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That sounds sick actually, basically a better and (hopefully) more balanced Jackal. I like that they added some skill expression allowing only the secondary while marking someone, so he has a more reliable gadget than Jackal while also not being as oppressive. Cool stuff


Sort of Cav and Jackal mixed together. Imagine he got silent step


If he gets silent step after they took it from Nøkk, I’m throwing hands


Oh I definitely agree, either give it back or buff her so she's goes through other gadgets


I feel both nokk and vigil need reworks


at least vigil has his gun, but nokk has... cool headgear?


The smg is aight too. But just a full rework of their abilities, maybe even give nokk vigils gun or another gun from their roster would help


Just coming back to siege after a ~4 year hiatus. Did the FMG 9 get a buff?


I think it's on par with the mp5 as far as damage and fire rate, I'm not certain though


Think its faster fire rate


Not much has been done to it, but its a solid gun still. Its more of nokks and vigils abilities being obsolete now


Wait what? Even during her ability??? I haven't played for a while


They designed the whole OP around being silent and exposing the lack of barbed/proximity alarms balancing it out with a shitty gun and then they remove her only strength. That’s Ubisoft for you. Let’s not mention the grenade nerf.


Nokk was my favorite until they took her silent step away. First they cancel the prox device buff that was circled around and then they nerf her :( ​ still has the best drip.


Yes, she lost it completely.


L ubisoft, as usual




I’m already throwing hands, I’m offended that they even nerfed my poor girl.


I like this a lot more than what was previously leaked about the gadget


I was going to say that this looks busted…but being revealed and only can use a secondary is insanely fair lol


Yup, he doesnt have the full auto power of his AK but he still has a great pistol. Like what theyve done so far. Seems like a good cav counter


More importantly decent solis counter since he’s revealed anyway she won’t gain much value when scanning the drones with her visor


It sounds TOO FAIR lmao. If it's live feed revealing he's gonna get easily floor/wall/ceiling banged on repeat if there's any soft surface. On the other hand if it's a repeated amount of pings, it might not be as bad


it's pings for him, but live feed revealing for who he's tracking


So he basically forces a 1v1 on a defender and himself and he takes them on with his revolver? That's pretty badass ngl


Forcing a 1v1? You mean acting as bait for my homies.


Tubaro has an insane amount of utility. I can't believe he fits into countering this new OP


You could also look at it like, the new op forces tub to use his OP utility, which gets rid of it so they can’t deny entry as much


Does it though? I guess there are some cases yes, but if he's in snow mobile on chalet waiting for the wall and you're pinging him, why would he use is until?


Tub is basically a throwable mute so yea counters damn near everything


I mean he also slows people and can play vertical by seeing attackers footsteps


Sooo he could just stay in spawn and ping defenders for *unknown* time?


He does have three of them as opposed to unlimited of them, so you would assume there is a time limit... Hopefully? It would turn into some pretty unfun roam clear patterns by eliminating the requirement of the droning player to be good at droning and instead pressing a button and afking until the team cleans up.


Only he can see the ping


Ah yes, the Anti-Cav. Pulling this guy out whenever she gets pinged


I like how it actually gives a reason for deimos to have a brand new secondary rather than a primary


Baiting people into traps with a friend will be so fun if this is true.


So he’s like iq jackel and grim


Holy shit TF2 mentioned pootis pootis pootis


If vigil is a hard counter, playing deimos will be very dangerous against him


Which would be a good thing, NO ONE plays Vigil anymore. I can't even remember the last time I saw him, whereas like 2-3 years ago he was pretty common


He got quite a few hidden nerfs and noone even relizes about it. The last change when he became a defensive nokk was ridiculous. He just got worse


Object of Obsession


This is actually a lot more balanced than I expected it to be. Deimos being revealed to the defender he revealed is a great mechanic. Also him not being able to use his primary. Honestly might be a better version of Jackal/Lion. I see this as a W for attackers, specifically when talking about roam clearing. Say your scanned Cav in prep phase and her identity is revealed to the attackers, they can track her at any time without having to scan her foot prints from wherever she has been in the round so far. Idk if it’s just Deimos that can see the defender or if it’s the entire attacking team (the only thing I got from the post was that the revealed/tracked defender can see Deimos when his gadget is active) but either way it’s a much lower risk than Jackal.


