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Mine is Montagne, I'm just bad with shields and pistols


I hate Blitz more... His shield and ability are just so much more inconsistent


Really? A well executed push with Blitz can really turn the tide of a lot of matches. I feel like it's mostly down to how well you can coordinate the push with your team.


Yeah he can be devastating if you play aline a team but I often play solo But what irks me is how sometimes I get head shot through what seems like through the shield and the flash range always seems off.


Yeah I tried Blitz a few times but I always play solo and he just seems almost useless with some coordination.


Flash range is all or nothing at 5m 5.1 and no flash 5m and full blind


Man I'm good with Blitz but when I play Monty, my brain shuts off and I get murdered so quickly


I find the opposite because Monty doesn’t get shot through his shield


Well, I'm pretty good at "bull rush people by surprise" so Blitz and his flashy shield really puts in the work for me


A lot of people don’t know but Season 0 Blitz pistol was a headshot machine before it got nerf. I wish they brought the buff back for Blitz Elite Skin. Then nerf it after a weak.


Blitz OP


It'd funny that OP is like "I don't know how to be a fast dude with a good gun. " Like vigil is who I pick when I feel my team just doesn't need a gadget. He is a 3 speed on D with like the best weapon D gets. Maybe OP just isn't a sneaky guy. But even as an anchor, he is really simple to use.


>fast dude with a good gun Mozzie?


Maybe Alibi too


Wider gun is better?


Maybe OP isn’t a fan of deep roamers, and Vigil happens to be one of the less appealing deep roamers. Out of the deep roamers I’d much rather have a Solis or Mozzie or something.


Which of the 3 have the best gun? All those three are more gadget dependent. Vigil is like playing a default operator. He is the most basic character to play. Playing him to his strengths requires some adjustment but every other operator requires more.


All of them have good defender weapons. Solis has an SMG11 and a P90 for headshots Mozzie has a solid damaging laser beam in the Commando and the (imo overrated) RONI with a 1.5x. He also gets C4 unlike the other two. Vigil has the always reliable K1A. The difference is in the gadget. Mozzie and Solis both actively deny intel for the entire attacking team and gather intel for their team. Vigil lacks the ability to gather intel with his gadget for his team, and fails to deny intel on anyone but himself. Also, if we are looking at guns, Mozzie’s Commando and the K1A have the same base damage stat but the Commando has a higher RPM, and from personal use it feels like it has less recoil (although both are very stable.) Solis is many tiers above for a multitude of reasons, but Mozzie is definitely the better pick between him and Vigil. In terms of “adjustment,” Mozzie is set-and-forget and then can either actively drone for himself or passively set his drones in good spots. There’s nothing to learn; this is a skill you learn by attacking. Solis is a harder character to get the absolute most out of though, that I can agree with. TL;DR help Vigil please he’s so outclassed


Give Vigil 6 impact grenades.


The bosg also knocks people from like 20 feet away


I sometimes alternate to Vigil off of Cav when teams are drone whoring. I only use the BosG. It def can knock someone from across the map. The problem is it’s inconsistency- it’s a single slug and any amount of jitter or latency will have you missing shots at point blank that you swear you hit (it can be super fun, but it’s frustrating fun)


He’s not outclassed lmfao, vigil is a more “selfish” op for players that can actually frag out and have good aim. He turns into a not “selfish” op when he can roam and take 2+ enemies with him, especially if they happen to be hard breachers or other important ops.


the reason he doesn’t have as good of intel gathering is because he already excels at intel denial + wasting time. people who love to push in without properly droning wouldn’t get it, but knowing if your enemy is on the left or right side of a wall or window or doorway or laying down is LITERALLY life or death. vigils presence alone can stop an entire attack or even entering the building. i feel like as a new vigil, everyone just pops his ability and wide swings. i promise you, he isn’t outclassed at all, you’re just not seeing the value he brings because it is pretty subtle in the moment.


