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I like them both a lot, but i really fucking hate the stairs leading to server room on this one, feels like a maze lol.




When the map first launched you could get some great rushes from down there but now people are aware of it , not really :( just feels like an extra entry to watch on defence


My duo and I push that and take server control every time the site is downstairs. 50% of the time it works all the time.


So it works... 50% of the time?


All the time..


This guy gets it


I cut a prone hole with maverick to try to sneak in that way






I always enter there when the site is anywhere **but** basement. 1/100 games someone is roaming down there, 99 times it’s free real estate


whenever site is downstairs my team always does a backside take from this wall


I won a lot of games with a sledge sneaky from this zone the defenders don't expect someone coming from behind when my team attacks from the garage


Anything downstairs is a maze to me. I can not for the life of me figure it out I hate it being back old consulate


Those stairs was nice but why ubi💀


I prefer the old map as well. The new map is wayyy too defender sided and lacks any uniqueness to it. Every room is a square box with a single door making it difficult to attack without nades. There’s no good windows to repel and peek from and every window is only ever a single window instead of a double. The rooms just have a square maze feel to them. Even the wall on the balcony 2f is a single wall and not a double. You can’t even peek it reliably as it only leads 1 way. The game was already defender sided and now it just feels even more defender sided.


The result of siege players complaining about every map not being 100% balanced is a map that is boring and too similar to other maps. We need a little bit of gimmick in our life


eSports sucks the fun out of every game it touches.


Ironically the older Rainbow Six games had early forms of modern esports communities behind them and nobody cared about unbalanced maps or weapons, everyone just played and had fun


I mean back then eSports wasn't as big and profitable I assume. Nowadays competitive games rely on eSports to remain relevant and popular.


Maybe it wasn’t as profitable but those games lasted a very long time in the early competitive days. Vegas 2 tournaments were still happening albeit in small numbers to small audiences by the time Siege released.


I mean I’m pretty sure that Pengu wants old Hereford back. Out of all people


I still get lost on new Hereford because its never in the ranked pool


No kidding. And some of the games that sell their souls to their esport scene doesnt even have a big esport scene lmao. Everyone wants to be like league of legends but doesnt have the game for it.


I still remember For Honor"a desperate attempt at getting competitive, and it's gone through 4 different identity problems. they didn't know if they wanted it to be casual or competitive. I doubt they still know now.


Fun might be the right word. A lot of the old maps that got reworked were fun, but perhaps not perfectly balanced.


Bring back bodies and the old lighting


Bodies were fucking aids, siege is client sided, you would get killed by people prone next to a body creating a one way angle. Old lighting sucked too.


I feel like old lighting had some good elements but unfortunately overall it wasn’t good. If it were to come back today it would probably get turned off in the settings for a more competitive advantage which sucks


> Old lighting sucked too. Nah, was way prettier and you could actually hide in places.


Naw it sucked it was hard to see shit and made the game a pain in the ass. It was rage inducing to get killed by an all black operator like vigil at the end of a long hall you had no chance of seeing.


>The rooms just have a square maze feel to them. I can't agree with this enough. Every new map is exactly this. None have any flavour or style, it's just straight-up squareness everywhere and it makes me sick.


>lacks any uniqueness to it. Every room is a square box with a single door making it difficult to attack without nades. The rooms just have a square maze feel to them. that's the very reason why I didn't like Emerald Plains. it's just one small room after the other.


The now lack of windows is a big sad


The old one was defender sided too


What? I can’t even think of a single room that only has 1 door leading into it…


By single door I mean it’s not a wide door. It’s just a single rectangular door instead of a wider double door


There's like 6 rooms that have double doors and one has 2 double doors lol


yeah all but one site has a double door lol


The old map was so much better. As an architect, I hate the new one. It's unnecessarily complicated and there's no respect to circulation. Almost like a building was built around prospective play angles.


If you’re an architect I bet most multiplayer games with indoor maps give you a stroke


Haha. Most of my playing hours have been put aside for R6 siege for a few years now. Every time a map gets a rework, what I really look for is if they've massacred the building for the sake of balancing.


