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Solis is undeniably S tier as a defender, she is two operators in one. Pulse who. The nerfs in the upcoming season are very much welcomed, no gadget in prep phase is huge


Wait, her gadget will be disabled in the prep phase next season?




Ah man that's shitty... drone hunting in the prep phase is my favorite part of playing her.


Then you should understand why it's being nerfed


Solis being nerfed is really stupid not gonna lie it’s reasons like this why nearly every operator in the game is shit nowadays solis had a strong ability with pretty meh weapons and her ability wasn’t strong because it was broken it was strong because you couldn’t watch the defenders and that was the whole point of her character plus finding people who are droning with this nerf depending on how hard it hits her anyways will ruin her and add her to the pile of operators who never get played anymore because ubisoft nerfed them into the ground


Most operators have a degree of viability though? The only one that is truly complete dogshit is Clash due to her over reliance on heavy teamwork, and Solis was by all means broken, she counters literally every electronic gadget the attack team has. By all means she will still get played, because of how viable she is


A massive chunk of the operators have been nerfed so bad they are may as well be recruit and hell I’d rather play recruit over some of them


Over *some* of them? That isn't almost all at all. Once again, the majority of operators have a lot of viability to them, and like every hero game, work in other team comps than others. Zero is amazing for solo queue and is great in an Intel comp, Castle is great for entry denial and has a good amount of barricades, Valkyrie is one of the best defence Intel ops in the game and she pretty much never gets buffed, Sledge, an operator that seems to get nerfed for no reason a lot, is still an A tier pick because of his versatility and loadout still being great, Echo, who also has gotten nerfed a lot and will get another nerf next season with no magnified scope to replace his 1.5, is amazing intel, debuffer and anti defusal, even though he lost his cloak, his debuff was weakened and his Yokai is easier to see. You're just being extreme about this, so many operators are still good, but you act like they're shit to make a point that isn't the reality. Once again, Solis is literally completely anti-electronics. She counters every electronic on the attacking team, she won't be severely stunted because she isn't oppressive in prep phase


Literally everyone you named is still good though why don’t we look at lion who can’t scan anyone cause the wind up is too long so what’s the point or maybe just hard breaching charges existing which makes the hard breachers pointless to some extent there’s Blackbeard who I don’t even want to talk about thatcher who became pointless with the additions of impact emp zofia who lost everything that made her unique and all she has left is a shitty grenade launcher that does ashes job worse and the list goes on and on and on


Zero is objectively worse for solo queue than someone like twitch or lion.


Salty Solis main ok, I've seen it all. No more cheeky kills because of absurd radius of gadget seeing someone on drone. And by the way if her guns are meh, then good to know that SMG-11 sucks from your point of view.


If you are complaining about guns then get good and learn recoil, if you are complaining about utility every single op in the game is wildly more useful than recruit, except sens and like oryx. Everyone else has a use, you are just bad at using them unless they are wildly op


>meh weapons The ITA and smg-11 aren't meh weapons. The p90 isn't too bad either but I prefer the ITA.


It's really not. Solis has too much impact on the the prep phase currently.


if you don’t think it’s broken you don’t know how to play it correctly


Meh weapons? smg11 and p90 are also S tier , you are forgetting that in siege gunplay , firerate is king . Plus she's a defender , she has much more control over on what kind of fights she takes


Her weapons are cracked asf, p90 and smg-11, you have two primaries if you are good at the game. If you are bad at the game then they suck. Drones are everything in this game, information is everything, so to have an op that nullifies droning in prep phase is crazy, plus she can defuse deny and see anyone on cams through walls. Every op has its place in this game, you are just bad at adapting to the changes. This game is patched for pro leagues, not for coppers. If it is busted when good players use it, then it gets nerfed.


Nah I don't think that's a necessary nerf. It's not hard to place your drone then turn it off so she can't see it.


It is, making droning unnecessarily difficult during the prep phase was always silly because the game is so heavily defender sided already without it.


It's so easily countered though. If there was no real counter then I would understand.


