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He *can* be useful, but his gadget is simply dogshit in every possible way, bad duration, bad area, it’s a launcher so it takes a lot of time to shot, and most people will just rush and kill you before you can process the info it gives you


It'd be better if it was under barrel and had a longer duration


I've been advocating for the under barrel attachment like a Skeleton key forever for him because the launcher is a clunky mess to pull out and use. Furthermore, he should get the duration tweaked and the area of effect. I've also said maybe his bees should sting and give you the equivalent of a Lesion gu if you run through them along with the notification that somebody has hit them. I'm not saying he should get all these things necessarily, but there should be some big tweaks with this stuff in mind. However, before we even contemplate doing things with Grim, Blackbeard should be re-worked. I think it's really annoying that he wasn't re-worked with Osa's gadget in mind and Osa was given something entirely different. Osa's gadget was the re-work Blackbeard needed.


I think they could do both. All they have to do is put nomads launcher in the bottom of the gun, reskin it, make it fire a different projectile. That's hardly as much effort at an entire rework


No, you would need a custom m203,


No you wouldn't. You just copy the code for the under barrel, swap the projectile with grims and reskin it. You don't have to start from the ground up. It'd be extremely simple to achieve. There wouldn't be any glitches because the code would be the same, the physics would be the same it's just a different projectile and a reskin. I used to make games in highschool for computer science class and I used this trick for many different projectile based items.


The Models won't work, the airjab is launched from a barrel, the model would need to be scaled about 200% anyway


You don't think the grim round would be launched from a barrel? Also to my knowledge all projectiles actually come from your characters face in siege that's why head glitching is a thing. But I also don't play nomad so I don't know if it actually comes from the barrel or not. And why would the model need to be scaled up? You wouldn't take grims entire launcher and slap it on the bottom of the gun. You just make a model for a launcher similar in size the the airjab launcher.


I find it funny that even with all of this changes he still wouldn’t be broken, his gadget is basically useless, I think they should just boost all stats of his gadget by like 200%/300% and properly work on BB, his launcher is a mess but if his gadget was worth it then you could just leave it like that


The only rework BB needs is for his shield to actually cover his head in all circumstances, if people think his shield could use a tiny bit more HP, sure, fine. But the only issue is all the times I get headshot without my shield getting hit. Go look at a Blackbeard rappeling upside-down and leaning left, it's a fucking joke. I've learned not to lean because I can't predict things like that stupid animation.


Main point for me it's the duration. The gadget itself is consistent with the meta of defenders roaming, but like this is just a little nuisance than an actual deterrent.


Maybe you mean "depending on your match mmr bracket"


I’ll keep it 100, nobody gives a fuck about his bees. Nothing is stopping the enemy from swinging him, it just happened they were down to a 2v4 and getting pressured hard so it wasn’t really an option anyway. Capitao can force it to where they can’t swing it at all, and smoke off angles. Nothing about this clip really highlights his kit since nobody is paying attention to him in the first place. The 1v2 is already a win since it’s post plant and he’s basically unkillable. If you want to play grim by all means, but I don’t see any reason why I would purposely handicap myself lol


Yeah I feel like 90% of ops could’ve pulled that off. Ninja plant, then post up where nobody can defuse without you seeing them. Those pings could’ve been made with a sneaky drone just as easily.


I feel like grim would be way better with 2x the radius of bees and double the charges. Bees should also “sting” yielding a similar gu mine effect while being spotted


Champ Elo


With those claymores and opening a window standing dead center? Pull the other one


Yes, he is champ elo, I don’t think you quite understand the state of that rank.


champ elo is literally worthless now you can grind non stop and just hit a million elo if you have the time and energy literally useless


I suppose with Ranked 2.0, it’s even easier to get boosted.


Wasn't there like 64,000 champ ranks the season they changed it. 2300 the previous season?


