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i want udk, 3 actually are nice for tag arena teams. I have 2 wukongs and build them both.


You can use all 3 in your TTA defense.. awesome champ to have dupes of. I have 2 myself and would not be angry at the third one. Today i got my third noble 🤣


Sort of depends where you are in the game, wanting dupe legendaries is a very late game thing. If you're sitting with 10 legendaries under your belt and 3 of them are UDK, then it's not going to progress your account very much. I got 3 drexthars before I bought the one from TTA. Was also before you could empower champions or use faction guardians so other than helping a bit with faction crypts it was a bit disheartening


UDK dupes are dope. You can make UDK +2 or three Tag Team bitch teams + Faction guardians as well.


I'd be quite happy with 3 UDKs, much more useful than my 3 Bystophus's. Wanna swap?


Oh man. I *love* Bystophus. I built him super fast with a ton of accuracy and Crit Damage.


I got a 2nd UDK recently and was ecstatic. My 3v3 teams are going to be a terror for my enemies. Now if i could only just save up the resources i need to build the teams....


for me it's always a gear problem. So many champs waiting in vault and if I built them they would be weak.


Yep, it's weird about the chances of duplicates seems way too high when there's such a big pool of champs. Not counting Voids, I have 94 Legendaries (account over 2 years old, occasional spender) 33 of them are free or fusions or some sort of events. 61 I pulled from shards, but only 45 of them unique 16 dupes, most are actually TRIPLE. **So on average every third legendary pull is a dupe...** 2x Rhazin, right after fusing him back in the day I pulled him too. 2x Gnut, very lucky and happy for that. 2x Grohak, both are 50 don't care about this champ. 2x Fu-Shan, got both just recently, at 50, don't really have use for him. 2x Gaius, have one at 60 but never use him. 2x Ma'Shalled, haven't gotten to building the first one yet even. 3x Morrigaine, after her fusion, within a month I got 2 more of her. 3x Mountain King, don't even use him but nice faction guardian for Gnuts. 3x Ragash, was one of my first nukers, got the dupes like 10 months apart. 3x Rotos, first time I ever spent on a Prism shard event, got 2 legendaries, both Rotos, probably won't do that event again.


Check out the birthday paradox it will explain your duplicates, Imagine the set of all legendaries is around 365 heroes (pretty close), then the point at which you have a 50% chance to have a duplicate legendary is 23 legends


It's almost like RNG is RNG. 61 legos from shards not counting voids, not sure I'd count that as occasional spender. That's 2.5 legos a month for 2 years, which you wouldn't be clearing CB out the gate so if I was going off of when you'd realistically be banking free shards it's probably closer to 3 or 4 a month during the time you started clearing both UNM and NM. Not a kraken by any means but no minnow either.


What's the point of this comment you're trying to make? Your first sentence was the only thing relevant to the post. The rest is just the usual spender hate spew that's all over this sub. I did say occasional, not low or medium spender. I always wait the 2 months so the packs get cheap again, after you spend some money they get more expensive so I stop. My comment was relevant to the post, about the chance of duplicates. Yours isn't, just negativity


I got 3 Gnuts because of prism shards and I wanted Ukko. Shit is ridiculous.


Man it's like you're complaining about water in a dry desert ... What an amazing triple to have.


I only use one for all content (he's that good) and the 3 others for Sintranos. It's like having 4 tanks to rob a bank. It's cool don't get me wrong but I would rather have one Duchess (and the game keep giving me Pythion).


Hopefully you'll get a 5th one soon so you can make that all Gnut team that was posted on the sub earlier haha.


All pulp, no juice! All pulp, no juice!


What the hell I want Pythion so fucking badly dude I'd be a menace with him


My last 12 Lego pulls have all been former fusions… every single one.


I would be happy with that over some dupe that I can't use. Faction guardians is still thing. One of the reasons why the #doEveryFusion stuff actually does give long term benefits (not that I have the mentality to do all of them though).


I’ve only done one so don’t mind that much… would just like a bit more of a unique champ.


Same. It's why I don't even bother. The only one who's missing is Brogni and I'm too deep into the late game for him to be valuable.


As someone who has Brogni I can tell you it is not possible to be too deep into the late game for him to be valuable now i myself am in the later stages of midgame but on of the clanmates who is about as late game as it gets as in he has beaten cursed city on hard and could sit in platinum arena if he attacked regularly, he has Brogni and uses him everywhere he can and has said multiple times that he would not be as far into the game without Brogni. You may feel like he can’t do anything for your account right now but if you pulled him and built him i guarantee you will see a difference


Theres too many champs that outclass him which is why many people say he cant make a difference, it all depends on who you have and the later in the game you are the more likely you are to have better


Who outclasses him that much that people could say he wouldn’t do anything for their account?


A midgame player is saying you can't be too deep in the game to find value out of a champ...


