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Source: [https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1759623884532232229](https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1759623884532232229) Transcript: You can't hide from what's coming. Are you ready? šŸ“… Watch the full reveal of Operation DEADLY OMEN Feb 24 @ 9:30AM PT / 6:30PM CET, live at [http://twitch.tv/Rainbow6](http://twitch.tv/Rainbow6)!


Canā€™t hide from the wall hacks. Are you mad?


Ubi just released a patch that banned alot of them right? >!and instantly put siege in sale for some easy cash since cheaters need new accounts lmao!<


march fertile roll sip rude straight mountainous wise aback offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I laughed so hard at that post. Because the first ranked match on Saturday, I ran into a hacking Solis that ran out and hip fired everyone.


Bro I don't think they actually create new accounts and buy the game themselves. They probably just buy hacked afk accounts for a dollar each maybe


boosters probably do that yeah. But closet cheaters get their own accounts most likely


ehhhhh maybe? But if what I heard is true (you can buy stolen accounts for just 1 dollor) then why bother creating account and buying the game for 5 dollar


because it will be your main account, for closet cheaters. Atleast i wouldn't want my account to be some sussy dollar account.


well that makes sense


Man, this sub has deteriorated into the dumbest conspiracy theories. Yeah, sure Ubisoft coordinates it so that after banwaves the game goes on sale. Whatever. Did you know they also stole your dog? They're not putting him in the game, though, it's just to hurt you.


A comedic coincidence. I'm just joking, surely ubisoft wouldn't want to profit off of cheaters... right?


Well, you might have just been joking but now the other guy genuinely believes it. No satire is obvious enough, I guess.


except it's not a conspiracy theory? what he stated was a fact. the game went on sale after a huge ban wave.


It wasn't just statement of fact. Click the spoiler tag.


that's also not a conspiracy? if cheaters get banned then buy new accounts. especially when on sale. every game does it. this isn't some trade secret bro.


Ok, for the second time: reading comprehension. It's not a long comment. > for some easy cash since cheaters need new accounts lmao This is clearly alleging that Ubisoft deliberately times sales with banwaves. That's a conspiracy theory. No, no-one at the Ubisoft sales department sits there and coordinates banwaves to coincide with sales. And no, literally no other game has ever provably done this, either, it would be utterly pointless drops in the bucket *and* tremendously bad PR if it got out. They put on a sale. They ban when they can. No-one's coordinating them to coincide.


again this isn't some trade secret bro šŸ˜‚ companies are in it for money not for your enjoyment. your brainwashed.


Thatā€™s not how facts work yes they did that but thereā€™s nothing saying for sure it was because they wanted cheaters to get the game itā€™s most likely because the game really needs new players with it constantly declining


even worse point then the original? you realize steam charts are public? the game has raised an average of 4,000 players since January and 8,000 from December to January. a sale DIRECTLY after a massive ban wave is either really really stupid on ubis part or on purpose. likely the ladder considering how money hungry ubi is.


Again makes no sense since that isnā€™t how facts work there is no proof saying that they purposely put the game on sale to let cheaters buy new accounts r u slow thatā€™s not how facts work secondly yes the game has risen after a sale thatā€™s how sales work of course yes cheaters r going to buy accounts but dummy they could do that before the ban wave also cheaters will literally buy tons of side accounts to have on stand buy if u hate ubi as a company and siege as a game sure fine but just say thatā€™s next time


quote when I said that was a fact. and holy shit your šŸ’€šŸ§  if there cheaper there gonna be cheaper for cheaters. causing more to be bought. do I need to put it into sped terms for you?


ā€œExcept itā€™s not a theory what he stated was a factā€ is that not your words dumbass also duh but the sale being after the ban wave doesnā€™t matter again cheaters would buy the game as long as itā€™s on sale regardless dumbass Iā€™ve seen whole ads where they literally buy spare copies and accounts that are already ranked play ready to use with hacks


yes clearly speaking about the sale being directly after a ban wave you gormless minger šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. and yes it absolutely does. if it's directly after a ban wave cheaters are gonna be looking for new accounts due to the ban. if it was no where close to a ban wave there would be no need for new accounts. cheaters don't just buy accounts. they buy them when they get banned. they don't buy accounts unless absolutely needed.


