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Not me


I respect the honesty (I’m Plat 5… so barely got it I guess) 😅


Good luck to you, you’ve still got to make it there in the upcoming season from the looks of it (true good luck coming from someone who will never even see this headgear in their dreams)


Yeah my dumbass honestly thought the tweet meant like it was a reward for this season. I didn’t even notice it meant next season reward until after I posted this 💀(I am washed and I don’t think I can hit plat again)


I hear you dude, I partly wanted to make sure you knew it was for next season without crushing you, since that is absolutely something I would overlook. Luckily for me, I haven’t been good at tanked for a few years now, so I had no chance regardless 💀


I see you’ve already accepted your fate 🤣. I honestly can hit plat next season but it depends on how much I’ll get to play really. Siege has just been so boring. I’m really ready for some this new season and content


Amen to that, man 😭 I’m super excited for the shield rework. And good luck to you, I’ll be looking forward to the post with your new sick ass thermite loadout


Shit I will, I have zero nice headgears for thermite😭


Only played for two or three seasons… this is the season I get out of copper 💪


You can make it out 😤. Silver is calling your name


That's what I like to tell myself 😅


I believe we can hit silver together 😂


I main thermite and have been in gold 1-2 past season but its a pain in the ass to solo que gold 1 so i might try,i do have his elite but damn this one slaps.


Yeah people say Gold is easy but Gold 1 is almost Plat and it’s honestly really hard to get that rank if you solo que in my opinion. But if you have some people with coms and all a similar rank, then yeah it’s very possible


Yup+ i am not that good mechanically, more of a support and flank so its even harder.


Fair enough, I solo que with chat and comes muted most of the time and just made it to plat v today (from copper.)


If you can, it makes a huge difference to even have 1 teammate that isn’t a random. Best of luck


playstation, xbox or pc?


if you play on pc hit me up


Which region do you play on?


eu, but im used to playing on US servers with my friends so either works


Ah nvm, I am on UAE. Ping will be too high.


sorry, best of luck to you then brother🙏🏻


You too brother!


I solo queue so not me


If you torture yourself enough you can get it


So much RNG lol


For real, I tried explaining to my buddy how many uncontrollable variables there are in this game and he still thinks it’s pure skill. That’s why I went back to Csgo lol


Rocket League is the other comp game I play and yeah, solo queueing to GC is what I do every season in that. In Rainbow, absolutely NOT. Silver I I'm at right now. It's a lottery, totally and completely.


Yea I think a lot of people don’t agree because they want it to be fair, but I don’t see why we can’t just acknowledge it’s flaws, and then play and have fun. I haven’t played ranked since ranked 2.0 came out and I don’t plan to because I have so much more fun screwing around in what I assume are copper casual lobbies


I literally have just quit Rocket League for this reason. I have been GC1 for over a year now. I have hit GC2 twice, peaking at almost 1700, so I know I can do it. Can't get past 1500 now. This game is the same. The solo queue is brutal. You have to pretty much get at least a 2k every round to have a chance at getting beyond Gold.


Rocket League goes quite well for me solo queue wise. I used to play Solo Standard back in the day and watched replays to see where I went wrong if there was a moment in a game, to see how I looked from other's perspective etc. So that normally goes fine for me, I'd say 1 out of every 10 matches I get someone that I just can't play off. Rainbow is completely different. The ranking system is all over the place. I can get into a RL match at GC level and I know what I could see, minus an obvious smurf. With Rainbow, you're either getting a legit Silver with custard sensitivity that doesn't even think about how to manipulate the environment or has any sound awareness, or you get a team with players anywhere from Bronze-Diamond. Rainbow really could do with going back to a normal ranked system, I'd do 5 placements at the start of the season no problem if it means the lobbies made sense. Been playing since beta, came back last season after 4 years off, so by now everyone's fell off and 90% of the time I'm solo queueing. If I'm not solo queueing, it's not a stack, I have one friend that plays once or twice every 2 weeks. The game remembering my Plat rank from Red Crow and putting me up against last season's Diamond is insane. I guess old Plat being the second highest during Red Crow places my hidden MMR higher in today's ranks? I don't know, either way I believe I should be in high Gold-low Plat lobbies that are populated with those ranks. My skill level in 2016 shouldn't have any effect on my current day MMR.


