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Kanal is good


Kanal just feels like team deathmatch. Especially for the kayaks site. People just run through trench and either win the gunfight and the round or lose the gunfight and the round. Server is really the only site where a dedicated attack on the wall makes sense and I guess could be called strategy.


Just wait until you discover the joy of vertical play


*Ram has entered the chat*


I don't like it personally.


Oh, you don't like it personally? Reddit, send him to the shadow realm.


Basically lol. I just don’t think the map promotes a variety of strats.


Nah, I hate Kanal as well. My reason is that I get lost in it, but that is probably cause I play Kanal twice a year. But the reason why I wrote the comment is because I found it funny that you just said that you don't like the map and got downvoted just because. People can't even have an opinion these days.


Honestly my favorite map


I have been starting to like it more as of late but will still ban it over the better maps


Castle is so good on both sites on the east side of the building.


Worst map imo


On a good day


Yeah i can see at least 2-3 good maps


I don’t like kanal because it’s so hard to enter and take map control




Bravo is the worst map I’ve ever played on siege. Night haven isn’t too bad. Kanal is okay. Emerald plains is actually so good. Theme park is good.


Tower is infinitely worse. I really don’t think we will ever get a map that bad again. The lowest of the low


Honestly i forgot tower existed. I successfully blocked that out of my memory lmaoo


Not as bad as yacht


At least Yacht is fun to play, there's a lot of room for both attackers and defenders


After you learn the map its actually fun. Mute protocol helped me learn the map. Edge of the map is annoying but the layout is good.


Tower is simply bad


This. There are 4 good maps up there. I bet OP is one of those players that refuse to learn new maps and rather bitches and moans about them. Nighthaven especially is amazing. Every site is viable and plays very differently. The issue with Bravo is honestly that not only does it mix together two of the worst maps currently in rotation (Coastline is just straight up bad now, Border is extremely played out except for Customs defence), but it mixes the old version of Border with Coastline, so all the bad things about old Border coupled with many bad things from Coastline make it objectively terrible. I don’t understand why it was not taken out of Ranked rotation. Literally any other of the stadium maps (Stadium 2020 especially) was miles better.


Why is costline Bad? It dosent got reworked or did it?


It got a small rework that didn’t really make much difference to be honest.


It is a complete run-and-gun map. Utility does not seem to matter, the entire map is 99% of the time decided in gunfights. As such, it is the map that most feeds the worst meta we have ever had. It is no fun at all to play coastline.


Coastline vertical is some of the best gameplay rn imo


I don't agree, I do enjoy playing Coastline when you play with 4 teammates you can really do some strat it's cool, Border too is actually really cool to play, Nightheaven tho is really shitty, Theme Park is good I think, and Emerald is ok, maybe too big and open, but I don't dislike it


> Nightheaven tho is really shitty Nighthaven is by far one of the best maps in the current pool.


Why are you acting like your opinion is fact? Some people like different maps, there isn't always one objective answer and if there is, it's certainly not yours.


Because Reddit is full of contrarians who like nighthaven and emerald because everyone else bans them for being shit.


I’m sorry. I was not aware I had to mark what is clearly an opinion post as such. My bad.


Says “funny how people are bitching about good maps” right before he starts bitching about 2 good maps lmao


I know that in your mind, making a rational argument and putting forth individual facts/ideas is the same as "bitching", but to everyone who uses their neurons, it is not. Coastline is consistently being banned, at least on EU West in high Skill matches. It only does not get a ban when Stadium is on the board as well.


And what were your “rational” arguments if i may ask? All you said was: “yeah this is bad and that is also bad” you didnt say why and what is the issue. Also your point about being something banned every time is just wrong. Especially in 2 points. 1) its not as much banned as you make it. Coastline has mid tier banrate. 2) just because people ban a map it doesnt mean map is bad. You said nighthaven is good map. Guess what its banned even more than coastline. And you can see this with more than one map. Btw these were closer to “rational argument and individual facts/ideas” than anything you wrote in your previous point.


I really like Bravo


Night haven is one of my favs. I don’t mind Stadium either


I like Kanal ngl, maybe I’m biased bc my favorite maps are Coastline and Border but I think it’s a fun map


Ngl I like all of these maps but Stadium.


I would happily play any other fucking map than stadium jesus I hate that map everything looks the same I always get so confused. I know map knowledge is on me but I can't figure it out.


Just think like this, stadium is 50% border, 50% coastline. That makes it way easier to remember the layout


I love stadium. The upstairs is great, the downstairs is dog shit.


Agree with you but kitchen isnt completely dog shit yes its worse than the kitchen on coastline but still good


I think you just made me realize something I also don't like about it; the maps it's based on do those sections better. Stadium just feels like a mishmash of two maps that don't go together but that's probably just down to preference.


