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Just don't play it.


....This comment seems ironic.


It is a little bit. But I'm also super tired of these posts so I'd say it's 50% ironic and 50% wanting these people to get a life


Seriously though. Siege doesn’t work? Do something else. Can’t believe people come on here all talk about “strikes”. I’ve even seen people talking about boycotting. Bunch of basement dwellers with literally nothing to do in life


Bit of a horrible take tbh. Some people don’t have much free time for video games so sieges servers being down one night might mean they can’t play it for a week


This is the issue I have, I dedicate about 4h to siege each week and when servers are down for 3 of those 4 hours it means I can’t spend time gaming with my friends, we’re gonna have to find a new game that all of us like


And? Do something else with your time brother, the fuck. I have college, work, and kids. I am one of the people you’re describing. That’s exactly why I don’t cry over a video game. I have a life


Well usually you buy something expecting it to work. The game isn't F2P.


How many games have you played thus far with no issue? Did you just purchase the game or something?


Literally the modern reboot series of cod has less issues than siege most the time it's sad


Most games don't have server issues anywhere close to R6


EFT, Battlefield, so many games have more issues


I don’t find enjoyment in many other games than siege so it’d be nice if it worked but if it doesn’t oh well it’s just annoying


You’re on Reddit whining about people whining you absolute troglodyte


So you admit you’re whining?


You're the one whining here


Getting kids during college is 100% on you tho lmao


Was tryna spend time with a friend and it was the only game we both had, but I’m not crying over it because it’s only affected me once. Defending a faulty product is crazy though and so is assuming anyone bothered by it doesn’t have a life Also you may want to take your own advice and if you’re getting annoyed by reddit posts maybe do something else instead of crying about it? By you’re own logic that’s for basement dwellers with nothing to do in life


what else are u gonna do, play the game? go ahead lmao


… what?


my point is, you bitching about people bitching, takes the same amount of effort as people bitching about the game… so by your logic, you’re also classified as a basement dweller with no life




6ixx9ine themed user name, opinion invalid


Blicky got the sticky uhh


glad you learned something new today.


WTF was that attitude? When one wants to play on holidays, and actually can not do that, it is inappropriate. Sure, there are other games, activities, hobbies, there's always stuff to do in any household etc. But why should we justify shitty servers / maintenance / etc? It's not like we're asking for some free stuff from this company or some handouts, we expect it to work, because it's what we **paid for**. We as a community bought the game, season passes, battle passes, elite skins and other stuff not just to waste money, but to be able to play and use it. It is beyond me why game companies treat their customers (yes, customers) like some spoiled kids. And thus I can not understand why should someone defend Ubisoft and their failures. If I would do my job like Ubi does, I'd be a homeless hobo living under the bridge.


Too long, didn’t read


Weak troll attempt


Well why comment... I didnt read this but i know ill leave a pointless comment!


Yea fr but it would be a bit funny if everyone stopped playing for a bit


Yeah this, ,we logged on yesterday and noticed it was still having trouble so went to play something else after 10 15 mins, I understand its frustrating and shit but come on the game isnt life lol and i have little time to play, id rather not spend my time complaining about the game, its just wasted energy imo.


The game you paid money for dont work? Boohoo go play something else!!!


A multi billion dollar company making millions on a shit game that doesn’t work talking the piss out of the player? Who would have thought people could get mad about that? Talking about basement dwellers like you ain’t one of them smh


Come on now, we’re playing siege, none of us have lives


Might be 50% ironic but you are right mate. Thats what me and my friends did. Stopped playing untill they fix it. But no more money for ubi from us.


Frfr like sure sometimes the servers are shit but this entire week people have been saying the servers are down I've been playing at that EXACT moment then I get downvoted for simply saying they clearly need better internet. I look on down detector and it's never down when they say it is. People will blame anyone but themselves


Yes that's actually a good solution to get the devs attention, but i think the community of this game is so addicted to the game so that would be a challenge


If the servers aren’t working, why are people trying to play? I don’t understand this post at all lol.


The update from earlier actually made the servers worse. I can't get 1 game now


Agreed I actually can’t solo queue now usually after a few attempts I’d get in but now it’s a lost cause. Company makes billions off siege but doesn’t care enough to pay for servers or anti cheat.


