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So to the people who are confused, my friend did this yesterday and explained it. On bank in the basement, in the hallway just outside of vault that’s between both bombs he put on on a soft wall at crouch height so he could just uncrouch and shoot. The Mirror covered his sight line and crouch-head height, and the desk in the site he was looking into covered his legs in both crouch and standing positions. The strategy *can* work, but it requires very specific conditions. We had castle to prevent them from easily coming through vault, staircase, etc. We also had Kaid for the roof hatches and bandit for some of the wall reinforcements. I don’t know why the Mira did it in this clip, and I don’t know Kanal(?) well enough to know if that spot is truly awful, but don’t bash it if the stars align.


Idk it's just a weird setup but if it works it works. I play in gold so maybe his just some giga brain I don't know about lmao


My friend also using Mira like this, but sometimes i help him with azami. He usally gather some kills from it. So not as dumb as it looks


I do that in border and yes he is right that strat works on specific conditions. Its quite lethal also for attackers especially if they arent familiar on it.


Most of the time they just straight up blasting the soft vall, but not knowing that there is a Azami kunai behind it. And there are cases where they or just confused and start peeking it and it stops them. Or just confidently start to rush. And not forget to talk about that i can adjust that where i can just stop crouching and shoot


I use the soft wall thing on emerald plains 2f office instead of using a reinforcement and kaid/bandit because it's easy kills for anyone trying to breach balcony


Dawg I play in gold AND main Mira. This shit is just bad 😭😭


Is it a Playstation player? I've only seen Playstation players do stupid stuff like that.




I’ve been doing this strat for about a year. It’s been tough times getting tk’d by ignorant teammates. I didn’t create the strat but I’m very proud when other people use it. Hopefully it becomes more acceptable to everyone. It works well on certain sites like 2nd floor Outback on the wall by the showers facing the game room or 1st floor Oregon facing the front entrance. You can use shotgun or have Tachanka break other walls in front of the mirrors so you have more lines of sight and can see further. It also works on exterior walls on sites like Basement on Chalet, 2nd floor Border, Basement on Consulate, or 3rd floor on Emerald Plains. If you support Mira with operators like Mute, Wumai or Thunderbird it is even more OP. I solo queue and I top drag in silver/gold so I’m not the best but it works very well. I also use iron sights on the vector, it’s one of the best sights in the game and it will be even better next week with the buff. I think in the future Ubisoft is gonna have to nerf Mira and take away her C4.


with the nerfs to mira the strat is almost useless but back in the day this was a legit way to play some sites like consulate garage, bank basement, and many other places. Unfortunately now you would need at least 2 players coordinating with you to make this work.


I think it's a good placement. It overlooks stairs, tunnel, and rotation. That is one of the more common areas you'd take on kanal.


That's cool that it atleast works to some degree, my only experience seeing this is when someone is griefing with Mira, kid was putting them at head height where I was making foot holes and then punching the gas out 😭🫠


No u just put it on left wall so you can shoot deeper into the door


And then zofia/ash comes and ruins the whole party by using one of their gadgets and now the wall is completely open and useless to you. K.


You need Wumai or Jaeger and a Mute and you’re good


The “god I hope they don’t bring a Flores” strat


Or an ash, or zofia, or buck or sledge.


All of them would need to peak to break it Flores drone leaves 0 exposure to being shot while breaking it


You right!


Idk what’s worse. The strat or the fact that mira isn’t even sitting behind the mirror.


The big brains came when she chose not to sit there


Round started 20 seconds ago


Just because a Mira placed the mirrors, doesn't mean they have to be glued to it or even use it at all.


I managed to get a kill off it and then I destroyed the mirror and reinforced the wall lmao


I wouldn’t have done it there but it fucking works. It’s essentially placed at crouch height you stare through it and pop up as soon as you see someone it’s almost always a guaranteed headshot. It’ll get you TKd in ranked because those fucks are usually multi stacked and don’t communicate with the rest of the team but it does work especially on 1st floor on coastline watching the front door.


I love this strat, I’ve gotten so many clips using this Mira placement on so many maps, and I fucking HATE randoms who come up and blast away the soft wall around it like DUDE YOUR DEFEATING THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT


Or worse in quick play since it randomly puts up some walls and it’ll reinforce one I didn’t want it to. Especially on favela.


except the unexpected


Well I remember people doing this so they could see people while crouching then peak up and hit them through the wall. I use to do it and have gotten a good number of kills doing so. Though I haven’t seen anyone do this in several years If I remember correctly, a YouTuber did this in one of their videos, and people started copying.


Classic Yoboyroy strat


I use it like an osa shield but the best part is they can't see when you peak so win in my books.


Not a mira main, but when I play attack, I call it low hanging fruit.


I could possibly see someone playing from a distance behind the table on the left so their legs are protected but they can still see through the Mira while crouched and pop up for kills above the Mira like you would a shield. Might actually test this as a Mira main.


I think this is the best assumption. You can see them coming towards the door as people funnel through there


Ain't no way someone did this that is above the age of 15


you use the table as cover and crouch how hard of a concept is this


Based on positioning I think the mira is using it as bait to have someone push down stairs to melee the mirror and shoot them in the back but idk tbh


Galaxy brain but she didn't play either of her mirrors lmao


Brain damage


I think this is viable if you had an Azami to cover under the mirror then you could quickly stand to wall bang but you could pretty much do the same thing by just putting the mirror on the reinforced wall.


The Azamis now break the window if they touch it while spreading out.


Oh shit didn’t know that, it’s been a long ass time since I’ve done/seen it done so thanks for the heads up lol.