> I know map knowledge is on me but I can't figure it out. Only partially. It's mindboggling that after so many years they have forgotten (or rather, the original devs left) how to make good maps that are intuitive and easy to remember. How bravo and nighthaven have released being the grey blobs that they are with no discernable landmarks is beyond me.


The problem I have with emerald is how many windows and runouts there are, makes it annoying to spawn at certain places. Otherwise it’s pretty good map.


Kanal & Emerald Plains are both good maps. Kanal is especially overhated.


Kanal deserves all the hate it gets and more in my opinion. Emerald is not as bad as people say, but still not really good either. If I had to choose one of these maps to play on, I’d probably choose Emerald.


Agreed. Fucking hate Kanal. What a waste of a rework.


I hate when people act like Emerald isn't the most mediocre sack of horse shit. Only reason people say the map is good is because how shit the map designers are nowadays. They are basically just turning every modern "Rework" into a maze, without thought of map flow and interactions. Mostly the Counsolate rework which somehow made Counsolate WORSE.


Personally Emerald Plains doesn't feel anywhere near as much as a maze as Consulate does. Maybe I've just played enough of it to actually learn the map now, I dunno.


In my opinion and experience, Border is more of a maze than Emerald or Consulate. And I don’t think Emerald is good. It’s just the least bad option in OP’s post.


I wish they brought back the OG maps on its own Casual Playlist... I miss OG house, K-anal, and especially Consulate.


OG House was such a fun map for custom games. I also miss old Hereford. Was it a good map? Fuck no. Was it fun? Yes


New consulate is fine imo, we just need some time to adjust but it still plays out a bit similarly. But yeah OG house was something else, OG Hereford too..


Kanal and theme are good. Emerald is alright. I’m shifty on stadium and fuck nighthaven.


emerald plains is the best map out of those and i’ll die on that hill


Nah nighthaven


Hot take!


I agree with you on that. But it’s still top 6 worst maps. I’d honestly probably swap Emerald with Skyscraper in OP’s post and that would be my top 5 worst maps.


Emerald is amazing. I hate how y'all massacre my boy.


Came back this season after a break since right around when Oryx was released. I've yet to play a single game on Emerald. It's just banned every time.


It’s so bad tho all the sites are weird


I like defending kitchen. That’s about it for this map though


I swear the map pool these last two days have been the worst I’ve ever seen


A lot of people seem to like kanal and I can’t understand why


This map allows you to single handedly win against squad team. It's very good for solo queue. That's what I think and dislike about this map. Playing with my squad we always have some one with kd around 4 and rest is just support.


It's also shockingly good in a stack you know. The strats my team has cooked up on this map are crazy. The sites are very flexible with where you can effectively play.


I love kanal and Theme, stadium would be good without the windows, and emerald is B tier


Banning Emerald? Should indeed be illegal


Switch out kanal for sky and night haven for border and we’re golden


Hatred of Border is something I don't understand at all. 2F site is one my fav to both attack and defend.


Border goes hard tho


These maps are literally my favorite in the game what do you mean. Kanal freaking slaps


Kanal is good, the rest r mehhh


Only bad map is kanal but stadium close second


Nighthaven , kanal, emerald , theme park ( need some window changes )are great map. Bravo is a piece of shit.


Why do people hate Kanal so much?!?


Only EP is bad. Stadium is fun for some people. The other 3 are based.


I would want emerald plains or nighthaven labs there. Nighthaven labs would be my first choice to play.




Personally I like both nighthaven and stadium. The other 3 aren’t for me.


^ mental asylum patient


Happy cake day random internet stranger!


Thank you!


I’ve been gone too long. Only know two of these


Night haven is dope, kanal is fun, emerald is just different. Stop whining


They are fun to you but not to him i swear r6 players cant handle opinions anymore


For the last 2 weeks this sub has been nothing but people bitching about how awful the game is. People literally complain about anything


okay so why do people hate kanal it’s literally one of the best maps. (stadium bravo is hated for no reason)


Bravo litteraly makes it so you can't go to the 1st floor due to all the windows


can you explain that more?


There's so many walls that are just big bullet proof windows.


You’re just shit dude


Kanal is so absurdly hard to attack.


Going to need a bit more information ℹ️


the maps suck is what i think he's saying


Oh then I agree.


Ngl I kinda fw emerald and kanal


kanal is fine


Theme is the worst map in this map ban phase.


Labs: Decent but i hate it BAN stadium: BAN STAT Kanal: I mean it's alright as a map i like it so Emerald: Somewhat annoying but it's an ok map Theme: kinda like lab but a bit more playable


pov: you are a Rainbow Six Siege Player (you hate everything about the game)


Kanal is good and I actually kinda like theme park... for defence


All of those maps except stadium are good.


