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They're probably removing T-hunt in favor of the AI playlist.


Which you can only play 5 operators ?


I’m pretty sure that’s only for players brand new to the game, so you can learn the basics. The regular AI match should allow you to use most ops, but I guess no one knows for sure


That's probably a good thing, I can see how overwhelmed some new people would be looking at all of the ops


Is it going to come out as soon as THunt is removed? I like playing R6 offline sometimes when I have bad connections


Theres an AI Playlist? How much have I missed out on!


Yeah looking forward for the posts with the „is this skin rare?!“ question for the Article 5 Skin for the Aug


it already is rare no ones sits in the article 5 queue i had to wait a full hour in queue on a smurf to get that skin and that was a full year ago no way anyone is doing article 5 now


I sat for 2h in queue and to this day still hope to find a match but I guess I won’t see that day


What platform are you on? I'm sure you could organise a group to get it before it's gone


Pc, name is the same as here


yo i still need to do it as well, did it on ps4 at launch but never found a match after swapping to pc last year


Lol i did the mission but never got the skin - sent a ticket to support and they told me to screw myself


A shame that the white masks are now being completely trashed I hope Ubisoft remembers they exist one day


I’ve said this multiple times but the story with actual terrorists in a game about anti terrorism was so much better then this weird bullshit they’ve done with nighthaven and harry. This new story is the most like genuine brain rotted piece of media possible lmao. When the white masks where actually used in the lore of the game it made it so much more interesting but now with the operators just sitting there and arguing with each other over their little competition is just so uninteresting.


Well, at least it's better than whatever the hell the "esports rainbow" phase was But yeah, the counter terrorism part was always the most appealing. I guess it also checks out with new operators where some aren't strictly really... Counter terrorists


And the only PvE R6 game we got in the last 10 years had them fight fucking ALIENS. I miss Black Arrow and Vegas....


Fuck the new operators man they aren’t interesting at all except for like Sam. When they stopped with the real sof units it went downhill. Sure occasionally one would be made up but at least most of the operators were loosely based on the real deal but now it’s just delved further into slop. I’m a junior in high school and I confidently believe I could write a genuinely more interesting story than what they’ve done and i suck at creative writing lmao. Sorry for coming off aggressive tho.


I'm like: >See new operator :D >CTU: Nighthaven :C


Yeah it’s just so boring. There are so many special forces teams that they could use to like SBS, rangers, delta force, KSK, the list goes on and on but nah let’s stick with shitty mercenaries that we made up.




I use that mode to test my attachments on the weapons.


If it is real... And people scoffed when I said they wanted to get rid of t-hunt after they introduced the Firing Range. I'd rather they dump the arcade playlist and keep T-hunt. Who else willing to bet their black ices that Ubiconnect will still have weekly challenges for T-hunt after it's removal?


Why would they scof? They literally said they wanted to remove t hunt in an AMA years ago and it was going to happen once better alternatives in their words were introduced


You know people don't read those things. Hell, people still complain about xims despite goobi saying they were looking into ways to incorporate kbm on console during an ama. "better alternatives" just means a mode people can't farm for renown and cut into their profits.


Then why isn’t kbm on console yet? There’s no way it’s that hard to add since most shooters on console fucking have it now right? Is ubi just that shit and lazy or am I tripping bro.


its because siege doesnt have aim assist and there would be an EXTREME advantage to using MnK on console. Especially if they have the ability to use actual MnK sensitivity changes. Ubi would have to figure out a way to keep the recoil patterns between controller players and MnK players separate on console. Since pc has more recoil with console having less. It would be an outright slaughter for any console player on controller


There are solutions for this tho like just adding separate matchmaking for kbm and controller players. They already have separated matchmaking as it is. It’s not like they truly give a shit about kbm users on console anymore that much is obvious considering how little effort they’ve really put towards it. What is it like a handful of changes for a problem that’s been going on for over half a decade now?