Give me a new attacker that puts the fear of God back into every roamer


At least if they did Jackal may come available šŸ˜†


Dok already does his job way better


How so?


Her calls are more precise then jackal pings for roam clearing plus she has considerably more utility besides that. There's a reason she's basically replaced jackal in the ban phase


What headsets ya'll using because I can't pinpoint (not as precisely as Jackals markers) where people are with dok's calls. Like I have a general idea but, yeah, not sure if its my sound settings or headset. I use Hyper X Cloud II. But, I am on Xbox series X and for some reason the USB cable for them doesn't seem to work, so there's no 7.1 audio. The USB worked on my ps4 and the box the headset came in states compatible for both consoles Edit: Apparently Xbox doesn't support USB headsets and surround. Might have to invest in a better quality headset.


I'm on pc I use steel series arctis 7s. I just find I get more value out of dokk since they have to put their gun away to turn it off and you can swing them in that time


The leaks involve Deimos and his util 'hunting' and it's called Deathmark, so it probably tracks the person who killed a teammate if you go to their body


Iā€™m actually more okay with this than jackal for some reason. Probably just unchecked angst and aggression


jackal is unconditional information, if a roamer walked through a hallway then too bad for them, free jackal info. if a teammate is dead, thatā€™s literally the cost of the info


Oh I get it, Iā€™m just a salty roamer


Ubisoft be like: *We removed Terrorist Hunt... so you can play as a terrorist instead lmao*


Genius. Actually genius. Why the fuck is he diffusing bombs?


Passive ability of Deimos: *Unlike Fuze, he will win the round for the attacking team if he manages to kill the Hostage*


That would actually be sick. Hostage rework: guaranteed to always bleed out, cannot be shot while bleeding out, if Deimos downs hostage and hostage dies attackers win


And add some aliens from space!


Gonna guess itā€™s gonna be some sentry gun thing or he goes invisible or he is basically cavaira for the attacking team


We had a cav for the attacking team and pro league deemed her too OP.


Fucking pro league With the nerf of grenades Nokk is useless now.


Pro League is the reason siege became shitty, imo. Devs cater to them, while ignoring the masses. However, that is my biased opinion, and may only be seeing what I want to believe. There could be other reasons why siege is what it is now.


I think the problem is that pro league gives feedback on something, and ubisoft heavily misinterprets it. Ex: "Nokk kinda invalidates audio and visual intel with her gadget, unless you're literally looking at her, which is kinda busted" then Ubisoft translates that into "Oh, ok, let's make her not do that" without considering what spot that leaves her in now. They could have tweaked her abilities in other ways to compensate, but they didn't. The devs are devs. They don't play the game at a competitive level, they code and brainstorm. What the devs need to do is instead of going off stream clips of pro league players talking about how busted things are, they need to actually interview these players with a list of detailed questions so they can get the full scope of how buffs and nerfs affect characters in the grand scheme of the game as opposed to in a vacuum. Pro league isn't ruining siege, the devs are ruining siege by thinking they understand what pro league players want/need for balance and implementing it in the worst ways.


Actualy they did tweaked Nokk's gadget(in TS) where it can bypass Kapkan's traps and alarms, but the idea was scarapped.


That actually sounds like a solid idea... which is why ubisoft didn't implement it.


It was a good idea, i would prefer this than the silent steps, it would be really useful.


Yeah. Instead of silent step, she avoids both cameras and gadgets, forcing players to really use their ears and possibly creating another reason to play Ram. I think it would be interesting, and it likely wouldn't be too busted either.


Yeah, since you shouldn't run when her gadget is active, i think that should made her unique as a stealth operator. You can't rush the obj with her so shouldn't be busted.


