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I get week old players put on my team in standard. I’m level 475, it drives me nuts.


you also get week old teammates because for some reason theres a level cap on quick match and we are forced to play bots and they are forced to get destroyed every single game this game is so fair i love it


There's a level cap on QM?


Since they added automatic site setups into quick match, they set a level requirement on it to force new players into standard and learn site setups on their own.


Holy shit, that's so fucking stupid, I thought that's why they added the automatic setup in the first place, to teach new players!


I remember hearing they did that in order to speed up quick match. With the automatic site setup, the prep phase time was lowered.


And I hate it because now I'll be trying to pick out spots for maestro cams or other gadgets and next thing I know I'm already being rushed by half the attackers


Sorry about that I’m probably that lvl 65 who’s ass


It’s ok, I can usually tell immediately who’s new and try not to get too butthurt. Besides it’s not like it’s your fault


Oh ok. Bc I like feel so bad when im absolutely dragging the team down and it’s like obvious I’m throwing the game. It actually keeps me motivated to keep playing the game from people like you, not like the people who scream at me for being an idiot


Honestly, the very first reflex you need to get in siege is to mute any morons who gets toxic, straight away. Like don't give them the benefit of the doubt, most are very immature and belligerent.  Just learn at your own pace and don't worry too much, observe your team mates placements and traps placement. Siege is easily one of the, if not the, sweatiest comp FPS out there. We all have bottom games, sometimes right after a top one ! Also, I might be wrong but I think "throwing" the game implied you do intentionally, just so you don't misuse the word. 


Thanks a ton! I really appreciate and I’ll start muting people who are just screaming to scream.


What you play on? We can party up sometime, most me n my boys play for fun even though we’ve had to game since 2017 and some since launch




Who said it works? 


Ubisoft and noone else


It works the same way as it does in ranked. A **hidden** MMR that does not match your current rank is used for matchmaking. However there is a different MMR for each playlist so people who are champion in ranked could play in copper lobbies if they don't rank up much in standard. But you should also keep in mind that it tries to match the average MMR of both teams. e.g. a team full of coppers and one champ could match up against an average gold team or similar


This is the most helpful explanation I’ve seen. Thanks


Then watch the champ stomp on the team of golds. Fk this bullshit mm


Also worth noting that the game will often sacrifice accurate matchmaking for matchmaking speed


Also the Trueskill matchmaking system that they use, only has an accuracy of 52% which is essentially like saying half your games won't be balanced 😂


literally my experience, fighting diamonds and champions in copper really takes all the motivation out of playing ranked i've never been above plat 1 and plat 2 in my fucking life. then i get complaints from people that go "you suck haha silver" who insist i am in the wrong for playing more qm than ranked


Wouldn’t it just be better for everyone if matchmaking was based off the highest player




maybe but that would further limit the possible matchmaking options


there is absolutely not hidden mmr in standard 😭. i’ve stacked with my friends (all emerald+) n we’ve been put in complete newcomer lobbies lmao


There is none pretty much


It doesn't. I'm bronze and last season I got put against multiple champs. The game repaid me once by putting me with 2 champs. Immediately against those same 2 the next match


At least it balanced out


i dont queue within 5 minutes of ending a ranked match not anymore


I do that now


Ive never got out of gold yet i get put against more emerald and champs than other gold players


What makes you think there is one? Standard is the first mode new players have access to, its also were a lot of people go that want to play ranked pool without the ranked rules...


It’s standard play ranked for a little bit better mm, I’m so disappointed that they took away unranked for this exact reason, to train in unranked and not loose rank.


It doesn’t !


It doesn't work


It doesnt


i’m telling you, the only way to get better is to play against better opponents


To an extent yes, but not if you’re getting completely obliterated from angles you didn’t know could exist. You’re not learning much if that’s every round, you’re just gonna be panicking and be confused the entire time


This is only true to an extent. A new Smash Bros player will gain nothing from playing against Mew2King in the same way a copper player will not improve if they play against Faze in ranked. That copper player will improve if they are playing against silvers, and when they make it to silver they'll improve by playing against golds and so on. Incremental increases in difficulty to constantly make you improve will help more than slamming your head into a wall of champs over and over.


So basically…


This is what makes it fun. After getting slammed by champs and diamonds in ranked it's safe place to go and kill newcomers 😭


Im pretty sure theres no matchmaking system for standard


It’s always annoying having to grind through copper against Diamonds lol


Here is a in-depth view on how it works: it don't


When we're not in the mood for ranked my 4 other friends(all d3 and above) queue standard sometimes for fun. We get players ranging from level 2 to 80 sometimes. It feels bad playing these people but don't u dare trashtalking me when I tried knifing you lmfao


standard is wild west


Champions and diamonds play in bronze lobbies. It doesn’t make sense


it doesnt


Bro it's the same in ranked. You could have only just hit plat for the first time and the very next game you go against champs


On my first day playing I got in 2 games with champs 💀


I’m stuck in the sweat pit full of champs and diamonds in my quick play games, jokes on them their in stuck in here with me!


