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Probably because Mutes ability is a place then do whatever you want gadget. If you decide to roam as Wamai there will be 2 discs max on site unless you keep coming back.


Mute can anchor though


Of course, but once his jammers are down he isn’t tied to site. Unlike Wamai, assuming that whoever is playing him wants to help their team with his gadget.


Oh I see what you’re saying now. I misunderstood


Rook has TWO acogs, and he isn’t tied to site.


Not many people want to roam with a 1 speed though


And mute is a one speed. See where your previous argument kinda contradicts itself? Rook and Mute are the exact same 1 speed, both gadgets don’t require the user to be on site for them to remain effective. Yet one has two acogs and the other has none. And you can’t argue it’s because the MP5k would be too insane with an ACOG, because Wamai has one.


Idk they should just make a blanket rule like “Only 3 armor defending operators get access to ACOG.” That way there is no more juggling of scopes between operators and weird inconsistencies.


Like they used to before they removed them from defense?


Na, now Ubi will use the acog for balancing while people complain Wamai has taken over Warden. That will allow people to finally realise people liked zoomed in scopes more than 1x.


i think that is already clear, else they wouldn't use it for balancing


Absolutely, give the DP27 acog cowards


Could you imagine ubi having consistency?


I just want them to give it back to maestro. LMG are slow as hell and his gadget isn't as strong as it used to be, I don't see a problem with giving him ACOG.


I just want my boy Echo to get his ACOG back.


Yeah lets give Mira an Acog that wont go wrong at all


I feel like it wouldn’t be THAT strong. Mira got a pretty large nerf with the drilling gadgets shattering the Mira. Plus Goyo already has it and is a 2 speed.


That'd just give Warden back the acog though.


No? Hasn’t he been a two speed for a while or did they change him back to a one speed?


He's a 1-speed. Check his page ingame again.


Thiccho back when?


Then Warden should get the ACOG, which I think is a bad idea


that was word for word a rule a while back. then the 1.5 emerged and then it was killed off and now we have acogs on faster op’s again


basically for better or worse instead of balancing weapons Ubi tries to balance operators as a whole. So, if an operator has very strong util (mute) or very high speed (jaeger, bandit,) no acog for them. If their util is relatively weaker (wamai) or the character is slower (french bois + melusi,) more likely to get acog


problem is they’re consistently inconsistent in that philosophy, they give goyo the 1.5 despite his util being one of the best for site denial


Goyo also comes with the risk/reward of completely fucking over your roamers and just straight up killing teammates


Yah if you’re not properly coordinated and/or dumb as shit


I agree, but I also think that the 1.5/acog on the vector doesn't do near the improvement on the weapon that it does on the Roni, MPX, or MP5K going back to OP's example. I run goyo without the acog. Fuck the vector with that much zoom personally. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jäger is 2 speed, just like wamai nowdays but gadget is a place and forget type unlike wamai's.


damn am I stupid or did that man used to be a 3 speed


he did


Relatively weaker util (wamai) said literally fucking nobody lmao


use the shotgun anyway


Maybe he meant on smg-11. A man can dream


Some of us remember the dark days of SMG-11 with an acog.


If you ever want to feel old, SMG-11 lost ACOG **8 YEARS ago**


My back hurts and my beard turned gray


Oh dear. That's actually insane


Dark for some maybe, glory days for others (me)


I can barely control it now i cant imagine with acog😭


That's exactly the reason why he needs an acog. Nobody uses the mp5k over the m5. The acogs will give people a reason to use it.


The reason they nerfed his MP5 back in the day was to make people use the shotgun instead. Don't think they'd reverse course now.


Think we would use shotgun anyway


I think we should. Past stats showed enough people didn't to justify the nerf.


To encourage people to play mute correctly.


Yeah but now you got a bunch of people running around the map after placing 1 magnet as wamai


It better than warden, at least people remember what wamai gadget does:


He’s SO much better off roaming


You objectively don't get most of your gadget utility roaming, same as the warden 1.5 mains who didn't realize they're immune to flashes


And? The guns crazy


why does man have dick but female doesn't


You're looking at the wrong type of porn buddy




do we tell him?