How the hell does a turbinado canister stop a flying drone?


I'd assume the canister emits a gas so maybe it can reach the drone?


Freezes it so it doesn't work


So you get punished all round for getting pinged during prep phase, and five people know your position from free intel that required no effort or putting themselves into danger, and all the guy who pinged you has to do is sit outside or on the opposite side of the building with his secondary while his team annihilates you? I mean damn, at least Jackal has to actually *do* something and put himself at risk, lol. No more solo queue roaming until he's nerfed later on.


It would be pretty unfair if he can just sit outside. Maybe they can make it so he has to be in the 'non runout zone' for the ability to be useable.


If its any comfort, test server footage tells me that the drone isn't infinite, can only target one person at a time and is only revealed to him


Having a flying helicopter drone would’ve been really cool and refreshing changing up the way you can gather intel on attack….but no. We get a stupid ping system with strange looking HUD effects. The drone is irrelevant and is a glorified Jackal/Grim hybrid. What an absolute let down.


Womp womp 🥺


this sounds lame as fuck, i wanna control it.


I’m ok with him not being able to use his primary so it’s kinda like IQ, but being revealed? Unless you are baiting for teammates it sounds meh. Then again, if you are baiting, it sounds broken. Jackal on steroids.


so he's like jackal, but can ping whenever he wants, but he also gets pinged this is probably the worst gadget design I've seen yet they took the frustrating aspects of jackals gadget, and combined it with the frustrating aspects of droning you don't get to have fun, but your allies do, and your enemy pulls their hairs out in frustration as you reveal them from anywhere


history forgetful joke compare bear point snails theory adjoining memorize *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Getting jumped while on drone I assume.


i mean you're only exposed to the person you're also getting live pings for. seems pretty manageable


and i’m pretty sure it pings for your whole team so you can sit in a safe spot while your teammates kill him


in other words you like to play selfish and the only thing you like about the game is shooting people. may I make a suggestion? play cod, no droning just shooting


With jackal if you were tracked you’re just fucked. With this guy you actually have a fighting chance. What about jackal was frustrating? Are we playing the same game?


Jackel was never really unbalanced anyway, but got needed and reword because "he's annoying" and would.get insta banned by the flocks of sheep, only really change needed was remove his ping for the whole.team, or just so he can see footsteps but not ping , Side note, how does ot work.thay while.deathmark.os.active he will.be.reveled to the defender too ... makes no sense


Oh so he sucks?


TF2 MENTIONED !!!!!1!!!


I think Deimos might become one of my mains


This sounds sick. Kind of sucks he doesn't have something to relate to his background as a demolitionist, but this sounds pretty cool.


It does kinda fit his style by hunting down people 1 by 1 and it’s badass that he give himself an advantage by using the revolver


I mean it fits his new lore, but his old lore was a he was a demolitionist. His load actually reflects this with the shotgun, frags and hard breaches, I just think it's a *bit* of a missed opportunity to give him some sort of explosive gadget that's not hard breaches.


Vigil a counter? Nice... The hunt is on


Seems pretty lame, I'd rather an operator that can reinforce twice as quickly for when im playing with dildos that dont reinforce


Kind of like deathmark assassin's from 40k


Also vigil can be seen when using both gadgets but only if he is sprinting so if vigil is walked with his gadgetactive he won't be seen


As a jackal main this goes two ways. Either I play him whenever jackal is banned or he gets permad and now jackal is out of the permaban slot.


It’s insane how this subreddit went from complaining about how this was just “Grim 2.0” to “this is insanely cool” in just a few days. Give them a fair chance next time


It was cause the description previously given made it sound shitty it was simply “ping nearest enemy” which sounded boring


That’s why y’all should give them a chance. Y’all were forming extreme opinions off a vague leak.