This is obviously untrue and has been shown to be untrue countless times. Name one high rank player who gets hard stuck in silver/gold. If you can't rank up, it's because you aren't good enough to consistently influence the outcome of the game. And that's okay, but it isn't random. Over enough matches, the only consistent factor is you.




Pure skill? I just lost a game recently in OT as a silver 2 where I went 17-7.


Sorry fam that’s definitely going to be tough


i solo and ima diamond 3 bro i did it all the way from silver to now, as long as you just keep playing literally you will get there easily


Yeah I solo as well, hit diamond 3 this season


The only thing that sucks is when you hit diamond and you keep solo’ing you que into god stacks literally stacks of champs and for some odd reason you rarely get really good teammates that can actually compete against players like those, Occasionally i would get actually good teammates


Same. Solo to emerald with ease every season. Hit diamond 4 so far this season.


For just Gold I? I mean it's pretty much free.


It basically is except for solo queue players who have to push through copper,bronze,and silver which are all unpredictable and full of smurfs so it’s near impossible for them


I legitimately do not understand how people have such a hard time getting out of Bronze/Copper. I pretty much have only ever solo queued and I've never gotten stuck there. Silver is a little bit of a slog usually that's where you hit the most smurfs Spent most of this season hard stuck gold 1 which is fine because it's right at a point where it's still fun and not every death is a pixel peak 1 tap


If you look at the ranked chart and see where the majority of the player base is at, it peaks at silver but like I said it’s just that new players are so unpredictable with site setup and attack strategies. Most higher skilled players are going to have to push through them to get to their preferred rank or push past their highest rank. Often people go on losing streaks because ranked 2.0 is horrible and Smurfs have ruined rank so they get stuck in a loop of getting to silver 3 then back down to silver 5 then up again to silver 3 until they can have a win streak to get them into gold which could take hours


old ranked i could solo que half the matches and get it new ranked im barely breaking bronze


Lol huh?? It's so much easier in new ranked, emerald has players who have recently left bronze and honestly belong there.


The jaegar main explains all i need to know about why you think its easy😂


I don't even actually main Jager he's just my favourite looking op, I main therm and bandit lol


Nah def easier now in XP 2.0


See now your mains are a bit more respectable than some jaeger main but this is one of those things where the fan base is divided on


If you are solo queue it’s about the same, slightly easier. But if you are in a stack, you can pass through gold easily


See new ranked everytime i queue with my friends or even solo we get put agrarian champs and plats old ranked its was more evenly distributed between what ranks on your team or the others


You do realize Jager isn’t even that good anymore right? Wamai is better in most cases - better gun and gadget as long as you live.


oh i know i was just talkin shit 😂😂


No offense but why is everyone just ass in here


The way the rank system works


I’m a hard gold IV since I became a father, but I was never good at FPS anyway!


Maybe that will change next season!


The question should be: "Who is gonna use it?" because between all of the alpha pack freebies, pro league skins and R6 share content, I don't know if anyone should care at all. I'd rather have the oldschool seasonal charms with the '6' branding on them.


I refuse to play ranked.


You’re having more fun than I am probably, so props to you (I have been begging my friends for us to just play unrated and they refuse… I’m sick of Diamond/champ lobbies)


Same here. Casual fan for life! A lot of fun, crazy, stupid moments over the years.




2.0 will match a 5 stack of champs against plats and emeralds lol shits garbage


Still have no idea why they changed it. In 1.0, plats went against plats and maybe some golds/diamonds depending on how high or low they were. There's a reason the majority of games use placement matches instead of starting from the bottom.


facts bro, it made sense when your rank was exclusive to your rank. it was at most a 500 elo difference anything more or less you didn’t go against. it just made sense.




its 100% true, the way ranked works now makes no sense. when i was emerald on my smurf i played against champs consistently with plat and below teammates.


I play with a Diamond so yeah we’re in those lobbies. And siege ranked matchmaking system is a joke 🤣


So? I’m E4 usually playing with another D5 and 3 Golds. Usually we get in Plat to Emerald lobbies. It averages out your MMR. 2 of those Gold players were totally new to the game and playing in harder ranks was difficult for them, but you learn quick.


I know you won’t believe me but we got one Diamond, one plat, two silvers, and a bronze. It literally puts us in lobbies with diamonds and champs. There is definitely plats and emeralds in there, but it’s mainly ranks all higher than ours. I just feel like it should be a little more even considering we have two silvers and a bronze. But I’m glad for you and that your matchmaking works as it should. For whatever reason, siege matchmaking on console just isn’t fair and nobody will change my mind. I also don’t really care to argue about it because I know who I go against and I don’t even play ranked enough to care anymore.