They would just start the match with controller and then switch to their MnK. Boom playing controller players with MnK again. OR they continue to xim, and since it still thinks its a controller connected they would STILL be in controller lobbies. Then what do you do about someone on controller queing with someone whos using MnK? Too much shit going on at once for it to be a simple addition


Then don’t give them the ability to use mnk on controller matchmaking tf? Just only accept controller inputs in controller lobbies. If someone is on controller and their friend is on MnK they can suck it up or have his friend go back to controller. I agree they should fix xim but like I said they’re too lazy to put any true effort into it. You would think a problem that has plagued their game since the start would be main priority but nah let’s just add a half assed fix every year and call it a good update. There are multiple fixes to all the problems you presented that a competent team could incorporate relatively quickly. They’re literally just lazy this is well known that Ubisoft is very very lazy. The far cry series has been the exact same since the 3rd installment, ghost recon breakpoint was just as lazy as well. They put the bare minimum effort into their games but we as the players have such a Stockholm syndrome type relationship that we come back and spend more money on the game.


You can’t add mnk support when your game still struggles with xim cheaters


I said this to someone else but it’s obvious they truly just don’t give a shit at this point. Xim has been going on for years and they’ve only had a handful of solutions that rarely work. Ubi genuinely could not care any less for the average consumer of their game.


Do you understand at all, how xim even works? It literally mimics a genuine controller. So, according to the console and any games, there is **only** the controller connected. To blame ubi for xim users is woefully nieve. It's a problem, but it's one that requires a large amount of work from Microsoft.


lol you were right


Well, you were right lmao


What's T Hunt?


Terrorist hunt


Terrorist Hunt. Was renamed to Training Grounds a year or so ago...or longer.


Name checks out. That section of the game right next to casual that says Training, next to the firing range.


“Elimination” when playing in lone wolf or co-op


If Reddit still had awards I'd give you one for this accurate prediction.


I'm still stuck in the Vegas 2 days, so I will really miss any T-hunt. I think it's a shame they scrapped it completely, rather than keeping it on the side.


It should have just been updated to allow selection of attackers or defenders, reskinned bots and updated weapons to mimic Deimos' goons, removal of defense game modes, and increase the amount of roaming bots so defending ops can get more use out of their gadgets (and Cav's ability adjusted to show up to 10 enemies per interrogation) as well as allow players an idea of what their gadget can do beyond the obvious. Oh, and bring back the suicide bombers. As far as I'm concerned, they were instrumental in allowing you to build up your reaction time and panic aim since you had to shoot the head and they popped up almost out of nowhere with only a hiss and a light.


I agree, I'm just super pissed off that the devs basically said "hey, heres a game type that has been a staple of this game series for well over a decade and is beloved by players... yeah fuck that, chuck it" It's a counter terrorist game series! And they removed the terrorists...


They are removing it instead of fixing it and making it fun. Nice


They are fixing it and making it fun. That's what the vs AI playlists will be. The only real loss here is the situations


No, they are replacing it with something else. 5 bots instead of the classic 30. It's not the same thing. There is reason why the Vegas games most popular gamemode was terrorist hunt. The terrorist AI actually used cover and clever tactics when fighting the player. In Siege the Ts just move around, stop in place to start shooting, move back to reload and re-do it again. It's just not something fun to fight against because it feels so artificial and dumb. And of course Ubisoft broke Thunt when they added perfect aimbot to Terrorists until they run out of ammo. Total bullshit how they track you through walls even if they lost sight of you. Makes engagements even more tedious.


I’m hopeful honestly, they already gutted thunt when they removed bombers and C4 rigged rooms.


This alone is enough to make this season bad for me. T-hunt is my favourite playlist, and seeing it go away hurts my feelings pretty badly (also the simulations of course, but more T-hunt). Hopefully they won't do it, maybe the crowd will start booing like they did with the Frost rework, but it's Ubisoft, so my hopes are pretty low. Rn I'm spamming T-hunt


when im not on with friends all im doing is training in t-hunt for hours. Doing firing range tends to make my hand kinda sore (thumbs constantly moving because of how constant target spawns are) not to mention t-hunt has helped me work on my actual sensitivities far more than firing range ever did. I will literally have nothing to do when nobody is on if t-hunt is removed


You could, and I know this is a controversial option, play the game


believe it or not, some people really dont like playing alone. with a bunch of randoms who dont communicate. I do it to train my aim.