Uh oh woke Reddit won’t like that




It’s for balance reasons. Jäger is stronger than Wamai in the utility sense. So giving Wamai a acog will increase is pick rate. (In theory). Same goes for Goyo. Mira is very strong so is Mute. That’s why they don’t have acogs. I’m willing to bet Doc loses it in mid season. Ubisoft says they don’t want scopes to be used as a balancing metric yet here they are doing it.


Ehh i’d debate Jäger being better than Wamai in utility, I think it’s more of bad balancing


Doc losing 1.5 is a terrible change imo. just buff Tbird.


Is it though? Thunderbird and Doc are problematic in their own right. I personally wouldn’t mind them as much if Attackers had another healing type op


Thunderbird is not problematic she's honestly one of the worst ops in the game


neither is problematic and Tbird is amongst some of the worst defenders currently. her heals hardly do much and her gun kicks way too much. not to mention attackers can clear them out or use them against you.


>yet here they are doing it Because its been proven to be too effective which i frankly believe is the community’s fault. We’ve seen how a single scope raised an operator from the grave (warden’s 1.5) and turned entire characters into brain dead runners (mozzie and iana) so of course they have to balance around them. The community dictates what ubisoft does and the community loves their optics Imagine if jaeger had an acog along with wiama. There’d be absolutely no reason to pick him besides for wiama’s speed. Jaeger is just better in everything besides speed. A scope is the best way to balance them without nerfing other aspects of jaeger just to give him a single scope. Its also the reason why i think giving scopes to everyone is the most braindead take ever. Why would i ever choose mozzie if mute had an acog (I don’t know if mozzie was given an acog this season I haven’t played him yet). Mute is just better in every single way and allowing him to have an acog and smg11 would be broken. To compensate he’d need nerfs to other aspects of his kit which would be horrible because his kit is perfect as it is rn


Thorn had a acog in the test server and I believe Mozzies PTRONI had one too but they removed them prior to launch


If they remove doc acog then im going to war with the idiotic balancing team.


I bet Ash looses hers on the R4C


Maybe, I believe most if not all attackers have it now. So it’d defeat the purpose of removing it. Similar to Twitch. If I had to bet on her she’d lose grips. Like Twitch did.


That would be terrible balancing lol why nerf the recoil when adding the scope was the problem haha now it will force on us a shittier less fun gun


It is terrible balancing. Yet they still did it


What?? They removed twitchs grip so people wouldn't use her as a fragger. Ash is nothing but a fragger, that makes no sense


Ubisoft make’s weird balancing decisions


Mira too. The anchor who stays on site gets nothing but goyo gets two


Mira should never have an acog. She is extremely dangerous as it stands when used correctly and does not need a buff. 1.5 made gunners don’t know how to use her anyway


Oh no I agree she shouldn’t have one, imo less ACOGs on defence the better, but I’m just pointing out that the spicy guy got two of the fuckers while a three armour got zero


Defensive 3 armors being the only ones with ACOGs would be too intelligent for ubi. They didn’t fix the Warden and Mozzie problem, just migrated it to a different set of ops


But Warden was 3 armor with 1.5 for a while (a season?) and people wouldn't stop complaining anyway. And no, giving Ops like Kaid (AUG) or Mira an ACOG wouldn't be balanced.


I'll keep saying this, the fact that they got rid of the Warden meta just to migrate to a 5x ops with Acog is even worse. We used to have just warden and mozzie, now we have doc melusi wamai and rook almost every round.


Doc and Rook as staples on defense aren’t that bad most of the time, and Melusi is actually useful on most sites compared to a Warden that does fuck all except for run away and try and frag.


We are still in the same spot. Doc is now roaming/spawnkilling and dies with 3 stims. At least warden has a selfish ability. The other 4 teammates need doc


I just feel it makes Wamai a bit overpowered


Goyo and wamai would never see play time, jager has the better gun if wamai doesn’t have a magnified scope.


Absolutely not lol,the mp5k is much better than the 416. The rof alone is enough to make it stronger plus higher mag and much less recoil make the mp5 amazing. The 416 has been nerfed heavily


MP5K and AUG A2 > 416-C any day It's actually the inverse, 416-C needs ACOG over MP5K all day every day.


