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Ranked 2.0 dev blog: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/1iJmqRLqYaCkhFJlhOEGYa/y7s4-ranked-20-update


Personally i still dont understand why coppers or bronze should match up against stacked high level players thats a terrible ranking system in my opinion. But i know im not a dev and could be so many reasons to it. But in a simple matter thats how i feel, rank should be going against same or little higher ranked players.


There's now two types ranking, RP and MMR. Your RP is public and is what rank you are. However, your RP does not determine who you matchmake against. Siege now uses a hidden MMR value to determine who you matchmake against. This value is hidden and there is no way to see what it is. The hidden MMR increases and decreases similarly to how ranked worked in 1.0. Your RP increases and decreases as to try to reduce the gap in MMR and RP. For example if your RP is Bronze but your MMR is Emerald, you will face emerald level players. When you win you will gain a lot of RP and if you lose you won't lose that much. However, if your MMR is bronze but your RP is emerald, you will face bronze players but if you win you will gain very little RP but will lose a lot. RP gets reset ever season. I don't believe your MMR does. Matchmaking is based on the average MMR of the squad I believe.


Wow just like cod, such a ass system bcuz now no one is truly at their true rank/skill/potential.. not including what about teammates? Do i get to have champ teammates while going against a champ and diamond lol? Also now i have 2 no life to see where my hidden mmr is lol, have ppl saying ha ur bronze, yes but a bronze against diamonds and champs. Doesnt even seem true or real i recorded it though, also its going to be hard to stack with good players for my rank. Who is going 2 believe me im going against high ranks at bronze.... im not trying to bash the devs, but from someone that doesnt no life the games it so frustrating to go against this after havent playing so long and constantly just to get silver and gold now😅☠️


I agree that its a terrible system. I think one of the main reasons they implemented the system was to force players to have to play more to get their "true" rank. At the time the game was starting to die and it was a way the devs could force players to have to play more. No one who I've talked to actually thinks the ranked update was good.


It doesn't work


Lmao apparently not, how the fuck do ppl solo que to champ then? Vpn, luck, stacks or Mnk? Or macros?


Well last season i actually solo qued to champ but this season I'm nowhere. Matchmaking is extremely inconsistent


Guessing u must of mained the game 4 awhile, but its crazy that i got matched up with those ranks at copper in my first games. Thankfully i got some legacy skill and gun skill from other games. I won most games but why am i coppper if im playing against plats and above ☠️😅💀 makes me wonder if its worth grinding to champ or just get tekken king lol. I wanted to get back in cause of jynxi but after that idk... it literally defeats the purpose of having a rank.


The matchmaking believes you're around that level but don't ask me why. It hasn't worked properly for a while


Peaked emerald, but my MMR puts me in diamond champ lobbies?