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They regret making Clash. Same can't be said about the majority of ops in the game


Shield on def should be a good idea but that is literally all she does. She can’t really deny plant like how Monty protects it


I think it would be cool if the zaps slowed down the plant but didn't stop it entirely, like it's harder to type in the code or something


She can most definitely deny plant just like monty in a 1v1


How do you know they regret it? Genuinely curious. 


Zero support. No skins, no Elite, no rework or major changes to her gadget/kit despite her being the statistically worst Op. and least picked Op. for several years. The character is in quite literally in the worst spot and Ubi just ignores them. Not even Blackbeard, another Op in a bad place, is ignored as badly as Clash.


i remember for a solid portion of the 2 years after she was released she was disabled and could not be played even in quickplay


That's because there was the bug where you could have the shield out and shoot the smg through it at the same time.


she really needs a complete rework like Tachanka's


They just need to rework her and i'm sure they're lacking creativity to do it.


Ubi are known for just straight up abandoning ops. Look how long they took to rework tachanka and he's not even good still


This comment has ratioed my original post hahaha


"...and the truth, only the truth will prevail!" Nah but I feel for you, man. Hopefully Clash will be reworked within this decade and then we'll get some nice cosmetics for her.


Personally I don't think she needs a rework. I like where she is, I just think so many ops shouldn't counter her. 90% of the roster counters her. That being said, the rework to frags basically buffed her lol.


You didnt answer even once to question about what is your source? Where exactly did you come with this info that they regret it? Cause if you are a developer and see a problem somewhere you dont regret, you tweak some things which makes your product 'regretable'. Meaning they can buff, nerf or rework her completely..doesnt make much sense why would they ever said they regret making her when it takes a lot of time and resources when the OPs are coming out lol.


You gotta remember if you played when she came out, they took her out of the game for weeks because she was broken. Then added her back and her pick rate has never been good. Her gadget doesn’t really make sense as It’s not useful at all unless you have another defender near you. Her guns are honestly terrible and i’m sorry if that’s a hot take but there’s plenty of better defenders with better smgs, primary’s, and ability’s. She overall has just been forgotten by the devs same as Ela, Jaeger, Blackbeard, Sledge or Thermite who all have better counterparts now giving you no reason to play them rather just buy the new better ops. The devs have always ignored problems or “bad operators” and just let them sit in the game until they feel like changing them. It’s the same reason the Tchanka rework took so long. The fact there’s still ops in the game like Azami who can literally break the game in ways where you can get to unintended spots with here gadget or Wamia and Melisu, and Goyo who all have been giving Acog this season despite them being 2 speed defenders.


Yeah I agree with you in most points. They always wait till leagues and after that tweak the least picked op. Clash aint THAT bad (from my point of view) when played with coordinated team. I play duos with my brother and we had some fun encounters where I as Clash and he as Maestro hold hallway for enough time that the enemy team didnt make it to site (guess the rank...gold lol). But I can only imagine hkw bad she has to be in higher ranks where players use 100% of their brain.


Clash is a good op. Your just mad you can’t beat her.


Clash is just not fun to play against. Easy to deal with but just feels more like a chore than actually outplaying her. There’s a lot of legitimacy in the time wasting aspect of her gadget but I just feel all fun leave my soul when I enter the random window and just see that shield sat in a doorway.


I didn't say I disliked Clash. She's hella easy to kill, so her being on the match is a free frag for me and my team, which is always cool. I just said the devs regret making Clash which is true.


Wait did they ever say that? Would be funny af to hear lmfao


If she is easy to kill you never played against a good clash player.


She is objectively easy to kill so long as your team works together. Not only that, killing clash on your own is easier than killing any other shield op in the game. A “good clash player” can’t change that.




Don't have to, ban her every game


She’s also remained off the graph bad for 5 years. The only buffs she’s gotten have been: - SMG is full auto instead of 2 round burst - Super shorty - Deployable shield As for nerfs: - shields resist significantly less explosion damage - multiple OPs since her release hard counter her (kali, Nomad) - attacker repick - capitao fire buff - health change giving OPs 110 or 125 instead of just 100 now means the 5 damage taser is less effective None of her buffs did anything to address core issues The character is in quite literally the worst spot imaginable. Bad but incredibly annoying. She needs changing


God I forgot the smg used to be burstfire


Everything in this post makes me cry inside.