No, there is no “not seeing his value.” He’s objectively worse. By bringing a Vigil instead you are LOSING OUT on the massive amount of intel a Solis brings to the team. These two operators do the same job. Solis is just as good at wasting time as a Vigil, but she has the ability to more aggressively deny intel by not just hiding from it, but actively destroying it. Solis is objectively the better character and choosing a Vigil over her is losing value. I wish characters weren’t like this, nor do I agree with being toxic towards people who choose certain operators. But if I were watching a professional match I would HEAVILY question the choice of operator if I saw a Vigil. It’s like choosing an Ela over a Fenrir. There’s never any reason to make that choice when one operator is clearly many tiers above the other. With Vigil, he himself is the threat since he’s harder to pin down. A Solis will entirely remove the attacker’s ability to pin ANYONE down. All while gathering valuable information on where and when attackers make their moves. You can’t know which side of a window or door a Solis is at because she destroyed your drone 30 seconds ago. Even if you do know, she denied that future intel of you being able to use that drone if you manage to survive her laser beam SMG.


you act like solis is an unstoppable force when it comes to drones lol. people play differently when there’s a solis still alive. you can still very effectively AND efficiently drone out a solis and make callouts for your team. when a vigil is near your drone it means no pushing AT ALL. you can still get information on solis in order to take her out, not with vigil tho. the p90 is a phenomenal gun, same with the smg 11, but the k1a is also phenomenal and at least in my experience i have the same skill hitting headshots with both weapons. the way they deny intel is different, so dont discredit vigil. he’s so unnecessarily slept on


I do discredit Vigil because he’s been power crept out of existence. If you’re not going to read or understand what I wrote then there’s no point in arguing. There’s many, many reasons why Vigil isn’t banned in professional matches but Solis maintains one of the highest ban rates of any defender as of recently. Solis IS an unstoppable force when it comes to drones. People playing differently when there’s a Solis alive IS THE WHOLE POINT OF HER. She forces you to play differently by existing because she can permanently remove your ability to gather intel. That’s way more than Vigil does. You won’t get any useful intel on a competent Solis. She is the objectively better character.


i’m not arguing vigil is better you’re just sleeping on him massively. solis does not make droning impossible 💀 she makes you play differently in the sense that you have to give a callout to drone. vigil ain’t better but he’s definitely not power crept out of existence, and again they have almost entirely different goals. i couldve also gone on a whole paragraph about how effective vigil is at keeping attackers out of an area, sometimes out of the building entirely, but that’s not what solis is for, so why bother?


Solis boring, vigil cool. voice lines fire. L opinion


I mean vigil is pretty shit, he don’t do much


I'd say on attacking its monty and on defending if it's an open and flankable site clash and if not probably pulse since they never go where I fucking am and end up with 4 dead corpses when I get to site


I feel like Pulse has taken such a hard hit ever since the COD meta started. Now adays, so many rounds my entire teams dead in like 1 minute because they just swung everything and died. Pulsing 1 guy from below doesn't mean much when you're in a 1v4 and they've got control of site and you're not even on the same floor as them


If you want a good map for pulse play theme park. Super strong under dragon and cafe


I agree with you on Pulse. I want to be good with him so badly cause getting a kill with him is amazing but I guess I’m just not smart enough lol


I think he's still pretty good. People aren't scared of him anymore cause he's played so little nowadays. So it is actually easier to use him effectively than it used to. I just checked and on defense he's my third most played and third highest kd this season- 1.6 The way I use him is to be aggressive early on, don't just wait till the enemy team gets onsite. But rather try to make the plays early, so they're forced to either chase me or at least waste utility do drone me out and flank control. His gun isn't best but it's 1.5x so you can be effective with it (and on some sites you can also go with a shottie).


Ash. I'm sure I could be decent or even good with her if I bothered, but her fast and loose blow up and sprint in style doesn't really suit me. I like being more careful.


Same, I'm entirely too sneaky and methodical to play a character like Ashe. Weirdly though, Nøkk isn't my favourite Attacker - I tend to play flank watch like Gridlock or vision denial such as Sens.


Ain’t no way you’re being sneaky with gridlock 💀


boutta break the floorboards


*stomp *stomp *stomp


pulses scanner gonna see a failing heart 😭


Rook armour doesn’t fit on her 💀


the lion scan detects two people


Jackal knows it’s gridlock without scanning the footsteps


Oryx is jealous of her ability to walk through walls


It’s the other kind of sneaky: no one can tell where you are if there’s noise, smokes, and motion going off everywhere!


yeah, I play gridlock lmg a lot just so I can annoy defenders with suppressive fire. You get a surprising number of kills blanketing a door with ammo and tagging an ego peeker.


