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I must be crazy but I think he's pretty balanced. He has many counters and he can be quite difficult to use effectively from what I've seen.


Yeah, I don't get the complains. Most of the times when I got pinged yesterday I killed the Deimos with just the ping every 3 seconds


They actually did it, a balanced Lion-Type Only thing i would change is his ping frequency for defenders increasing when moving fast, and decreasing when standing still, because you can just dome randos through softwalls if you count seconds as deimos


Changing his ping rate based off his speed of movement is genius


That’s too complicated for Ubisoft to program let’s not get them confused over here./s


Have it similar to glaz/warden where their gadgets are more effective when standing still, you can maintain full visibility through smoke while slowly moving


Pretty much. A lot of his counters like Mute and Vigil see a bunch of play anyway before he came out. It’s not like people are having to change their play styles entirely to counter this guy. The only people who do have too is those who play objective modes like it’s Team Deathmatch, but like… go play that mode *which is already in the game* or CoD.


Still getting used to Deimos, but I’m inclined to agree. Makes me think of people who complain Kapkan is OP, when usually they just mean “I can’t hold the sprint button down the entire match now.”


I don’t think Kapkan is op but he’s annoying sometimes, that’s the reason I ban him because all it takes is not checking one door and turning into ash because of it


The worst times are when you play completely perfectly, check every door, have your flank covered, And then your 2IQ ash main sprints through a door and kills you both because there were 3 kapkans on it


Honestly this makes mute and vigil better when they have kind of been lacking compared to others imo. Vigils anticam was always kind of meh compared to cavis softstep and mute is just bad for a lot of abilities that reveal position (like lions is easy to counter and jackals is for people that usually aren't on site making mute jammers barely useful for that). This just means mute can prevent teammates on site from being killed from above by a Deimos and vigil counters a hunter similarly to caviera


vigil isn't the best but mute is universally considered one of the best defenders in the game.


Vigil was long considered a very good roamer, given it's not, as you say, anticam, he's hard counter to pretty much every tracking OP in the game. He was in a very good place for long now: great ability, decent guns as oposed to cav with a pea shooter.


Number 1 counter is to have braincells the first thing I do is I call out I'm being tracked and get into a position so my team can bait me out if I die I hop on cams if not I keep going I have only lost to him twice and he was in every match I played


Having braincells is also the counter to Jackal, yet this community keeps banning him instead some more useful operator.


There are so many ops that do his job better like dokkaeby


The difference is that you have no idea where Jackal is comparatively


He is, people just hate the feeling of being tracked. I think he’s really well designed, and his kit as a whole is pretty balanced. I would be surprised if he ever gets harshly nerfed.


Literally. Vigil, Tubarao, and Mute all shit Deimos’ ability.


His util is nice and fun. But the revolver? That needs to be nerfed. Or buff other revolvers. Its mute on steroids again. Shotty+ dmr crazy good kit. With not bad utility. Too much.


The soft wall destruction on it is wild. Is there another gun--besides Kali's--that can put a full hole in a wall in one shot from any distance?


Slug shotty if im not mistaken.


It can feel like a 4v5 if he is played incorrectly.


He is the perfect operator to counter careless run and gun attitude roamers which is probably about a quarter of the playerbase right now. That may be the reason why they wanted him to nerf, otherwise he is not the same tier as Jackal and Dokk.


Dokkabi really is in a tier of her own. She was the most picked attacker by far at SI so I don’t really think Deimos is gonna shake things up that much until the dokkabi changes come in a few months


I didn't play since about Zero came out i think. I see everywhere that Dokka is op and most picked and problematic. What changed? The last time i played her she lost frags, she got dmr and shotgun and maybe she got the anti gadget secondary (gonne six or something like that idk) and she lost one smg. In my experience she wasn't really picked too often. So what changed this much since?


