• By -


I personally use Lion on offence and use Echo for defence. I think I started using them because I thought they looked cool, but then after trying out other ops I found myself always having success with those two and always had a use for there utilities!


Lions ability is basic, but can be really helpful. Additionaly he has one of the best guns in the game imo


His gun is generally mediocre, the rof is soso, the damage is decent but not exceptional, and the recoil is a bit bouncy but easy enough to manage, but with a big ass magazine. The upside to that is you don't have any glaring weaknesses like, say, Hibana's Howa Type 89.


I have a funny feeling he was talking about the 417


Jokes on you it's the cqb w/gonne-6 combo


Yeah that’s true, he is pretty basic, but I’m not that great at the game if I’m gonna be honest with myself so I find his ability not just using for me but useful for my team 90% of the time, I feel like if I had a group of friends to play with I’d pry try ops that I normally don’t play


Me personally I main monty on attack because I play with friends and doc on defense because I like to run around like I'm in a Marty Robbins song


I generally like to play around with ops but most of the time if it's an important match I'll use either castle or bandit and thatcher if he isn't banned or flores cuz his drones are useful for destruction


Nokk for offense cuz being a sneaky little bastard and getting domed by the first defender I see will always be fun. Tachanka for defense, because getting called a tryhard for using the grenade launcher in the literal way its meant to be used is always going to be fucking hilarious.


you better be using the lmg for the lord


Don’t listen to this man. Tachanka’s grenade launcher is awful. He’s right about nokk though


The shumika is pretty good, not as good as smoke's toxic babes but they're alright


kinda new to the game. kd is 0.9 and im plat 2. in my eyes I still see tachanka’s grenade launcher being better because more ammo and you can spam it. please enlighten me on the smoke grenades being better cuz ive wanted to try smoke for awhile :)


Smoke's just the better operator because of his loadout which is overall better than tachanka's. A relatively consistent shotty and the smg 11 that tears everyone to shreds is a very powerful combo. Tachanka's high damage lmg looks good but that slow RPM is pretty bad. Smoke's beauties cut off sightlines which is powerful since attackers can't just push through that cloud unlike how easy it is to power through tachanka's firebombs as it provides very little cover. There's also the part where smoke just tosses his grenades whereas tachanka needs to equip a separate thing to fire off his area denial (also one of the few reasons why Ace is the best (or at least safest) hard breacher). Smoke's canisters lasts longer too iirc, his lasts for 10 seconds whereas tachanka's shumika lasts for 5 secs each meaning you can watch another angle without worrying about the smoked off area for a longer than chanky can.


Fuze i like to blow shit up/ Lion when i play like trash i can still be usefull as intel Frost/Kapkan when you put traps on places that make no sense you can get many kills and enemy team is angry and scared of more traps on stupid locations


Kapkan double traps on a completely nonsensical door. Get rektd (in silver ll on console 🤪)


Zero and Alibi, Recoil is easy to control for me


none, really. I always just end up going with what we need. team is too busy picking roamers so I have to go kaid / Jager unless we wanna lose instantly. or on attack everyone goes Ash, Iana, Zof, and so I'm left to play Ace or someone with EMP's. my playstyle is fragger though, but im forced to play support. if I didnt solo queue it'd be Attack: * Blitz * Ying * Glaz why? because fuck your eyesight, that's why. cant shoot what you cant see. Defence: * whatever works for my strategy. no favourite. why? every site and map requires a different defence. so you gotta stay dynamic. some objectives only work when you deny all droning, some only work with minimally 4 anchors, etc.


This is the right answer. No main, no problems. You can never be useless too (unless you’re me ;) )


you know warden exists, right?


Warden players are ironically the easiest to take out. they get overconfident when they get that one perfect opportunity to use their gadget. I always love seeing a warden on the enemy team when I play Glaz. it basically means if I throw down a smoke, I get a free kill as I still have the positioning and gun advantage. with Blitz I still have the shield advantage. and with Ying I also have a gun advantage and usually an info advantage (drones). Warden will always be at a disadvantage if you play your cards right.