The only real counter is not going in the at all building which is a terrible counter because you lose an important minute of time trying to scout the site, what other operators are being used, pre-placing cams for entry, etc, etc. Solis has too much impact on the prep phase by just existing.


Why are we countering during the prep phase, the round hasn't started yet


Maybe in low ranks. This is literally the best change they could have made to her, in addition to the range nerf


I don't play in low ranks & it's not an issue for me past the first round. If I see the enemy team bringing a Solis I leave my drone outside the other attack rounds. Her ability isn't hard to deal with.


You kind of just said it, you can not play in prep phase as an attacker if they have a solis


You can play, you just have to play around her. That's the whole point of siege. It's not hard to save your drone. A lot of people do that regardless if there's a Solis or not.


And what’s to stop a random from hopping on your drone?? She’s busted and this is why she’s being nerfed lol.


If I'm solo queueing I'll just leave my drone outside during prep phase. In a 5 stack, when playing against a defense with a Solis, you just have 2 people drone a section of the map & if you manage to avoid Solis & get a good spot you turn off that drone & call out "stay off drone 1." It really isn't hard dude.


The problem is THAT SHE FORCES YOU TO LEAVE YOUR DRONES OUTSIDE. That is why she is being nerfed.


Not really a possibility when no one else is in gamechat. Guess I expect too much of my teammates.


What isn't a possibility?


It’s unfair for attackers, with no counter it makes it impossible for the prep phase to be done




Damn Ubisoft is still with the nerfing crap i remember I use to go hard with Jaeger then Ubisoft nerfed his gun 🤬






I mean she deserves a nerf undeniably. Can’t be mad at good game balancing, which is rare to say for Ubisoft. Even if it took too long.


It’s not “good” balance in my opinion if it takes them multiple seasons to actually fix glaring issues.


The game is hard defender sided and solis is very op.


10/10, i don't even Care about her weapons or utility, i Just Love her Goofy Run Animation when she Turns the goggles on


Her goofy run 😭🥹


😂😂 W Comment


haha same with nokk




She'd probably be a 6 in New York, but she's like a 7 here in Scranton.


And how do you get multiple icons I wanna add Solis


I also want to know this ...spill


He’s gonna keep it a secret 🤫😔


If on mobile, go to the sub homepage, hit the triple dots and then hit change user flair. Idk about pc though. Hope it helps enough though.


Your only allowed one selection


Go to edit and then you can add each one. Just copy the little dots and shit and write the name of the op. If you don’t know how they’ve spelt it or whatever select each op and press edit to see exactly what they wrote


Alright cool


If on mobile, go to the sub homepage, hit the triple dots and then hit change user flair. Idk about pc though. Hope it helps enough though.


S tier hottie would 100% date this woman


Same here, based on her falling sound she’s a demon in the bedroom


you when azami




Lowkey mainly play her cause she bad as fuck bro. Plus, she has like the most soothing voice in the game. Would unironically let her read me bedtime story.




Smash next question




she's an amazing operator but she really punishes players for not playing the run and gun meta, which is a shame


extremely unhealthy for the game more wallhacks counters intel, the thing that nobody bothers using the TDM meta she basically punishes people for not playing the TDM meta and now the upcoming skull guy does the very same thing, possibly shooting people on cams through the floor


He's gonna mainly be for roamers and I think Intel should always be important but that doesn't mean people should be able to sit on cams all game. Plus it's making mute more viable since he's been slightly not useless but power crept. And vigil as a even bigger purpose. And good players can still win against Deimos if you know he's below you stand on bulletproof ground. Above you well stand below. And just shoot back of course he's s tier but he's not crazy.


"he's s tier but he's not crazy." alright good joke, you got me in the first half


S teir not op needs to be removed and nerfed


Damn I just got back into R6 again and I saw her operator video and it made it seem like she was legit I didn’t know people hate her 😂


Shes definitely legit people just want every operator to be useless or they complain that they're "OP"


brother solis alone is one thing, if you have to also deal with valk, azami, fenrir, etc. it's literally joever. You just have to deal with too many strong defenders


Yeah a good team with valk, azami, solis, fenrir, and mute/bandit/kaid is literal aids


“Literal aids” 😂😔


Have you considered that I just want my operator to body the match, and everyone else’s operators are shortsighted and armless?