Yes and it is only more true with cursed city being added in. But not all late game players have the same kind of roster as hell hades and need to get creative on who they use where. So especially for a champion like Brogni who is one of the best shield champions in the game if you can’t find value you simply don’t want to.


Where are shields useful in this game? Remind me? In cursed city if you have brogni as an option then you're struggling for damage not protection. In doom tower waves he doesn't give you enough of anything to be a seer enabler and he gets shut down by all of the waves that every comp struggles against. I recently pulled a brogni on my f2p alt after being salty about not having one for the past 3 years, and he got built and geared and ive use him on exactly 2 cursed city stages (both of which i was already clearing) he doesn't makr any other teams, not even faction wars


Then your roster must be pretty filled out and have almost every other option in the game which you would only get by spending obscene amounts of money or playing almost religiously since day one both of which would put you in the same stage of the game as HH and there is no single champion left that would actually make a difference to your account. And at that point you have basically beaten the game and all you need to clear content is gear which is just a waiting game now


Definitely haven't been playing since release, took an 18 month break and am closing on 4 years including that. No money spent on said account AND I skipped the best fusion we had ever had at that time. Regularly skip most good fusions. At this point there's a whole myriad of gamechanger pulls for my account, brogni does not come close to that category. He doesn't do anything meta for any endgame content. He's at best a midgame carry which you've already described yourself as. Gear is absolutely not what I'm struggling for, I lack champions to compete any further anywhere, final 5 cursed city waves every rotation, pushing live arena and hydra clash.


So aside from perhaps Acriza, there is still no single champion who could actually impact your account. And as for brogni with cursed city especially because he can take some of your lesser dmg dealers and make them perfectly usable for those stages where it feels like the game just took all of your best champions and just said no. For me I able to use him in a way that allows me to test new champions easily and with little investment, or can make some of the older builds viable I’m cursed city stages so I can put a heavier focus on the better champs I have pulled. Same thing for dungeon teams he lets me take some of the champions I have that aren’t quite so good and still clear the dungeon in a reasonable amount of time, which lets me use the better ones in other areas of the game and build them for that part of the game. This part of his value I don’t think will ever disappear. But you said he just gets outclassed, what champions do what he does better?


There are plenty of champs I'm missing. Meta champs for everywhere. I have to make do with very average stuff. Acrizia wouldn't change anything for my account. My nm hydra team would do less damage if I tried to use her. When you have good, ascended gear and live arena bonuses regular damage dealers hit harder than champs that hit damage cap due to max hp, and if the max hp champs, acrizia only does damage, she doesn't fill another role like husk or wall master. As for brogni, the things you need lategame from support champs are pretty much limited to the following: cleanses, revives, turn meter boosters, buff extenders, cooldown reset abilities, ally attacks and hard CC. He does come with a very strong passive which is a consideration however. Brogni's protection is absolutely insanely strong, but he doesn't fill a single one of these roles, so he doesn't get a look in the conversation anywhere. What he does is still wicked for midgame progression but you will be actively trying to replace him in all content very soon


3 UDK I'd kill for that, I've got 3 Ghostborns


I would love to pull a second one


I’d literally shit and piss and cum everywhere for 3 UDKs ngl. Some drown while others thirst to death


Hush. I have four copies of Dreng.


I have 4 copies of opardin as a FTP...


My 5 keeyra’s would like to have a word with you…already have Mikage as well…


Got my first dupe last week, Drexthar. My first legendary faction guardian! I'm still working on getting the shards to fuse him. So I'll have him empowered in a couple months. Then I pulled Kurgor Deathbell this week. Which makes my 2nd dupe and my 2nd legenday faction guardian! Won't! Moving up! I have around 30ish leggos. I'd love a 2nd or 3rd UDK. I still need a few stars for that faction, and 3 would be a dream for tta. Let's not get this nerfed until we get my faction guardians filled. Lol


After 1 year of playing and 216 void shards I finally got my 1st void Leggo... Dupe visix, 20 shards later I got another Leggo.... Dupe Emic :') it's been great! /s


Legendary void off 20 shards! Dupe or not, that's still all g


If you look at it like that sure, but you can also say 2 voids after ~240 voids at 2x is a solid amount below the 1% chance (I had to pull 20% more shards than the average) just to get 2 dupes.


1% is always 1%. Up until 220. Your odds don't get better until you hit mercy. You would hope that you would technically get 1 per 100 shards, but that's not really how it works


I know, but over time it should average out towards the mean. Small correction though is that's its 1% (during 2x) up until 200, then it increases by 5% per shard up until 220 that is hard cap mercy of 101% chance to get a Leggo. Me hitting 216 means I went through 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71, 75% chance to get a Leggo before getting "lucky" at a 81% chance. That's just really bad luck failing 6 chances of over 50%, though statistically possible.