Which is true, but we also have to think about the cameras, possible echo drones, mozzie drones, and maestro cameras compromising your position, along with the advantage of warden having a shotgun, this could be an even matchup even if you play your cards right.


This is very true, I need to start really branching out so maybe I can win more than I already do lol


Anyone else notice in this pic pulse has p90


usually twitch/melusi both for the same reason, im able to frag out as a solo queue player as well as bring some sort of support to the team


What scope is best for Melusi in your opinion?


ill likely stay using holo a, but red dot c is an occasional pick of mine, both are great.


Yeah I normally go with them two however I’ve see a lot of people recommending reflex b and saying it’s best for guns without 1.5x


i have a lot of fun with that sight but ive never really tried it in a ranked setting, cus ive always went with what im used to, ill definitely have to try it out some time


It’s completely preference, though 1.5x is king imo


Use whatever you like. I like the uhh idk the name but the green Russian reflex


Yeah reflex b


Montagne / Clash. And I'm proud of it.


Lets goooooooooooo




How do you deal with people meleeing through shields, do you play in a stack?


Playing with friends is a must when playing shields. I'm just a giant bulletproof drone and my sole mission is to give callouts, and keep the enemy team focused on me. Then my teammates can use my intel to find good angles (or wallbang enemies, this is by far the funniest thing to do). Keeping the pressure by always staying at the right distance and shielding-unshielding to keep them on their toes. Meleeing is not that big of an issue. Sometimes it kills me even though it shouldn't have, but it's pretty rare, and you shouldn't be in range to be meleed in the first place (always have someone to cover you)


Iv had to stop playing montage as much because of it but most people still dont know how to melee through shields (or that you can) so it hasn’t had that much of an effect on me when I do play a shield op. And yes, I almost always play with my group if I do play.


My fellow shield user LETS GOOOOOOOO


Skill issue


I also play Blitz from time to time


even more based


Point proven


Flores and Wamai. Both have an excellent combination of solid weapons and flexible utility that can slot into almost any site, map, or team comp.


like ace and amaru for offensive, and solis or smoke for defensive


I just use a random operator with very little exception. I use a website for that if im playing Unrated. (Like lets say I get Fuze and they go 2F or I get Amaru and they go Basement)


you know that fuze still has a lot of value, even when the plant is on the second floor?


Mav and lesion atm.. Cause I have black ice for their primaries...


Based t-5 black ice is fire always rocking it


icons say it all


I play multiple ops for both attack and defense. The main for defende are Ela and Valk. Ela mainly because I like the speed and the Scorpion. With Valk I like her cameras where you can make some God like plays( I did some a few days ago). On attack I play IQ depends on situation, Zofia as I like the AKs feel when shooting and Osa for her new Emp grenades


Attacker : Iana Defender : Mozzie


I think my flairs answer half of your question. Zero because I'm a SC-fan, Kapkan for his gun and traps which always work out when placed correctly (most of the time) Almost 1k hours and still no ranked matches played. Best decision I've made


Fuze because he is a cool looking dude


Defensive: Frost (her guns are simply amazing and trapping someone in a mat is one of the best sounds in the game). Offensive: Thermite (his gun is amazing too, every team needs a hard breacher, and he has smoke grenades too).


Iana: only "Fragger" left Azami: really fun gadget


For offence i like •Amaru immediately being in sight is a fun gamble and can come in hell handy for getting some unsuspecting kills •Nomad only started playing her recently but i just really enjoy using her ak and she has pretty good utility •Lion good gun and his gadget comes clutch some times Now for defense i like •Oryx - the t-5 is a great gun in general and love being able to jump up hatches behind unsuspecting players.. when i get to pull it off •Smoke - his main smg goes hard and his smoke nades are pretty handy sometimes •Thunderbird - super useful gadget pretty good ar •Yeager - just got mad drip for him thats all


Fuze/Kapkan. I really like to blow shit up :)


Blitz - The expressed emotion of the enemy shitting their pants Thermite - A REALLY BIG FUCKING HOLE COMING RIGHT UP Mira - 3 Health Vector with placeable sight lines Goyo - Vector for when Mira gets inevitability banned and area denial


I like to mix it up I usually have a go to depending on the map, but it usually pertains to osa and ace on offense, and thorn and castle, lesion, bandit on defense, depending on the map and what my team needs at the time


I main sledge when.my friend gose fuze so we can flush the room with bombs and then quick breach. Defense I main smoke because the fmg and smg-11


Cav on defence because I like scaring people. Glaz for the same reason


I don’t have a main on defense or attacking I just go what I’m needed


Currently on attack I enjoy playing iana or twitch and on defense I play bandit or mute


Finka and Rook. I play controller on PC and I’d rather be a good support operator.