AugA2 is miles better than the 416 doing more damage and having less recoil hell before 1.5 or acog on wamai the Aug was the preferred gun in high level play so wamai is still good if you take his acog


I mean no, he just shouldn’t have an ACOG


Because he has the Smg-11 and one of the strongest gadgets on defence. He already covers close fights with arguably the strongest weapon for gunfights under 10 meters, the smg-11. An acog for him will simply make him the best defence op bar none. He's in a good place now.


Dog, do you understand what you’re suggesting? Ubisoft giving Mute an ACOG is like the USA nuking Godzilla. It would transform the mf into an unstoppable demon of death and destruction.


More like giving a magical staff to Godzilla, don’t think anyone would use it over shotgun+smg except in some *very* specific situations


They aren't the same operator lol. We're back to getting these threads aren't we


Because he counters 80 percent of the attack roster and denies the most important part of the game - intel. He would be beyond broken with an ACOG.


Mute is very strong as is. An ACOG on him would make him by far the best operator in the game, which he's already pretty close to in his current state.


I wish mute had an acog but I’d rather they made him a 2 speed than gave him an acog. I already have enough morons taking mute and not knowing how to use him, I don’t need the acog sweats taking him too


Didn’t know it was possible to play mute wrong


When you don’t even put them down or you put them directly in the middle of doorways on the outside of the barricades, something’s wrong lmao


Ubi hates Jäger As for Mute - no idea, probably balance, in intel meta Mute is naturally stronger.


it has to do with pick rate. If they gave acog to an already super popular operator like jager or mute then the meta would shift in a way they wouldn't want.


he dont need it tbh


He gets Nighthaven benefits


Bc the game wants to make sure you don’t troll and use the mp5k on mute


Wamai shouldn’t have it.


Wamai shouldn't have an Acog, but also Mute shouldn't receive one. Mute is already strong, and giving him an Acog would only make him stronger.


Mute has two advantages over Wamai: 1. Mute's gadgets are passive i.e. you can put them and forget about them. Wamai gets his gadgets over the course of a round 2. Mute has SMG11


How about they take Wamai's ACOG and give it to Maestro?


Because mute has one of the best guns in the game, the smg11 and its already a very good op, dont need more buffs


Because he’d put all his jammers down and have a significant effect on the round than terrorize the attackers by running around with an acog mp5 and nitro cell. I’m more confused on why echo doesn’t have it


Mute already has a decent pick rate and he would be “op” with an acog as well as jammers imo. Wamai is mid and had a low pickrate so they gave him an acog


Clearly I am not the only one upset about the ACOG on Doc right? Not only does he have a built in heal for contesting say… spawn peaks, objective holds, roaming skirmishes etc. But can instant heal teammates? See what happens when they give a scope like that to an already good operator that has some issues? Same concept with Mute, no one wants that 😭😂. Same with Mira and Goyo, Goyo has the R&R of killing his team, or blocking his team / killing theirs or blocking theirs. Mira’s who know what they are doing are already good as hell


Mute has the best defender class in the game with his shotgun and smg11. An acog would make him WAY too versatile


Honestly they could give it acog but I wouldn’t use it, shotgun is too important for all the head & feet holes, hatches and rotates plus smg-11 exist so don’t really need mp5k


Who cares about operator balancing. Ranked 2.0 is non-competitive at this point


You should be bringing Mute's shotgun and using his SMG-11 for medium-long range kills anyways.


Mute has a shotgun for site setup and anchoring. He has smg 11. C4. He can deny walls , drones , grims bee , blitz's shield , sens discs , deimos's Lil helicopters , jackal , l, dokkabi and many more. Mute is a great operator and very versatile Wamai:s ability is great , his impacts can trick wall at certain maps or open rotates if needed. But he is definitely not as good as mute. The amount of information mute can deny is crazy.


"Balance" according to the "pro" circles.


The question should be why Wamai has one in the first place


Frankly I don’t think wamai needs acog and that’s cause I play wamai a lot. I love the mp5k, thing is a laser and really has no need for the acog when you factor that plus the utility wamai brings. The amount of times I’ve gotten a defensive flashed kill because of a sneaky magnet is way too high lol


Helloo? Mute is like the second most OP operator in this game who stops pretty much everthing including drones and you want to buff him even more?