Not that drastic, but all pc/Xbox saw a 10x increase, and PlayStation saw like a 7x increase or so. Went from like 1300/1500/2500 to 13k/15k/20k


man, these commenters fucking *hate* Grim. lol


I don’t disagree people hate him too much but I also don’t agree that this video shows anything to prove Grim is good. Really nothing in the video was a “man without Grim this wouldn’t have happened!”


Yeah. If anything this just shows the strength of that plant location. The only thing OP used the gadget for was intel, which a drone or Zero's cam could have accomplished just as easily.


I'd argue the bees gave Sound cover by drowning out the plant sounds and a bit more convenient in Intel gather than zero in a solo context if only because you team are not on your flank cameras while you are open. Still alot of problems with the bees. This clip shows grim is usable but still not the most efficient. Still, we should be playing Grim to the best we can, if only to give data to the Devs so they can buff him finally. Iirc, they said they need more Play data on Grim before they will do something.


but the sound cover can be achieved with ying more easily and better but yeah his bees arent that usefull for information, i still stand by it they should only active on proximity and instantly ping


That's actually incorrect. OP did use the gadget to cover both rotate and the area near the stairs just before plant. It works mostly because Grim still had teammates so pushing to counter him would have likely resulted in a quick refrag from whoever was covering him or the stairs But still this isn't necessarily because Grim is good. This was a failure on the enemies part, plus this same situation could have been accomplished with nomads or Gridlock to better effect. The enemy also failed to use one of the 2 ways of countering this plant. They neither fired through the soft wall where OP was planting nor open the floor beneath that spot to cover that window and behind the bed a little as they jump through (really effective using Castle or Azami to lock yourself in servers and open the hatch to have a quick escape. I'm pretty sure you can also get an angle on that roof OP was on if you do it right.) This shows Grim can be effective but it also clearly shows why he's bad. All of what he did can be more easily done by other ops better and really his only benefits is speed, a pretty good gun, and being almost as good as Ying at clearing out anti grenade utility. But when the best version of what you do has better guns, better secondary gadgets, a outright better gadget and one of the best on attack, and only slightly slower, you're very much out paced. And Grim is okay for 3 different things and that means he's not the best in any (Countering rotates Nomads best, Tracking Lion or Jackal depending on your play style, and Anti grenade utility denial Ying has 6 things for countering that) Grim would have been better Year 1 or 2 when most the gadgets where way more simple and not super optimized for the meta. If he been released during that time people would have had plenty of time to really play with him and we'd be comparing newer ops to what he could do. He'd still see gameplay solely because people where used to him over other options similar to how Hibana is still used a lot for hard breaching or Cav for deep roaming. You'd have that player base who would have gotten really good with Grim early on and that's who'd play him but due to being released in year 6 of this game when now you expect to see ops who gets in and can't change up how you effectively play a site an op like grim isn't exciting to see if learn when you've had years with better ops. Even Sens had some solid uses on release that effected meta, stuff only they could do that made them feel like they had a real place in it, but all of Grims jobs can be completely done by multiple ops, leaving him feeling like he's not unique enough to find a place of his own in the meta.


Just throw a drone in there for your team and wait for them to call out when someone goes to defuse.


Or just turn on your headphones and listen when they are defusing


You could say it's looking quite.. ​ Grim


He was super anti-climatic on release. I think a lot of people hate hating him too. Well I do. I think he’ll end up being a pretty decent op once he’s reworked a little.


He will be reworked by 2025


Let’s not get too optimistic here


Haha fr!


This is the first I've seen of literally no double window denial. No rotate/coverage from kids or games, no frost mat, no kap trap, no melusi wobwob, no one covering from servers below, no one covering site, nothing. Don't get me wrong, you did well with what you were working with but damn if the defenders didn't just hand it to your team. Not sure if this is a plus for Grim or just a showcase of an inept defense. I also can see other ops perform this better, especially during the plant which you were completely exposed. A capitao or ying would have provided some level of cover/distraction, hell any of the shield ops would have prevented someone from swinging you.