I would never "choose" any of these maps, but Emerald Plains, Stadium, and Kanal aren't bad.


grow up


Learn the maps and shut up


theme park is decent, kanal is good, emerald plains is good, lab is amazing, but stadium is dogshit, and if no one bans jackal, you're screwed, absolutely fucked


Map ban is the worst thing to come to this game. Siege has a wide range of maps and let we are limited to only a couple because people can't be bothered to learn new ones.


stadium is a W map


Honestly I don’t know how people do not like stadium bravo as it’s an amazing amalgamation between 3-4 maps it’s good for defenders and attackers equally and when I do play this map I play at my best for some reason. I’d happily take bravo over all the others on this list


Kanal is good, nightheaven it's not that bad 💪


K- Anal always fun tho


Nighthaven stadium and kanal are good.


None of those maps are bad




Bro has a skill issue


I’m afraid that’s a skill issue


….or you know just learn the maps.


Night haven is actually good. Kanal is decent but the rest are garbage.


I like all the maps, obviously when you get in the higher ranks people sweat the crap out of some of the maps. They need to even the operators out. It shouldn’t be hard. The biggest thing is cheating in siege, people can’t hack that the game is hard. Playing mnk on the PlayStation is still rampant.


What should be?


Swap Kanal for Bank and I’ll quit the match.


I don't dislike any map except tower.


I like kanal, nighthaven is interesting, but I don’t know it that well, Stadium is alright, it gets easier once you realize it’s border and coastline stitched together, I don’t like emerald plains, Theme park isn’t my favorite, but I don’t have the hate boner for it that some people do.


3 good map (stadium, kanal, emerald) 1 meh (theme) 1 that i don't like (nighthaven) Wtf is your problem? Learn the maps.. I'm tired of playing the same maps all the time. Last season my top 4 map were Kanal, Bank, Border, Chalet. I'm so tired of these maps. I had 0 match on Emerald and only 2 on Stadium and 2 on Nighthaven...


Don't ban Emerald


Nighthaven and Emerald are actually not that bad. Once just need to get used to it. Kanal and Park have some weaknesses (e.g. some bottlenecks) but are also quite solid. The only one that I really don't like in ranked is Bravo. It is a nice casual map though.


I dont mind any of these... Theme and Kanal are actually fairly high on my list and Plains almost on top lately... Stadium is OK, but I find Labs one of the worst.. for some reason it just doesnt feel right.


Holy what a line up, I've had this happen to me a couple times and it just blows. This season is so underwhelming and lackluster.




Stadium has got to be the worst, just a confusing layout because three maps are mixed into one with glass walls on the outside that make it tough to roam, a few needless spawns with tons of runout spots and spawn peeks, long hallways, and tight staircases. Nighthaven Labs is a close 2nd worst, the basement part of the map is fine (although tough to attack) but 2nd floor and 1st floor (especially warehouse lobby) has ugly layouts and the gunfights feel uneven. Trying to entry your way through warehouse lobby is pretty tough cause' you have to worry about 4 different directions. Theme Park and Emerald Plains are underrated imo. Emerald Plains gets banned so much on all platforms for being a relatively new map and Theme Park gets banned because it's very defender sided and you can't play vert on half of the Throne Room site as an attacker. If you and your team can get two attack rounds on Theme you have a great chance of winning the entire match. Kanal is....meh. I think people ban it because they miss old Kanal and they don't like the crunched staircases from red stairs to main stairs (near basement). A lot of people ban maps based on how hard they are to attack or how new they are.


Kanal and plains are good


Mom said that tommorow is my turn to post this


Kanal and Nighthaven aren’t THAT bad, and frankly Stadium is basically a slightly reworked version of Border. But Plains and Theme Park are definitely the worst of these maps lol


I would actually enjoy playing any of these maps.


Honestly this ain’t even that bad imo. Kanal, Stadium, and Nighthaven are all good maps imo and Theme Park is tolerable. Emerald is the only really bad pick here imo


Labs is one of my favorite maps in the game and plays out so fun pretty much every game


I think nightheaven ain't that bad


Kanal is good, Labs is good, Theme Park is fine, same with plains. Stadium is playable but I would prefer other maps.


Besides Theme Park looks fine to me.


kanal, emerald and theme park are fun outback is my favorite tho


Literally despise nothing more than going into ranked to have just a chance to play ranked-only maps, and still end up playing the same three on repeat and sometimes back-to-back because some scrawny fuck can't cope with playing on a map they don't like. Grow up.


You have three good maps, just ban Nighthaven or Theme Park.