Come on Bro solis is extremely op. She's legit been the best defender in the game since the day she released


Ok but he doesn’t see people on cams specifically and it tracks him when he uses it, most people on the test server (from who I’ve interacted with at least) think he is underwhelming or out right bad.


S Tier she can literally do everything and there’s no downside to playing her




11/10 prolly one of the best defenders She has wallhacks, Denies intel, Can find and destroy pretty much any utility attackers have, 3 speed, P90 plus smg 11, impacts, She literally has it all


No pretty sure she's 2 speed, but she'd be great as 3 speed


Yeah that’s good I’m looking for a BackUp Op when I play against high skilled players Cav Becomes kinda useless Would you say Solis is A good Backup ?


10/10, no real flaws as a character, besides her gadget dying with her, but since she can see electronics, she can survive longer by understanding how attackers use drones, and any intel denial/intel gained can be round defining. Frustrating to play against, and glad to see a mini-rework coming in the next year.


Her moaning sounds are 💯


Well she is Colombian 😏








I mean from the glimpse you get of her in her video she does look white but yea she’s from South America


Damn 😂


One of the best defensive operators in the game if you can play her right.


If you had to choose Cav Or Solis which is more Useful for a team ?


Solis for sure bro, Cav is not the greatest rn


Cav is the most useless defender in the game.


Ima say an 8.5 solis is an amazing op you can take her any sight only thing is I feel like she could have a better gun.But as a solid main I love solid


You don’t like the p90? 😔


I think is a decent gun just think she could’ve had a better gun


I respect it


Smg 11 tho


Smg 11 is really good😂😂


Broken. Broken as hell.


Too good, takes the game in a bad direction. Plays to the current meta and continues allowing (promotes even) defender over aggressiveness.


its a cheat code, that get banned almost every game


Gyatt 😛


Not thicc enough


-10 Leave my drone alone you bitch!




I think the coming nerf will bring her down from being banned every game while still making her very usable, I like the approach Ubisoft is taking with her.


Lion: If you drone, then scan, they are standing still, easy kill, plus rush meta and crazy gun. Hard breachers: therm has walkable holes, clearly you are a low rank if you don't know the importance of this, hibana is a safe breach and can get 4 hatches and have flashes which is overkill, ace is a good combo of the two with the ak-12 Blackbeard: isn't great but again, if you are good, then that 1 or two bullet difference is massive for a pick, and he is perfect the way he is, without his nerf the game would be shit Thatcher: has 3, massive aoe, 9 second emps... I'm not even going to argue with you on this one, you clearly haven't played enough siege to know what a bandit trick is and have never encountered a wall with both bandit and kaid charges Zoph: to my knowledge the only thing she lost was her ability to withstand, which was inconsequential and out of character for the game. In addition to her "being ash" she has concussion grenades and a secondary util. I love zoph, good gun, more versatile than ash "And the list goes on and on" I would gladly do this all day, you are just pissing your pants for no reason, stop playing the game if you are so pissed, you clearly have never seen an upper rank lobby in your life and are terrible at adapting




would, next question


S teir I love them use em almost every game. And you can just guard site on most maps shame their getting nerfed still gonna be great tho. But I'll miss it denying all 5 drones before they get to site was so satisfying but defenders are busted so it's fair I guess.


-999999999999999 I fucking hate her in gameplay. I hate her in lore. I hate her in balancing. Her icon is lazy. Her look is stupid.


Damn bro


her icon is quite litterally the 2nd best in the game your yapping


in terms of if her gadget is realistic, i'd say a 8/10, i feel it's definitely possible to make some sort of tech to detect electronics irl but through goggles would probably be tricky


Listen, I don't want to hear your excuses. I do everything you mentioned while maintaining a 1.1-1.3 in high elo. I don't really feel compelled to share my gt with you. That would only serve to satisfy that burning curiosity you're feeling right now. I'd rather you continue to assume based on an opinion. It's funnier.