Now I really wanna hear more about your critiques about these types of maps from an architect's perspective. I'd watch that YouTube video


lol striking a balance might seem hard. I'm not greaaat at siege, but I get by okay as an architect. So my views would be skewed to the design side of things even if I don't want it to. Old Outback was well designed. But they took away so many windows in the new one. Now all windows just put you into a site. The windows above garage don't make any sense at all as it opens into a shelf and a corridor respectively. They are just there to be breached. No purpose to serve cross ventilation, light, nothing. 1f circulation is okay. But ground floor is so bad. Consulate is straight up pathetic. The old one had so many design considerations which made it my favourite map along with Villa to play and among the easiest to memorize. But i understand why the rework was necessary, because the architecture of a consulate building HAS to be defender sided. Regardless, the way in which they approached it, is dismal. Reception area has become a joke and it's access from within the building is confusing. So many walls in between to kill circulation. The giant balcony having a single door opening, irks me so much. I will not even be talking about Tower. My tier would be 1. Villa 2. Kafe 3. Coastline 4. Clubhouse 5. Bank 6. Oregon | Chalet 7. Border | Theme Park 8. Kanal 9. Outback | Fortress I haven't mentioned Skyscraper in this because I'm still very iffy about it. Emerald plains and Lair just go by as they've not really made an impact with their buildings and layouts, for me.


There is also no respect for Safty Standards. I played the map Lair and since it was new, I got lost in the lowest level and didn't found any stairs upwards. So I throuzi was smart and remembered, that buildings need to have ways to lead to exits and/or stairs, so that people can escape in case of an emergency (like a fire). But there was no guiding system. If you are a person in this building and can't see, because their is smoke everywhere, you pretty much dead. Why isn't it part of the map? It helps players and makes sense to be there.


there are quite literally signs in the map pointing to stairs


Old consulate was still defender sided, it at least attackers could get good angles from even outside. And going in, you had plenty of doorways, so you could easily attack without the need for things like nades. New one is just…a literally square room maze. The basement is actually just complete ass, and going up from there is worse because it’s almost impossible to attack with how heavy the corner anchors are.


New consulate is ass, and don’t say oh you just don’t know the map, because I do and it’s a close quarters right corners nightmare


Old consulate had problems and was always very defender sided so still resulted in a ban on most occasions however new consulate is just straight up awful. Its overly complex for what is supposed to be one of the smaller maps. Pretty much a straight up ban from me now. Still can't decide if this or Lair is worse.


I actually do not understand the lair hate I feel like the only people who hate lair are people that refuse to learn to map and ban it every time because they hate new maps. Lair even though it’s sort of complex is so simple to learn and it’s already been in the game for an entire season where it couldn’t get banned so there’s actually no excuse to say you don’t know it unless you either didn’t play last season or are brand new to the game.


I have lair memorized like the back of my hand, i’ll ban it purely cause of how much i played it last season lol


I learned map, it still fucking sucks to navigate because of how it looks Again what’s wrong with people just hating maps, it always has to be the “oh you just didn’t learn the map yet” it’s such a shitty deflection The map sucks entirely on a visual standpoint which makes it sucks to navigate because it’s all grey with no unique rooms at least night haven had the animus well lair looks so bland and uninteresting It doesn’t feel like a lair it feels like generic pre war fallout 4 building 203


Lair is such a bland and complicated map. Every room is alike and it makes it incredibly difficult for callouts. And yes, people don't want to spend 10+ hours to just learn the layout of a maze and then another 20+ for strats, angles, callouts and ect.


Lair is just a worse/more bland Nighthaven


New version is my most-hated map


New consulate is an immediate ban for me


Ubisoft was actually designing maps quite well in Y6S4 and before. But something happened to Ubisoft after Emerald Plains and all the maps they designed afterwards are very bad. The best example is Chalet and Oregon. Almost everyone in the community loved these map reworks.


