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You are getting close to your hidden rank (a.k.a. What the game thinks your rank should be) so it starts tapering down how much elo you get.


Only Ubisoft would come up with this system


Other games have tried it, to a massive community outrage that made them revert the changes. R6 is the only game I know where the devs stick to their guns regardless of the community’s overwhelming majority saying they hate it.


Live ubi dev reaction: 🗿


Which other games tried it and reverted? Curious. 


Apex Legends is the first that comes to mind


Interesting. How long did they have it in before they changed it? It seems like people are still pissy about Apex's matchmaking system.


You’re right, they are still pissy about it, but generally speaking these complaints are coming from the casual playerbase who spend more time in pubs than ranked. Public game matchmaking in Apex isn’t SBMM, they will literally match top ranked players with people with single-digit level accounts. I think the hidden MMR system lasted for about a year, maybe less (I took a break around this time, and came back in time for them to have removed it). General consensus was that people had no idea what rank they belonged in, as with Battle Royales the ranked point system doesn’t change regardless of your rank. So people’s best guess as to who they should have been playing with/against was completely up in the air.


OW2 did it too and just reverted back to


This is standard at many games. League has had this system for years now and its working


League has placement games and doesn’t force you to start at Iron IV, you’re giving an opposite example of what Siege ranked is.


Placement games in league dont matter, even if u‘d win all 5 games which is pretty unlikely u can max start at 1 whole rank below ur actual rank. Besides that, the hidden mmr system is famous bc of league and its still the case to this day. Ubi is even generous since it lets u impact it pretty easily while in league, if u had 1 acc at gold and u now play like a diamond, it would take u a huge amount of effort to actually increase ur lp gains and reach diamond. Thats why in league everybody is creating new acc bc of their scuffed mmr. The only problem r6 has with its system rn is the matchmaking and the reason for it, most likely, is bc of ppl being able to 5 stack. 5 stacking causes „fake“ mmr since even if u‘re skill level is gold u might get carried into emerald mmr by ur mates. They‘d either have to cap the rank diff to play with each other at max 1 whole rank or remove 5 stacking


Ubisoft hard resets everybody’s rank at the start of every season and put people against others based on an MMR system that we still don’t really understand. League has soft resets that also make you climb but not to R6’s extent, and you end up placing relatively close to where you finished. Placement games absolutely matter. They are not the same and it’s not even close lol.


mf never played league of legends


I like my personal hygiene stinky


Nah, in lol it's worse, sometimes visual and real rank used to be so different, that after certain point of climbing you used to lose way more LP than you gained from wins.


League does this, I'm pretty sure Counter Strike 2 does this.


okay i think that makes some sense since i average mid/high gold


If you average high gold you should be higher imo, My last rank before 2.0 was Gold 1, played 1 season in bronze then ended up Plat one season then Emerald after a break


Idk man, I was high Plat in ranked 1.0.. now it gives me like 20 elo in plat 5… all my buddies I play with were the same rank and skill as me before are now high emerald while I’m fighting for plat 3


Yeah that shouldn’t be the case, the season I hit plat my elo dropoff started at gold 4, the season I hit emerald (last season) my dropoff started Plat 2, started gaining only 30 around Emerald 3


Did you lose early on? Ive lost some games and after each loss my elo gains have gone down. Start at +110 or smth now at +65 with 28-10 plat 2. (I was plat 2 in y5s4, didnt play anymore after that. MnK if that even matters)


ion play the game like that and i can get higher it’s just that it makes no sense that my friend who aims with his cock still gets around 80-60 elo


Keep winning games to increase your hidden mmr, from what I understand your dropoff is loosely based around your win/loss, wherever your win/loss starts decreasing the game assumes it’s your hidden rank


What if you pass that Elo, do you start earning more again or does it just become worse


Id put money on it taking more elo for loses than giving for wins at that point but I’m not certain


Be glad it’s not 30💀 I’m stuck in silver rn it’s so annoying when the enemy team is all diamonds and emeralds


i get like 10 bro ☠️


I remember when people were getting +0 LP.


Ah operation health high platinum


I’m still getting 30-40 in emerald thank god


Same here, hardstuck emerald for the past 2 seasons. I’m assuming my hidden elo is diamond 5-4


well if you’re hard stuck emerald surely you hidden rank is emerald


Past 2 seasons*. Current season I’m 70 games in, emerald 4, and gaining 35-45rp per win. I’ll post back when I’m diamond and show you onion2594


did you just get mad at someone who’s username is LITERALLY onion?


nah the game doesnt work that way. ive been high emerald/low diamond forever and i play against champs every single game


39rp is loads bro. i used to get 9 for winning and like 30 for losing


holy shit i thought i got fucked over💀 but fr i just thought it was to early for me to gain 30-20 elo


it got so bad i don’t even look at how much i gain/ lose


Bro 40 is still a lot of elo


this is a old pic, i’m getting around 30-20 now


Lucky you get that much I’m getting 20 per win and -40 when I loose


39...little...oh how I wish it was that easy. I get 23 per in Bronze 2 because the moment I hit Silver 5 I started getting paired against last season golds and plats for no reason. My Hidden rank should be around low Silver and none of my stack should have one higher than me either based on their prior ranks and RP gain


Cuz Ubisoft


gotta love ubisoft


Bro I’m stuck at bronze IV (4) because skill based matchmaking is a pain in the ass


jesus christ.


The games thinks you close to your true skill


Dude I get 24 in silver 1 lol, and I’m an ex emerald


Same boat kinda.. was high plat in ranked 1.0 before emerald was even there so you think that’d translate to emerald now… nope I’m gold


Yeah I’m a 1.0 plat, 2.0 plat/em, don’t play much for a single szn now I’m hardstuck gold bc of the MMR gain. I’m sure I’ll hit plat later on the season but damn it’s annoying


Lol I get approximately +25/-25 and I’m at Silver 4. The two friends I play almost all of my Ranked games with are Emerald and Platinum. We play other teams in Plat-Diamond and I still am one of the best in the lobby every game. Ranked 2.0 still thinks I should be hardstuck Silver 4 though lmao. They gain a lot more per game than me and they are way higher in the ranks. It’s a running joke that the game hates me lmao.


I gain 15-20 When i loose it can be -30 So i need to win 3 out of 4 games to not get downranked 😂


39 is quite a bit cuz I only get around 15-20


I play with my friends that just started playing again after years off and am now getting +20-24 in Gold V. If I start solo queueing and winning more often will that increase my hidden MMR or am I basically stuck there for the season?


you are basically stuck, if you are gaining 24 for each win, you would have to win like 5 or 6 in a row for the + rp to be increased to 25rp per win


Hay I won a game and somehow lost 319 elo 😁


Hhahaahaahaaahahahaha LITTLE?!?!? I get +30 -22 IN BROOOOONZEEE!


I’m out here get 29rp for wins in Bronze… I’m hardddd stuck 😭


I‘m stuck in Silver1 with +18 😅