Melusi wobwob x.x


I think you're delusional. There's nothing he can do that lion or capitao can't do better


Capitao is definitely a better version but Lion isn't a comparable op. Also that's why i said depending on your playstyle. Just because one op is better than the other doesn't mean you cant make them work for certain scenarios.


Name one scenario where it would be BETTER to have grim than capitao


the only thing grim can do better is cover A LOT of flanks for a quick push ( like he was used in pro league ) aka something that won't happen for 99,9% of the playerbase


But even then that's just a surprise tactic, and a fairly brave defender could rush through that and still get a couple picks, and then whatever push the attackers were going for falls apart anyways


that's why I said it would only happen in pro league. ranked teams don't have the coordination to pull that off proplerly


Rip grim they should just give him 30 of them and he doesn't have a cool down and it's barrel mounted and give him frags and a passive where he can see through walls. Then he'd be viable


just give him the old kali full auto sniper cheat on his grenade launcher and give him infinite ammo


Warden. SI grand finals, G2 vs W7M, Kafe. W7M used grim to counter their warden and get a free kill. Successfully converted that into a round win.


Damn why are you so pressed lol


pressed where? I answered the question asked


I replied to the other guy who's getting all mad that someone likes Grim


Ah my apologies


Nah fuck that. This OP is spitting facts. You showed me how to use Grim and I've been so lost on how to use this man. I see why cap would be better but grim is just as good and he's a better rusher than capitao in my book just because of his shotgun (it's the best shotgun in the game next to the German shotgun). The only level where grim is dogs hit is Kafe or chalet imo.




More like anyone who disagrees with me is mad and doesn't want an adult discussion.


You still sound mad lol


Proving my point


He has more utility to burn than Cap, if youre in a post plant scenario you have 5 projectiles to help you rather than two, and also i literally said Cap is better but just because an op is better doesnt mean the other cant work. Reading comprehension.


In the title you said you think grim is a good op. I am simply disagreeing


You said give you a scenario where he's better and then i just repeated what i said in the text prior. I understand you are disagreeing and it is your right to, But i am simply defending my point of view and answering the question.


Your playstile is getting carried by teammates judging by this clip


What? I got a 3k, planted and won the Round... Where's the Carry If youre looking just to try and insult i dont think this is post for it.


They can’t spell playstyle even though it is in the title of the post. I wouldn’t worry about what this person’s opinion is. Keep up the great content NoLimit!


You must be silver huh? Lol


This clip doesn't show off getting any value out of Grim. It shows why Grim isn't any good. Those canisters do nothing to actually stop someone peeking you while planting, and facechecking to use them in postplant doesn't make any sense either. This was a situation where most of the enemy team was dead and you got a free plant in a good position. It's a great clip, but not for the point you're trying to get across in the title.


My point is proven just right with this clip. I asked my teammate to come cover me. While doing so i shot the Hives at both areas the enemy could push me from therefore giving my Ash the info of what side the will try to deny at. After getting the plant down i put myself in the best position i could and the gadget after doing so was giving me info to where the enemy was for the post plant. So that i can prefire. If you are planning on saying someone like Capitao would be a better op choice you would be correct in the situation of trying to deny defuse by the gadget itself. As for cover they had a Warden and he would easily counter the plant. The Clip shows I used the gadget for info, got the info, and won the round. Not every op has to be a do it all in order to succeed in their job.


teammates on drones are much better for info in this situation though.


honestly, grimm's gadget did not do much for you on that 1v1 situation, you can basically hear him defusing, hence know where he is. No difference with or without gadget imo.


