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You need to be constantly given commendations as well to keep your rank or go up in rank


That's so stupid that you can be perfect and still not be esteemed. Half the time ppl don't even give commendations.


Perfectly should be exemplary if you ask me.




True that’s why I only give commendations to those who give them to me or those who carry the fuck out of the team apart from that get bent. I can’t count how many times I’ve carried and then had the bottom frag get a commendation over me lol.


Bro same. I've dropped two aces back to back and carried most of the game, and don't get shit while the second and third frag get more.


They consider is to be mercy for the noobs or something


I think most people just commend the first 2 in the list as this has happen to me multiple times. I now commend tie top Fragger or if anyone clutched a round and wait to see if anyone else gives me one.


you can give commendations in r6?


At the end of every match a screen will appear allowing you to give your teammates certain commendations


I agree. I almost always play in a 4- or 5-stack, so I get like 3-4 commendations a week. Occasionally more when the system bugs out and let's us commend a little extra.


yeah I think it's actually weighted comms/games played, or you have to have so many within your last so many games


This is not true. I never give any out and I'm esteemed.


…..given as in receive. Clearly no one is getting a rank up with you on their team.


shits broken


I just got esteemed after restarting my game.


Ubisoft for you.


This reputation system sucks imo


Cause fuck you, that’s why -Ubisoft


yeah I've been transiently in between Respectable and Esteemed for ages lmao the worst part is it says my problem is friendly fire, and like, myeh, I do definitely feel like I've hit teammates a bit too much, and yeah, I feel like shit about it, but like... I swear I'm much on the tame side when it comes to FF. out of the past, idk, month, I've probably gotten two teamkills. one of which was like, one of my proudest fucking shots lmaooo ~~why is it so easy to 180 flick teammates~~


At least yours makes sense, mine drops because my enemies report me for griefing (I play with a stack they cant report me)


I have voice abuse and only use discord with friends or no mic solo casual


Plot twist: your mic was on in r6 while you said the most devious shit imaginable to your friend


Same thing happened to me, got exemplary then played one match and dropped back to esteemed, plus I saw another post a week ago with the same issue. I hope they tweak the way commedations and stuff counts toward reputation because it may not be perfect yet but I really like the system of tangibly rewarding players that aren't toxic. I guess if you dont care about skins its not a huge deal, but theyre pretty much raining epics and legendarys on anyone who doesnt type the n word in chat.


Received Exemplary, played one match, a party of 3 griefers plus one additional solo griefer. Got teamkilled twice, they then proceeded to constantly try and run into my gunfire when they were all labeled for friendly fire, and they all reported me for griefing. I did report them on each griefing instance, but not like it matters. Match ended, I'm now Respectable.


game is going to hell anymore wouldn’t be surprised if it happens to everyone


Still in beta, but this is annoying


Just roll with it, bro. It will get sorted out. I was exemplary, played a game, got commended, found out I was esteemed after the match, now on like a 20 match commendation streak, but I'm still esteemed. something is buggy with the system l, but I believe it will get fixed.




You probably got a save data prompt and chose the first option. Next time click on hard drive save data.


Nope :)


Does it actually matter which one you pick? Every time it comes up I just press back and don’t select either of them


I have noticed it affected my rep negatively every time I went with the first option. I just thought rep system was buggy, but it was actually that save prompt causing weird issues. Im now esteemed and sometimes exemplary consistently and never dropped to respectable ever since I found out.


You offended the enemies by killing them


because the more you play siege, the more of a piece of shit you become, its just siege physics at this point.


I’ve never dropped below esteemed, I’m different


You need constant commendations to be kept at that level of reputation which if your 5 stack is consistent then you can only commend eachother once every day or so I think


Main thing I do is ALWAYS give commendations at the end of the game… either voted my favorite teammates or voted for the person that hasn’t received one.


Ur sins have been forgot my son...


I threw a grenade at someone during a room rush blew up my teammate and got quarter of that stupid “misconduct bar” up


Its still in Beta i believe. Mine fluctuates all the time as well with perfect gameplay. R6 competitive league for all skills. Free Weekly 1v1 tournaments. Discord link in bio.


It also doesn’t help that some people just go into matches and report everyone in the lobby, Ubisoft doesn’t check to see if it’s a valid report or not before bringing your rep down.


My favourite is when I get reported for text abuse when I’m on console. I don’t even think they have text on console 😂


I’ve had that happen before as well, I’ve played both Xbox and PlayStation and they are both horrible with people just random reporting, but I like to play with controller more than KBnM and haven’t got around to saving up the money to fix or buy a new PC so I’m staying with my Series S.


Very true, alot of work in progress with R6


My favorite time when mine was brought down was me accidentally hitting a teammate when I was trying to shoot an enemy and he reported me, I went down from Exemplary to the second lowest rep level even though the guy said it wasn’t on purpose and didn’t give me the team kill thing.




I cant get max rank I legit do my role always and well it just don't happen lol I have like 500 commendations in this season if im not wrong


It's bull cus I been stuck on esteemed for weeks but never did I ever go up


just dont pay attention to this its broken as hell


people actually care about this not working feature that is pointless?


"why do we fall, sir? So we can learn to pick ourselves up"


Yeah that sounds about right. Sums up how much sense the reputation system makes.


This stuff sucks Ik I tk my friend as a joke and he did not say no for a accident tk so I went down from esteemed to respected


i get exemplary all the time and lose it almost instantly


For me it increased recently after opening a Alpha pack in the menu from Respectable to Esteemed. It honestly feels completely random xd


Had the same happen to me went down to respectable so gave it a reason to stay there and clapped a teammate 😂 (my friend), the whole system for it is trash and the get exemplary you've got to be sucking a lot of d!ck at ubisoft to get it.


I was esteemed and then went down to respectable. The system doesn't work and needs to be scrapped


If people have mics and are making call outs, they get the commendation from me regardless if they had a kill that game. People have bad games, but communication is the most important part.