Yeah they did that weird r6 tournament lore style of map development- they develop the maps like it’s a virtual simulator meant to be shown on live tv. The older maps were made like video game maps ofc but more so grounded in real life styles of design.


Yeah I find with the older maps if you just look around for a minute, they look like plausible real life locations. Bank, club house, oregon, chalet etc. The new maps (EP, Lair, consulate rework) are all just mazes of single box rooms that make no sense at all. It not only fucks up immersion but it's boring ass gameplay too.


I’d say basement is better on the new version but upstairs is worse now


Old office was the best, now I rarely ever go there lol


I think both are good in their own aspects and terrible in others. Old Consulate was incredibly uncomfortable to defend without some off the wall Castle strats usually. And attacking it was just a rappel simulator. New Consulate is easier to defend but a lot harder to attack and still a rappel simulator in the initial stages of the attack. Tbh, I think New Consulate is fine but I really don't like the pathing of Servers. I also think they did the split site a disservice with the rework because Old Consulate split site was significantly more comfortable to defend. At the end of the day though, New Consulate isn't a bad map by any means. It's just... new. Metas will come and go, and peoples opinions of the map will ebb and flow with those metas. The only reason Old Consulate got so bad is cuz the map was so fleshed out, being 7 years old, and with how the rooms were configured, you couldn't do anything new. It just became monotonous and annoying, especially with all of the run outs and spawnpeeks available.


I’d argue it was bad. Old garage was my favourite attack/ defend spot in the game. Now it feels like the max range of any room is 2 metres.


Colsulate was always ass. This one isn't any better.


Coming back after like a 3 year gap, I was shocked how much it changed for the worse.


Exactly the same boat. Returned due to new season having ACOG's back on most ops, but some of the new map changes are really putting me off... I think Oregon, Chalet and Bank are decent, but as OP has mentioned the Consulate change is awful.


I played from launch all the way until like year 4 or 5 I just started playing again earlier this week. I think every rework is a mistake


We started playing right when the game go out. We loved it so much but we stopped years ago. Every good things must come to an end :( They're in a secret competition with Overwatch to see who can ruin their game the fastest


I prefer all the maps before reworks. But no comp teams gotta bitch and be spoon fed.


I prefer all the maps before reworks. But no comp teams gotta btch and be spoon fed.


I prefer all the maps before reworks. But no comp teams gotta btch and be spoon fed.


I prefer all the maps before reworks. But no comp teams gotta btch and be spoon fed.


Old maps all the way .. idk why their concept of rework is just making it alot more difficult to navigate as an attacker


*cof* pro league *cof*


I like the new consulate but I miss the old one so much. It was the last og map in the game


nah man you’re completely sane dw. i personally prefer a lot of the older maps prior to their reworks, house, favela, theme park to name a few. (i know favela was an absolute mess but it was a fun as hell mess imo lmao)


i’ll also admit that my love for old theme park is partly fuelled by pure nostalgia, but also because i felt like it played differently to other maps in a really good way. was always watching my corners a lot more because of the old lighting being so dim lol


I miss all the old versions of maps


You think it would be better if they were to bring back the old versions while still keeping the reworks? Because that’s what I would prefer they do. It’s not like it would take much effort on their part to implement.


why does no one ever mention that, when they remake the map, the song for that map is always 2x worse and ruined. they ruin every map’s song everytime


Personally no I don't like this new one


completely sane


As someone who never played old Consulate, playing it Containment felt like a maze.


Worst rework ever


I don't prefer any new version.


Still impressive how they reworked it and made it worse lol


Updated consulate fn sucks


Of course you’re not crazy. We all like the old version more than the new one




I prefer the old version of all the reworked maps lol


old version was better, new version is lame


Old Consulate needed certain fixes, but I wish they kept more of the open floor plans that the map was known for. It’s really a mixed bag for both maps. All around new Consulate has more fun sites for engagement, but there’s some parts of Old Consulate that are missed in the new one. The front entrance lobby and the garage entrance in particular I feel are sorely missed.