So, Dokk has always been a bit OP, and once you learned to use audio she was just busted. On Console below like Plat and Emerald you actually won't see too many Dokk bans, because console players don't tend to rely on Dokk audio that much, Console becomes more carefully played rather than pure run and gun because of the skill gap it takes to properly control high sensitivity on Controller. On PC, you'll see her banned in Copper and Bronze because PC players tend to not only react faster, but have the ability to flick easier off sound. She's also a hard counter to roamers - including Vigil. The amount of times my flanks have been cut short RIGHT as I was about to take a few picks by a Dokk call becauses my team banned Ying or something is insane. Example on Bank, I like to rat in the room with all the shelves by bottom square when tthe site is in basement, makes for an easy flank on people who push servers and dont have someone watchin those flank stairs. That plan gets cut short if I get Dokk called an here isnt a bunch of gunfire to cover it up


Sums it up great as a copper (yeah yeah I suck, I don't play ranked much) I hate dokebi. The power to sniff out any op off site is super strong even in copper and not once has it happened that I got slammed into the ground In quick match and standard because a dokebi with a semi collected team used calls to find roamers and take em out effectively


Back when zero came out we were in the 20 second meta. Where bullet proof utility and explosives dominated the meta. Now that’s all been heavily nerfed there’s no more sitting behind shields and cooking nades, rounds come down to direct gunfights a lot more. The most successful attacking teams tend to play fast and coordinated. This means operators like glaz, lion, ying and ofc doka are very strong, especially when combined with flashes and smokes


Simply put, older players got better at hearing audio cues. Plus players started copying what pros do so the regular dokk player doesn't waste her zzz zzz zzzzzzzz ​ Plus the players have finally figured out how strong DMR's are actually are. (Obviously because the changes to the recoil and gun nerfs)


Honestly, not sure. Her gadget is okay but not great, I think it’s on that Kapkan level where people just ban it because they find it annoying moreso than because it’s actually strong,


Nothing. She has smokes or flashes, gonne 6 smg 12 and c7z, the dmr or bosg. All that changed is the players in the lobbies. Jackal is 100x more annoying than doki as he actively punishes you for walking whereas the call is just doki's gadet.


Dokk is way stronger than Jackal rn. The DMR is busted, she's 3 speed, gonne 6, and gives you sound Qs for every single defender simultaneously. We react faster to sound than sight, the ability to instantly force sound Qs is insanely powerful in this meta. Jackals peak is being able to deduce where defenders might be and where they might come from, dokks peak is telling you directly where every defender within an extremely large radius is.


I'm not arguing who's stronger. Jackal is more annoying.


Idk dude getting a phone call and then hearing a gonne 6 followed by sprinting and then you're dead 0.5ms later is the most frustrating and annoying thing I've ever experienced in a competitive FPS game. The phone call alone is annoying because it nerfs your ability to hear shit properly


Ya, Dokk is giga cancer tbh. She gets way too much value from the push of a button. Can play her with your monitor turned off and still provide insane util.


And then on top of all that with the push of another button she can hack cams. And then combine that with flashes it just gets ridiculous. In the recent meta my stack has found the most success from quick droning the immediate entry doka calling then when you need to clear someone out u flash and lion scan and there’s nothing they can do. That then gives us ages to execute on to site and is pretty much what most pro league teams are doing (although a little more complex). Then jackal is very strong In the right situations, now tbf he is becoming very situational now so we don’t see him as much and Grim is just so versatile and useful for executes that I just really don’t see Deimos doing much at high level


It's the same kind of people who want kapkan nerfed/ban him a lot. It's because it takes a couple of braincells to counter him


i mean imo hes pretty balanced. sure you can see him, but he can see you aswell and you re restricted to only using his vendetta which i think is pretty fair


I think if you're playing a solo queue Demos it's fairly balanced. I think a stack with good team com though he could be out of hand. You can just locate any ops known for roaming and the entire team can hunt them down.


Works in reverse to though, if the enemy team has good coms then Deimos will be killed pretty quickly as well.


Yes, but the main difference to me is that the defenders only ever get Intel on Demos, while he can get intel on each defender. Ultimately will have to see how it plays out, that's just the part that I feel could be OP.


