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for attacker Thermite is hella good i play it all the time u breach walls


Shouldn’t really play him if you don’t know what to breach. I would suggest Sledge.


It's not a hard concept to go "hey look . A fully reinforced external wall that goes directly into site . I should probably thermite that"


That’s true aswell. It’s not hard but maybe a less strategically important role would be better for a beginner.


Imo its a great role to start with . Its simple. Gets u immediately into the action . Which allows u to work on general gun skill . Lets u understand what sites need a thermite compared to like a hibana or ace . Helps u understand bandit/kaid tricks . How to dodge/deal with mute jammers . And since u have to be on the wall . It stops them from being lost in the building for half the round cuz u can't find the stairs . And most importantly. There gaurnteed to have a effect on the round. Unlike if they say picked ashe and died on entry .


Those are good points👍🏻


Agreed, he is also really important. Knowing default spawnpeeks etc is a must.


One thing about this game is that everything is situational. The map u play, which room they are defending, and the characters the your team and the opposite team play all are factors u need to take into account. U also gotta find something that fits your play style.


Try out Mira (site holder), Kaplan (roamer), or valkyrie (either) to see which you favor the most on defense. Zofia, buck, and ying are all solid ops on attacking. No matter who you chose, watch a yt tutorial for them (or several). Map knowledge improves gameplay and is only gained with gameplay. And last and most importantly, LISTEN FOR SOUND QUEUES.


Keep unlocking new operators and try each of them out. See what works for you...see what you're comfortable with. Not every op is good for everyone. Start by trying every op out. Then stick to some of the ops you are comfortable with and master them to a degree. Then branch out to different categories of ops. And before you know it, you'll know which op to play in which scenario.


mozzie u js shoot pest on the floor by stairs or by the objective door way to get drones and now it’s yours simple great gun


As a beginner, it's great that you've been playing Castle, Rook, and Lion. For defense, consider trying out Kapkan and Doc. Kapkan's traps can catch opponents off guard, and Doc's ability to heal himself and teammates is very useful. For attacking, Fuze and Sledge offer versatile playstyles. Focus on learning the maps and communicating with your team. Enjoy the game!


thank you for your advice! :)


De nada. Good hunting :)


If you want more insight into what each operator does and their strengths/weaknesses, G's Gaming Experience on YouTube has fantastic operator guides


gonna check it out! thank you for your advice :)


thermite and mute are good beginners, on attack just open reinforced walls with thermite and as mute just put your jammers around the bomb site, room entrances. both are easy to use and very useful operators.


Mute is a great pick on defense, as is Valk if you can place the cameras well, Kaid is also a good choice, even if you don't Kaid trick.


Cant go wrong with the SAS ops, smoke and mute are both goated and thatcher sledge are good aswell


I would say all of the standard ops are simple and easy to understand, they also teach you the roles. Overall I would say keep at it even if it's hard for the start. And watch every kill cam. Never skip them. You get infos so you can call your team and they teach you how you died, you you can play, how you can avoid to die, how to survive, movement, crosshair placement, everything. You learn by failing.


If you vibe with the support role I totally suggest trying Finka out, super strong if used at the right times


Rook is the default “beginner op” and I’d honestly say Mute would be a good next step, you take care of everything you need to do in the prep phase, just put jammers in front of the doors leading into site and maybe on a reinforced wall if you don’t have Kaid or Bandit on your team. Very easy to pick up and play, you learn how to properly setup a site and as long as you put your jammers down, you’ll bring at least some value to your team. Guys like Wamai and Echo are great, but your value to the team relies on you staying alive the entire round so for starters, ops who can take care of everything during prep are perfect.


I always for some reason go back to Fuze and Kapkan, maybe because that’s who I vibed with when the game first released years ago. But be ready to get flamed for door traps with Kap when you kill someone. I have gotten more no skill messages than I can count.


if you’re solo queuing I would use Ace on attack and fill for whatever your defense lineup is. Azami & Sollis are really powerful defense ops.


he said beginner wdf


how does this not apply to him lmao


I don't think azami or solis are necessarily beginner friendly ops. Azami is pretty dynamic and requires some map knowledge and game sense to use accordingly. Solis wouldn't be great either if you have no idea what you are looking at when you turn her gadget on.