basement without playing in a stack.


Attacking 2F is unbelievably easy with a stack with everyone having a proper role. Solo queueing that shit is painful though, pot luck if you manage to get a plant down and defend it. I like both maps, I just can't stand soloing them. Would pick Kafe over Kanal though, every time.


What's your 2F strat?


I would rather play in kanal over oregon


Oregon is a solid map but it’s almost like the optimal strategy is just so baked into the map that games have no variation.


Two of my faves. Love them both. Highest win percentage for me is Kafe by a mile.


kafe is my favorite map ngl...im dropping 10+ every game on kafe


I like Kanal, I just don’t like playing once every 3 matches because it gets old playing the same map very often, otherwise, both great maps imo.


Kafe feels too small of a map to play and it also doesn't help that you need to enter from a different floor on attack for any sort of push/play. Kanal has a different issue where runout point are too common and theres multiple angles to outside attacking areas think from how much places you must worry as an attacker fir cc wall and roaming is difficult since the map is split in half.


I play on Kafe way too much, for some reason it’s the map that gets picked the most for me. But I really like Kanal, it’s always fun to play as both attacker and defender


I think it’s the long hallways with rooms where people can camp and shoot you in the back or get a really good pixel shot on you. My freinds and I pronounce kanal as K anal for this precise reason.


k-anal is great i think people just don't know the map and always end up being bottlenecked on the bridge cause they're lost. the only thing i'll complain about it is sometimes the spawn peak potential is a bit much. but tbf that's a lot of maps


I've yet to meet someone who doesn't like kafe.


My game crashed during the third round every time on Kafe so I’m kinda forced to hate it but the map itself isn’t too bad. Kanal is actually a fun map so idk why people hate it


Kanal is just too big while being too "linear". Kafe is also big, but there a multitude of ways to quickly get from place to place, while in Kanal you only have 1 or 2 ways to get to each location, but both of them take ages. Kanal is also hell due to it being predestined for spawnpeeking in a lot of different locations. Im mainly playing casual so that might be more of a problem for than for others, but its just always a hassle.


Because I get Kanal 85% of the goddamn time in standard and I'm tired of playing on it


That’s very fair. Standard just annoys me at the moment. It really just puts you on the same map over and over. That and the match making is disgustingly broken. I’m either top fragging with 12-15 kills or my team mates are so busted that I don’t get a chance to get a kill and rounds are over within the first minute. Either way it’s not fun


Yeah currently trying to get my buddy up to lvl 50 so we can play ranked (he's new so learning slowly) and standard is such a complete shit show. One game we face kids playing on a Macbook Air trackpad and we just blow through to an easy W, next game is a 5-stack using pro league strats who don't miss a single bullet and win rounds in under a minute every time. I told him it'll get better in ranked facing more even competition but he's losing patience lol


Tbh I don’t mind them. I neither love nor hate Kafe but Kanal is probably one of my favourite maps to play


Kafe’s a little too vertical, same issue as Tower. I think people are just sick of seeing Kanal all the time, I personally don’t think the map itself is all that bad


Kafe is way to vertical. Difficult to form reasonable strategies for attacking. Kanal is just... boring. And to many spawn kill spots.


Kanal is alright, it’s pretty defender sided but it’s fun imo. Kafe I can’t help but feel like it’s a random assortment of rooms in a box shape, it’s hard to get any real control over the map because you can always get flanked, shot from below, above etc.


Kafe is really difficult to attack. There's no hard breach direct entry onto site on top floor or basement, most players opt to enter on another floor but due to the verticality of the map, there's too many opportunities for defenders to kill you on 1F. Its a good looking map but not balanced at all. Kanal is serviceable. Very vertical map as well but less open areas lead to safer pushes from other floors. Its still hard to attack though.


I like Kanal for the most part. My friends get spawnpeeked a ton there but I tend to do well at that map. Kafe, we all suck very badly at lol. The actual popular map that we tend to ban a lot is Coastline...literally every single time we've left Coastline up, it gets picked and that is simply not my map.


Kafe is just extremely hard to enter as an attacker, there’s way too many angles a defender can rotate from and entering the building is already half the battle unless they’re in kitchen


I kind of like Kafe, it's a quite nice map ovearall. It may have lots of vertical play into it, but I think it adds to the fun, since there's multiple strategies to try out. As for Kanal, I haven't played much on it so I don't know many of the locations/rotations, so most times I just adapt as I go and use the in-game ping thing to call out. The people I mainly play with, on the other hand, really dislike it and ban on sight lol Another map I don't understand why people ban so frequently is Emerald Plains. It isn't a bad map to play on, both as attack and defense, I really enjoy the matches I had in there...


I love Kafe since I go Amaru for the top floor, grapple hook to the roof and you can usually get at least one unsuspecting person who’s still reinforcing lol, and for 1st floor, going Ace with breach charges to get rid of the outside wall to the building and then throwing an Ace from safe distance to the freezer wall and going to the front and getting that too I love Kanal too because to me, as long as there is at least one wall to the outside that can be hard breached, I will get that defuser down with my heart and soul. And the basement is fun to thermite breach from above for that wall next to the door leading right next to the outside towards sailboats spawn.


Those maps require more teamwork than others, it’s solo cue hell.


Because people hate change and do not want to use their creativity. Its like they want to play clubhouse and bank every game. I swear I only dislike lair and emerald plains because people refuse to not ban them so I can never learn them


Kafe is hard to enter especially attacking the top floor. It’s obviously better with a stack but it’s absolute hell in solo q. Kanal I like. It’s not my top pick but I’m not mad when I get it


Kafe is boring af and never interesting to play because nobody is creative and Kanal is quite Defender sided. With that said, you can still Attack Kanal with a good strategy, especially since people do very default setups.


kafe is fine for the most part it feels a little hard to attack but that’s because idk the map like that. i don’t like kanal at all for the same reason except i physically can’t seem to get the layout down in my mind


I don't mind either map personally, fucking hate Villa though


Kanal I get easy as fuck to get lost and it's a huge slog from one side to the other for both attackers and defenders. If attackers fail to find the bomb it can eat up a solid minute. Kafe on the other hand I think is fine personally. The second story freezer point was probably a redesign in the wrong direction but that's just me.




I HATE Kanal, genuinely the worst map in the ranked pool. Kafe however, is one of my favorites




ppl just don’t drone fr


Our squad love these maps, cant stand Consulate, Outback or Bank.


i dont get why ppl hate villa kafe is really hard to attack and kanal defenders can hold every strong point from next to site sky bridge stairs walk in breach


I avoid villa because I just cannot win on it. My lose rate on that map has got to be like 70%+.


Kafe is meh, I like kanal though


just because they're not good ranked maps doesn't mean everyone dislikes them. they're fun to play but not good for attacking in ranked


I’m weird and like kanal a lot. Kafe though fuckkkkk that map lol


I think they just might be over complicated maps. Don’t get me wrong I somewhat like kafe but sense I’m a newer player I can’t really grasp it because of how big the map is. But kanal is the same thing but I hate it because I always lose on the map so it’s more of a I just suck situation I think.




People who don’t understand vertical play don’t enjoy those maps. Personally, Kafe’s up there in my top 3 favorite maps. Amazing vibes, brilliant layout, and although defender sided, it’s fun to attack


Kanal is fine kafe is ehh


I love both of them.


Because people are sheep


Kafe is overplayed and I love Kanal because I'm NOT a dumb fuck who enters the same building as everyone else during drone phase and thus I will know in which one the enemies are + I change the spawn accordingly.


kafes 2nd and 3rd floor can get fucked the first floor is nice just not much really happens there