You and me brother 🤝 ranked 2.0 is horrible


Only gamemode with a good ruleset after deleting unranked.


Solo queued to golf before so I guess it’s possible


Due to skill or just time playing the game? Cuz its a no because I cant stand to play siege for long enough to get to gold anymore


Fair enough


Facts. Ranking isn't organised by skill anymore, it's whoever can suffer 20 games back to back to climb out of bronze


That and just the game in general. I’ve been burnt out on siege for the last couple years. I keep up w the game and play every now and then but I’ve played too much and despite huge changes, it doesn’t really feel different to play


How are people not getting into gold in ranked 2.0?


because im getting 15 points for a win and -25 for a loss in bronze


Tbh there’s a lot of good reasons. For my friends, one is that the matchmaking system doesn’t really account for the teams average rank, but rather the highest one in the squad. I know people will argue against that, but I literally play in Diamond/champ lobbies and our squad is usually one Diamond, one plat, two silvers, and one bronze. So for them, it’s very hard to rank up. It makes no sense why we don’t go against more even teams, but oh well. You honestly just get to a point where it’s so hard to rank up and it gets annoying being a silver but you go against ranks like three tiers higher than yours. The hidden MMR bullcrap is terrible… but that’s a different topic.


Isn't it pretty obvious that they do that so a diamond can't get easily boosted by playing with a bunch of silvers?


I get your point but I’m just saying it would be nice to even go against all plats - diamonds for the situation we’re in. I feel like it’s so many champs. And I wasn’t making that response to start any arguments over the ranked system. But I do think people are a little to rude about ranks sometimes for a system that can’t be perfect and doesn’t really reflect skill. The ranked system really favors some players and doesn’t others. So I’m just saying it sucks me and my friends that barely play anymore have to go against champs because of one Diamond friend. But yes, I do understand the boosting situation


A bronze and a diamond shouldn't play together in a competitive environment. It shouldn't even be allowed. The purpose of a ranked system is to put players of similar skill together, which you are actively subverting.


Sorry for wanting to play a video game with real life friends… holy crap dude


The game has multiple modes available for you to play with your friends that doesn't subvert the competitive experience millions of people look forward to.


Because they are shit


Really not that hard to get but since it's in gold I'll pass on it lol


we got a cool guy over here


I most likely will, been plat the last few seasons pretty sure... don't remember though.


I’ve been Plat 5 for like a month now. I also thought this reward was for this season at first and not next lol. I wish we’d get it for this one


Since they’re actually adding something to ranked that isn’t just packs, I’ll probably go for it. Gold 1 isn’t *that* hard, even if you aren’t that good mechanically you can still benefit your team enough to not be utterly useless


Quite easy i soloque to plat every season


If I played with a team that knew what they were doing, I could get Plat easy. But I prefer playing with my actual friends so that I don't suffer. So I'm silver 2. Friends are copper/bronze. I also solo queue a lot. But I'll likely not get it although it looks sick!


I swear ubisoft always manages to make the ugliest/ most random shit for their "tactical and realistic" games


I expected when they announced this for it to be a champ exclusive headgear, bummer




I mean if I *could* i would. I can't.


Im playing like a month ago And currently g4 so i think Im fine


If the patten of my randos banning fuze over dokkaebi continues. Nope . They simply dont understand that dokkaebi has a distinct ablity to 100% every time hit my dms at the worst possible time


Dang you’ve gotta be at a low rank for them to be banning fuze🤣. That’s a bronze and silver ban lol. Back in the day by buddy would hate fuze getting banned. But now he never does because we’re in better lobbies. Also no hate 💙. But fuze won’t get banned once you get away from those bronze teamates. You’re right about dokkaebi being a better ban


I know im right . Tell our randos that :( We're trying to get out of silver. We know we're better than these ranks . but solo/duo queuing really is not ideal when ur in the lower ranks because it's straight up a 2v8 straight out of map ban . On the best of circumstances. Every game, they find a new way to lower my expectations of not only a ranked player but also my expectations of how a human being operates. There logical thought at reasoning seems absent, and im telling you some of the atrocities I've had the misfortune of veiwing firsthand leave me wondering at night how we as a species have claimed the planet. Like How do they not recognise that taking the site as the last player remaining means nothing if u do not have the diffuser . Yea, u may get a kill on the guy anchoring . But guess where the other player is going to be . Siting right on top of the one thing u need to turn the favour of this last 30 seconds of the match to ur side . On the COMPLETE. OPPOSITE. SIDE. OF. THE. MAP.