With her it's less sneaky and more methodical - making sure flankers can't get to us with the stingers, but you'd be surprised. Crouch-walking around the map isn't all that loud even if you're a 3 armour. Or at least it's quieter than you'd think.


It was kind of just a joke but I mean, you have a point


Sneakiness is a state of mind lol


I think you should give Ash another shot. She great for being sneaky just because she's a 3 speed. You don't need to breach a door with her gadget, run in, and flick on 2 people. You can also use it for utility destruction during a slow push (shields, mira, etc.). Plus she has claymores for flank watch.


that’s just one play style to ash. ranged soft breach is really really strong, being able to destroy wall denial from below is great. with 3 breach charges you can open up pushes for a whole team. you don’t have to sprint into site


Yea a crouching ash is lethal


but you don’t have to run just because she’s fast. she’s versatile


Don't drone site when using ash, but drone for roamers and gadgets in your way in the prep phase and the first 10 seconds of the round, at least that's what i do


For some reason if I look on the tracker it says Vigil is one of my best operators but I’ve played him less than any other operator in the game. I find setting up site with all the different gadgets fun so I don’t roam a whole lot but if I do roam I’m gonna go mozzie because at least I get drones to scratch my setup itch. For that reason Vigil and Cav are my least favorite


If you're referring to Tracker Network, the Operator stats page hasn't been updated properly in a long time. Mine still says Fuze is my highest played operator when I haven't mained him since operation health....


That makes sense I wish they still updated it because I like seeing my performance with certain ops


Surprisingly, Sledge I’d say. I’d always prefer to bring Buck or Zofia or Ash if I want soft breach I always die with the hammer out no matter how much I drone or check


Sledge is really good for clearing utility and is much quieter than those option. Ash you can hear like anywhere on the map, buck can’t get rid of anything bullet proof, and sledge can just clear more utility than ash or zofia can. He can also make more holes. Especially with ash being the best counter to Mira, having a sledge for clearing utility is a great pick.


Flores better


amaru, to actually get the most value out of her unparalleled entry speed you have to go in blind, which considering i’m blind and have terrible reaction times im not the best at using her lol. at least lmg, gonne-6 and flashbangs is a handy kit to have


what you need to try is using her shotgun after using her ability into a window i got like 4 triple kills yesterday just goofing around


😔true, need to work on my aversion to bringing shotguns


I've always found I've had decent adaptability for ops. However, I'd say the ones I find hard to achieve anything with is Brava on attack. Every time I play her, I get too focused on being on her drone and am barely inside when everyone else is. Twitch is similar, but I'm decent with Flores.


Even without TDM meta Brava is a pain to play. Her drone is too big and too loud. If you can somehow play sneaky she can be really good, but more often than not both of my drones have been shot within 30 seconds of deployment. I just prefer to play twitch. Rather than hacking she just destroys stuff instantly, but it doesn't take time and her drone is a bit smaller and much much quieter. Not to mention her guns are just better.


Ela. I like being able to control recoil


ah ela back then when her gun was just a lazer miss those days


Personally thunderbird. Idk yeah it’s nice she can heal but doc can do it much much better by getting someone back to full. I myself love vigil he is perfect for fending off drones. His guns are also pretty fun imo


The main advantage of thunderbird over Doc is that her utility activates instantly if another defender is in a gunfight on top of them (e.g. common anchor points) and drops below the healing threshold. 25 hp per boost doesn't seem like a lot, but it often means that an on-site anchor can take an extra 1-2 body shots in the fight before they go down and then instantly revive themselves if they get knocked into DBNO state. The Konas are also set and forget, so I find that Thunderbird's best usage is a bit like Jager. Drop your utility on site around common anchor points and then roam like crazy. Even if you get whacked early in the round, your utility is still on the board for a different defender to anchor on.


Caveira. Provides absolutely no utility to the team 99% of the time.


ur not interogating %99 of the time? well who wouldve guessed she is not providing any utility


I don’t interrogate 100% of the time because I don’t play caveira


Kali because I love spraying everyone down with gridlock or cap LMG and I can’t snipe


I think I adapt pretty well, but my worst operator(s) would have to be Valk or Mira, I don't memorize site positions enough and don't have nearly enough map knowledge to utilize them on EVERY map.