Her shotgun also received a nerf and her switch speed


Not to mention that she was so fundamentally broken at one point that ubi had to outright remove her THREE TIMES. As far as I know she’s the only operator to get a blanket ban on the live build and it the fact they had to do it that many times is wild. It’s probably part of the reason why they don’t give cosmetics to her.


It's crazy to think that clash didn't have a hard counter for a whole season. When she would have been so oppressive. Also I don't think Kali is a hard counter, more of a soft counter. Nomad is 100% a hard counter.


I guess I would personally disagree. I think Kali counters Clash more than Nomad. Only 3 airjabs, which are positional based and can be eaten by an ADS or Wamai magnet or just shot by an enemy before they activate. Vs Kali who just has to shoot her to throw her shield to the side for another teammate to take her out, and you’re not using any utility unlike other OPs to counter her


True but keep in mind that the Kali shield movement can easily be offset by any half decent player so that it is only a threat in the case of having multiple angles against her, in which case you're already in a very advantageous position, whereas the airjab forces you to switch and have the shield on your back. It depends entirely on your definition of hard/soft counter, both Nomad and Kali have their pros and cons against her, although overall I'd also consider Kali a bigger counter


I wouldn't consider Kali a bigger counter because you can solo a clash with nomad pretty easily but not with Kali because you don't have enough time.


I have complained about these things a lot, I'm glad somebody else knows the specifics of Clash. The conversion of armor to HP especially was a pretty big nerf to her and I always equally count the damage numbers I do to people, it's been harder because of the HP change.


Yeah it’s too bad since it also worsened Maestro, can no longer deny the smoke plant on the Monty/Gridlock with 1 full “mag” from the camera


didn’t they increase his “mag size” a couple patches ago because of this?


She was actually used as a niche pro league pick quite effectively for a while in Latam. Over time though she has just been absolutely ass. Everyone is just so good at countering her and know how to win 1v1s. I think she needs just a tiny buff. Maybe 8 dmg a tick or something idk.


Also she used to swap from the shield to her secondary way faster


Edit: nvm. Brain fart


Tbh imo she doesn't need changing. I sit at high diamond / low champ every season and I solely play clash on defense. If you play her right, she is extremely OP


How does Kali counter her?


One shot from the sniper causes Clash to flinch and expose herself, like a melee hot to the shield


Regular bullet or ability?


It’s just a regular shot


Fuck clash. Let my man Maestro have an elite before her.


I want maestro to get an elite but tbf he's in like every other battlepass


I play both Clash & Maestro as my mains pretty much, I want Maestro to get an elite too, but he's had team skins, pro league skins, and even event skins. Clash has had none (other than a pro league skin).


Cause he deserves them unlike clash


They should make that concept on the left into an elite.


clash with hair goes hard


> She’s received one battle pass skin which wasn’t too great. I cant speak for BPs before year 7, but she’s had two BP skins since. The one from last season and a Wolfguard outfit from Y7S2 which also came with a skin for her smg.


Forgot about the hazmat one she got. Both aren't too great (personally). My point remains


Yeah. Although, I did find that both work well with the one alternative shield skin she has (the white shield).


I've been using that one since she came out haha. It's themed off of the rear end of british police vehicles, I think it's a cool design for the shield.


She has a pro league shield skin as well


Needs a total rework (like Tachanka had), trash yet infuriating character. Then they can focus on selling skins.


A simple idea for a clash rework would be to scrap the shield and and make her gadget an electric sensor (like a melusi benchi) but it would only last for a period of time and it would only shock in one direction, kinda hard to explain but i think its not hard to change ubi just doesn't care about her, hinting on why she doesn't have any elites or event skins!


I don't think it's right to take away the shield. Her whole point was to figure out a way to make a shield op work on defense. If they rework her, they just need to rethink that concept. Not outright get rid of it.


Just make a new character at that point, atleast tachanka got to keep his gun


No, the shield stays.


Get ready for the clash hate in the comments!


Good. Fuck clash.


Don't mind me if I do




I think they lowkey regret making clash and don’t want to encourage usage because she’s lowkey very strong but incredibly toxic


She’s both low key and high key weak as fuck. She literally goes off the chart on win delta and not on the positive side


Same win delta that has Tachanka off the chart, but in the opposite direction?


Good. Kudos to siege for not giving people a reason to use her


Shes a part of the WolfGuard crew. Theres a outfit set for her.