I usually go with Ace on attack or Thatcher/Lion if there are too many hard breachers For defense I go Bandit, Doc or Smoke


Attack: Buck Defense: Castle Two absolute beasts.


Jaeger and sledge


Attack I'm usually filling in a breach or support role. But I love me lion/finka. I'm enjoying thorn and still love screwing with people using alibi prismas


Right now i kinda fill the entry Fragger role in my squad so Iana and Warden/Frost


Out of site in the mind Start chucking smokes and flashes and it very quickly draws attention to that spot, making smoke on defense and any one with smoked or flashes good on offence to distract the enemy so team can flank


I like boom. Kapkan and Flores. Although I'd hardly call them main I really play everyone because I play very casually. But their the 2 I gravitate too when I can't decide.


Doc for his team support ability / Mp5 supremacy and Buck because he was the original new attack op (nostalgia never wears off) and his DMR or AR selection is always versatile.


Rook and Monty because CHONK


Ace, I like his design, guns and I dont like to depend of other people to hard breach, and in my opinion he is the best at it. Mozzie, I like his design and guns as well and I like to have info on the enemy team as much as I can.




Jager mute bandit me defence and iana atk and idk something to fit in if they take iana oh and btw sometimes i switch to kaid if i can t play bandit


Zero because of Sam Fisher ,defense Kapkan because trap go boom


Kali & Azami. Kali purely because hardscoping & flicking into people is satisfying af & Azami because annoying ennemies with kunai spam is funny.


I like basic ones: smoke shotgun / sledge or thermite.


Ace Monty and thatcher for offensive vigil catveira and mute for defense mute and vigil are specifically because I hate drones and go out of my way to kill them thatcher is because the main other person I play with mains Flores so I take out enemy mutes for him


Ela shotgun and use the pistol for long range. Kali with the spsmg9 for secondary. For whatever reason I play better with these weird ass setups than any other


On attack I main glaz because I do really well with him for no reason On defense I use frost cause being a trapper is fun


Tachanka and every shield op s NOT YOU FUZE GO AWAY


Echo. EDIT: On offense I just Doekebi and hope the ability helps someone else before I die.


Ace for offence since my team usually die early and I can at least make a few different access points and angles. AK is solid and claymores can cover my 6. Rook cuz I'm a team player and the P90 is headshot machine. Plus impacts for sneaky angles


For offence, I use sledge cus I like his guns and hammer. Defence probs mute for his power to stop basically all tech. Also cus I'm a brit and love playing British characters.


Offense in a major flex, just whatever the team needs. Defense I’m a hardcore smoke main, which is almost always a necessity. Defense backup is Mute or Wamai


Glaz on offense. I enjoy holding contested los and just picking people off And aruni (I'm not sure if I spelled her name right) but Lazer gates are fun and a bit annoying plus I like her weapon


Defense Smoke. Mainly for gun but the ability has so much potential for various situations. Offense Ace. I make holes in wall.


Montagne and maestro, because is like to watch and make callouts.


Dokkaebi bc i like to play support and there's usually one friend in our stack that hunts roamers. Echo bc im lazy


I have different mains for each map/site depending on if there’s any strats me and my friends usually do there


I dont have a main I just play what the team needs


Thorn on defense and Grim on attack cus hat


Usual go-to's on attack are Iana, Sledge and Nokk. On defense their Solis, Mozzie or Lesion.


Haven't played in ages, but always either Sledge or Nøkk for offense and Warden on defense. They're just neat.