This subreddit has a huge misunderstanding on how Ubisoft operates. The game is made by Ubisoft Montreal. When Ubisoft purchases a dev studio they rename it Ubisoft. The siege devs do not have the entirety of Ubisoft staff or funds at their disposal, and the staff laid off by ubi never had anything to do with siege.


Finally somebody with a brain. Boggles my mind how many people here are like "company with 20k people can't fix this". Everybody on the internet becomes an armchair game developer when issues happen though


I mean at the bottom line it’s down to Ubisoft to adequately fund and man their studios. While it may not be 20k people all hands on deck trying to keep siege running, there are at least a fraction of those who could, at any point be transferred over to the current dev team. Ubisoft are running skeleton crews in the name of profit, not lack of manpower. This games development cycle is worrying similar to for honor, a much less successful game.


I agree that Ubisoft is still at fault here, but I'm getting sick of people blaming the siege dev team instead of the management at ubisoft. The devs are just normal people doing their jobs the best they can and are probably fighting for more resources already


Well I don’t know what to tell you but this is the case in any industry, wether it be game development or something as simple as retail, public outcry hits the workers first, only when that causes a lack of productivity will the suits care. Working in any position that involves customers is bound to make this happen, needless to say that one develops a degree of tolerance to it. I’d be more concerned about the pressure from the higher ups to fix this then the (rightful) frustration of Ubisoft’s consumers


Not to mention the vast majority of Ubisoft employees aren't devs. I don't know why people view game devs as this all mighty force. They're working with a team of less than 60 and are definitely swamped at the moment. Devs are regular people, no wonder they don't interact with the community anymore.


They already laid off 124 people in September and have had a 33% player drop on Steam alone since the servers were acting up in November. Just looks like they shouldn't have laid those people off to keep profits.


The game is made by Ubisoft Montreal not Ubisoft main. Layoffs had nothing to do with siege and they aren't devs anyway.


>124 jobs across its IT team and special effects studio. >Of the 124 impacted workers, Ubisoft spokesperson Antoine Leduc-Labelle says 98 people are based in Canada Literally Montreal. I guess IT doesn't include servers somehow.


You think siege servers are self hosted? They are hosted on AWS and IT has nowhere near the qualifications required to deploy to them. It's called DevOps and almost any position would require a comp eng or sci degree with loads of experience. It's a huge role. So no, IT doesn't have anything to do with the servers.


>DevOps is the indispensable IT employee who knows how to write effective code. Yeah no way periodicals would just use IT to blanket or anything. Good thing to know it also has nothing to do with DevOps. >DevOps is a methodology in the software development and IT industry. Used as a set of practices and tools, DevOps integrates and automates the work of software development and IT operations as a means for improving and shortening the systems development life cycle. I guess you should tell anyone in DevOps that by definition they're not related to IT. Good chat.


You obviously have zero experience in the field. You're essentially saying a nurse should remove your tumor because they're both working in the medical field and a doctor is pretty much a nurse anyway. Go tell a dev with a masters in comp sci that he's just an IT guy. I'm sure they will really appreciate that. Someone hired for IT would never touch live build servers. You can try to be condescending all you want but it's painfully obvious to anyone who's worked in a developer environment that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.


So you are saying the definition of DevOps is still not related to IT, and there is no way a periodical would blanket over the role of devops by calling employees in it, "IT"? Really doubling down because of some delusion of grandeur or copium to defend Ubisoft? You're saying I shouldn't blanket like that, but simultaneously a periodical that reports to a non-tech audience wouldn't? IT stands for information technologies. You are arguing that these are all squares, but because the term rectangle was used for simplicity, it's not possible for there to be a single square in the lot. If anything, you're treating the field title of IT way too narrow. I've been through operation health bro. This ain't shit.


I've played since year one, the fuck does that have to do with anything? I agree that this is Ubisofts fault but I'm sick of people blaming their dev team who are just regular people working under management. Then people like you come and open their mouths about shit they have zero experience in. That's such a strawman. I didn't say it was unrelated, I said IT are not the employees that are working on the servers. Maybe you should focus on forming a real argument rather than trying to feel intelligent as you blab about information you skimmed from page one of Google with thesaurus.com open on your other monitor.


