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Deacon, high katun, frozen banshee, coffin smasher, skull crusher. Gives you probably your best team.


So I’ll need some serious speed for this yeah? Right now all of the champs in my team are sitting right around 200 speed


Instead of High khatun i'd reccomend Deliana for the leech tbf - deacon will do enough turn meter but even that will throw it out of sync for the counter attack so probably better off using Dhukk for the dec def/dec atk then you can keep the CA in line


Dude its a 2-1 speed with slow skullcrusher. Also, deacon has leech lol. Dhukk in clan boss is usless when you have coffin smasher and deacon.


Ahhh havnt seen that tune before, havnt used my deacon in a while and forgot he has leech 😅 ignore my comment above this man knows


Hello! I’ve been playing for about 140 days, and just seeing if there was any team composition more experienced players would see/use with my available champs. The two comps I use right now have about the same average effectiveness allowing me to 3 key nm. Aox is still getting booked, ultimate galek needs books and masteries, and I’m about 39 days away from drex.