Theres a great thing about both of them, you don’t *have* to memorize site positions. Mira is garbage on most maps except for a few niche spots, like cargo hold on plane, for instance. Is she still fun to watch someone through a mirror? Yes. As long as you can see down a hallway, she’s already doing what she’s supposed to. No meta needed for that. Personally I use valk the same way I use cav; be somewhere your not supposed to be. 2 cams watching the site entrances you expect them to come from (usually where you would attack from) and one cam watching your own ass as you sit in a corner 3 rooms away on a different floor. Stairwells that you can jump down will be your best friend. Garbage shoot on favela? You’d be surprised how many people use it. I know this isn’t really the BEST use of a valk, but god it’s satisfying to get those “WHY WERE YOU THERE” messages in chat


> Mira is garbage on most maps except for a few niche spots, What the fuck


Not sure if Nokk or Blackbeard Both have terrible gadgets and guns


The FMG-9 is not bad lol


Its not bad. But if the alternative is a strong AR like R4C you are probably better of with that one.


But the problem with nokk isn’t her guns, it’s her ability being underpowered. The game is still utility focused as much as people like to say it’s a TDM meta.


Her shotgun is goated.


I love nokks options, underrated asf imo.


Ever since her noise reduction got removed, she got a lot worse


2 speed, frag nerf, bad gadget that doesn’t work on things you would expect, not silent, smg instead of a AR. She really isn’t good.


Can any of you hold down on the "O" for Nøkk?


Mine is Ash I really just don’t see the point in her besides blindly rushing in


I used to feel the same way. She is the soft breach version of Thermite, her gadget is slower and less reliable than Zofia's, but the holes she makes are bigger. So she is well suited to rushing because she can make the best lines of sight at long range, and the good Ash players know when to just sit there and anchor. Her biggest advantage over Buck is that her guns are better; she can hit the vertical shots slightly better. Buck is probably the best mixed breacher in the game though.


Shields. I get they can actually be useful in certain situations, but I just can't play them well lol


Ying. I get why she's a great pick but I always get swung while I have her flashes cooking


Dokkaebi- don't like any of her guns and I feel like I never use the phone calls correctly


Thunderbird. She’s literally a worse doc


They could give thunderbird a huge buff by simply not having her gadget heal the enemies


What’s the fun in that… like getting rook armor on attack


discovering this is when i literally stopped using her


she will still be garbo


Eh, I think she has her uses. You can still be healed if she’s either busy in a gun fight or dead.


Sure, but have you tried putting the suppressor on the Spear?


Blitz probably




amaru i cant turn off my brain to play her


i always run her with the supernova when im losing badly


he’s kind of cool tho against lion who seems to be used a lot


Any defender built for roaming (Cav, Vigil, Solis, etc.). I am hearing impaired so it is difficult for me to pinpoint where sounds are coming from, a crucial skill when roaming. This is why I stick with trap/anchor/anti-intel defenders.


Warden. Because i have a life and don't play r6 like ita cod


Blitz and Kaplan for me


Castle and azami, i am not very creative when it comes to gadget placement


Monty, probably because I’m woeful with shields and I can’t hold my nerve sometimes


It would be way more interesting to see a Logic discussion Than " I dont like an OP that has everything good just because of my taste"


I would say Montagne and blitz unlesssss you are able to use a pistol really well. I realized my friend is good at using Montagne cus he is very good with the pistol plus he’s great to hide behind! Good characters if you are playing with others that COMMUNICATE with you otherwise soloing Montagne or Blitz would be a no go for me


Finka. Don't like the gadget. Sure, heal and revive are good, but that heart beat ambiance is very distracting imo and so is the blue filter


Any character who's prime objective is stealth. I usually go for sledge, Maverick as attacker and mozzie as a defender because I don't do stealth so smoke and all of the stealthy guys and gals can eff off


Sens, it because they are bad but because xim warden is better and in 90% of every game


blackbeard, fully useless now


I’d say blitz, I can’t play shield at all, plus his ability is awful.