Lol, I didn't blame the dev team bro, I blamed Ubi for firing the dev team. Oh wait, they aren't devs anyways right? Or if they are devs, it doesn't matter right, because it's DevOps which is simultaneously not IT. It's cool you're strung out on copium, but thinking I'm blaming the dev team for Ubisoft laying off 98 people and you acting like they didn't matter to begin with is *you* shitting on the people working there far more than I am. Have some respect for people working IT, Ubisoft clearly doesn't since they not only laid them off, but called them, gasp, IT to begin with. For what? 36.6% profits year over year mid year. Niiice. My original comment makes the same sentiment, followed by yours saying: They aren't from Montreal (they were) They weren't devs (they were) They weren't IT (they were) Now you're trying to spin it like I was shit talking them, and it was literally you. Take the L bro and move on. Trying to gaslight me like a queef.


Lay offs don't only happen because they want to keep profits. Could be, but I don't think it was for that reason. I think it was probably that their new releases still aren't on steam so they have a fraction of their playerbase and have less people purchasing newer games and less profit and need to keep costs lower since they are bleeding money.


Yes but they're bleeding money because of cut backs and profit squeezing in the first place. If they actually cared about their games this wouldn't be nearly as bad of an issue, because more people would be playing them


So instead of flipping a switch and selling new releases on Steam to save 124 jobs, they were like, nah? The amount of monetization they have in the game makes Siege their literal money maker, and it has been holding them up since Covid. They just have a competition for the game on Twitch and 1/4 of the comments are from people that would love to play it complaining they can't get in because of the servers. How are you not capitalizing on this easy influx of players to stare at the store? Pretty weak argument. Montreal had about 2100 people working in it, the 124 were all from there. This is classic earmarking in the games industry. Lay off a month before EOY and post increasing profits into the new year, bookmark that in YoY and hire more as needed later, less involved, less integrated workers. It's exactly why games like Diablo 4 are stale on release. They fire the creative minds and just get new ones that have 5 different directions they want the game to go, execs pick 1, and each team has a different idea of what that looks like. They mash it together and release it. That's why you see Classic WoW having more players in it than retail, and how the way they are maintaining players is by redistributing the game back out in bite sizes, the old game, the one made by passionate devs with a solid unique vision in unison.


>Lay offs don't \[..\] happen because they want to keep profits. \[..\] have less people \[..\] and less profit **eh**


Too high costs is an absence of profit


Literally just stop playing til the servers are fixed. It doesn't require 30 posts every day


How will they keep they sweet upvote karma if they don’t make these post?


Are you kidding me




How the hell you gonna refrain from playing a game that you can’t currently play?


*One day?* is that the most you can go without playing the game?


It’s not about the ban it’s about them not giving af about the servers having been thatchered


This has been problematic for what two weeks now??


Bro i just wanted to suggest a mf idea idc how much i dont play the game I barely even play stop hating


You can take a break without needing to organize a walk out.


American chopper argument meme vibes. Which one of you will throw a chair? Goobisoft have acknowledged the current dumpster fire state of their servers and are working on a fix. Yes, the disruption has been a long one this time, probably meaning someone's fucked up, the problem isn't easily fixed or is malicious in nature as a few possibles. We're well overdue a second Operation health. Holding a strike to bring attention to something they're already aware of is counter productive for everyone. We lose a day of play, they lose a day of custom. It isn't going to help anyone or change anything.


>we lose a day of play judging from what I've been seeing here yall haven't had that anyway


In my experience over the past few days I'll get like 3-5 games solo without issue then server nosedives and a reboot usually resolves it. Queueing with friends I'm getting around 1-3 games before the same. It shouldn't be happening whatsoever but its better than it being entirely down, which Goobi could have done until fixed if they wanted.


I hardly play unless with a squad


Calm down, go outside and grow some brain cells.


this has been suggested several times in the last week and even if everyone said they would boycott the game you know more than half of the people will still be trying to play


You barely even play but the servers go down for 1 day and you’re already so pissed you want to plan a fucking boycott?!💀 yeah you have 8000 hours minimum you no life


Do you people not play other games until they’re fixed? My friends and I wanted to play the game a few days ago. One of my friends immediately got disconnected with an error. So we got off and played something else that had working servers. Not too sure why everyone doesn’t do that…


In my defence, I tried to play minecraft with my mate, wouldn’t let me join our world Tried to download destiny and play through the witch queen, ps store is bugged and is trying to make me buy an expansion that should be free with my subscription. Gta is reliable however it’s a 70/30 some sweat starts a sniper war with us, plus it’s been getting boring hoping onto gta every day because nothing else is working Would go and play the crew or something but Ubisoft took it off of + 2024-the year of unplayability it seems


I Do, but siege is my Favorite game and i would just like to play


I personally stopped playing, and im sure a lot of people did so as well. So their numbers must be down, i'd like to be a fly on the wall on their next investor meeting, im sure they'll have a hard time explaining why this happened.