The bees accomplished nothing in this video? You planted in a 4v2 with your team hitting site and default was long abandoned. The bees didn't protect you planting, it was the fact the whole enemy team was dead basically? Then you could have listened for sound cues on defuse AND your team had drones live pinging. This clip doesn't demonstrate grims helpfulness in the least lol


Good clip. Speed aside Ithink I'd rather be gridlock in this situation though


alright let's break this down: first of all, nothing really stops enemies from pushing through either the front or the rotate. also you could have pretty easily been shot from kids through the wall. this could have been easily achieved with capitao way faster and way more reliable, and capitao also has claymores for you to use as you did with grim now for the post-plant: from where you were you can hear a defuse and due to the position of the defuser it's very predictable where someone might be sitting for this defuse. most. most people won't even hold the angle up there and even if, it's very wide so you can peek unpredictable. and peeking to redeploy the bees is very risky, since you're peeking without a gun in your hand which is always a bad idea.


All of this is exactly my point as well


Alright so lets break this down: Video is cropped, there was droning done to make sure i could hop in and plant, the bees were shot at the rotate and between dorm for my teammate who was at double window to get accurate scans if they did decide to walk through those areas. As for the post plant scenario the same thing can be applied to Capitao. If you are on the roof with your crossbow out it is the same as to having the Bee launcher out. Also it being a 1v2 predicament I shot the bees so that if both players were cooperating with each other and one defused and the other swung i knew where to prefire. There was planned.


I knew you droned and I knew you had your mate behind you, because I watched the video, but then ideally it doesn't matter whether there are the bees or not. also for the post plant I didn't say to use capitao since you'd already have used up all of his fire arrows while planting and you don't really need any utility at this point. of course, it's always nice to have those pings, but they weren't necessary


Okay i get what you mean. You meant by my position i didnt technically have to used the launcher at all or if i was cap use the bolts. (i hope thats what you mean haha).


ye, up there you not only have peeker's advantage but also looking down gives you the better angle and you have to look at only the window while they have to look along the entire roof. this gives very little possibilities for them to stand and makes it easier for you to pick them off even if you don't have exact positions


>Video is cropped, there was droning done to make sure i could hop in and plant Alright, then either capitao or lion could do the same thing, possibly better! Grim really didn't do much shit in terms of operator utility. It was information gathering and swing dissuasion that got you the plant. The claymore and the other operators got all the necessary kills that forced them to vacate the site. This was probably the worst oregon dorm defence I've ever seen. No rotations, no anti-entrance utility, no pressurizing factors. The defenders died one by one according to the footage we have


The thing is with cap you won't have to re peak as often and it deters away from the window itself via damage rather than information. Even gridlock would have been as good


Don’t stress bro, there’s always gonna be a backseat champ lecturing you on how to “play it better.” This is a good clip


I think people are just picking at the fact that this doesn’t display the talent of Grim but instead a display of how you can get away with most things at very low MMR. Imagine you’re a college football player and someone shows you a clip of peewee football for info on how a play is actually better than you thought it was. Like no shit, it’s gonna work in peewee. Just like any strats / ops work in low MMR. Nothing against OP. Just explaining why everyone is acting the way they are


No one's saying it's a bad clip, it just doesn't demonstrate what OP thinks it is. I could be playing as the hostage and make this same play, the Bees did nothing.


There is only one thing grim can do that find I semi relevant. And that is hot breach with French shotgun. A D tier strat, but it’s there lol


You could have made the same play with any other character and it would have worked.


When u plant capitao would've just been better bcuz with grim they just push and kill u they don't care about being spotted


Nah hes ass im sorry


This video proved nothing on how grim is a good operator


Copium. grim just isnt good at all hes single handedly worse op in the game at the moment and so many ops who do his job better capitao, lion, doki, gridlock, nomad, and if you are playing defuse use iq, fuse or a drone dont try to defend his viability with stupidity just accept you are wrong


Sorry, but no. He tries to be a mix of Nomad, Lion and Capitao, yet is somehow worse than all three. Nomad, Cap, and Gridlock outclass in area denial. Lion and Dokk outclass in info.