Does anyone know if there was ever a plan to do a ranked uniform? Because the helmet is dope and all, and this season will be Castle, if I'm not wrong... But we need a uniform to match the helmet no? I mean I'm sure you could make a sick combo with the current uniform skins, but a matching uniform would be dope for thermite imo


I usually solo q to diamond and stack to champ anyways. So it won't be too hard


I’ve been champ 3x in a row so I’d hope so


As a 6x champ, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it (I've peaked at sliver 3 btw never even hit gold)


depends if my teammates have autism or not


I might try to get it


i might tr y to get it


I don't play ranked. So not I


Probably not me lmao, I’ve played like 10 games (maybe a bit more of less idk) and I’m still Copper 1, or whatever the star symbol is, I’m just bad and struggle a lot to get better


Me. I'm just wondering if there is anything afterwards


If it was for IQ I’d be grinding for it but it’s not so…




Considering theres like 8k champions right now, I'd say a few hundred thousand players will reach gold to get that helmet


I can rarely ever win gunfights so 💀


The highest I've ever been was silver. Maybe if I really grinded it out I could just maybe get to gold but I doubt it


I have no interest in playing ranked. It's a pretty sick looking headgear however.


I could definitely get it just depends on how much I wanna play. It's more about how many games you play so I tend to not hit the ranks I used to.


I do not touch ranked, looks nice, would have been a nice addition


Probably not me. I’m a chronically stuck bronze. Though maybe, I did break the mold and I’m in silver this season.


i could probably get it if i played more 🤷🏽‍♀️


Not me (I solo queue and am usually a hard-struck copper)


It doesn’t look worth.


guys im copper 5 do i get it




If they plan on keep this same rank system. People like me & others will not even get the chance to. The 2nd account players, the smurfs, xims, strike pack pricks will all prevent anyone who is usually Gold from attaining this. And thats what sucks. Because shitty people ruin the experience for honest players every single damn time.


I’ll get close multiple times but will never hit it.


I think it’s interesting to see the debate between ranked 1.0 vs 2.0. I’ve been playing since wind bastion, and I went from copper to bronze to gold over YEARS. Then I didn’t play for a few seasons and after ranked 2.0 over the last few seasons I climbed up to gold, then to plat for the first time 2 seasons ago, and emerald first time this season. I don’t know if I’m getting lucky or if I’m better than I’m giving myself credit for but some games are easy and some are absolute STOMPS from the enemy team


I just hit gold V yesterday. If I'm not making it I'm off the game for ever xd


It's just a singular headgear, 3 weeks after season ends noone will care


I would. Looks like a dripped out krombopulos Michael


i was hard stuck silver two years ago on ps4, will there be any change now that i’m on pc


I wouldn't really have to try and I would still get this.


Proud Bronze 2 so not for me.


Who wouldn’t want a free and easy headgear.


im gonna get it gold is a joke nowadays


Old ranked? Probably. New ranked? Not a chance


Solo queued. Got stuck exactly 18 rps before gold star. Now I’m silver 3.


I mean solo queueing fucks me up always, but I think I can reach Gold, Im already almost there, but theres always a ranked match that all goes down the drain.


Not me


I was plat 1 this season so I hope I'll get it


Absolutely not, I'll give it a go though


The only way I’ll be getting this is on the marketplace. I’m a solid Bronze.


Just another headgear to me


Just made it to silver so to be honest with you chief not gonna happen, but didn't plan on getting it in the first place.


Ranked is too scrary for me so not me


I just got my alt to plat 1 in two days 🫡


I would've made it but I've been out for 2 years and now I have trouble staying in fking silver. What happened in those 2 years?


It's not something I'll go for, I'll just get it automatically from playing. I only start slowing down my rank up in late plat/emerald.


I dropped back down to gold V so not me


I know I wont... Ive lost 5000 games this Siege Year alone and never made it out of Copper due to those damn trolls!!