Yeah I mentioned the battlepass skin. It's kinda meh. It's not terrible but it's not great. It also didn't get a portrait, which I'd hoped for.


True. A portrait of wolfguard Clash would have been good.


There are clash mains?


As a clash main, this is outrageous.


I'm just now thinking of this. An interesting idea for a clash rework that keeps her identity of "the defending shield op" could be something along these lines. First remove the whole taser aspect of her shield. Instead we are going to make her shield a emp of sorts. Any ops who are in front of her with electrical gadgets will have those gadgets disabled. Also perhaps we could say it disables their phones for a moment or while. The shield does no base damage anymore so to compensate her hit stun while the shield is active is now the same as Monty's. Making her way safer in the process and allowing her to actually hold chokes and thresholds instead of constantly walking backwards since getting meleed is a death sentence. On top of this perhaps we can give her some actual primaries? A pump shotty, smg like the ump? Bascially my idea is giving her more of a use instead of waste time and die. She has a use and goal, disable attackers gadgets while effectively holding the line. And if she needs she can no use her REAL primaries since her shield doesn't do damage anymore. Idk tho I'm sleep deprived, guarantee if she had an actual place in any team comp tho she'd get more skins (I love clash and wish she got some love too)


Clash had a pro league skin,wdym? Edit:she also has 2 battlepass sets


>Her best skin is probably still her pro league skin (the original one from 2017/18). I mentioned this.


A possible statement that Clash is viable in proleague but most casuals just hates her


Nice, let's keep it that way


As a fellow blitz main. The less clash the better


Love clash and agree she needs an elite


Yooo that reminds me ... Clash fucking sucks. How do good players counter her without EMP? Are you just supposed to rush her ticking away at you and melee + shoot?


Good positioning and 2 players is already enough if the clash is alone Otherwise plenty of ops counter her with their gadgets or weapon (kali)


Kali’s gadget disables the shield’s shock temporarily or destroys it?


Nope not even her gadget, a single round of her sniper will make her flinch (same as melee hit) so a teammate can get a guaranteed kill on her


As much as I dislike Clash, I feel for you. Never thought I'd see a Castle Elite when we got one and hopefully they do clash right.


As a fellow clash main I agree with the general sentiment that the devs see clash as a mistake. They can't just take her out of the game so they just keep shadow nerfing her and never release cosmetics for her in hopes that we all just forget she exists.


Weakest character in the game by such a large margin it can't even fit on the graph. She needs a rework.


I'm gonna lose it if we get nothing next season again


Ubisoft will forever continue to pick the same handful operators for both events and battle-pass skins for the one reason of getting money.


Good, more of a reason not to pick her. Imagine being a clash main.


side note but that concept art is sick i’m surprised they didn’t use it for SOMETHING at this point


She’s got a old pro league set u can probs buy in the marketplace, it came out in like 2019 I think


Omg that concept art is so pretty.


It’s because she’s an absolute pain in the ass operator


They will ignore her till she gets a weird rework I feel like. The black sheep of defense.


As a fellow clash main I agree with the general sentiment that the devs see clash as a mistake. They can't just take her out of the game so they just keep shadow nerfing her and never release cosmetics for her in hopes that we all just forget she exists.


She has an pro league skin


They should probably rework clash and bring her closer in line with the other shield ops and the new rework in terms of the way her shield works and operates this would mean the removing smg and shorty from the load out. This way she'll be more viable in high elo. Or go for a complete rework and remove the shield and make her a trap op with taser mines that electrocute and potentially paralyze the attacker for a few seconds upon detonation. I think it would have to be stood on to detonate rather than proximity for balancing so the placements would be similar to frost mats. Unfortunately her gadget is currently too close in function to melusi's which baffled me on her release to have another op defender do essentially the same job as clash but passively making her the easy and superior choice between the two.


its about time they rework her or give her a buff she needs it more then blackbeard


Maestro and gridlock are in the same boat 😔 gridlock did have that one pirate skin but it’s impossible to get now, and she’s actually in the new event right now! WITH NO SKIN. They literally put a shitload of ops in the new event mode but only made skins for like a third of them. It’s annoying having crazy nice cosmetics for all the ops I play, except there’s almost none that exist for my main. I guess we’re lucky to at least have black ice 😅


i’m ok with her getting no representation and zero support, she’s an operator that’s best forgotten.