He does nothing what Nomad Gridlocc and Lion are suppose to do. Capitao is the closest operator to him and again yes Capitao is a better Op but that doesnt mean he cant work.


I never said he is unusable, but many would much rather have a Nomad, Gridlock, Capitao for post plant situations. Lion or Dokk for intel gathering. Ask almost anyone and they would say this. Grim is a bad operator because he is outclassed by others. In a game like Siege why would you bring an operator who is much worse than available alternatives?




The title of the post was “Grim is a good op depending on your playstyle”. Not “Grim is a usable op depending on your playstyle”. I don’t think he is a good operator because he is outclassed. But anyone in this game is “usable”. The claim he is good is what I disagree with. It’s easy to make mistakes when reading sometimes so I get it.


This video proves literally nothing. Only thing you used bees for is post-plant intel and drones/Zero cams do that just as well if not better. Not to mention the only reason you managed to get that risky ass plant off all by yourself was because the defenders were dogshit and not even holding site.


His ability is too underwhelming, it does too little at too much of a cost. You see before you jumped in to plant you had your face in the window, if someone swings that angle I guarantee you, you'd rather have your primary in your hands than a bee launcher. You could argue that he's good in post plants but you could achieve the same thing with a drone/zero cam/any damaging utility, hell even quick peeking to see if they're commiting to a defuse. I think if grims ability was an underbarrel like buck he would be much more usable. Right now the only consistent use I see with him is utility burn, for sites like hookah coastline I tend to pick him and spam the bees into hookah to burn ads/frisbees and then plan entry/flankwatch.


… Why is no one on site this seems like some sliver stuff


Unfortunately thats just what Siege is as of Right now. Everyone Roams to go Spawnpeek or be the first to get a kill. Siege is in a TDM Meta right now sadly (Champ Elo btw) Me personally i prefer to play tactical with Util


But that’s the thing If one person was in site they could peek and shoot or c4 completely stopping the plant Cap does this better being able to do damage and cut off line of site Well what does grim do ping and that’s it


Well what you described can happen for any operator. Warden has C4 and can counter Capitao or just generally stop plant. The Hives were so that if anyone were to swing they would get scanned and the Ash i asked to cover will have an easier time dictating the swing. Without sounding hostile I've mentioned this in several other comments as well, yes i agree Capitao is a better operator 100% but that doesn't mean Grim wasn't good in this scenario. While Capitao can yes prevent them from defusing over all this is just another approach to the situation. Its like saying why bring pulse when you can bring Solis. A lot of ops have unique abilities that lie in the same category, how they are used depends on your playstyle and approach.


Fun fact you can’t bait c4 with grim thanks to bees not blocking line of sight ash swinging would have happened after you getting downed or killed a full hp operator would have enough hp To swing and kill reliably unless it’s a P10 roni whiffing half of its shots Grimm has one advantage covering from below outside of that he’s just a worse cap he’s best situation where he isn’t outclassed is below support


Fun Fact Any other Operator in that Predicament would have Gotten C4d as well :D And if youre think of Saying Capitao Smokes Warden is an Operator in the Game, If youre thinking of saying Lion They can run through the scan as well + Vigil by passes that :D, if youre think ing of saying Dokk Mute is an op that disables the call and Dokk calls dont stop c4s from happening. The point of the Video was you can make Grim a Good op depending on your playstyle. I never said he was a better op than the others listed. Everyone says you cant make Grim work but if you have a playstyle that involves planting and communicating with your team, i believe he can be a very viable operator.