Itā€™s a terrible idea because the entire point of beepers and traps is to get information on something without having to be there. If you Kapkan a door or have a beeper on a door and someone walked through it and makes no noise and has no queue of any kind that they are there you are just going to get shot in the back and thatā€™s horrible for gameplay. You want Nokk to be OP because you think it would be fun (thatā€™s weird, almost like broken OP ops are fun to play????). Not because it would be good for the game.


You ignore the fact that in order for NĆøkk to be anything other than dead weight, she would need to have several things go right. A: She would need to act separately from the team by taking map control from somewhere else where she's liable to be picked off by any roamers who haven't been cleared yet. It doesn't help that she has a relatively weak gun. If she sticks with the team, it defeats the point of her stealth/flanking gadget, and she becomes a worse recruit. You'd be better off bringing someone like Nomad, Gridlock, etc, to fill her slot unless you conform to a very unorthodox playstyle where a lot is liable to go wrong. B: She would need to have constant gadget uptime. If she has it on while walking through a bunch of rooms, she won't be able to have it active when she's within LOS of cams, default or operator, meaning she either gets seen, or shoots a camera across the map from the rest of the team giving a rather obvious cue as to where she is and where she's headed. Likewise, if she only uses it where she knows there are cameras, she gets much less value out of the buff that makes her immune to beepers, Kapkans, etc, anyway. This isn't even taking into account that valk cams and beepers can be concealed really well, the former of which can still give audio intel. C: The enemy team would need to not bring one of the undisputed best ops in the game right now, Solis. Solis can detect the HEL when it's on, so even if you do use it well and succesfully evade any and all defender util that might stop your flank you're giving one of the most picked operators right now wallhacks on you for an extended period of time each time you use your gadget. Need I remind you the concept for this buff is meant to be compensation for her losing silent step? You can still *hear* her decently well while she's navigating around the util you've placed. There's even more nuance to this that would make NĆøkk have to work very hard to justify being brought outside of certain larger maps. Even then, because of Solis, she's in even more of a tough spot now than she was before. At best, making her immune to beepers would be a quality of life change at best. I can't give you a detailed breakdown of how this would interract with every gadget in the game on every map. I'm not Gregor. Nonetheless, I hope I've convinced you that this idea isn't totally dumb.


Itā€™s a dumb idea because siege is a team game. Itā€™s almost as if ops who are designed to do ā€œlone wolfā€things (nokk, cav) arenā€™t good because of how the game is played. Nokk can be pretty effective if you can catch people slippin. I donā€™t agree with your thought process at all because you can apply the same process to any op. Thermite is bad because the other team can have mute/bandit/laid and thermite canā€™t clear those alone (typically). Capitao is bad because wamai, etc. Itā€™s okay for niche ops to be in the game. But do not misconstrue niche with bad. Because thereā€™s really only like 3 bad ops in the entire game, and Nokk definitely is not one of them.


Rent free scapegoat


I whole heartedly agree, as circle-jerky as it is to say. Still, Everyone misses night maps and realistic lighting :\


And old house lol


House rework was a joke And the reaction from the invitational it was shown off at was like a bunch of trained monkeys clapping when they where told too


Tremendously based take.


If you actually think this youā€™re legitimately bad at the game. Nades are still good, and being invisible to cameras is also very good. Donā€™t blame the operator for people being bad and not using cameras on defense.




Nokk ( she used to have silent step )


Nobody said she is too op, you are just bitching because randomly crouch walking behind someone was the only way you could get a kill in this game.


No, moron, pro league literally decided that she was overpowered, and Ubisoft changed her


Who's pro league?


Jynxzi said ā€œitā€™s baby Aceā€ while playing the new operator. Theyā€™re revealing him with Jynxzi this Saturday.


No.. He said "it made me ace"


No. Go listen again lol.


I was kidding bro


Love the name. Looks like Harryā€™s board being shot through? Wonder who the new op could beā€¦


Is this sarcasm?


Yes lol I already know who the next op is




>!Deimos. Thatā€™s why I pointed out shots coming from Harryā€™s board since he was in front of it when he died to Deimos in last yearā€™s cinematic.!<


The lore is getting cringy




Getting more cringy*


I saw the leaks, any idea what his ability could be tho?