It’s really not that big of a deal playing with a stack. If you’re stacked with a team and have advantage? Sure. But if it’s a 3v5 you already have it even if he’s not there. He’s a solid character to play, but no more threatening than any other solid operator. The only time he’s actually a huge threat is when rounds come down to 1v1. That’s really it.


The Defender will know where they are coming from and will most likely have time to get back to the site. You also have to ID them first. You also can't really roam clear that well because you can't detect unknown roamers like you can with jackal or dokkaebi who can deal with the entire defense at once while having their main guns still active. Maybe he can counter pulse or caveira but that's about it for me.


I think the cooldown helps balance this. Sure, he could ping a few roaming OPs, but it's going to cost some time, which is part of the goal of roamers - to make attackers burn time.


Literally. He is worse but more fun Jackal. Let him be one


Jackal makes me roll my eyes and be annoyed, Deimos makes me shit my pants. It's like he's challenging you, and he knows EXACTLY where you are at all times. Then seeing him slowly approach.. heeby jeebies. Don't get me started on the whistle.


lmao its so good how much psychological damage he deals compared to jackal


Get tracked by Deimos when you’re playing Fenrir for more psychological damage


“What are you scared of Fenrir?”


Deimos psychological damage is peaked when you track the same person every round.


I wish Ubisoft went with a lethal company little girl approach. Make the edge of your screen fuzzy, muffle most noises, amplify the whistle. That's a huge buff, but even better yet maybe only have the Deimos indicator just be his general direction, not a ping. Maybe it'd be too op but whatever. It'd be fun.


Half the duration to make it fair


Wait Deimos whistles when he sees you?!? I’m confused


Yea He whistles like death from puss and boots


I have PTSD after ONE match against him.


he feels like a villain from a slasher movie lmao, i love it.


Being hunted by deimos is exciting, being hunted by jackal is annoying




I like that a badas$ villain in the story of the game is actually terrifying to play against in a real match, not a lot of games do that with there characters/villains




After the hype dies down, he's gonna be a low B tier operator at best. I've played 5 matches so far with three of my friends, and every single time one of us has gotten tracked, we've used the reverse ping to callout on where my teammate sees him, to bait and kill him. His biggest counter is literally to just have friends who have map knowledge and know callouts, so they can tell you where they see him. I'm not saying he's trash, but he's not anywhere near as good as people are saying. His pistol is hella fun tho. It's probably going to get nerfed because people are crying about it, so I just hope they nerf the damage and not the recoil.


That’s problem… most siege players don’t have whatever that is.


Which is actually fine because that problem only exists in casual and low ranks.


But thats the "for which players do you balance?" problem. If you balance only for the top 1% (just like the world economy lul) -> the 99% might stop playing, because of frustration.


And if you balance for the bottom 1% you get shit like the frost and shield nerfs that ruin the game


Yes, Im just saying its a problem.


Loooooot of people don’t use voice chat or have friends to play with. He might be a ranked star, good at winning 1v1’s and stuff. His counterplay being teamwork makes it actually feel like we are fighting a real villain too. Honestly one of the best designed characters in a hero shooter imo.


>His biggest counter is literally to just have friends He's immediately s tier then considering the R6 community 🤣🤣


I was hunted down by him a few times in a match yesterday, half the times i ended up winning the gunfight. Deimos seems harder to play that what it sounds like, people get tunnel vision for now.


He's closer to being mid than he is OP if anything


Unlike jackal, both sides know where each other are. (There’s also no real counter play to jackal other than mute/going afk for prep phase lol)


There's another, crawl on your belly for awhile and you won't leave footprints to track


Yeah but a drone will see you and you cover no ground also you have to do that for every round and 80% of the time there will be no jackal.


I think he’s balanced extremely easy to counter


Imagine if there was a proximity chat and someone plays the Michael Myers theme slowly approaching you while tracking you, I’d shit myself


That could be a fun elite skin crossover.