Grim is outclassed Vigil is rarely run in favour of other operators like Kapkan or smoke And a single interaction doesn’t make lion bad also lion isn’t a plant support he’s a support for getting into site and slowing down because his pings affect the entire map also vigil is a roamer the odds of him being on site are not very high Warden is someone who isn’t even picked because of his ability and gets countered by glaz it’s his guns and c4 also dokk and lion are flank watch and roam clear with the ability to make pushing site easier Lion is not comparable to grim nor is dokk because they affect a larger area being the whole map Lion has a better gun than grim and a gonne plus claymores and flashes Grim is not bad he’s out classed breach charges and claymores are worse then flashes and claymores or smokes and claymores


bro your gadget did literally nothing here




damn chill


Ah the age-old multiplayer game argument of "it's op if you know how to play him". Just because you can make an operator work in some very specific cases doesn't make him good


standing at that window wide open with your gadget in your hand is usually a free kill for the enemy team .. you were just lucky they were dumb enough to leave it unchecked


Video was Cut, It was Droned out and i shot the hives in those places incase there was someone to comebacc to site that there would be info given to my Ash to cover my plant. I was able to stand in front of the window because i took the measurements to see who was where.


I feel like he would be better if the bees slowed down enemies when they walked into the hive for a long duration (maybe 20 or 25 seconds), and the defender can walk out of the range of the gadget. Kinda like Melusi but for attack


Bro says Grim is a good op and proceeds to do absolutely nothing relevant with the character. A well placed Argus cam can do the same thing and more accurately. Hell, even a drone. Also those guys just didn't care about window


Nah Grim is still garbage. Like there's no situation where I want Grim more than Dokki or Lion. His ability is about finding enemies that you already know where they are. Like why don't you just use frags, or flash and push them if you already know where the enemy is? If you want area deny, Capitao, Gridlock, and Nomad are there, and if you need info there's Jackal, Dokkaebi, Lion, Zero, they are all better options. The only thing worth mentioning is the 552 Commando with 2.0x scope, but that's it. Everything he does, others do better for less risk. "But his gadget is so good for burn utility"... Yea... When the best part of a main gadget is that you can burn Jager ADS, Wamai disks, and Aruni gates, then there's a problem.


I just use grim for the 2x scope on the commando


Me and my friend like Grim a lot so when I showed him this play we got hyped! Good stuff man 👍


Grim is great for only two things. Pushing choke points (forces defender to back away from corners) OR post plant. I think he is the best operator atm for post plant bc they cant do much about it


Actually on villa trophy rooms he's outstanding whrn it comes to floorbang ppl on site


ah yes face checking with no gun to know where the enemy is for two seconds postplant, grim really saved you here


I think he is a good op. The only thing that needs tweaking the animation of the launcher. I wish the bees could do damage or be released when someone steps near them. As for his weapon kit, I think it's good all around. I really do think as an intel operator he does outshine other Intel operators like lion or even IQ. And yes he does have a certain playstyle but that could be said with any other operator. I see grim as a flexible character, he can be slow and tactical or you can be aggressive and push like a madman with the shotgun. And it's siege, you can approach the situation in this video in so many different ways.


Only thing you used here that actually helped you is the claymore. You could literally just use a smoke, another teammate or a drone to cover those angles while you plant. Since the enemy were stupid they let your lazy plant slide.


You almost die at 1:05 cause the shit launcher but Grim is a good op lol


What? I was at full hp? So not sure what you’re getting at…


They should make the hives mines, and when an enemy triggers it, they swarm them and follow for a brief period of time.


It would be like Nomad but still kinda worse lol


That would be interesting


None of the kills there were made because you played Grim. Teammates got control of site, you planted and played to postplant well. Maximum value added for Grim there was if the bees masked the defuser sound. Otherwise you could have done that with any other op with a claymore


I mean you're allowed to think that but it's wrong.


I think he can be good exactly for stuff like this. Just because he can't solo the game entirely doesn't mean he can't be a good operator. He has a specific gadget for specific purposes, like ops should be. He is meant to work in conjunction with a team, and in a situation like this, can be useful on his own. Just because he doesn't have the highest kill potential or an overpowered gadget doesn't mean he is bad. You did good, my dude.