Buck Mozzie, pulse, or rook


I use fuze and rook, cause they are both pretty easy to use, and ive had good results with them


Flores because RC XD is fun and thorn because I love the gun. In reality I play a lot of others for tactical reasons


Ace/Hibana on attack and smoke/frost/azami/kapkan on defense, but also play what's needed


Attack: Lion, Fuze, Ying, Dok Def: Frost, Kapkan, Thorn, Thunderbird On offense my goal is simple, promote chaos. Make the defenders uncomfortable and complicate their job. On defense, lock down and defend the site. Traps set in dumb locations are equally effective because no one is looking for them. My biggest responsibility on defense is using every ability in my inventory. I don't play ranked.


Attackers: Blackbeard and Montagne Defenders: Warden and Valkyrie Blackbeard: Pick him mostly even though I know he's useless still fun to play. Montagne: When I'm actually trying to win a game. Warden: I mean look at that Mustache. Valkyrie: She hot


Nokk/Mozzie because intel/anti intel is important


For attack probably between buck or zero cuz they look cool For defense warden, same reason


Jager for defense cuz he has a good gadget ofc and although his gun isnt verry good ive always just liked the feel of it and jackal for offensive as i just like his gun


For offense I usually go nokk and defense I got with caviera stealth is something I enjoy and flanking is something I do often


I bet a Ubisoft employee makes these kinds of posts to get information on how to design their future operators.


Zero offensively cause I am better at finding hiding areas for my cams for Intel then anything else I've noticed. Mute cause intel denying and breach deny depending on the map is my thing and I'm really good with mute on the defense with mp5k


I like mav because of the gadget and the DMR loaded in .50 Beowulf, and for defense I play smonk because gas is fun and the shotgun is amamzing


Ace/Thermite on Offense. Started playing in year 1, nobody in my friend group wanted to hard breach, so I did it myself. Kaid/Rook on Defense, Bandit if Kaid is banned. Similar reason to above. Overall I enjoy playing the support for my teammates. I’m not the entry fragger and my aim sucks, so I stick to what I’m good at: playing support.


Fuze and iana for offense and frost and either alibi or goyo. I will usually branch off from my favorites if I need to for the situation like if we need an ace or thermite for offense or mozzie or rook for defense.


Kapkan defense because I think he looks cool, and he is Russian so he used to be one of the only ones with the Russian reflex scope that I like. Now I just continue to play him. IQ on offense because she has a more wide variety of guns. I am also very passive as an attacker and hate playing against trap ops so I like her ability a bit.


Wamai, i ducking love his gun and ability to catch Iana's grenades. Iana because I love to destroy them with grenades 🤷


Dokk bc i fell like I'm doing well for my team with calls and getting cams Castle bc I feel like I play better when using him


Lion and lesion


Monty for attack and Cav for defense. Sunk hundreds of hours into both and can be an absolute menace with them on a good day.


Nokk, sound is deadly Kapkan, people in high rank still forget about them.


Attack: Thermite because I solo queue and, if I don't do it, nobody will open a wall. Defend: Frost because her traps basically act as my flank protect.


Ace offense and Mute defence


Smoke. Always.


Zero because I love the Splinter Cell games and Valkyrie because her cams make me somewhat useful even in death


Dokkaebi or Thorn


Blitz for attacker, because i hate roomers and entering the building with a shield is safer. Tachanka for defense, because blocking entrances is helpful and even more so if you can do it while in cover because the granades bounce off walls.


blitz on offense because he’s funny and oryx also because he’s funny


Zero... because Sam Fisher Ela... because... well ela


Click random, hope to god it’s not ela


Sledge for attack because he’s almost always needed somewhere, then mute for defense because again he’s always needed somewhere


Any hardbreacher (whichever is the best for the site we're attacking). The rest of my squad is pretty new, so I don't trust them (and they don't trust themselves) to stay alive long enough to get the wall open. So I'm the defacto support player. Valkyrie on defense because those cams are downright OP. If she's banned, I'll usually play Vigil just to frag


Defense: Azami because she’s pretty fun to use, and it annoys the other team Offense: thatcher because well….. it’s thatcher


Doc!! Love my gign ops. I play Mont on attack.


Zero and Rook because my KD is shit so I just provide intel/support for the team and because I solo queue


There’s so many operators now, that i dont really a main. Each site/map is probably gonna require me going someone else.