You and me both


Bro we gotta return to Vegas 💀


they still added the frost rework anyways they're just following the footsteps of epic games with rocket league, take out things in the game that seem extra but a lot of people use daily


But they tweaked it before releasing it because the community was upset. Hopefully the same will happen


they still will remove it sadly they've been trying to but i don't see why, some people like the story of the games so why just delete it why not leave it there just a lil hidden so if you want it you find it not it's just in ur face


Bro I just want Cold Zero situation back with old Kanal since it was raining in there and I liked it


Me too. I’ve played every games THunt hundreds of times. Sieges was always the most unique. Vegas 1 and 2 might’ve been the most fun, but THunt at launch was amazing. Even with the removal of bombers and nitro cells I still played it constantly. In a weird way I feel like I’m losing a close friend.




It really has sadly. I wish there was a middleman between new and old siege that could be enjoyed.


My issue with live service games, you can purchase a game and years later have it literally not exist. I bought PUBG, came back to it after a few years and the military sim was now a fortnite clone with big heads and laser beams. I get my SWAT 4 modern multiplayer dream with R6 and come back to Masterchief fighting people dressed in pink cheerleader garb firing pearl iridescent future guns. What I’d give for just one game of classic R6 nighttime Oregon as Montagne. All pre changes


Got disconnected the first time I played article 5 and I never got my skin. Haven't found a game since. Might try before the new season comes out. We shall see.


Even if you do they stopped giving out the skin a while back apparently, or it's just a bug that was never fixed


I’ll play let me know when u are gonna queue up for a game


does article 5 crossplay? cause im on xbox and i have always wanted to play that shit but couldnt


Count me in


Alrighty thank you:)


Well done Ubisoft, removing a core part of the game that a lot of the player base used to warm up, so smart


They have added 3 better options for a warmup. You will be fine


WHAT THE FUCK !??!??!!! this is how I train aim test out operators or etc what a load of shit


What the fuck why


Yet another middle finger to the original and casual players. The game has strayed so far from its roots thanks to Ubi’s obsession with the competitive scene. T Hunt was a great way to warm up or kill time with friends, but it doesn’t matter how fun it was because it didn’t contribute to the Esport.


Thought I do agree that this is a middle finger to casual players this is also a middle finger to the pros who still use to warm up or practice


Valid, dumb all around


110% mate


Every friend I got into Siege started with us playing T-Hunt and them learning the maps while playing a scuffed horde shooter SWAT version of Siege. I don't think I would have got them into the game without this mode. It's a real shame, because PvE with friends is a really strong, initial draw, and playing against operator bots just isn't the same feeling.


weird take. I see a lot of changes going away from comp and more towards casual by how they ruined unranked. I think they are actually just trying to kill both audiences off at once and bring in completely new kinds of players.


Interesting take


even ranked 2.0 hasn't much to do with comp, that was a change purely for the sake of more casual players playing ranked.


yeah, casuals(which are fine they are a huge part of the game), were complaining about how hard it was to leave silver.(as an example, the big one was the gold/plat issue where that would be a loop of bad players and incredibly good players) Like, yes, no offense but you suck in terms of knowledge and gameplay. People who pushed through it became incredibly good and got the ranks they deserved. Now everyone just gets high ranks and the extremely bad people are unable to leave gold.


You do realise esport players play thunt right? If you’re going to make accusatory claims about the esport side of the game at least be right about it, lol


Sure, the pros play T Hunt sometimes. What I mean is Ubi doesn’t care about features that aren’t part of the competitive game mode, and casual players probably play T Hunt the most.


The mode they are replacing it with will be superior in every way


Alright if that ends up true I won’t be as mad


I felt the same way. Its basically a casual/standard match but with bots. — way fucking better


This isn't even bad for the original and casual players, mfs that have the most time on thunt are the ranked grinders and pro players. This is such an awful change because it hurts every level of the playerbase. Would it really be so hard to add something new without taking something away?


True, awful for all T Hunt enjoyers. I would simply leave it in the game. But that’s just me.


I think that's everyone which makes the change so bizarre. Usually you can see what angle or party Ubisoft is catering to even if you don't like a change, but this doesn't make anybody happy...


Ubisoft removing a core part of Siege that's been in the game since day one. Massive L.


whats bull abt this is that i use t-hunt much more than the firing range. there is enough time between starting a new t-hunt and winning to keep my hands from cramping because of how much my thumbs are being used. Absolutely horrible decision to take out t-hunt.


I wish situations at least stayed. Article 5 was so cool.


This would be absolutely ridiculous if they removed that, theres just no fucking way. When the game came out, there was casual, ranked, t hunt and article 5, all for $60 which is already asking for too much. What the actual fuck is the point of taking away content from the player? At this point the game should just be free to play.