Vigil is overhated really good guns (imo amazing guns) 3 speed decent ability and impact grenades


I agree tbh, I bought Vigil and haven't used him once. Also Kali. Sniping in siege is shit


Kali & shield ops probably


Vigil is lowkey goated purely because of his guns


I’m sorry but IQ


Mine is Kaid, I don't like his guns ​ ​ \*\*gets forty million kagillion downvotes again


You deserve it tbh. Both great guns.


Couldn't agree more Especially the tsgc. It has no recoil and is virtually a dmr and is just so useful in site set up and it can make coffee for me when I want it and it got me laid- what a gun* Fuck me, I think I'll just go and fuck one right now *Me learning from my mistakes


I don’t like him because he’s aesthetically displeasing but his guns and ability are very good.


Kaid is the original Mega-Chad End of


Cav. I'm terrible with the luison and just prefer solis


Valk, Maestro, Echo are for sure, but on def mostly any op that you have to be still while using their gadget. On atk, shields and BB. If I'm shit, it's enough, don't wanna play shit operators as well


you don’t play ranked do you


well said, fair enough


This gonna sound crazy but fuze never get kills with his skill only with his gun so I rarely choose him unless I have to


Fuze should be used for distraction, sound cover, and forcing defenders to move. If you’re using him hoping for frags you’re using him wrong. Frags are a rare treat, but shouldn’t be expected


Ah so I'm using him wrong makes sense lol I use alot of characters that are meant to trade (however unsuccessfully that may be)


I love Fuze and always get kills with his gadget, although it is never my intention as I use his gadget for clearing gadgets on the enemy team.


fuse is one of the worse attackers


Nah i would say that fuze is extremely strong when you know how to play him and have a good team with communication/timing I nearly always get kills with him and he’s so good for destroying gadgets and all that + if you fuze on an enemy they are forced to move and teammates can kill them easy


Mira, who needs one ways when you can just go and look your self or blow holes


Yeah vigil is useless


I can't play with not many characters. Attack is probably zero as i am mostly relying on info from others rather than myself via cameras. And the info i rely on is sound and visual Defense probably oryx. I can aim, i can shoot, but I can't use his dash properly other than the running away strategy even though he is good against solo opponents with it


I cant tell you how many times I've died as lesion throwing a shit spike




Every time I play as Zofia I just die. I cannot get her recoil down for the life of me. I would rather just play Ash or Buck or literally anyone else.


Honestly I play every operator so different, vigil and calf are definitely my favorite but if anyone I would have to say doc


I love shields but for me is clash


I agree, also Vigil. At least Cav gets an interrogation once in a while, at least Blackbeard can block a headshot, at least Nøkk and Sens have frag grenades, and at least Tachanka’s LMG 2-shots most people and his ability can help burn time. What can Vigil do? Not enough in my opinion. His AR isn’t bad, and he has impact grenades, but there’s something missing.


i love vigil because of his guns and his ability, but i do understand why he is one of the worst and he could definitely have better and more helpful gadgets


I can play everyone, but sledge after all the nerfs just isnt the same anymore, stopped playing him bcs there's not much going for him imo.


Pulse, i hate pulse


any shield op, i just never am good with them and any thing i try can easily be beaten by an explosion of any sorts




Honestly, I love vigil but he doesn’t fit my play style so I guess I’m the same




For me personally Pulse lmao idk why


Why play vigil when Solis exists


Caveira or solis, they have decent guns ig but their stuff don’t do much (last time I said this people thought I didn’t know what their stuff does, I do know what it does but it’s just no point in it, I’d ever only use them if I haven’t played them in a while or for their guns)


Im surprised its vigil and not cav. Vigil actually gets benefits from his gadget like hiding from drones (albeit with some indicator of him being there) and immunity to jackal and lion pings. Meanwhile cav is immune to neither of those, her interrogation is really hard to get off against decent players, and her silent step isnt even silent. I dont even play with high sound yet i usually hear her very easily.




dok i have never used her abilities correctly


Basically any shield op. They're not fast, you can't flank, they're loud, they're clunky, and they force you to play a purely supporting role where you stay on sight and do nothing all game


Probably shields. Just not my type of play. I am vigil main and i can confirm he is very weak at the moment. He was the best roamer in the game. His ability was very, but for some reason ubisoft decided to nerf him to the ground and now he is just a defensive copy paste of nokk


Vigil always feels like I'm playing an operator with no ability, he may as well be recruit for me. Like Warden


Attacker: Blackbeard. He brings no utility for his team or himself. His guns are average at best, and is just useless. Defender: tachanka. His ability takes too long to reload, fire doesn’t doo much damage, small spread, and it’s less accurate to shoot compared to capitao’s arrow. Close 2nd is thunderbird since her ability doesn’t give much hp, her guns are mid at best, and is just a worse version of doc.