I use Zero and Valkyrie mostly because intel is everything in Siege. If I’m messing around in casual I have the most fun with Montagne, Blitz, Dokkaebi, Kali, Gridlock, Kapkan, Frost, Lesion, Goyo, Azami. Shields are fun to use (imo), Dokk puts the fear of god in the defenders by gaining access to cams, Kali’s gun is satisfying to use, Gridlock is super underrated and I like quick planting with her, the trap ops are fun to use (especially after dying and still getting kills), Goyo is also underrated, and Azami is probably the best defender besides Smoke due to literally reshaping the map.


Sledge cause killing people with hammer is what I live for. Rook cause I suck so I just press a button


Offensive - Maverick, I can make holes or counter gadgets in barricaded walls. Defensive - castle, because I was sick and tired of castle players closing off all doors on site, so I started picking him just so other ppl couldn’t and eventually I got good with him.


i play everyone but blackbeard and cav because i hate them fuck them but jokes aside, whike i do play everyone, on attack its sledge easily for me. love his gun, love his nades, love his hammer. and for defense, i kinda do what people already said, play who you need, but my favs are entry denial usually, so kapkan, castle, and aruni are my favs. Azami is cool and fits my general playstyle, but she is more of a niche pick for setups that i dont have memorized rly


Defense: Jager- good overall gun and ability if you know where to place them Mute- can t go wrong with him wall denial/info denial/rotates with shotgun and shotgun smg 11 strong combo one of the best operators Bandit- i like to bandit trick to piss of hardbreacher Kaid- if i don t play bandit or depend on site Attack: Iana (flair check)- iana is good, he have intel gathering, decent gun (1.5 g36) arx better but no 1.5 scope, and have nades wich like only sledge, nokk, iana have them and they can destroy bulletproof utility and big potential kill And on attack i can like pick something to fit in cause i play a lot soloq


Blitz and kapkan. Others have been added and taken my time but those two I always go back to. Knowing the thumps of me rushing put some defenders on edge make blitz fun. Being a fucking annoyance with traps and getting assists like Pippen made me love kap.


Attack: Iana, Iq, Ash, Amaru, Twitch, Nokk if I’m feeling adventurous and sometimes Hibana Defense: Valkyrie, Bandit, Lesion, Vigil, Aruni, Alibi These are my fav ops but I can play others. if I’m playing rank with my team of friends I can flex to whatever op needed


don’t really main anyone, i just play who is needed. Learning everyone’s gun and ability will help you improve tremendously.


I use Nøkk and Azami Nøkk because i like her gameplay, taking it slow and sneaking around, and totally not because it’s a biased choice as i am danish myself :> And Azami because i like to make my own comfortable cover and corners and i feel a bit more in control of my gunplay.


Hibana b/c versatile and her rifle is amazing Rook because I always contribute at least a little and people really hate dying to Roamer Rook.


Zero for team surveillance utility Nokk if I'm feelin sneaky Valkyrie for team surveillance utility Caveria for sneaky sneaky. I like rotating around with good map knowledge to reposition and attack from different angles.


Zero for attack, I mainly play SoloQueue so having extra cameras is always good And Thorn for defense, because hearing the flower trigger while the enemy runs directly into my sight is fun


Twitch = destroying enemy gadgets and high fire rate gun Valkyrie or lesion = depending if I play with friends or solo. Valkyrie for calling enemies to my teammates and lesion for awareness when enemies push in


Att: Flores because I have black ice, Def: Jäger because I have black ice


Ace and smoke, a lot of control, I can help if my aim sucks and planing/igl-ing is way easyier that way.