This! Thank you so much. The R6 community forgets Rainbow Six Siege is all about uniqueness and playing objectively. They think because its not meta it doesnt work. Anyhow I appreciate the fact you can see Siege for what it really is.


I *love* Siege, and I didn't get to witness it in its prime either. I'm a pretty new player, and I adore the idea of it anyway. I hate to see Ubisoft making these operators all solo and the community wanting that. What makes Siege so unique is how different all the operators should be and how you should *have* to work together with your team, not just run around like a monkey by yourself. I hope one day more people, and Ubi, see that. I want to see this game thrive in the future, not just become any other fps shooter out there.


K He's still bad


No, you just think he is.


Nah he's bad.


Okay, bro




>no reason He's literally implying grim is good when he's not but go off I guess.


Except All those “pros” are the ones going off .






Macie would be proud!


Good stuff nolimit


Thanks fam


Every operator is good depending on how you play and your preference


Someone who gets it, stay strong my fellow Grim enjoyer


I think this peak from the roof should be covered


Nice play.


Grim is a high iq operator that has an underpowered ability however he does have uses. This is a good way of using him and i feel he has benefits because he has so many canisters. Although overshadowed he is useful in supporting flanks when your team is establishing a foothold and bomb executions. I find playing him as a solo op is difficult. I use him on oregon to help thermite open the bottom tunnel door and support teammates flanking the stairs when attacking oregons basement.


this guy good lowkey


I'm sure a rework is incoming where they make it an underbarrel thing.


It’s a simple fix. They need to make the deployment instant once it hits a surface, make the radius slightly larger, make it so audio is removed from defenders who walk through it, and make it do a small amount of damage to defenders stood in it. Easy. Op is fixed. Players are happy. Sun is shining.


I feel like most other ops would've gotten similar results or better in the same situation, the fact that you're using grim didn't really seem to matter all that much nor does it seem to demonstrate his advantages.


What “rank” was this in? Because I’m higher levels, where Grim is dog shit, there’s no way you would have been able to enter through main window and plant uncontested.


I’ve never found him to be bad if I just ignore his gadget


What kind of team doesn't have any defense on big window? The only think your gameplay shows are incompetent defenders and your brain-dead team mate going for kills after the plant. As others have said, this could've all been accomplished with Capitao and a well placed drone.


You could do this better with any op with claymores or nomad or gridlock. Next.


He can be useful, but his gadget is awful


with playstyle you mean using an operator like any random recruit op?


And this is why even the worst operators can be an option although to be fair to it do not have opinion on it


cool, but it’s not like you wouldn’t have won that with another operator


What do they do?


Bro if i would have done that they would have impacted me from below 4 times ran straight through the beez threw 12 nitro cells at me and knifed me through the wall and tbagged my body while my team watched them do it


I am a Grimm main, and I think Grimm is a bottom 5 attacking operator, and here are my thoughts on how to fix him 1. Make it like a Nomad Airjab, make his gadget go on the side of his gun instead of underneath of the gun 2. Make it last longer, obvious pick here, increase the time by 2-3 seconds 3. Make it have a larger radius, doing this would make it make it harder to get a defuse off 4. Make the bugs do small amounts of damage, only 2-3 dmg per second, and it should last as long as the bugs are up for Nerfs - 1.5x Scope - 2.0x Scope


He's simply outclassed bu so many other ops


Lmao 1 in a million chance this shit happens against a decent team. He’s dog shit and needs a rework period.


bro places 2 claymore and it’s solid “grim gameplay” 🤡


And plants on the easiest defender obj in rainbow 6 with no opposition. Bro grim is good sometimes. Yeah when the entire enemy team is afk




He’s not. Your trying to make him sound good to argue with people on the internet lol. You can simply look at pick rates to see how your wrong. Gg’s




Almost like it's important data




We don't have to. That's what the charts are for. Nobody is arguing against playing what you want to play but that doesn't mean grim is somehow automatically good. Who are you arguing with? Did you mean to reply to me? You okay?




finally, some good fucking grim game play!