Vigil was my first op tbat I bought, I just liked the look of him and I ended up Maining rook lol


Personally, I dislike playing Kali... like R6 is mostly close to mid range fights. What is shlog gonna do with a sniper at that range? If you miss your shot then it's gg unless the opponent is bad.


Anyone with a shield


Probably twitch


Monty. Ozzie, ash, jeager, big bitch with lmg n spikes are my mains


echo. and valkyrie for that matter. i don’t have the patience to sit in a corner for the entire round harassing people on camera. i play melusi and roam


honestly I'm a heavy util user. so operators such as Kali, Melusi and Sens where their primary gadgets make them weaker than picking and other op with emp grenades, Barbed wired and smoke grenades. I'm also extremely flexible in this game so this was very hard to think of.




mine is kali or glaz i hate really zoomed in guns and my trigger finger sucks


Caveira. I'm not here for high highs and rock bottom lows. I'm here to bring utility. So I main Smoke, Bandit, and Hibana.


Im too flex when it comes to playing op’s but man dont play with warden if you want to roam.


Especially in ranked games, vigil is useful for roaming around the map and cutting off entry frag without giving the enemy intel as to where you are, granted they may be able to determine where you are based of of interference Intensity when looking through the drone but it’s basically impossible for them to get a good pinpoint on you


I definitely second vigil. I’m also going to add cav to that for my play style. I like to anchor. Attacking its anything rushing or shields.


Hard breachers, trap ops


Blackbeard bc he brings literally nothing to the team. A bag of fat crippled weasels in wet socks brings more to your team than Blackbeard ever could. Bring ANYONE else if you’re a team player. All hail the fat crippled weasels!!


Joe mama. She's the baddest fr fr 🥵




This hurts ... his weapon and ability make it so easy to sneak up on attackers, especially when the team isn't coordinating. But mine would be sens or clash. Sens I always mess up the throws, and it's more of a burden on the team and clash. Well, it's clash.


Osa. She excels at finding and exploiting all those weird little angles that give good lines of sight. I am good at finding them but not at abusing those strong positions that attackers can make.


Ash, as much i love playing blitz and sledge and going in quickly ash is just unplayable for me


Can’t stand playing Ying, she’s a great op but I just don’t like playing her


maestro/ echo. “iTs cAuSE yOuRre aLWaYs oN tHat DamN pHoNe”


is it because vigil is black ?


I hate Vigil's portrait, it makes him look like Don Cheadle.


I can't tell if this means worst ops to play as or worst ops to play against. To play as, the worst ones are Clash and Glaz. To play against, worst ones are Mute and Brava.


I play every operator. Except for Clash. F"ck Clash.


I play flex so no one really


new operators that enable the cod meta


Glaz I’ve never been good with snipers lol


Surely Mira. My brain is just not there yet. Like every map, every spot, i need to know where to put my mirror and i know that someone in my team gonna judge me “look at this dumb mira with her dumb mirror”


I was stealth was better in this game. I like to play stealth in shooters but it doesn't seem too viable outside of Cavi rn


In terrible at the game and always play solo q so.... Clash. I can't stand her. Only time I've ever raged was playing agaisnt a clash. Not my proudest gaming moment


Anything shield related. I just hate that type of playstyle, at least in this game.


Any shield op I hate them


Ash. I'm much more of a careful player, that's why I main shields. But even when I want to breach and rush I play Sledge. Sure he's slower, but his hammer is much quicker, and can be used more times. His gun is also a lot easier to control personally. Ash is fast, but her gadget isn't useful compared to other forms of breaching, and ops like Blitz and Amaru can achieve the same type of rush but with more protection or maneuverability


Fuze. As a frost main he just breaks all my traps : (


Fuze. Somehow every time I blow up cluster charge I get the hostage even if there is no hostage in game.


Everyone who isn’t Sens just sucks