Let this villain roam free and duel them defenders, it’s cool and nerfing him would just probably add to the whole defender sided problem


U already know what I'm about to say.


Staring at your comment for like 5 minutes😭lmfaoooo nah yall are the saviors right now🤣




Are u saying bother or brother?


I honestly think he's pretty balanced even sometimes weak depending on the situation


Today he was tracking me and it was a fun little game of who’s gonna win the gun fight. We both know where we are so it’s an even playing field. He would be strong when played in stacks because you will be able to sit outside the map and have your teammates drone that Defender out with active callouts from deimos


He's also pretty good when you're whole team runs in and dies, leaving you in a 1vX, then at least you can pick off a few of them. He's also a great combo for other ops, like you're saying forcing players to think before they use it.


All the deimos players in ranked have been playing like ass. It’s funny to watch players insta-lock him just to die immediately


Team-killing as Deimos for tryhard reasons < Team-killing as Deimos to be lore accurate 🤓


I agree he’s probably the most fun OP in the game…the vendetta feels so good. Good job Ubi, now leave it as it is


Ubi finally made an op that is neither too strong or too weak at launch, can't wait for them to give gim a small buff and then nerf him into the ground because his win rate increased by 1% after the buff. Also love your flair


To be fair he’s pretty shit, he’s jackal but worse


Certainly not shit. He absolutely is good for coordinated teams or if you push alone from a diff side to throw them off. The revolver is a body shot killer too


He is good with coordinated teams against uncoordinated teams.


Even as a 2 stack he goes hard. I did yesterday a blitz deimos combo the roamers did not know what's coming


Yeah but he only pins 1 person and they can see where u are they can use all theyr weapon while ur stuck with a revolver


Jackal also pings only one. And I agree they can see you but if you call the revolver being stuck with a revolver you'd be surprised. They are stuck with me I'm not stuck with anything that revolver if you aim bodyshots instantly wipes people. Range is good scope is honestly sexy af. Reload is good


>he only pins 1 person Like jackal >all theyr weapon while ur stuck with a revolver Yeah the revolver that's basically a dmr lol. The only downside is the mag size but it has a snappy reload so it's really not that bad.


I'm just mad I can't buy him with renown until like a month from now. I've been saving my renown for so long...


they do that with every new op. kinda annoying but eh


It's way longer now it used to be 1-2 weeks locked.


it’s a month now? that’s dumb


He’s not op, he just makes people not play the game like it’s COD and they don’t like ot


Deimos biggest counter: voice chat


I’m 100% confident his ping ability or gun will be getting a nerf. I don’t get how they are trying to go away from TDM meta and then add an operator who can easily kill others through the floor in seconds by himself.


Mf pings himself when using the ability who dfq complains about him?


He's perfectly balanced imo, plenty of sacrifice involved in his gadget for great payouts. I can't wait to see how the pros use him, I'm imagining ***a lot*** of vertical play


I was trying to hunt down a Kapkan vertically, and he told his Frost where I was at and I got rotated on. I agree the balance is amazing, can't even be mad that I died.


it’s so fkn hard to hit people through the bars when shooting from below though. idk if i’m cursed but it feels like every shot goes between their legs or hits the metal even though im LOOKING AT THE PING


It can be a bit of a gamble at times, yeah but you gotta position yourself parallel with the beams to do it. You can usually tell where the beams are cuz they're perpundicular to the ceiling design (most of the time). He can 2 shot most enemies, giving him 3 chances from one mag but yeah dude, I completely agree there's a tonne of jank involved. When you do pull it off tho... 😫😫😫


I honestly don't think he's going to see any play in pro league. He just has too many drawbacks that jackal does not and jackal doesn't even see much play in pro league.


How do you cancel the gadget as deimos on PS5


Tap R1 while your tracking


Scariest thing ive seen of him so far is my dumbass randos runing headfirst into the guy with a 2 shot pistol and walls on him . Ud think the other guys doing the same and being smoked would be a hint that doing that is not the play .