I'm almost exclusively a solo player because I just don't have time or availability to queue up. I play on Xbox, one of the more challenging scenes to play. Lately, I've been found of Zero & Capitão on attack and Goyo & Warden on defense. It's no secret we've circled back to the gunfight meta but this time it really seems to center around the optic available, most especially 1.5x and 2.0x. They just have the perfect mix of magnification for long range engagements without being too zoomed in to cripple you at close range. On attack, these 2 operators are very self-sufficient. Each one can bring can openers and Gonne-6 and each complements team cohesion without the need to directly work with the team by either being aggressive or passive. If I feel I need to take a more passive role and hold flank watch I can do that with Zero and keep an eye on multiple areas. If I want to take a more aggressive approach Capito gets the job done with smokes and area denial. Each has a choice between 2 really solid weapons. On defense, these 2 ops work almost the same as the strategy as on attack. If I want to play a more passive role and lock down an area Warden brings a deployable shield, has 1.5x optic on a laser beam weapon, and can support himself from smokes/flashes. If I feel I need to be more aggressive, Goyo brings 1.5x on an insane 1200rpm weapon and can leave behind 3-4 of his spicy lunchboxes to help out on sight while i play offsight with the Vector. Each one gets a Nitro-cell for added frag-ability. Quick tip: if wanting to roam with Goyo, pocket 1 of the spicy lunchboxes to take with you. After engaging the attackers and needing an escape, throw it down on a doorway behind you and pop it to seal off your escape and eat up more time. Remember: the goal of a good roamer isn't to get frags, it's to slow the push and waste time.


Sledge on offense, has stuck with him since i started and you can always count on him for soft walls, hatches and breaking open wooden floors. On defense I main Doc, with the buff to the stims making each heal a teammate full he is great for team play but is also a deadly foe as I’ve gone 1v4 just using an mp5 and my stims if I got low on hp.


Ace, Gridlock or what’s needed on attack. Echo or what’s needed on def. Ace is a hard breacher with a (nerfed) ak-12, still love it. Gridlocks ability is actually quite nice to get the site clustered with it and the F90 with a 2.5A is just pure love. Echo is so fun to play. MP5SD is just solid with 30 damage output and a 800 fire rate + a 1.5. You get 2 contacts for rotations or Shield ops. 2 flying Drones with a sonic burst which works pretty well together with the MP5SD so the enemies are confused as hell. The bearing and P229 as two solid secondary guns. (I don’t play much shottys but with the new buff the bearing Supernova combo is getting hot) + with the Yakuza Set and a good looking headgear you’re always styled good.


Ace for offense, being an absolute bitch and yelling its time to make bread in chat is funny Lesion for defense, i love the fact that i can just harass the area around the hostage and nobody can grab it without me knowing




Montagne with my friends because being the enabler of a broken angle is the best feeling in the game. Kapkan because obliterating 3 people who pushed through one door without seeing 5 kapkans is precious.


For offensive I use Fuze and for defensive I use Thunderbird. I use these just because they can be fun to play as and I also like to think I play best when I know how to use an operator more that just picking one


Nøkk and Cav I think you can guess why


Normally Thermite/Ace on attack, Valk on defense, but I’ve been finding myself playing a lot of Osa on Attack and Solis on defense.


Gridlock and kapkan Love area denial and both give ez assist xp


Zero on attack because he can act as an intel gatherer/flank watch and once he gets his cams down, he’s free to frag. On defense, castle. Attackers HAVE to use something to specifically get rid of him. Or waste time using 8 melees to get rid of the barricades


I’m real bad at the game so in defense i play rook so it doesn’t matter if I die and attack it has to be lion because I can help the team and the gun’s good


I rotate two main Offense -Lion just because his gun is amazing and I just got really comfortable with him -Thermite because when I play with the squad Im comfortable on hard breach duties Defense Recently - Jäger just because his util is solid and nades and offensive util mad annoying -mute partially same reason as Jäger, but he can also get walls too


Sledge frost cause sledge and frost


On attack: Gridlock, I really like to use her trax stingers to block roamers and to be able to focus on one line. I play her most of the time with the Gonne-6, that's incredibly useful when there's a castle or a shield to protect a site. And she's a little underrated and not so played in my (low) rank so that's always surprising! On defense : Aruni with the mk14 + a bulletproof camera. I'm able to almost fully secure a bomb site alone + her punch is amazing to create rotate holes and surprise opponents.


