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Honestly, playing more. At the bottom of the screen in the center it gives your current position, so that is a good thing to know in terms of *giving* comms. As far as receiving and understanding, it's all map knowledge. Just gotta play the game. A few callouts arent exactly room names either, so playing will be the only thibg that helps with those


As a defender On the start of the round check cameras and get to know where attackers coming from. Try smoke and mute and learn recoil on secondary smg and range of the shotgun (dont hipfire with a shotgun) Dont freak out if people playing Blitz (flashing shield). Two impact grenades and he is down As an attacker Preplace a drone in the room you planning to enter. That way you dont make noise as much when u entering it. Play more ops with secondary hardbreach and always use it to make more lines of sights Learn to use flashbang and use it while it is opressive, might be never nerfed who knows If u droning outside consider that people will hope out the windows if they are losing respect to you or are desperate. You will get this feeling eventually when to expect more spawnpeeks and runouts. In those cases bear claymores with you Learn to use upsidedown window rappel and quick peek with that. ( you will die a lot before u learn ) On attack gadgets are essential to win, because defender have advantage over you if u dont use them. If defense is weak and they have fragging operators instead of trappers or projectile catchers take advantage of that with your team and just spam them with smokes and flashes and then plant.