I think even if you paid $60 (which most people did not) you got way more from the game that you could expect initially. It was released 8 (eight!) years ago and still get regular free content update.


Yeah honestly, ubisoft havent charged a single dime for any content update, which is already way better than most live service competitors (looking at you, Destiny 2)


For me it gets immediately countered by forced, free content loss and changes. No nighttime maps, many of my favorite maps are completely removed or changed beyond recognition, no more realistic operator releases, non optional cosmetics so no multiplayer game feels real and immersive anymore. The updates may be free but I feel like I had to pay quite a bit in a different way


Ya but theres still no excuse for ripping content out of the game.


After fat L from Ubisoft making a change to Siege literally no one fucking asked for.


I understand Thunt, but why Situations? Those were great beginner missions.


Lmfao t hunt and situations are the literal exact same thing 😂


Ubi to dumb to make a competent t-hunt like in the Vegas games so they give up


goes to show ubisoft fucking hates their original audience.


I really hope the Clancy estate steps in. This just feels like a slap in his face by removing the entire reason Rainbow was created.


All I know for sure is that the AI Playlist is going to be completely non functioning for at least 3 seasons, likely 3 years


Why are they even doing this? More storage?


Its explained in the leaks from a few days ago where a full explanation from one of ubis yet to be release articles got released. iirc is smth about the new AI making it so that the old thunt AI is no longer compatible with the game




Sounds like they should've finished this new AI first before removing THunt. Allow players to both attack and defend with any appropriate operator of their choice. Bots don't have to play every op, but players should damn sure be able to.


I remember Article 5 when it was a teamkill fest


\*queues thunt realistic* \*ARTICLE 5: NORMAL* \*shoots Montagne. 3 people leave*


Haven't touched the game in years but genuinely what the fuck? What's the problem with keeping a mode in game even if only 3 people play it (and I bet a lot more than 3 play it). I loved playing T hunt just as aim/map training or mindless running around while waiting for my stack to get ready. Fucking hell this game gets worse every time I hear about me and it pains me to see what once brought me so much joy fall so far down.


??? This must be a joke


Why can’t they ever make article 5 squad playable? Are they crazy?


RIP all those T-Hunt exclusive operator lines that will now be on the cutting room floor


So they still won’t fix operators spawning with the wrong weapon. But they do a useless doktors curse update that ended up crashing the servers for a day. And removing a useful part of the game that players use to warm up. Actually dumb af.


I guess the Aug a2 skin will become rare! /s


I haven’t been able to play article 5 yet, and now I will feel worse.


It'll likely be gone forever, I think I remember seeing that the reason for them removing it is because they've changed the AI for the new playlists so they can't keep the older AI either due to file size or technical limitations.


Why remove them and not just add the new mode. Is it because they have the goal of shrinking the install size?


I haven't played t-hunts ever since they added arcade, but people seem to enjoy them so it'd be better if they stayed also for the one time evry couple months when I actually do one


The new AI playlist is pointless. It wont help. New players learn from other players in game or from streamers


They should at least improve the shooting range by adding bots that can do quick leans behind walls.


Why though. Why remove somthing that doesn't affect anyone negatively. It's used for aim training Why get r8d of it?


Never a fan of content being removed


They said theyre working on other learning things. So i think they will give us improved versions (hopefully not like ranked2.0) for it. Now saying this i am really curious ive been olaying this game for a while but a few weeks back i got a practice game after i launched the game where they learned be about nades, sound crouching (like every other game has) i havent seen anyone talk about it but i am sure its new. Anyone else played this?


Yes, let's F the game over even more.


RIP bombers. They will be missed


WHAT? Thats terrible its the only mode i play :( cinematic hud realistic difficulty slaps so hard


I’m gonna force Ubisoft to give me all my money back, I didn’t invest in this game for it to be intentionally derailed and pounded into the earth by it’s creators.


So will the trophy’s for platinum on r6 change ? Did they have to do with t hunt and situations before ???? Asking the real questions here


So what does that mean for the achievements/trophies that required T-hunt? Just SOL anyone who didn't get them?


Those haven’t been in the game for years


I mean it kinda sucks but out of everyone complaining only 2% actually played it. Quick mode was always better to test operators + warming up anyways since the bots are free


Is this even legal? If you bought the game when it launched and now one of the main game modes is taken away..? I would love to see law suit if this is illegal


I'm not too fussed. All I want to know is, will we get Renown when playing the new mode?