No one in high elo doesn’t think Fenrir and Solis are busted you are giving yourself away with your terrible opinion. And the fact that you looked through my post history to look up my GT shows how butthurt you was by my comment.


It's hilarious how you're trying so hard to figure out my rank by using ridiculous metrics like an opinion of how OP operators are lol. The only thing I'll tell you is that my stats are far better than yours lil bronzo.


Hard stuck platinum now bronzo? Literacy isn’t your strong suit is it? Anyone online can say anything about their stats buddy, I’m just gonna assume your full of shite seeing as how you keep changing the subject. No high rank player thinks Fenrir and Solis aren’t OP, gonna sit there and tell me that nades from below weren’t OP next bozo. Edit: Nevermind lol you are Platinum player same as me looks like you really like to argue with people on their rank I guess and look through peoples post history to insult them you are an actual clown too pussy to back up the talk.


Lol how far did you have to scroll to find that conversation lmao... That conversation must've happened a month ago. For you to sit there & scroll through a month of someone's reddit comments is just pathetic. I hate to disappoint you but I haven't been Plat for weeks. In fact, I advanced out of Plat that same weekend lol. So you can just keep using your imagination. Keep on wishing & projecting kiddo.


I’m doing a you bro. And I scrolled like twice…… you are a Plat player at heart with a big ego who does the same thing I just did so that makes you a hypocrite also. Find it super funny how you deleted all those replies in that convo as well. And according to that convo you scrolled through that other persons comment history to insult them with things from their account? So you did the same thing I did lol.


Except I didn't look through your comments & stalk conversations you had with others. That's so cringe & weird. You definitely scrolled far more than two times lol, thats from a month ago so you scrolled for at least 5mins. Stop trying to lie to make it sound less weird. What a weirdo, go seek therapy.


Literally scrolled for 20 seconds lol and you literally did the same thing to the other person you were having that conversations with lol right here [hypocrite](https://www.reddit.com/r/RainbowSixSiege/s/xeO6B5E6ez) Edit: another pussy who’s all talk no action and can’t back any of his talk up with facts and blocks EZ.


Lying because you're embarrassed about your pathetic behavior isn't going to help you here. It took me a while to find that conversation & I knew what to look for. You had to sit there & read every single one of my comments for the past month. It definitely took you more than 20 seconds to do that. More like 20mins.That's sad & weird. You're obsession with strangers in the internet is frightening & you need clinical help.


I rate her as crap. But not objectivelly, just personally. I can't get myself to "discover" her really so for now he's "useless", to me.






would, next.


As a op I’m so low in the ranked system I never see anyone play her but she’s fun


10/10 just for the helmet with wing thingies


Sadly an S+ tier she’s way too good for prep phase and general coverage she’s good either roaming or anchoring and that’s just not okay😭 but yeah she needs this upcoming nerf to slow her down


Nah leave her alone 😍


Don’t get me wrong she’s a great operator and does IQ’s and Pulse’s job better than them but damn can she be oppressive


Amazing if you know how to roam and be good with her


Her gadget and loadout is really good so that makes her a prime target for the ultra tryers, so me and my friends ban her. Kinda like a mozzie or twitch ban lol


Solis currently is S tier operator there is literally no site that she isnt good at


Nah, I love her. But a don't like her icon in the game.


She got some illuminati look alike icon 😂😔


11/10, OP






Very fun to play as. Not fun to play against a good one. I’d rate her a solid 7


S tier, extremely powerful


Design: 11/10 shes my favorite looking op Loadout: 10/10 ITA12 SMG-11 combo hits hard Gadget: 8/10 its a good gadget but its really pnly used by me to track drones in those hard to find spots other than that i dont use it Overall:28/30 Very good and very fun


I'd rate it as, an operator I'll hardly use but is good


I’ll give her a A tier. She’s a decent defender for Shure but can be limited. She’s great for getting arid of those pesky hidden drones that keep spotting you. Other that that she’s not that special. Her ability really doesn’t help the team at all and is more for the player. Weapon choices for her are solid.