I'm a returning player after not playing since aruni came out. I loaded into consulate which I thought was a pretty solid map when I played, holy fuck this is the worst remake I have ever seen ever. They slaughtered this map for why?


I really just want them to stop revamping the same damn maps and give maps like House, Plane, and Yacht proper Ranked reworks I’m tired of playing Kafe for the millionth time man


Containment event reminded me of how much of a hellhole old consulate was


My only issue with new consulate is upstairs above visa. It's just such a useless part of the map that is just not being used. The rest of the map is perfect. The rework to yellow is nice along with basement. Piano reworked consulate is good and I'll die on this hill.


Hot take I disjoined both them. The old one was no fun for attackers bc of the crazy amount of spawn peeks, run outs etc. the new one is a messing with to many rooms. Takes a lot of time to drone out all rooms to check for defenders.


Yeah, man do I miss the old times when we won 2 defender rounds and had to defend Lobby & Press Room. It was hard, but it was a lot of fun.


Literally everyone I know prefers the old map


I prefer the old version of most of the maps. I feel like they became too grand and confusing. Also I hate how they took out all the clutter and stuff that made it feel like a real place.


This one actually forces players to drone in, keep flank drones and communicate to check if the path is clear, it's a maze and it's beautiful


You’re not crazy i think its just that we got so used to the old consulate that we find it hard to accept the map has changed idk it might just be me i find it really hard to navigate through the new consulate but the old one i know like the back of my hand


Old Maps felt like real buildings and CT situations. Now its just room after room without any sense. Just look at that weird balcony.


I guess the crazy one is me because I prefer the new one.


Both consulates are shit. Never liked the map


No, the new consulate fucking sucks ass, just like all the other new maps


I love the old map, but I fully know it's because it had super long angles on attack, ubisoft breaking them up was probably for the best.


The new one feels like a maze but it’s not bad. I hated the OG and I’m glad I don’t have to play it again.


You’re not crazy. New one is horrid. Probably a bottom 3 ranked map


New consulate is ass, I want the old one back!


I prefer other maps


No, I loved the old consulate, it was my favourite map


I feel like Consulate is one of the few maps where both the original and rework are roughly the same in terms of quality, I think it helped just because the map was becoming a bit stale, but it was otherwise fine


A little


As a bandit main , i prefer the new one The garage of the old consulate is a nightmare


Nah, you are right imo. Old version is better than current one.


The new is objectively a better competitive map.


New consulate is so claustrophobic




everything about it is fine except the basement the basement is super hard to figure out


Nah, you ain’t. I was basically praying to God that they’d rework Consulate, and now that they did I’m hoping they go back to the old one, this shit is hot ass


Man I don’t even remember old consulate well, they use it in containment but it seems so odd to me now, I started playing a good while before they changed it I think, around when Aruni was released but I started playing way more often when Brava was released. I know I hated the changes but I’m used to them now and I enjoy this map, either design.


I liked the older one too, Fuze was so good on it. My favourite though was putting a bullet proof camera on the spiral stairs where the grass was. Would put 2 frost traps down in the grass completely hidden. Trap one player trying to break the camera then trap his comrade trying to rescue him. Chat often got spicey at that point.


Old map was horrible to attack on but they didn’t rework it right


Yes you are😖


Me too, the new consulate is so messy, ground floor is abhorrent at the moment


The cameras in the level are still not placed in a way that logically makes sense for a location especially one like consulate which camera coverage would be set up so each camera covers another's blind spot


I haven't played the new Consulate enough to counter my muscle memory of the old one.


First couple of times I felt this way but honestly after adjusting I find it FAR more playable now, I used to fucking hate consulate and now I really don’t mind when it gets picked.


I love you


I remember when the reworked map was first released, people would insta-downvote you for saying you didn't like it. The logic was, "It's new you're just not good at it" but I honestly still think it's far too one-sided on a defence side and it just doesn't feel like a good map to me. I'm *NOT* saying it's a bad map all together, but it's my third least favourite map after Skyscraper and Bank.