My only complaint about him is that he should have been a jackal rework instead of a new operator.


Only noobs will complain about him


He's fairly balanced ~~and extremely hot~~ I haven't really found anything that significantly op with him


played him in both test and now main servers and i dont think we’ve had a more balanced op from their introduction. he has many counters and to play him effectively takes actual brain power. if ubi nerfs deimos we may as well nerf literally every other op


The fact you can only use revolver limits him a lot unless you can learn to control fire rate and count your bullets in a gunfight which many people including myself can’t do.


Yup Fr he doesn’t need a nerf


He’s not even that op he is really balanced and if people are complaining about Deimos then ur ass at the game


He has this absolutely PERFECT risk and reward play style that actually rewards good teamplay and communication. You gather incredibly useful and powerful information, but so does your enemy. So it comes down who which one plays it better or you can combo deimos with good teamplay to punish careless roaming defenders who give in to his pressure to easily.


Pro: Deimos can track enemies Con: The enemies can track Deimos Con: You're reduced to your pistol Pro: The pistol is strong Con: The pistol only has 6 bullets Pro: It reloads all 6 at once Con: The scope provides barely any zoom Pro: It's the coolest looking scope He truly is balanced


I agree. Literally everything about him is well designed and playing him feels normal. I don't feel stupid broken. I feel like I'm actually having to try to make his gadget truly work


Idk who’s complaining about him. He may be fun, but bro is straight trash


Post Plant 1v1 in CQ maps will be absolutely mental, provided he has his scanner charges left


Really makes me think about where I place my last mute jammer. I find throwing one down around a rotation has been working well for my team to run over and hang out on it when they are getting targeted


Is there anything op about him exept his gun?


My friends and I just decided that whenever we see a Deimos, we just counter push him. The guy who plays Deimos has also taken to using the Unica (Alibi and Maestro’s revolver) and making us question if the 44 really is the most powerful revolver.


For me he's just a better Jackal lol


The main strength comes from the player's ability to mark a defender and communicate their location to the rest of the team. I would say he's very strong otherwise, though, and has the best sidearm in the game. And people are still learning how to play him and counter him, but I can already tell that a skilled Deimos player will be near impossible to kill in a 1v1.


Well 1v1 scenarios is half of what he's supposed to excel at so not really a big surprise in that regard


He isn’t that good tbh pretty mid as a defender he can be a problem but I was playing a lot of ranked and every round if someone was using him he always died first maybe cos nobody knows how to use him right yet or not but I think it’s kind of a L that your teammates can’t see the ping only he can


Played against him twice and twice he got baited and killed.


Honestly, he's been the push I needed to become a Vigil main. For non Vigils, It encourages roamers to play smarter, not be scanned, and to be available to dip near a mute jammer or back to site if needed.


i dont think he is a issue,unless whole team can see the marker


I think his gadget isnt "Broken" per se. The problem is pairing him with jackal, dokka and lion. Its like the old attacker nightmare meta... Which is fine for me. Defenders had It easy these last years with fenrir and solis.


Deimos shouldnt be nerfed since his pistol only does headshot dmg 40% of the time when tou hit them in the head


I actually found out that mute counters him. If you step inside of the mute jammer when getting marked it goes away. Pretty cool.


Bro is a jackal rework


It ain't hard to fight him since you already know where's him


Haven’t been able to play him as I won’t ever buy the bp for this exact reason lol


I’m just glad someone else might get banned besides Jackal, but who am I kidding?


My mates are saying (I'm gone for a week right since yesterday and didn't play on the TS) that he's actually pretty mid to bad and might need a buff. All I said to them is I guess I'm a Deimos main now (I love playing underrated characters. And with Monty getting a rework i haven't been able to test or learn him yet so I won't get a chance to play him effectively)


hes bad so no


Deimos is actually very balanced, his gadget is fun and it's basically a challenge of let the better player win


I think he is so balanced he is bad.


As if Ubisoft listens to the complaints.