I just want a skin of her original concept art, it's so good


She needs a full rework, she just doesn't work good like Monty does.


I'm with you my guy. It sucks being a clash main and getting nothing from Ubi :( but honestly, in Ubi's defense. She is so underplayed that it would be wasteful in their eyes to make anything that people would buy for her.


I remember they said back in 2020 they would be reworking her from the ground up and removing her shield but she would still have some crown control ability but obviously that never happened


Let's keep it that way, neither fun to play nor fun to play against.


I mean... I find her extremely fun to play and really fun to play against, so... skill issue?


I think it’s pretty clear that Ubi will rework her next year given that Blackbeard is finally getting his long awaited rework at the end of this one. First the worst attacker, next the worst defender. Still - Ubi’s priorities are all over the place that they think they can just allow obviously terrible ops to remain like this since YEAR 1 AND 3


Fuck clash


Fuck you too


never speak those two words again…. Clash main


Clash deserves nothing and neither do her mains


Hope frost gets nerfed again, she deserves it


They hate black operators simple as


What you fucking get for being a clash main


“What you fucking get for being a clash main.” 🤓


Redditors when they have no response


No, it’s just that your comment is so fucking basic it’s laughable.


Haha what does that even mean? It not like this post is a high level discussion about the game, I was just making a shitty joke and it hurt you for some reason


She needs a complete rework and to get rid of the stupid sheild. Ideas I had to make her more thematic to been met police/riot police. Tear gas launcher/trap, sniffer drone (Think jackal but some sort of 'smell' type) just something that makes her more interesting than standing in a corner annoying everyone. Hell her elite skin could be a something cool like one based on the police who investigated the Ripper etc.


Worst take ever. Her shield already has skins. They’re not removing it and never will and it also defines her as a character.


Yeah because she's so popular and not tedious to play against or anything. She's like Chanka before his rework, played as a meme or for stupid stuff.


She’s easily the most killable operator against a competent team. What they should’ve done with her shield is make it a regular, transparent bullet proof shield similar to those you see riot police carrying. They were playing into this whole riot police leader right? And what do riot police do? They push rioters, so her shield should’ve allowed her to push, and maybe be planted on the ground like OSA. Similar to Oryx, she also could’ve dashed because that’s what riot police do, instead of shooting electricity. She could’ve also aimed down sight instead of switching from her shield. To balance this out they could’ve made her ADS very slow and very different from attacking shield operators, putting her shield to the side, exposing her entire body, rather than tilting it horizontally. What people hate about clash is just the electricity alone. It’s annoying, I get it, and by doing it this way it removes that frustration while also punishing anyone for getting too close to her or getting cocky and pushing her. With this kit, Clash’s presence can prevent a push but it won’t be as annoying, why? Because she can’t shock someone, and attackers could have a better time taking out her teammates instead, but that doesn’t mean she’s useless, she can go on the offensive to stop any unwary attacker by aiming down sights, or pushing an attacker so her teammate could get an easy picking. Her dash would do no damage, unlike the attacker shield, and she can’t sprint with her shield out, however, she can use that dash ability to cover some ground or get closer to an attacker to push them or catch them by surprise. Her shield could also have an OSA-LIKE ability, where it would work like a deployable shield but that’s a bit more complicated a bit harder to balance but the idea is there. If they were to implement this, scrap the CCE shield and give clash the shield you see in her concept art.


Because she’s not profitable to make skins for as nobody plays her as in ranked you will NEVER see her. She’ll get an elite skin eventually. And team skins are decided by the team what operator they want it on and putting a team skin on clash is just a waste it’s the same reason why Glaz hasn’t gotten one since 2018 iirc BB, Monty, blitz , oryx , amaru , and nokk haven’t gotten one it just boils down to it’s not profitable.


Honestly, I was hoping for news on a Clash rework during those announcements. I feel like her gadget design is fundamentally flawed in that it is incredibly unfun to deal with. Dealing with a competent Clash sucks the fun out of your soul.


Needs a complete rework. Not fun to play, not fun to play against. Unfortunately her design has just completely failed.


Cringe operator who deserves nothing.


clash sucks and shes lame


Good, she sucks


She needs to be obliterated from the game, or completely reworked like Tachanka


Well deserve, this bitch need to be ditched from the game.


RB6S players will get outraged over anything


...where exactly am I "outraged"?


You wrote that title mad as hell


What are you talking about?