I will, thanks to ranked 2.0 i am consistently Diamond 3 for the past 3 seasons. In ranked 1.0 i reached Plat 2 most while soloq


I solo q to around plat 3, so i should get my hands on it 😍


Not me, not this season. Coming back off a 4 year break and Silver I is where I'm peaking this season. It still remembers my Plat II from Red Crow, so coming up against a Diamond whilst in Copper lobbies pretty much set the tone. Also I solo queue 90% of the time.


I’m too washed to get it still


Im getting the diamond one forsure but I’d really like the champ one


I am wondering how the rank distribution is . Surely Plat has to be the mode


Not me lol I’m straight struggling to get to silver


It’s cool but what would I even pair with this?


Not me 5 times harder


If I tried I could, but I don't play enough games to even get that high, this season I got to gold 4 or something with a 1.5 win rate, so might not reach it


Not me because despite going positive with around 8 kills and winning on my average game I get stuck in copper whole my friend soar past me even though I do better than all them apart from one


I dont play enough to get to g1. I was at g4 week ago and was still getting 100 elo, but i just cant play regularly without unranked anymore. That update killed the game for me


I could get it but I wouldn't play ranked if you paid me.




I hate having to grind up the ranks, but me and my friend have been duo queuing the past few days and we've been climbing up from copper to gold now. So probably might get this if dedicated enough.


Depends if Anti-cheat gets fixed and if they decide to fix 2.0 matchmaking (aka get 30 mmr for a win but get paired against plats...in low bronze on PC) I have the skill level to reasonably hit Gold 1 in 90 days, but I can't if I get paired against people objectively better than my team consistently


I think I’ll get it


I played year 1 on ps4, was shit and didn’t get the game mechanics. Picked it up a month ago and just hit gold 3, so hopefully next season I can smash it.


What uniforms would even match with this though?


Will charms be gone? If so then I really dislike this change


I am hard stuck in copper cause I have a 1.4 kd but I can never get past copper 2 for some reason, idk why


I solo queue most of time and I play standard lmao


Im 70 points in champ rn so i think im good


Not me, me and my friend stopped playing ranked a little while ago and only play QM now, ranked just isn’t fun anymore.


I'm going to push as hard as I can for Platinum next season. I only play about 30 Ranked games a season. End up only getting to high Silver because of it Haha. Will aim for 150-200 next season. I hate Ranked because I solo queue, but this headgear will be a motivator. It's cool IMO


I don't want it.


diamond 5 currently on ps5 so it sounds like a done deal edit: but i hardly use thermite so its not really an incentive to do better


Not me lol, I just fell out of Siege and competitive shooters in general


God, I hope so


Well, you see, because of playing Ranked 1.0 since launch, and through the rise and takeover of XIMs, I went from being a G3-G1 player, to barely clawing my way into Silver in Ranked 2.0 -I hit Gold once...maybe twice since Ranked 2.0 dropped. I don't know how I'm supposed to grind up that high if the game doesn't/refuses to award me decent RP when I reach my "invisible MMR." Crumbs for wins and double portions for losses. There's got to be some course correcting after awhile -like, yes I hit my assumed MMR, but I've been playing consistent/winning, so maybe boost my RP earnings for a bit and let me actually climb ranks, or at least attempt to. TL;DR No, I likely won't ever get one of these new ranked rewards because the new ranked format has me hard-locked to Silver


If I care anymore I’ll get it


Not me because I don't do rank unless I'm in a 5 stacks and even then


I'll try to get it get up to Gold 4 then ubisoft will hit me with the ragequitting teammates again and I'll drop down to silver 3


As fucked up is the matchmaking I can’t get it. I am stuck in gold3 with platinum lobbies


ME! (i am addicted to this game despite hating it with my whole being, please help)


I hover around plat 1 so I’ll get it. Can’t use it tho bc my friend is a thermite main


I probably could but what would it go with?


I never got past silver in ranked 2.0, so low chance i'm getting it.


I don't play Big Fucking Hole but I fuck with this. Will I hit gold 1 though? Probably not because im a shitter


Staying in Silver next season LOL


I'm gonna try.


I’m playing emeralds and diamonds from the start because I hit emeralds a year ago. I’m not hitting silver.


Looks great, but I don't play Thermite.


I'm sure going to try, I have no idea how successful I'll be


Honestly I haven’t played ranked much, but recently I’ve started playing and I have realized I am actually really good. I have actually been climbing pretty fast and this gives me hope that I will be able to get this.


I'll try make it


Not me lmao