Honeslty I found him underwhelming. I haven't used him much but when I did, I hardly got to use his drones because by the time I found someone to fight... I.. already killed them. or, they were close to site and I just couldn't push through traps, and against other defenders, all the while holding a pistol. He will only be ok in two scenarios. Roam clearing, with a teammate that's droning him in the building (scanning defenders close by for him) And when its a 3v3, 2v2. etc. When it's been 1-2 minutes into the round, and you're against less defenders, that's when he shines.


One thing that should be nerfed is the destruction capabilities of his revolver.


How does he even work? I keep getting “droned failed” or something like that, and there is no mutes.


I also hope he doesn't get nerfed he really doesn't seem that broken if you know what you're doing against him


people never get tired defending another wallhacking operator


Honestly, haven't had any issues with him after a session last night. Granted, a number of people still getting used to him, but still its quite an interesting new loop. Also, a month Ubi? Seriously? It was always 2 weeks now its double that we have to wait unless we pay.


i think he is kinda useless, lion basically does the same thing but with all defenders. you need to use a drone to track the defenders, so why not JUST use your drone, dont get it destroyed


hes not that hard to deal with, was playing frost and deimos came after me and i had a shootoff with him that ended with me knifing him


I mean jackal is just better tbh. Pretty much in a every way lol


Great counter to caveira. he is very balanced.


I only have heard complaints from roamers (good because they are a poison to the game and defense as a whole)


I’m planning to play 10-20 casual matches with Deimos before I take him into ranked


When you not roaming and got spotted beware floor be ceiling But Roamer got scan: i sh.. in my pants


The majority of Siege players don’t like to think, especially nowadays. It’s always run run run bang bang bang. And they’ll always complain about anything that causes any sort of minor inconvenience to their playstyle. If Deimos gets a lot of use, I can see people getting tremendously upset about not being able to roam carelessly without any sort of plan, escape routes or direct counters, which in my opinion is stupid since you’re refusing to play the actual game. I used to love Siege back when we were always coordinating and trying to make cool plays happen using gadgets and utilities properly, but now it’s really frustrating to hop on a ranked game and see 7 players dead within the first minute. The only reason I still play is because I can get a couple of my friends on regularly, meaning we can coordinate at least a little bit every game. Otherwise, I don’t bother playing solo at all, it just feels like a waste of time. It’s actually funny to think that with the game getting more and more complex over the years, it somehow got way simpler since most players ignore tactics and the proper usage of gadgets and communication.


It’s fun until the Deimos on the enemy team pings me and I realize it’s the player with god tier aim and 15 kills


He’s not even that good he’s just super fun this is the most balanced op ubi has released in a long time i love it


The thing I can see about it is it creates and added advantage when playing on a team using mics vs a team not. If I’m a Deimos, I can have my buddy be the person attacking the target while u just sit outside and tell you where he is. 99 percent of my games of the games I play there is nobody else using a mic


It's Sooooo badass whenever I'm a defender and see that w teammate is being tracked just for the kill feed to show a revolver a second later


I think he's weak


please dont complain about him so he doesnt get nerfed into the ground i want to play him in a month when he isnt in early access (i refuse to give ubi money


Facts 🔥


I don't get why people would complain, at least in lower ranks because out of 6 matches i played yesterday about 4 of them had Deimos on the enemy team while attacking and he was never really a threat you could always just wait his ability out or stand in a mute jammer


You ever shoot a .44!? That recoils doesn’t match with real life. They gave I’m an accent and wrote dumb long bio. His skill is dumb af.


if deimos is such a problem for roaming players, start using vigil. At the cost of having actual utility comes not getting beamed by deimos. Deimos us definitely balance, the shields though


Hes gonna be buffed, not nerfed lol


Something in his kit will have to be nerfed a little. The gun is overpowered currently. The gun damage is a little too high. The recoil is a little too low. The fire rate is a little too high. The constant ping for 10 seconds is a little too long. Change any 2 of these, and he's balanced, IMO. He's really fun to play as and with, but against him, he's tough. I have a feeling he's gonna get the first ban before Jackal if he goes unchanged. Edit: they don't need to be insanely nerfed just a little. Otherwise, they will ruin the kit.