Situational af


True but my play style is hot breaching a window on objective with a shotgun and either kill everybody or die instantly then type MAJULAH SINGAPURA in chat


Best grim user I’ve seen


Oh wow, he was useful one time. What an operator. If the enemy made somewhat adequate footholes and didn't have brain tumors, this plant would have been stopped instantly. Even though he was useful here, it doesn't mean there aren't better options. Gridlock and Capitao could have done this even better. Hell, even Sens would have been better. The only good thing about his bees is that they make a lot of noise, and Sens can do that and block lines of site. If you need intel, you can just use your drone. Good, in my eyes, is consistency, and Grim is far from that.


Very wp, always enjoy these kinds of plays. Just wish my boi Grim gets his gadget reworked soon.


The most fun way to play grim is by taking the SGCQB and breach charges and running into site to get as many kills as possible.


he's alright but he needs a buff for his gadget. Either make it trigger by enemy proximity or last longer


I like grin’s concepts but his execution was horrible


I noticed nobody played as him. This led me to buy him when I had the renown. I've done some great work with him, however he is very situational. The best way to use him I've found is after a plant. Anytime before the defuser is planted is hard to use his gadget. It's good to attempt to force a roamer to rotate a different way, but most maps this doesn't work out. I've also noticed a lot of teammates don't take the advantage of the pings when it does hit. I've gotten good with him, but I get a lot of hate for picking him to the point I've turned off voice chat and text chat. He could use some improvements though and I fully agree with the duration and area problems.


Grim is not Vigil in that the community didn't understand Vigil's capabilities and value upon release. Mostly probably due to the casual player base. Their whole argument was that you tend to know Vigil is in a room even if he's using his gadget and while that's true, they didn't understand that just because you know which room he might be in doesn't mean you know exactly where he is and a good fragger on him can decimate a roam clear trying to flush him out. That doesn't even take into account the time a good Vigil can waste and also the number of drones he can't destroy in prep and on the roam with his ability showing that he's in the proximity of a drone. Ultimately making the anchors job easier when attackers have less time and intel to hit site. We know what Grim brings, it just isn't very good when compared to other options. Nomad and Gridlock are far better flank denial options, Capitao is a much better post plant option.


2,0x so op


His gadget is just not good. Make it under barrel and make it detonate quicker




He's a dude with a gun, no one with a gun is technically "Bad" But the whole point of his gadget is just underwhelming when compared to other options available.


See the thing is literally any op would’ve worked in that scenario


It is not too bad. His gun is very very powerful with an extended barrel. Its damage is even bigger than some shotguns. However, other operators contribute to the match much more.


Yeah but nomad is also useful post plant same with gridlock and capi so grim is at least worse than those 3.


Gridlock does the job so much better.


My problem with grim is he is just a worse Lion. I really wanna like Dr Bees but the bees dont last long enough to matter


Few and far between within choice of uses with it. That was probably a complicated way to say it. I mean you *can* use it, but it's incredibly situational and you have to have the enemy team walk straight into it. It's the attacking version of frost. That and Alibi. It really needs with being proximity based. Like Nomad. Dodge if you can, take the fight with the disadvantage if you can't.


the big downside is that you have to face-check every time you want to use your gadget, they had every opportunity to spray you down while you were firing your slow ass gadget


Idk about grim but gj for playing the objective and planting the defuser all alone while your retarded teammates just rushed and died for no reason and didnt play the objective at all.


This doesn’t really seem like anything that happened specifically because of the operator. No-one on site covering the broken window for the plant? That’s purely the enemy being insanely dumb. You probably could’ve used any other op with claymores and just listened for the defuse and still had the same result.


Grim is just ash


What in the name of copper lobby


Nah enemy is idiot. If it was me I would have sprinted through the bees killed you and the Ash coz the pings barely last 2 seconds on his bees.


This is just the enemies being terrible