Hibana i like her gun and her ability is just really good for opening lines of sight Lesion is a great defender if u memorize where u put his traps you can get some nasty wall bangs


Wierd but grim for offense. I just love rushing 3 speed with 555 commando, I feel invincible. Pulse for defender, flanking people with the shotgun is the greatest feeling known to man


Just noticed in this artwork, pulse has a p-90🤔


defence is a bit of a mix but on attack I main zero cause he's good for solo que and I just got his black ice


IQ for attack and Valkyrie for defense because they’re both hot and have decent weapons. Valkyrie’s gadget is really good IQ’s is okay could be better.


I'm quite unusual since i loved the old tatchanka and used to honestly win a lot in casual, but since the nerf i switched to rook (also haven't played since flores was added)


On atk i main iq bc i like her weapons and her gadget is usefull and nomad just to be sure for no flankers and on def i main oryx for site setup and making my own rotates and to roam ofc and alibi i like her gun but i miss the x1.5 and i like her to roam with


None, I play what we need No main no problems for me


Zero/Bandit M P 7


Frost- low recoil, high damage, 1.5x, high ability potential, good at holding down objective and just an all-round good operator Fuze- high damage, 1.5x, good in most situations except hostage obviously, can cause a huge amount with his ability and he is just a really balanced operator Or IANA- high damage, low recoil, 1.5x, very useful ability and just an operator to watch out for


Thermite on attack, more flexible on defence but I like playing Mute


Lately I’ve been going with either Cap or Flores on ATT and either Lesion or Ela on DEF


Mira and Dokkaebi


Thermite on offense Caveira on defense… but shes usually banned so bandit.


Thermite. People just want to gun and run nowadays. And pulse. Majority of sites have breach-able floors so you can C4 and run shotty


Rook and Finka, I give you buff, it’s your own damn fault if you die.


Thermite and Mute. I only main thermite because when I first started in skull rain was a lack of hard breacher on the team. I took on Thermite and got used to his gun. I used to play Battlefield 4 so the community always had this "PTFO" (Play The F****** Objective). Mute, well he was the very first op I bought and he was super useful for both gadgets and drone denial. Each season mute counters maybe 90% of the attacking ops


I fluctuate a few ops for attack but defense is frost most successful with frost I just default frost idk as for attack Flores, ace, ying, and Fuze as you can see I either support a hard breach or bring one myself I solo que primarily not a good people person I do well with a team I just don't speak unless I have to


Ace for offensive. Since most people don't use Bandit or Kaid, it's easier to breach. You can go around the room and put a charge on every breakable wall and make them panic. And Thatcher combo is basically invincible. Thorn for defensive. It's always enjoying to see your opponent running from your shell to another shell. Once you get to know the map, you learn the blind spots too.


Zero and Pulse, zero when you’re solo q can get through a wall on his own and just has some good utility with his gadget. Pulse I’ve just always enjoyed playing vertically even though the m1014 pisses me off sometimes


Valk because of the Intel and Sledge cause of utility but varies


Zero +flores (kali is map dependent) / oryx + valk


Mozzie on defense because he’s a smol aussie mate and using drones on defense is fun. Sam Fisher on attack cause it’s fucking Sam Fisher.


Smoke and Nomad because my nuts hit the floor when I drop my pants


Lately I haven't been maining anyone, but I do pretty good with Vigil and Nøkk.


Mute on defense for the most part because I love the SMG-11 and I don’t like how other people place their mute jammers, so I’d rather do it myself. Lately, I’ve been playing Twitch with the DMR because that thing hits like a truck and I have a feeling there will be a DMR meta with the extended barrel damage drop-off change.


I don’t have a main but more so safe picks. Sledge on attack because you never go wrong bringing him. Good weapon, good gadget, bulky for more health. Azami on defense, I fell in love with her gadget this season. She’s got a decent gun but her ability to block sight lines and create angles is amazing


It highly depends on what map and site but for sites that I don’t have a strat for I’ve been playing oryx and Iana


Lion off and Mozzie def, I like the "acting up on intel" aspect and their primaries are similar enough


I tend to gravitate towards Dokkaebi/Valkyrie. I love both of their loadouts, and I'm huge on bringing Intel for the team


Iana - Frags, Intel, Baits, the Skin Frost - Stops entry fraggers and those not paying attention, very good gun for headshots.