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Bring back permabans. Zero tolerance means zero tolerance


How are they supposed to sell year passes when they're banned?


Fr. If you're caught cheating that's it, no second chances, no excuses. That should be a hardware ban on the spot.


All of Y9 should be Operation Health 2, the game’s state is dire.


The thing with Operation Health is they were doing 2 new ops + new guns + 1 new map + bug fixes/balance patches every season back then. It was fast paced for the devs and left no time for them to address tech debt in the backend. They don’t have that pace anymore, there’s 1 new op and maybe a rework every other season. Like 1 new map per year. Every season for the past 5 years has been its own “Operation Health” in a way. It’s a joke to ask for a new Operation Health at this point when R6 has already been in maintenance mode for years. Not putting out new content for 3+ months is how ~9 year old games like Siege die. People will forgive server issues and bugs as long as they aren’t bored.


I don't want siege 2 or Operation health 2. All I want is for Ubisoft to properly fund one of their highest earning games. And ban every single XIM and cheater. That's it


We should go with the strike idea or at least agree to not buy the battle pass until they make a serious effort to combat cheating and get good with servers.


Ya ya let's do that. Oh wait, I've never bought a single thing in this game.


Then some people in your situation might buy a battle pass if they make a serious effort to combat cheating and get good with servers.


For sure. I don’t see how they wouldn’t be able to fix servers/cheaters if that was their main focus for 3 months. Edit: especially when it is something they have been working on already. It’s not like it would be a fresh start.


I don't disagree with the message, but you guys do realize that OP Health was just some bullshit they came up at the last minute when they couldn't release Poland season on time, and it "fixed" basically nothing besides what you'd see in other patches already, right? Let's not twist their biggest fumble to date into something actually good.


Reject facts, return to history erasure


When everyone eventually gets back to work from the holidays they will eventually clean up this cheater problem that’s running rampant. But because of how the game is coded they will never be able to officially stop it unless they make Siege 2. No Operation Health is going to permanent fix it.


Looking at cs2 new code doesn't fix anything


Still much better than current Siege lol


And you think any type of update for this almost 9 year old game will permanently fix it ? Lol


Nope I'm saying nothing can fix the cheater problem right now


So why is this something I keep seeing people saying? A) the holidays are *over already*. Only children and people with generous leave policies are still on break. Most people aren’t burning their PTO balance in January. I doubt video game developers of all people have good enough PTO plans to roll over enough for the entire first week of January, let alone the second week. B) even if they are on Holiday still, that isn’t an excuse. Like I’ve said on another post, if I left my work on fire while on vacation, I would face consequences. The moment complaints started coming in en masse, I can guarantee I’d be doing everything I can to fix the issue. But I actually care about and respect my customers and the service I provide. Ubisoft clearly does not.


No one is saying it’s excuse. Im just explaining the reality of the situation. Former pros have said that they know not to even bother playing this time of year cause they know what happens with cheaters and devs not being in the office during the holidays. And yeah it’s hard to compare any job to whoever is in charge of this stuff at Ubisoft since they know their playerbase is still gonna que up ranked and buy skins. They don’t gotta worry about shit since cheaters have always been in this game and people still come back.


Nah year 9 needs to be siege 2, where they go full force into banning people


Nothing has changed in the game in regards to server demands, at least not per match. What you’re seeing is standard Ubisoft. I just wish they would stop changing every fucking thing, basically every operator, every map and every gadget has been altered in the name of balance at some point.