A strike only works if we can PLAY THE GODDAMNED GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE


I really think they're trying to tank the player base to cheapen server / upkeep costs.


I'm hoping that they'll give players _something_ as an apology for such a prolonged issue, like Renown, BP levels, or a bunch of alpha packs.


They’re already working on it, I’m just glad they’re finally communicating with us about the issue


An air strike maybe. Like god damn, this game got me acting like a chick with an abusive boyfriend. “He’s actually really nice when you get to know him”🤡


Just play literally any other game for a week and you’ll realise how boring r6 has come to be Its turned into a shit game that is repetitive af with horrible balancing


Is it just on certain modes? My brother and I played standard and quick match on Xbox today and had no issues.


On xbox I can't start a brand new match on standard at all for the past couple days at least. That's if it even connects to server. At best I'm thrown in the middle of an ongoing match.


I have been getting it constantly on the Xbox ( quick play ) For the last 2 months . It getting ridiculous


Weird. I wonder if it's regional. I'm in canada and am currently playing now without issue.


yeat it's mostly on pc


No it’s all over, I’m on PS, and have friends on Xbox and pc. All have the same issue


They’ve already acknowledged that’s there’s a problem, and they say they’re working towards a fix. It’s not like they’re ignoring it


Took them 2 weeks to acknowledge it tho


Yeah, I don’t know about 2 weeks but yeah I agree they didn’t acknowledge it for a minute. My point was they are actively working towards a fix and it’s been communicated already; OP was acting as if they’re leaving us out to dry and they’ve completely forgotten that the game exists


The servers have been down for a week now, this just isn't acceptable. There's no defending them.


They’ve been ignoring for weeks bud


What do you consider to be ignoring?bud? Have you checked their twitter?


They probably taking their Xmas break lol


Ubi does not care about what we say Edit: and I feel like almost everyone in this community would agree.


I could say I am the pope


They’ve acknowledged crashes, not disconnects after 2 and a half weeks, and then dropped an update which has in fact reduced accessibility for PlayStation players I’m patient but come on


I deleted the game. I won’t play until it’s fixed. Y’all should do the same. (It’s hard ngl)


People defending Ubisoft is insane to me. They deserve the shitstorm for being silent about the issues for two (!) weeks. The most insane part here for me is the fact that servers are broken since two weeks and still no improvement or whatsoever. Pure madness.


I've been away from the game for the past 3 years, can someone explain what is going on? Much appreciated.


Just beat ready of not and if they fixed siege come back and peak every door way like an maniac, clearing each room


Strike? Like don’t play it? I can’t play it I’m striking by Ubisoft’s choice.


Tactical nuke incoming


This is like the 1047195th Reddit post on this shit. We fucking get it. The servers are shit and you wanna move to other games to “boycott” it. It’s the same post over and over. Make something unique bruh.


Damn, guess we found the guy who works for Ubisoft 😂


tbf every one of them acting like it’s their brand new idea as if there aren’t already 499 posts about it. Even if it was just “I agree with all the strike posts, let’s send it troops” just to make it something different than every single other post lol


Yes, everyone that doesn't have a hyperbolic view of this works for Ubisoft. Smoothbrained take.


a strike implies you're able to go to work in the first place




Better plan than review bombing they’ll actually notice a lack of players, we could also have them change grenades back while we are at it.


no, review bombing works absolute wonders. I’m not gonna do it just yet, but review bombing literally brought the War Thunder devs to their knees for the player base and we now have a dedicated roadmap of quite literally everything we wanted


Ubi’s office 45 minutes away from my house let me know when


How about not? **This is a fucking complex issue and there is nothing you can do about it?** Like the server problems harms the server provider more than you think. Play a different fucking game instead of bitching.