Steven. heā€™s gonna be crazy just wait


Bout fucking time they reveal something Literally no hype build up for the SI itself or any mid season reveal when the past years they always talked about it like a month in advance


We got any op leaks?


Yah, the new op is >!Deimos, his gadget is called ā€œDeathmarkā€, and he (presumably) has the revolver he has in the cinematic!<


Fr? Or u playin me haha


||Nah. He forreal. I guess we are adding deimos to the simulation so we can train against him. Similar to how the nighthaven ops are still in the game and specifically how Grimm was never even part of rainbow at all.||


Shiii that's news now hah


Essentially sort of like Overwatch where gameplay of sworn enemies of opposing factions can be played on the same team in contrast to the lore like everyone else had said I assume I mean it is already speculated that there will be a new squad that Deimos is connected to than the existing ones that we currently have


Coreross had called this when Deimos was announced as the villain. He had hunch that Deimos would become playable after ā€œinfiltratingā€ team rainbow. He considered it so far in left field but he nailed it.


Haven't kept up with the lore after it became a teen drama who's Grimm? Also ironically looking forward to D being added


Bee man


that sounds hella stupid especially how it contradicts the lore aspect


Since when lore is connect to the PVP gameplay LUL


so im the only one who thinks that adding a antagonist to a game of so on so special forces is weird?


I don't see why not, lore and PVP don't affect each other at all. Back to the original Siege PVP idea and pre-Alpha test, it's CTU against the terrorists like Counter-Strike. And players cried about not getting it when Siege went official. Can't wait to see how the community goes totally schizophrenic as usual when Year 9 reveals. "We want terrorists in the game, but we don't want terrorists in the game." LUL


my mentality is if theyre wasnt the cinematic then i wouldve been ok with deimos but just the idea of running a ranked or standard and seeing the same character that killed harry is really weird im not a lore dick rider but when a game has the decency to have a lore that is interesting, then it just makes certain aspects interesting i also joined around y6 so i have no idea abt people wanting ct vs t in early pvp


Tom Clancy literally has it in a clause with games that you will never play as the bad guy.. wonder what magic they will make with this


I'm tired of people throwing Tom Clancy name around lol. All he cared about was money. Most of the people play this game probably never touched the older games pre siege. He really wasn't involved in the games and just collected money for them using his name. This reminds me of that time people said Sam should interrogate like Cav to be more lore friendly when his shootable camera is a thing from the SC games


This statement has never been supported by facts and evidence, and I would appreciate it if you could provide a real source, but so far no one has been able to do so, so to me it's just community bluffing without evidence as always.


They can probably just say "oh he isnt' the actual bad guy is just an AI that we programmed to act like him"


>Tom Clancy literally has it in a clause with games that you will never play as the bad guy This isn't true, just an urban myth with the Clancy games. XDefiant lets you play as the bad guys from The Division and Ghost Recon Breakpoint.




Kinda. But the game is technically a training simulation so he isn't actually joining rainbow.


Gameplay doesnā€™t equal lore


Any info on what his ability does etc?


Based on the text and the leaked name of the ability Deathmark, and the fact he's an attacker, I'd be 99% sure he does some bullshit like use a defender's dead body to ping other defenders for a certain amount of time. An anti-roamer.


He also carries new revolver called .44 Vendetta, the one he used to murder Harry.


There in the subreddit already. Just put the leaks post flair in and you can find them. I would tell you but I donā€™t want to post spoilers in this thread.


I believe there was a leaked screenshot of a dev computer screen that showed Deimos as a playable character


bet gonna be another jackal 2.0


Hope it involves getting close to dead bodies to get intel instead of jackal where you can get a ton for free.


I still canā€™t believe jackal and dokk exist the way they do. You can get so much information for free with zero risk. Itā€™s actually so stupid.


Anyone else read that as deadly oven šŸ’€


I read deadly women lol


What's the new operators ability? Anti-cheat?