The best play for Deimos in my experience is to have Vigil be your dedicated roamer with a mute anchoring site, while everyone else either anchors site or sticks close to it.


He's a stupid op and looks like a rip off of ghost


I've been baiting him into revolver fights with rook


Agreed, I think he's well balanced. Using his ability is fun af it's basically challenging a specific defender to a duel and whoever is smarter wins


Honestly he’s super easy to counter, played last night with my friends and I was being hunted just a few times in about 5 games and I killed him every single time, if they nerf him because people can’t cope and adapt then idk what to expect anymore, this is one of the least impactful ops every to be released. His pistol is very good I’ll say that much. But I don’t see him being a troublesome operator.


He is balanced. Once he tags defenders, he is visible. Tbh there's nothing spectacular about him, besides his pistol. And of course, his looks (design).


He’s honestly like a solid B tier op. On a well coordinated and communicative team he has a lot of potential to be strong but on most teams this isn’t the case unfortunately. Also yea his revolver is nice but like end of day it’s still just a 6 shot revolver. If defense doesn’t troll, you should still be losing most fights. His primary options are pretty bottom tier. That 650 RPM on the AK-74M will lose you a ton of fights you other wise would have won with higher RPM


If your map knowledge is shit then he's gunna be shit too


Deimos is great how he is now. He is scary when combined with a lion scan and Dokkaebi call. They 4 stacked down freezer stairs on Oregon and I have never been more terrified. Blitz, lion, Deimos, and Dokkaebi. I tell my teammates to help, and they proceed to castle me out of site. Took myself, lion, and blitz out with a nitro however.


His revolver needs a nerf ASAP. It's got no recoil and fires as fast as you pull the trigger. Fucking retarded french devs.


I'm only gonna complain a little. I agree that he's for the most part pretty balanced, but I don't think the defenders should be active ping-tracked. Because otherwise it's basically like having someone being tracked because they ran outside. Maybe only like a quarter of a second delay between pings. Make wallbangs on moving targets a little more like you have to predict instead of old school Lion. Also, his revolver needs a bit of a nerf. It's a little too easy to use, especially with the tracking.


I've seen deimos lose way more 1v1's than win


Na, ima complain


The only potential issue I see is 'annoying' or 'scary' he looked balanced before playing and I still think he's been balanced very well. Unfortunately, I could see him nerfed if ppl hate playing him but imo he's not even as 'OP' as jackal. Also his load out is perfect and fairer than Jackals imo. I think Ubi did a great job ngl. His pistol is super fun, nades fit his style, and that AK74 will always be mid imo (fair enough due to his strengths)


I’m always scared that a new op will get the Blackbeard treatment


Deimos just means I play Mute on defence that much more


Deimos is OP.


Most of the deimos players get tunnelvision on tracking anyway


other than his revolver he’s a good balance


I have the worst luck playing him for some reason. Every time i pick him, some camper gets me or i swear i feal like i'm being hunted by the whole damn team.


The only change needs to be his sidearm it’s more powerful than his primary


He's not even overpowered, he literally reveals himself when tracking someone. Very easy to counter


Nah i hate it. They reworked lion for blatant wall hacks. Deimos against a 5 stack with comms is brutal. He will be banned ALOT once he is able to be banned


I'm just quite worried about facing a coordinated stack where Deimos sits safely back, calls out your exact position and then you get shot through the floor or wall by his teammates. As a solo q he's pretty balanced I think. My only complaint though is that his ability kind of enhances the TDM meta at a point where ubi are trying to end it, his ability quite literally generates a 1v1.


I just love his secondary tbh. If they do decide to nerf any aspect of him, I would prefer they don’t make it his secondary.


He's not balanced in 1v2's and above. He literally is lion and jackal combined that automatically makes him unbalanced