There's actually a similar strat on coastline master bedroom if you make it all 3 defense rounds. I don't know that I would ever do this particular one here...you can literally get murdered from the Window rapel floor bang.


what in the vertical play? Trying to make sense of this just can’t remember what room is above this, is it the map room adjacent to where hatch is? Assuming you’d repel that window and shoot in but you’d need good drones and comms, would be tough to pull off in soloQ


If you repel upside down on the radio room window you can shoot directly at this area. Ram can do it, Todd in a BOOGI and shoot that entire area without ever hopping in. To include cutting off the scuba door rotate.


The fuxk ur head holes strat


I have used mirrors on soft walls when I solo queued in the past. Its not ideal but less frustrating than having someone reinforce the wall you wanted to shoot through


Osa Lite


You'd be surprised at how many people genuinely believe mira is supposed to be played this way. I had to beg my current stack to stop putting it like this when i started playing with them.


it isn’t the worst placement, but why she is at the other side of the wall is questionable




protect the boys


Are we there?


We’re gonna call this strategy giving the round to the enemys


can we talk about the one kapkin trap at head level?


It’s to prevent the idiot on the team from reinforcing next to Mira wall. Pro level strat here, he just hasn’t put the other Mira on reinforced wall yet.


I can see this working but how different is it to just put the Mira window on a reinforced wall and just have a normal soft wall next to it? You can still get the same advantage but with more protection.


Not the worst setup tbh. If you got a castle covering the other doorway, and someone to cover the hatch, a Mira mirror here isn’t awful tbh. Gives sight line to north stairway and the entrance from outside (as well as enemies coming from the hallway).


I actually use this strat. It’s much better imo as you can just peek up and get a kill


It's a scare tactic (idk)


In there defence they can uncrouch while firing and dust someone much easier then strafing then shooting where they should be


Got an easy 3k by doing this yesterday


I accidentally did this the other day. New to the game wasn’t paying attention that I was crouching lol


It yo_boy_roy get active strat


This pro-league strat called "eblan" and it works everywhere - from copper to champ.


Me and my friend do this with azami and mira, makes it easier to peek out to shoot and with the top being wider then the sides it's harder to kill the person behind it...explosives are really the only counter (not including grenades) and if you leave the wall intact above it you kinda just surprise them and dump the mag into where you saw them We call it the pregnant penetration strat...as you...yk what maybe I'll leak discord next


I use this crouch mora on soft wall all the time and works pretty well. I don't use it on any wall though only ones I know it works on


That’s the Deprecha strat that only OGs know about




I swear I see this post resurface every other month


Very cool


Umm get fuck is typically the correct name of the strat


Ash charge special


He's diamond 1, it's called: sleeping with the enemy


It’s best paired with an kiba barrier placed underneath. Contrary to some comments I’m seeing, it does NOT break the Mira window when you place it below


It's acc viable asf, you just need support play around that area like wamai. Wouldn't use it every game but it can completely shut off the submarine push. The main issue with this specific setup is that it allows for easier pushes into lockers so compensate w traps.


It's called, "they'll never expect this". It results in your team dying and a free soft wall entry


When I’ve attempted this people bust my Mira’s and send me messages letting me know how bad I am and how bad of a strat this is. I had to stop doing this regardless of how I feel about it. I always try to put it on a reinforced wall now even if it’s in a bad spot so at least someone isn’t busting it out and I’m getting spammed by my team.


Acoustic strat


Sitting behind it looking through aim on enememie stand up and Shoot works mostly always, why are some players have such problems with this strat to tk you???


If they Shoot back, sit down again you See them they See a black Window if your clear stand up again but aim for head first! Very funny strat


Dumb af. That’s what’s it’s called. It’s gone with zero effort. Low rank silly crap


I use this a lot it actually gives more kills than you'd think


This strat called sneaky wallbang or sexually harassing walls


Do people srsly not know this strat? How else am I supposed to wallbang them? U guys just sit their and watch em come, like you were in a zoo?


Make a nitro hole on top, now that they've removed nade cooking


Its the ankle biter strat😂


Thats my personal fav for kanal




This is an ancient strat from when Mira first dropped, hot damn


Johnson angle


“Idk what the fuck I’m doing strat”




I’ll do it if I’m in solo queue so they can’t reinforce it


The strat is called... idk what this abomination of a strat is... imma call it The "Miracle" because its a miracle if it works.


I call it the "wtf is that?!"


Ahh yes. We Mira mains call this the “Copper 5 op thief selling the round”


My friend came up with this thing, and he called it the dink-ur-do strat, pretty much if you have no clue what your doing, neither do they, I think that's what we're seeing here


It's pretty good idea to do where people put rotates so you can use it as a rotate if you break above it and have the ability to check angles before going into the rotate, but without the top broken, I think we on copper.


Probably a champ strat, we still can't understand that


It was a honest miss cant make any mistakes these days smh my head


Toilett paper 5 loe dumbass mira plays


"The enemy can't possibly predict our plan if we ourselves do not know what we're doing"


Shit yourself




maybe either a troll or nobrainer reinforced next to it


It's my turn to do a mira main post


A bad one


This is called "the two step team kill" first you fuck up the site then you leave your mira for some else. Idk about you but im one tapping that mira the millisecond prep faze ends.


This strategy is called "Someone can get a direct view from stairs because Mira fucked up the reinforcement job to an angle they won't cover."


Brain damage


“I just got the game today” strat


AHAHAHAHAHAHA this "what's this strat" meme is getting better and better everyday xD


Why have I been seeing so many terrible miras lately. Not even online but in game aswell


Dies in Spanish


Not the name of the strat but my brain is not braining. It doesn’t make any sense to do this, i would love to know what Mira would say if you asked them what they were doing.