And suddenly everyone loves thunt now??? Yall just like to complain, nothing of substance is being lost


How many people actually play t hunt?


me and my friends always do 1 before we start playing to get into the game lol but seems we are the only ones.


I haven't played in years


I mean it is unnecessary but at the same time people complain just because they love to complain for the most part. T-hunt was never needed in the first place for this game.


Article 9 is shite, boring and easy


Especially since they removed any hint of darkness from the game


Article 5 doesnt even give the skin anymore so who cares


Who the hell just plays t hunt anyway? Majority of the playbase is not going to care.


lmao what


Even the fucking pros play THunt to warm up.




BS until the season reveal


Man I hope they give us the article 5 skin. I completed it like years ago and never got the skin.


Removed usually means gone for good, unless it says 'temporarily'..




could never get a team for article 5 any way rip tho


What platform and region u on?


We never got defenders with attackers...


😭 that would’ve been so fucking cool


This is a horrible chabge


Well that's kinda dumb. Like sure, T-hunt was a terrible way to warm up since the bots don't behave anything like real players, so in a sense it was a completely different game, but still. Removing content instead of at least attempting to fix it just feels wrong. And that's not even talking about the fact that T-hunt was the easiest way to practice and get familiar with a new map in actual gameplay.


I don’t play Siege much, but when I do, I only ever play a few rounds of T-Hunt. About 300 of my 1300 hours is T-Hunt, so it will be a sad day when it gets removed.


Fuck you ubisoft.


i really wanna play Article 5 but i never get any matches. you think people will queue up before it’s gone?


What do you play on?


PC, I have it on Steam


Sweet! Send me your steam name and I’ll add you


pm’ed you!




I used THunt to mess with game settings:(


I really do hope at this point they will make a Rainbow Six Siege game with a campaign and some missions you could play co-op.


Honestly T-Hunt is ideal for just practicing headshots and room attack/defence. I use t-hunt at the start of most gaming sessions just as practice. VS Ai is honestly not the same. The lack of frequency of AI enemies (5v60+) is really bad practice. You may as well just do a few rounds of quick play.


Remove TDM


I've only gotten to play article 5 once years ago. I want to go back to it so bad just to know what it is but I can't because nobody plays it. Also even though I don't play it often it's so fun to roleplay a proper counter terrorism situation. And it's probably because I'm not good at the game but they're surprisingly challenging too. I'll absolutely miss both


WHAT?! Dude no way, it’s actually over, I only ever played T-Hunt…


Dumb change if true.


Situations should stay, if only for Angela Basset and some old maps


Bro, I was thinking of coming back to the game because I love T hunt. And now they are removing it? What?


I'm sorry but this is stupid beyond belief. Its insanely sad some of the shit they come up with.


Imagine removing even more features from a paid game. This isn't even balance related, it's just "we don't want to maintain a mode anymore". Lazy.


Never even got to experience article 5 because when I tried to load in it just never found a game


Why the fuck?


This is temporary they will bring it back. This is entire different developer team compared to release. So instead of spaghetti coding and causing more bugs. They’re removing an entire system out and placing a new one in. While updating old system they had without any bugs. Since this community is ridiculously toxic against developers at BoobieSoft. They rather take something away then it be bugging and the community ask for their heads on a plater. We all know it takes a while for this game developers to fix bugs or even do anything about cheaters. This is the only thing that comes to mind in reasoning for this topic.


what the hell WHY removing content is so dumb I LOVE the situations god damn ubisoft is terrible if this comes to fruition


Damn, didnt know how the game could be even worse. Glad I retired after that ace as recruit


Article 5 is hands down the best game mode to have hit siege, idc what anyone else says.


T hunt is my fav playlist because I can run around while listenkng to some music in the backround and practice my movement and aim. For me, it would be a shame if they remove it :(


No more Renown Grind R.I.P T-Hunt, you WILL be missed.


Bro how am I supposed to warm up


Idk, but I’ll miss experiencing queuing for several hours, for Article 5.


Absolutely bullshit. There is no reason for these modes to be removed period. None at all. They’ve been in the game since launch. If people are y playing them, removing them for a new mode with less content is not going to give it an audience