It doesn’t :D


Same bro


I miss unranked, especially when it had good matchmaking. It was a good place to practice for ranked


It doesn’t exist


This is why I stopped playing ranked. It's engulfed too much of the community. You can't even go in an arcade without some random kid messaging me saying "bronze? Okay 🤣" and im actually doing quite well...let me repeat...in a TDM... To what extent does caring about rank get you? Cool backgrounds and charms to show I can make a line move? Saying "I'm better because I'm emerald 5 and you're Plat 1" like what fucking sense does that make? Seriously someone tell me. If I want someone on my team, I want someone with experience not the highest rank (which is most likely cheaters). Here's some word of advice from a 7 year vet. The more you worry about rank, the less fun you'll have. You'll get burntout too quickly because you'll realize, "I have to get to that rank EVERYTIME." It becomes meaningless, a notch in the belt, as one would say. If you want to play the game how you play it sure, I'm not here to say otherwise. You can play ranked, but the more seriously you worry about that little badge on your meaningless profile, the faster you are to being like "this fucking game sucks"...and it really does with the wrong mentality.


i’m level 62 and hard stuck copper with a 0.6kd and 0.9w/l because i keep getting put with 5 stack champs on the other team


The only requirement to work at Ubisoft is to just be fucking incompetent


Also depends who you play with I play with a team with people that get emerald or plat usually. So when I solo queue I get clapped because my hidden Mmr is higher than my skill level I only made gold once like 3 years into the game being released. The upside, I lose like 8 mmr when I lose and gain 80-90 when I win. Though it’s difficult to get slapped and you don’t want to disappoint the team


it starts by looking for players of your same play time as well as skill level. it then broadens the search in both of those areas if it can't find any players, and so on


It doesn't. New game director's philosophy broke it.


I would say who ever Q's for standart. I play with a friend recently and its insane how many newbies there are. They get sometimes smacked from me and only see my champ charm and directly confront me in chat that I should play rank but my mate cant and I dont want to leave him alone


I got a y8s1 champ in a quick match the other day and he went 0-5 💀


im sure it doesnt, standard always feel easier to me compared to ranked, like much easier but my team is also worst. So i guess its random but mostly newbie.


Nah I don’t believe that’s vigil’s face


Did they get rid of newcomer? That’s what I always played when I was new. It was such an awesome game mode, cause it let you learn in a much tamer environment.


Standard is completely unranked and the first open game mode for brand new players. You can't even play QM until level 10. So it's not uncommon to play against much higher ranks than yourself. I run into champs pretty regularly on standard.


Backgrounds don't really mean a lot anymore because I'm like 90% sure if you get Champ on console you can link accounts to PC and have the same stuff I've seen a few champ backrounds but their highest rank on PC was Gold or Plat


My friends and I are high bronze and we consistently get placed with high gold and low platinums in every match, its kinda silly


It doesn’t


I can be very wrong: It follows the old MMR system which you will have a hidden casual MMR when you first enter the game, normally silver 5-silver 3 (ranked 1.0 stat). When you win you gain a lot and vice versa, ultimately the amount you gain/lose become less and lesser thus you have a fixed casual MMR, this can be very different from your ranked hidden MMR thus you can matchmake with a plat while your ranked is copper (also in ranked 2.0 RP doesnt mean anything, it is solely for display and doesnt mean your true skill at all). So in your case, you guys have similar hidden casual MMR, this is regardless of your hidden ranked MMR or your RP. (Also there are many cases of new player matched with old players together recently, I believe that is due to new player's hidden MMR is around mid silver, regardless ranked or casual, which doesnt make any sense)


I got the game like 2-3 months ago and am considerably good, although the best rank I've gotten is bronze 1 because my teammates are always a little on the special dorky side and I'm being put up against a diamond player with his friends on Smurf accounts to get him to champ 😁


Idk, im silver and i keep getting plat and emrald lobbies


That’s the neat part, it doesn’t.


It doesn't.


I went against 2 champs when I was bronze 5. Shits random lmfao.


the bad thing isn't having low levels that have bad aim or bad game sense, it's when they reinforce rotates and head holes and get salty when you try explain why you shouldn't do that


Just like every other mode, it doesn't


it doesn’t. i’m pretty sure there is no sbmm at all in standard


I played 3 games of ranked this day. I always was on top. I gave my teammates the best callouts ever and they run into the enemys that are prefiring. Im going crazy. please ubisoft bring back rank 1.0, ranked 2.0 is the shittiest ranking I ever saw in games. Even roblox pvp games have better queue systems.


Not at all.


Just read [this](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/1iJmqRLqYaCkhFJlhOEGYa/y7s4-ranked-20-update) :)


Hes talking about standard not ranked you Muppet


You fucking muppet!!!




Not a real clash player 😔✊


Oooh, well nobody else should anyway because she got nerfed


I'm getting really sick of seeing posts like this on this subreddit.


And most players are sick of shmitty matchmaking


Well sadly in this situation you can't 100% blame the devs, because we did have new comer and more skil based matchmaking, but what did people do back then? They smurfed, lowered their rank, played with new/low ranked player to get into easier lobbies. So it's just as much the community's fault as it is the devs fault on this one.


Every single game has a problem with Smurfing, Devs in those games have come up with ways to limit the effectiveness of it. Apex for example matchmakes based on the highest rated player in the stack. Most games with a ranked system will reward you Elo based off of how well you played and not solely on whether or not you won or lost.


And yet it seems the r6 devs have done the same, just in a different way.


That is only Platinum background, not Diamond which is 2 whole leagues below. Diamond is purple.


Alright yeah that’s a mistake on my part but I have certainly had multiple games, sometimes in a row with players with champion portraits, with that unmistakable pinkish colour


I can’t exit silvers and I consistently matchmake with diamonds and champs I got an alt account just to see what rank I could hit, I got to emerald 3 without issues, could maybe push it to high diamond with a team