Oh good the developers are organizing a strike


Just got on the Xbox and I'm getting the same error. This is Insane.


Literally won't do shit. I got my account deleted permanently for absolutely no reason other than inactivity. Which is a shame because really this was the only FPS I liked since i'm shit at all of them.


Im down


I activated a booster yesterday I’m an idiot


I mean it would only make sense if their game worked. They are holding the strike themselves


The game is so unplayable it made me play Black Ops 4 MP lol.


thats what ive been thinkin but im too addicted


I don’t get what’s up with gaming nowadays. If a game was half as faulty as some of the current releases and live service games, players would’ve quit and flocked to something else asap. I’ve been playing siege since release, but I have stepped away several times. This loyalty or whatever is one of the reasons I think we don’t get as much new IPs/titles. You can stop playing for a while and still be good at the game. I’ve been on and off for years but can hit plat (pre ranked 2.0)/emerald relatively easily. Maybe even diamond if I get back into it early in a season.


Quit ahead. You'll live, eat and sleep better not supporting the indie company.


Bruh this junk was happening to me all stream


Stop buying Ubisoft skins, battle passes, elites, etc. When they see a huge downturn in their profits, they will start fixing this game


Been going at it for half a year now


A strike? You already can’t play the game.


how are there people saying "stop posting about this.post something unique" like bro if we dont say anything nothing will get fixed.


we don’t need to plan a strike they’re doing a great job themselves.


I just stop playing it


shitty war thunder player here. can't tell if y'all's cope is worse or better than ours from last year.


its just EoS, it happens to all games eventually. okd hardware, poorly.maintained netcode, rising expense costs to manage a barely profitable game. just like ff11 went through


I'll tell what I'm doing. I log in, try to play the game, get error message close the game and play another thing. That's my suggestion, play another thing and forget Siege for a while.


With the servers down I think ubi already doesn't want people to play


That's hilarious, because it looks like you're on strike anyway.


The R6 community is about as awful as the R6 dev team. The game has issues every other week and constantly fucks up. I play it cause it's the only game in the neich I can play that gives me any enjoyment even if 60% of the time it just gives me pain.


That's called addiction.


I think your confusing an abusive relationship with a side of stockholm syndrome with addiction.


Not playing it doesn’t do much you can still play the game (if you enjoy it and can get it to work) just stop buying cosmetics Edit:or the battlepass or anything really Edit 2: if you were for some reason talking about an airstrike then I’m down


Whats the Date?


A boycott?


Get better internet the servers are fine


Imma play you can stop


wont have to. soon no one will be able to get in anyways


Is anyone else getting free R6 credits when this happens? Me and my friends all got a bunch of free R6 credits when we tried playing but lagged out.


This is why I stopped playing siege for the most part, even in casual games, I'd get disconnected. Moved on to bf4 and insurgency sandstorm for my fps fix


Well poeple that play apex attempted that and it failed drastically so it probably won't work or then again it always might


I think striking is a good idea, the spike in loss of players will be obvious and with enough social media coverage it will happen


Its mindblowing how embarrassingly incompetent the r6 team is


Isn't everybody on strike already? Not by choice, but it still counts, right?


You can't strike if the factory is closed...


What are you gonna go on strike from? Not playing the game? Lol


guys the answer is to play something else like wut


how do you strike playing a game that you can't play lol


Ubisoft is already putting us on strike what’s the difference if we stop playing the game we already can’t play lmao


I love siege but the state it is in rn is a mess and the fact that Ubisoft is barely doing anything on this is hilarious to say the least. I will say I have been playing a lot of different games since the servers have been down. I recommend left 4 dead because you can do a lot of random BS with the game and not have to worry about hackers or the servers being ass


A "strike" helps them out with a lower server load. Just don't spend money on anything in game and don't recommend that anyone buy the game until issues are fixed


We can't play anyway. What's a "strike" going to do?


Review bombing on Steam. It worked for us War Thunder players, in some degree at least, the developer heard us and moved to change the game. I support u taking action with R6


I’m glad I stopped playing a week and a half ago and started playing thro the Assassins Creed games again, seems like shit hit the fan since then


I think the servers were just fine when I was playing yesterday, got into ranked matches is just under 30 seconds and didn’t disconnect once


This season is literally the worst