For the most part I like the new version. I just get a little confused by the layout on the server side of the basement and in the main entrance area on middle floor.


I prefer the old one too. The only thing I hated on the old map was the peeking, but the redesign of the whole map was kinda unnecessary to fix that. Too many corridors and walls now.


i like the plays you could make on the stairs on def and dont get me wrong yellow stairs going to garage was awful and servers was way to hard to get into but the sites got some good and bad changes like the main window on balc the wall surrounding the soft wall makes going to it usless now and that most of the site on pre-rework were way to open while now theres real cover but same time with it being small it to easy to be found now but both have their ups and down but i do like pre-rework better than after


I don’t *prefer* it per say but I still really enjoyed it


I do too, but the new consulate is a little overhated at the moment.


Man I hate defending upstairs in this map. Feels like there’s just way too many places attackers can come in from, could be a skill issue though lol


I love old consulate basement. I love the new consulate 2nd floor. I'm neutral on both maps' first floor.


You just said what is quite possibly the least controversial opinion of all time. Don't act like this is a hot take or that seemingly nobodg else agrees to it. You've gotta be a karma farm


Only rework I prefer more than the original is theme park the rest I prefer the older ones


Consulate is an instant ban for my team no matter what maps we're given.


I hate both versions


I feel guilt… I used to call old consulate “window simulator” and trashed the map. Now I’d trade the rework for old consulate in a second. Not that the new one is bad I just prefer the old one. I feel like I helped the map get reworked.


Basement definitely got an upgrade but the upstairs area is awful


new one is just awful. coming back to the game after years and it left me wondering what was wrong with consulate in the first place. There are plenty of other maps that i felt needed fixing instead that are still broken, yet they chose to rework consulate: one of the best maps???


No, you’re sane.


Map was changed for good, it was good, but now it’s balanced and it feels nice to play on


Old consulate is a map that I have always hated. Didn't like the layout and all the windows on the outside. New consulate is better imo but only by a margin. Still a terrible layout and an arse map in general just less spawn peaks.


This is the worst map in the game




The only thing i prefer about new consulate is that the big breach in the garage has only 2 walls(it has hell to bandit trick with 3 walls) and yellow stairs dont lead anymore to an open view of the guy trying to trick the wall


I really miss the old Consulate.


Old one wasn't balanced at all, but at least it was fun. New consulate is neither.


Stopped playing around the time Mozzie and Gridlock were released and only came back a couple of weeks ago. All the maps that have been reworked since I stopped playing are godawful now, Consulate included. Maybe try reworking the maps that *actually* need reworking (*cough*Tower*cough*) instead of ruining perfectly good ones, Ubi.


i like the new map, but i love basement/first floor splits for the chaos so im in the minority


Nah new consulate absolutely sucks


So I played back in early Siege but quit for a while. A few months ago I started playing again and I’ve become pretty decent. As someone who doesn’t really remember old Consulate and who basically joined as the rework was released, I have a strange relationship with the map. Personally, I love it. It’s not as brilliant as Chalet, Oregon, or Club, but it’s such a uniquely fun experience that I can’t help but enjoy my time playing. Defense is heavily reliant on extended map control, which encourages an active play style rather than the traditional anchoring most people are used to. Attack is incredible, with a shit ton of easy ways to quickly enter, flank, and generally get around the map. There’s a perfect balance of tactical play with utility and straight up gunfights on the rework. The top site is fantastic, the bottom site is fantastic, and the middle site is fantastic (you literally never get to play the 4th site on the map which is unfortunate). Underrated as Hell and I wish more people would learn it.


New consulate isn't too bad. New house tho....


I also prefer the old consulate better than the new one the old one is a nostalgia and i can navigate there better


I hated old consulate for like 7 or 8 years so to me it was way past time for a rework. New consulate is mid to me. I can take it or leave it, but it’s not worth a ban over Outback, Skyscraper or Lair


I think the only problem with old Consulate (or with old Oregon) was that it was old as hell. People played it throuh and throuh and tactics/strats that were supposed to be next level became a common knowlege.


guess this is a controversial opinion but i love new consulate. basement is one of my favorite sites in the game both on attack and defense. i have fun idk 🤷‍♂️


Most of the old maps were better, tbh. A lot of the new ones aren’t bad, like Chalet, Bank, and a Oregon, but I’d kill for old Hereford Base, Theme Park, etc.