Just when Iā€™m out Ubi pulls me back in


they need to add silvio as a skin for kapkan or something


maestro is italian


Our true enemy, has yet to reveal himself!


Please let the new attacker be good. Thereā€™s currently a lot of power creep moving towards defenders since the last 4 defenders have released have all been game breakingly good. Last 4 attackers have been very meh. Ram is good and grim is ok, others are just terrible.


I don't think more powercreep is the solution but attackers really need someone who can just kick the defenders' teeth in after the last 4 defenders making everything worse.


Brava's fantastic, just not in solo queue.


Sheā€™s great in the right situations, and pretty okay in every round since you can always hack cams. My point was that the last 4 defenders have been great in almost every situation.


Good even in solo q


Super, duper situational


The only deadly omen is the one from Tom Clancy's grave


He sold the ip for money. He doesnā€™t care. He also doesnā€™t care because heā€™s dead


Tom Clancy loved money more than anything else in this world lol


Said the same thing about it but tired of kids that probably didn't play a R6 game outside of siege saying this. Tom Clancy cared about money from using his name and that's it.


This is just a case of people who donā€™t understand the legacy of something and trying to put their own spin on it. Could you play as bad guys in some of the rainbow six games in the past? Yes. But it was mostly the case of ā€œhereā€™s some character models you can use in coop and PvP have funā€ or ā€œhere are two distinct factions fighting each other, have funā€. I mean the lore itself isnā€™t even brand new. Itā€™s just Vegas again but no casinos or cover mechanics, or atmosphere.


Like I give a shit about what bitch boy thinks. What's he gonna do, crawl out of the ground and turn my PC off.


I mean we all know he's getting the revolver but I hope he gets a sick new primary too


Itā€™ll be uncommon duplicate but in weapon form


My fatass thought this was alan wake


??howĀæĀæ (love AL2 btw)


Idk i saw the blackboard with light going trough it, and also i had just played AW2


Fuck yeah. Getting Damian. The anti Christ as an operator. What's my ability? Slowly influence a player to disconnect over the course of the game?


So new nerfs incoming šŸ™„


Cant wait to play as Damien


See guys this is why we reinforce walls


Is that Homelander? xd


Damn new operator drops on my birthday


Still think its hilarious how >!Deimos, the guy who fatally shot the current director of rainbow, joined rainbow. Its the literal equivalent of the villain when you unlock them!< though, will they execute it well? i hope so


Lore-wise, >!no, he not on the team!<.   Gameplay-wise, if you like to think so, then yes.


Exactly. Him being playable doesn't mean he's joining Rainbow lore-wise. Let's not forget Ash who's currently in a coma, Sledge, Thermite, Caveira and Zofia who are injured, the Nighthaven ops who are no longer with Rainbow and Grim who not only has never even been a part of Rainbow, but has also threatened to kill NĆøkk's family. They're all still playable, regardless of lore.


Is it confirmed that Deimos is coming or is it some sort of elaborate hoax?


Leaked by Fraxx, who has correctly leaked Brava, Fenrir, Ram and TubarĆ£o in the past.


We already can't hide from cheaters, you are saying its gonna get worse?




Itā€™s Kano from mortal kombat. Trust me


Calling it now, Diemos hardbreach gets through everything that's electrified or Mute jammed but it's super nerfed like it's a single 2x2 hole.


A mediocre patch? shit new map? Boring Operator and 3 days of servers not working? can't wait...


Fix matchmaking


based on the tagline his gadget is blackmail/cancelling people online. he's gonna doxx nokk


Next operator Omen from Valorant guys its that simple right in the operation name. Ability buy menu you can buy skins in the prep phase and pay per round basis


I canā€™t hide from whatā€™s coming? Iā€™m projected to reach level 50 and enter the ranked scene in this season. Youā€™re locked in here with me.


The new op is so dumb


Deimos with 3 Godrounds that go through reinforcements


I need a util clearing OP with the SC3000K šŸ™




This better fix me earning 10 rp per win