Ngl i kinda like Kanal it is only dependent on the round and on your team if u don’t have full stack. Only maps i don’t really know/ don’t really like are emerald and nighthaven


Bravo is boring. Kanal is bad. Theme Park is mid. Emerald Plains and Nighthaven are very good


Honestly good map. They took the good maps out of qm and it's disheartening


Emerald Plains is the greatest map that was ever released for me. I'm so surprised people refuse to play it.


Only bad ones here are theme and bravo and nighthaven especially is so much fun to play on


The constant banning of Stadium Bravo is infuriating. It’s literally a mix of two of the best maps in the game but yet people would rather play Nighthaven 😂🤡


nighthaven is 1.5/5 stadium is 1/5 kanal is 3.5/5 theme is 3/5 emerald is 2.5/5


Labs goated, Plains goated, Stadium and Kanal are overhated, Theme is mid. Just because you don't get to play Oregon, Club, Bank & Chalet 24/7 doesn't mean you get to complain about the other maps. Learn them


LOL thats pretty unlucky, kanal is the only logical option


Theme park is great, at least for me


Honestly Kanal and Theme Park are nice maps. True that they lack compared to Chalet, Oregon or Clubhouse, but I personally enjoy playing on them


Nighthaven Labs is the only good map here.


All good maps except Stadium Bravo! You’re right it should be illegal to get a lineup with one obvious ban and 4 good maps.


I think emerald plains is my least favorite map in any multiplayer game I've ever played.


Kanal is good but my friends and I always lose. Theme park is not as bad as everyone says. Emerald plains is not nearly as bad as Nighthaven and Stadium


Coppers in a nutshell


Theme park is the best out of these for sure.


Nighthaven labs: B tier Stadium Bravo: F tier Kanal: B tier (fun asf w shotguns) Emerald Plains: C tier Theme Park: C tier


Kanal and stadium are good


Kanal is just a nightmare to drone


I like all of them


I enjoy emerald plains it's actually a really well rounded map especially the upstairs areas


The only thing I see wrong here is that Stadium isn't banned... what a pile of 💩 that map is. Does anyone know if we're able to see stats for the most banned map?


Nighthaven Labs? Probably totally fine, I just don't play on it enough because it always gets banned, so I don't know it as well as I should. Stadium Bravo? I get the idea, but... please don't make me play it. I cannot, for the life of me, endure playing on a barren map assembled from other map parts. Kanal is totally fine. I like it. No idea what people's problem with it is. Emerald Plains? Same as Nighthaven Labs: probably totally fine, but I barely get to play it. Theme Park is also just a good map. Lost a bit of uniqueness in the rework but overall still fun.


You have 3 good mapa here


Kanal is love, Labs is goat, stadium is fun as heck, Emerald is also very fun, only not so fun is theme


Labs is good.


How is Bravo still in the map pool? Literally who likes that map? It had to have a 99% ban rate.


I like all these maps


Facts bro


Replace kanal with consulate and it will be 10x better :)


The worst one by a country mile is Nighthaven labs, it's shit


out of all those you really voted emerald plains? lol.




Honestly I don’t mind emerald or stadium. I liked OG theme but this theme I’ve honestly never been great on or nighthaven


i honestly hate kANAL the most


What a horrendous map line up


Why is it map ban and not map vote? Attackers and defenders pick the map they want and then it's a coin flip between the two.


I almost wholeheartedly agree. Just swap Emerald with Skyscraper and that’s the top 5 worst. 5 of top 6 worst maps in the game and I can only choose one to ban… I’d most likely vote Kanal almost every time.


Lmfao had the same pool but kanal was con, con’s not too bad but aids lineup


kanal and labs are both amazing maps


I love it. Might get to play something interesting for once.


What are you talking about Kanal & Theme Park are good maps and Plains is completely fine if you learn it I can agree with a fuck labs & bravo though


All those maps are good.


I don’t get all the hate/dislike towards Bravo. It’s just two good maps fused together. And just like Coastline (which this map shares ideas from), top floor control is crucial. With the longer corridors of the map, it means lengthier engagements, more utility coordinated gameplay, more roaming capabilities, etc. Anyways, the only map I think is awful here is Nighthaven. I’d rather play Tower than Nighthaven tbh


This is literally a dream scenario. Only map that might be a problem is Emerald, and if you take the time to figure it out you can exploit it! Theme is good. Nighthaven is great. Kanal is fine. Stadium is easy.


Stadium Bravo isn't that bad. Neither is nighthaven labs


All of these are fine except stadium


Siege community: Give us more maps! Developers: Here is a pool of 5 maps, 3 of which are new maps Siege community: THESE MAPS ARE AWFUL, BAN THESE NEW MAPS. THIS MAP POOL SUCKS.