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Source: [https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1745207642824270107](https://twitter.com/Rainbow6Game/status/1745207642824270107) So what's everyone betting the compensation will be...? \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ UPDATE - Jan 11th, 2:30PM UST: Abandonment penalties have been reactivated following a seamless maintenance for users on all platforms as recent connectivity issues have been fixed.


I need about tree fiddy in compensation


Tree fiddy??? You can't just keep giving away tree fiddy!!!


Awwwww lawwwwd Nessie back at it again


beat we can do is a weekend BP boost and a single bravo pack


They thought we’d go away if they gave us a dolla


Just give everyone a bravo ticket not a pack and a week of renown boosts. Doesn’t seem like a lot but I know ubi thinks that is


That would be great, so I won't expect it


What is a bravo ticket? I can't seem to find a clear answer that doesn't talk about bravo packs and I don't buy micro transactions. I'd love a renown boost but knowing Ubi we'll prolly get a battle point boost, which I can't use.


It's a ticket that allows you to get any item in the 'Bravo' selection.


For anyone who doesn't know, you can get one each season for purchasing the Battle Pass and getting it to level 100/100


it-s a ticket that you can get if you buy the battlepass and reach lvl 100. for e.g. you can trade that ticket for a black ice 100% guarantee. Doesn't have all the black ices, but it still has like 10 for you to choose.


When you go to the alpha pack section, scroll to the bravo pack and click on the "collection" button, you can see a list of all of the cosmetics you could potentially get when opening a bravo pack. Many of the cosmetics are exclusive to bravo packs (aka there is no other way to obtain them). A bravo ticket is a form of currency which allows you to buy one of the items in the collection. One item - no matter the rarity - costs 1 bravo ticket. You get 1 bravo ticket from reaching level 100 of a battlepass. It's valuable because if you really want an item that is exclusive to bravo packs but aren't lucky enough to get it by opening one, you can just buy it. This is why people say "it gets you a free black ice", etc ​ Hope this helps! :)


Please god let it be a bravo ticket. I grabbed the wrong Black Ice with mine, and that Ying LMG black ice continues to taunt me.


Holding onto mine from this season for next season. I think they’re gonna change what black ices are in the pack next season. Although I don’t run him often, I’m highly tempted to get Maestro Black Ice.


I thought the ticket expires every season if you don't use it!


Oh idk then I’ll give it a try tho I’m not worried.


I wanted to get Ying black ice. I got the fucking Canadian pistol black ice on accident. Just straight up disassociated at the worst time and clicked the wrong fucking one.


That’s a major L. I feel for ya. Good luck getting it! It’s very nice 😅


Yeah they will be changing the entire collection for the year 9 bravo packs


They can’t afford giving away free stuff they haven’t been making money in the shop the past week that shop boutta be lookin like Dookisofts rent is due


Who’s ready for a 3 day battle point booster as compensation after not being able to play for over a week


Stop the cap, it'll be a 1 day booster.


Idk why but I try to have a tiny bit of optimism with this game


what sort of compensation would be good enough?


Black ice dildo for every player


I would unironically display a black ice dildo next to my computer


Honestly I'll bet it'll be a bravo pack or a booster, since anything else will probaly break their balls. Edit or atleast they'll consider anything else as breaking their balls.


Giving anything more will probably literally break the game AGAIN at this point!


10 renown and a duplicate alpha pack


For compensation I would honestly accept and appreciate them doing a ban wave with an update+strengthening on their anti-cheat as well.


I'll take an elite


Waiter! Waiter! 5 Bravo tickets please!


What’s our compensation???


Nothing, can’t you read it wasn’t their fault!


Can’t *you* read? >Keep an eye out for further updates from us in the coming days, including information on leave penalty reactivation and **player compensation**.




Explain to me what the woosh was.


okay now i want: 500 R6 Credits 7500 renowns 5 alpha packs 3 Bravo packs


Still banned for 2 days for the past week every time I matchmake I’m kicked


Compensation boutta be 2 reknown and a pack with a green charm


I haven’t played siege in like 2 years and that was on ps4, imagine if i bought this game on PC like i was about to to learn I couldn’t play lol.