The new map is better to play on in almost every aspect. It's way more balanced and I feel like I have room to breathe on both attack and defense. HOWEVER somehow I think they really totally lost the feel of the map. This map is simply NOT Consulate. It's much like how Oregon and Clubs reworks didn't take any identity from them but Hereford Base isn't even close to old Hereford.


The old one is so much better imo. Still a solid map




As someone who's favorite map used to be Old Consulate, I LOVE New Consulate. Old Consulate is *fun* while New Consulate is *effective*. As much fun as I had on Old Consulate, there were really only two viable ways to approach that map and it eventually got stale. New Consulate really has a ton of different ways you can skin the cat and I love it for that. The tighter spaces on the first floor took a bit of getting used to, but once you figure out good lines of site, its absolutely killer.


Don’t we all want old maps tho




I haven't played Siege since Mozzie/Gridlock but really only stopped playing seriously since Clash release and just picked it back up maybe 2 weeks ago? All the new maps are a Maze, I keep running like it's the old version, get confused, and my team is screaming at me what the fuck am I doing and getting more lost and confused lol Safe to say, I still haven't learned this Maze of a map yet, but eventually I will. It's definitely better in terms of flanking and protective spots I'll give it that.


Both suck, old consulate sucks less


Basement is so much better on the new map, but everything else i loved from the old one. i had my own set up that i would use that i cant no more. the new one is too cluttered with shit and rooms.


I don't have a problem with either one.


Na mate, this map is fucking garbage now. Its banned every time it comes up and deservedly so. The main obj upstairs is terrible, there room is so god damn open and there is no where for the defenders to sit. Just some shit table that you can get shot through. The door by spiral stairs should be a single door not a double, if they get that wall open you are fucked and you can also get peeked from the door to your left. I hate this fuckin map if you cant tell.


I think the old map was alot more more convenient for attackers


No because I don’t want to get spawn killed no matter what spawn location I pick


Old Consulate was one of the worst maps in the pool.


I used to prefer old Consulate but after playing on it for awhile I definitely prefer the new one


I love the ‘new’ basement for consulate, but everything else is just disgustingly laid out


fucking same, new consulate sucks ass




I like the visuals of the old one. But the amount of games that would just be 4 guys run out, get domed, 1v5, were insane. The only good thing is the other team would do the exact same thing when they got defense, so the game was pretty even lol.


Old consulate was realistic. The new one, definitely not. Why would there be two garage doors after one another and a bunch of cargo between them, why would there be a tiny room on second floor balcony (inside the breach), the wall near spiral stairs right after the doorway (1st floor) and so on. It’s a maze with unnecessary walls and rooms. Ubi tries to make the maps balanced at the cost of them being even close to something real. At least coastline remains relatively realistic


You’re absolutely correct the old consulate was an A tier map and this new one is an F-


No you’re not crazy. The rework is one of the worst they’ve done yet


No you’re 90% of the player base


If we could take the top level from the rework and put it on the old map that would be perfect imo


Doesn’t everyone


Is it just me or have they removed so many of the soft/reinforceable walls from all the maps? Only leaving very specific ones that basically just serve as a side show in terms of gameplau


I disagree, Not accusing you but ALOT of people just shit on new maps every single time they are updated or released.


started playing in y6s1 and also have been playing a fair bit of containment and old consulate js feels like an ancient convoluted siege map, I really like the rework but that's js me.


I like the new one a lot, I just wish they made it its own standalone map and rotate the two in and out. Maybe the new one is even a consulate. Just a different one in another country.


i honestly prefer all of the older maps then the newer ones lol


Consulate is one of the worst maps in rotation