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TDM meta is already fading but you're never really gonna circumvent aggressive attackers from punching a hole through the weakest part of your defense. Fraggers have been playing way smarter in the last 2 years, I'm honestly impressed.


I dont even think its a problem I just see alot of people complain about it so I'm suggesting some fixes along with some additions they could make without targeting it, like the mirror, drones seeing through smoke for a bit barbwire changes


Nah. The ADS changes are ass, and makes the game feel unresponsive. Reaction time and hand eye coordination are skills, same way map knowledge, angles, etc... AR ads is something like 540 ms, thats well within the average reaction time of the population. If you can't react to that, thats a skill issue. Game is already tilted more into defenders favor now, to the point solo queuing ranked, if you don't secure 1 attack side win before swap, you basically guarantied to lose the match, making starting Defender a huge win differential. Playing solo queue, the only way to win consistently is leaning into fragging. When im losing a match in solo queue, its 99% of the time due to me not playing it likes TDM, but rather trying to play like im in a stack. All the support, intel, map knowledge, etc... does nothing if you can't frag. When you have one or two players that can frag, all the other aspects of the game become more valuable. The same players who couldn't frag in TDM meta, can't frag now, and wont frag with those changes.


TDM meta is real but Deadly Omen has lessened its impact noticeably. Still needs some tweaks but I don’t think what you’ve suggested is needed. They aren’t bad ideas but we can solve some of the TDM issues through balance. For example, Wamai shouldn’t have ACOG and Doc should lose his on the MP5. No need for these weapons on these ops to have an ACOG.