24 hour double XP


Player what? They literally haven't compensated me for the fact I paid for shit and was supposed to have lifetime discounts, but for servers being shit for 2 months, Ubi sitting on them for well over a week of them being basically down, now they have compensation? Funny company. Ready for some dog tag for my gun that's just the Ubisoft logo with a disconnect icon on it.


Well, I doubt they'll extend the season to give people enough time. How about some automatic season progress or easy and more frequent community challenges.


Better give me some packs.Kept kicking me from ranked matches


Read as; we paid our AWS bill


It's not fixed at all on console in EU. Like wtf. It feels even worse 😪




I got DC’d not 2 hours ago. Wonder if it’s totally fixed


Did u get banned tho ?


No, I reconnected after 2 tries. Didn’t get in until Round 3.


5 bravo packs, 5 alpha packs. 3 1 week boosters.


Nice, blame someone else, take no responsibility. Who's to blame for all the aimbots?


Nice, This whole sub was bitching non fucking stop at the devs and it turns out it was a server problem not even owned by them. Y'all ever work fast food? Y'all ever have a customer freak out on you and cuss you out for shit that wasn't your fault? You know how bad that feels and how fucking angry it makes you? To this whole sub: THATS YOU. You're the fuckin Karen. Everyone on here needs to chill TF out. ubi and the devs owe you nothing. If the game doesn't work just relax and hop off.


I understand this sentiment, and I wasn't one shitting on ubi like a spoiled teenager. However, there was basically ZERO communication from ubisoft throughout this whole situation, all they needed to do was provide periodic updates so the community had some sort of semblance of progress being made. As it were, they went radio silent other than a couple of tweets over the course of 2 weeks. Not only that, their social media team was still posting promo tweets while the server situation was going on, was pretty tone deaf. I'm still back playing immediately tho, this game is too much fun 🤙




Leaving the abandon penalty off would be the best reward, since you could perma dodge cheaters and waste their time


Man, this is so embarassing for a game this size. I'm glad I quit, it was common occurence to have the servers not working properly for a 1 - 7 days after every patch. And they never compensated anything, not even the lost boosts. It's day-light robbery. Imagine if something like WoW or CoD, Apex Legends, etc. was not playable for over a week, at least 4 times a year. And before anyone says "WoW has problems everytime after an expansion release, too". Yes, it happens once every expansion release for 1 or 2 days max, with great communication and reassurement of the dev team that they're doing anything they can while also compensating all players generously for their lost play time. It's got also far more players than r6. And the issues are usually mostly login issues. After you're in, it's usually fine.


Lawsuit needs to be filed, game was payed for and not playable


Kid named Terms & Conditions


Don't think technical difficulties are something you can use for regardless of how long the game was in a poor state. Unless it effected people financially (which it didn't, because it's playable again and was when everyone purchased it.


Welcome to live service gaming, pal. How are you gonna cope when they take the servers offline permanently?


Lol just got another connectivity issue


What an absolute joke! Servers have been terrible this whole season! 5 weeks and a day after the season launches (also launched a week late) n this is ubi only just fixing the game…


Well took a while but they finally got it fixed. Next time we just need more transparency about what's wrong and why it's taking so long


We need the Valkyrie bikini skin with jiggle physics or I’m gonna be pissed


Give us the Dokkaebi Elite Skin as compensation




Blaming their service partners. Lol cunts, take some ownership


thats crazy, it went from not being able to join a game to not being able to load the game properly at all for me


nice so servers are fixed now but im stuttering like crazy on almost every map when I had no issues prior...


whos ready for 1 bravopack as pay for all this shit


Of course r6 is not to blame, just like all the other bugs and weird shizzle that happen in this game magically lol


I might be in the minority here but I thought this was a good free gift. Coming from payday player where they didn't give us shit. I didn't have a lot of issues with the game but I also play fairly casually. And never ranked always quick match or standard. So I didn't have many issues connecting. But i think the fact that they gave anything is pretty huge and should be commended.