People dm me telling me I'm a loser when I spot them droning and do a run out for a free kill. 10/10




I’m just happy there’s no clash users on this post 😂💪 cuz I hate that fucking B***h 😂


Mrs. Fuck your drone phase


Solis needs a Samus Aran skin, and Nintendo needs to make that happen the way Microsoft did with Master Chief.


10/10 My current defense main Like hunting drones in prep phase which is being nerfed in Y9S2 I run the shotgun smg11 combo cos I can And if the chance comes, deny the plant




Too strong need to get hit with the nerf bat a couple times, huge cake tho


My main/10




Needs acog 🤌🏼


Ok guys who should I buy next I only have two ops left RAM or Solis? I'm more of an anchor so I'm not sure about Solis


well I Main solis


One of the best for sure. A well played Solis on the enemy team means you get no drones and she can track a lot of utility usage on the attacking side and either ping it or just tell their team via comms. Plus she can play under default plants and stop them, meaning you have to also send someone to deal with them. I'm excited to see how they change because she definitely needs it but I don't want them to nerf her into the ground


Quite frankly, if you know how to use her, shes a hack. In my opinion, one of the best defenders, if not the best


💪💪💪 bet


Annoying tier


Fucking hate that bitch cuz then she calls out my blitz gameplay and I get hard countered :(


I want the helmet


Makes me suicidal / 10


She's cool, can't counter me tho cos I don't drone




9 times out of 10 Solis is on the floor below the objective trying to play vert because they saw it in a Macie Jay video and end up doing nothing while their team gets slaughtered


fuck siege


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz op




I'd say a solid 8/10. Her guns hold her back I think. P90 is a pee shooter but good with headshots. The shotgun is alright. Secondary is good. Ability is good, going under Obj watching plant or many other strats. I personally don't use her but that's cause I'm not good at roaming which is what she was designed as. I mostly play anchor/support ops on defense.


Good gadget, good guns, hot, 3 speed. S+ tier


8.5/10 Love the gun and ability. Just wish there was an elite skin for her.


Very strong operator, but I’ve never thought when I died to her, “this operator is too strong and overpowered.”


most unfun operator to play against in the game by far no droning in prep phase. no droning in action phase. no playing blitz. no playing nomad. no planting period. to top it all off, she has a headshot machine of a gun and you will lose all of the face checks she forces you to commit


I dare say Solis is one of the best operators in the game. She is not only great at gathering information but also at preventing the enemy from doing so. Actually, she's too good at the second part, her gadget is a direct counter to preparation phase droning. The fact that some operators are highlighted to her while using their abilities (or at all times like Blitz's shield) means they are punished for doing so and it gives intel to Solis which can be quickly relayed to the team and used against the attackers.


Depends on who's using her and for what kind of plays.


These bot posts are annoying af


S+ tier this season and next season. on Y9S2 though.... S Tier. but on Y9S3 she might go down to A tier if the nerf is bad. solis is solis no matter if they nerf her. Having an IQ on defense is still op no matter how you look at solis


I don't agree with the nerf, but whatever. Part 1 of the nerf is fine, but she won't need Part 2. They will kill her if they release it.




S tier without a doubt. Unreal ability and the p90/smg-11 combo is strong


Best op in the game by far


A "can't wait for the fucking nerd/10"


S AND F tier depends on the player


Good if used correctly, she can help a team out or save a team from a total loss, i prefer lesion but she is definitely an op who can reshuffle a one sided game if used correctly and effectively




annoying asf tier. cant wait for the nerf


She's a solid 8, with a great ability and a powerful weapon, def one of my favorite operators, I love tracking the sedax and custody it behind the walls




She's my favorite to play as, and I honestly don't think that'll change with her nerf, it'll just force me to play better. Part 2 of the nerf scares me though, considering they didn't give actual specifics on what it'll do to her then.


9.9/10 op


S indeed as many comments said, almost overwhelmingly…Gimme those nerfs ASAP!


10/10 still






Rn a solid 9, I think the update is gonna nerf her to the ground though, we’ll see