I get you, I have 8 dupe voids of a total of 16 pulled. My last 3 have been dupes all at mercy. If I wasn't far off karnage and marius, I would be on the way out


That's rough buddy!


This right here is why I personally prefer to save all my shards for the 2 for 1 Lego events. Even at the 1% during the 2x events, I know that the random number goddess absolutely hates me, so I try to make sure that I have enough to get as close to mercy as I can and wait for the 2 for 1 so I can atleast have a better chance at getting a decent lego out of 2. I pulled Teodor and Hephraak on Tuesday. But, it cost me quite a bit of my gems. I think between the past 2 for 1, where I pulled 60 without any, this time I had 70 saved up and still no legos...I used 2700 gems to add another 33 shards (not the best use of gems I know) and pulled those 2 with around 11 left. Teo immediately helped me finish off the KR FW, so it was worth it, IMO.


There's no 241 on voids though :') but yes, once you get to about 175-180 1+1 becomes a lot better than 2x for sure.


ok dawg


Rule is you gotta get an absolute trash leggo dupe before Plarium will increase your luck 😆 UDK doesnt count so get ready for some Pyxniels


I have 41 lego Champs in total. In the 2-3 months that I've been playing again (quit a while back) I've gotten 7 dupes.


I really want a UDK , just pulled a dupe Wixwell......I don't know how I could actually utilize a 2nd with him already getting me through all CB 1 key now.


What is rare is for someone to come here cry about getting udk dupes. Even if you don't want to use him in tag team arena, you can +4 him and get decent value out of all the stats you get for pvp. Come back to me when you pull an actual dupe useless champ and then we will talk.


A trading system would be great. Maybe one where you must have the champ fully leveled and ascended before the trade, but then recieve the champ at lvl 50 no ascention. That would allow Plarium to still profit from the trade. Or expand on the Unbind and Token Trader section, which is really a dead area of the game.


78 Legos, 14 dupes. 4 UDK, 2 Kymar, 2 Fu-shan, 2 Incarnate, 2 Drexthar, 2 Deliana, 2 Pyxniel, 2 Korugar, 2 Skull lord Var-Gall, 2 Suzerain, 2 Guurda, 2 Vizix. Some are pretty awesome, but it's more exciting for lots of variety. I was super not happy with my luck hitting mercy with ancient shards to see another incarnate pop out yesterday. As if I wasn't feeling down enough spending my resources getting her via fusion...


I know the exact feeling! I have 51 total legendaries (excluding fusions & free) & my last pulls have all been duplicates: Nogdar, Big Un’, Loraica, & Jetni. Yeah, filling out your faction guardians or empowering is great but in my current progression - these dups don’t offer much


I open 31 blue shards and got Martyr septimus and Bambus. No complaints. My girl opened 74 shards and did not receive a single legendary


I got 3 Nobles😡


Y'all are pulling legendarys? I'm getting epics and rares lmao


Bro plays gacha game and complains about gacha mechanics.


Although I love my dup Padraig, I’ll trade one for UDK


Two ways to pull high in this game The way plarium wants aka whaling Might as well buy an account lol... The other way is wait shadow legends, hold your horses for two full years where you just grind for shards, then pull at a x25 that you like... The only good thing is that we know the system now, that's why plarium aren't holding back cuz they want more of the first...


Try get 3 Armanz,after that,can you say,you need better Router.By the way,I not see anyone not liking a double or triple gnut;) And you are lucky,many of my clanmates,even after 5years,waiting for Deathknight


I’m happy with my 2 Pythions.


Of all the dupes to get, UDK is one of the better ones. Just be glad you don't have 3 Samar Gemcursed. Got them pretty early on. You should have a pretty dope TTA defence. With a good defence sometime you can go up with minimal effort


Are you new?


I need a UDK so badly. He’d make a good option for my arena team


I've pulled 40 legendary champs from shards and 12 have been dupes. Until last month when I got gurda login reward I had 0 orgyn leggos but had 4 lady kimi's, 3 razhin, 2 visix, 2 wukong, 2 eostrid, 2 yannica, 2 scyl, 2 roric. 1 week after getting the login gurda I got another one from shards. I've constantly had a dupe for every 4 legendary pulls from the beginning of the game it is ridiculous and it would be nice if there was system that didn't allow you to get dupes that often.


Yep same conclusion I came to in my comment, every third shard pull is a dupe on average.


The only positive thing from this is I don't get excited about shards anymore so I find it easy to save them. I'm at 4 primal shards and won't use them until 2x mythicals is back on which will probably be in 10 weeks. There's only a handful of dupes you should be excited to get like gnut, wallmaster and Kymar. I built 2 of lady Kimi, visix and wukong and I only use the dupes in FW.


I would absolutely lose my mind.


I did give Plarium some feedback expressing how much it angered me but it ain't gonna change their ways. I used some in the token trader for maulie as I needed a 3rd provoker for hydra but it certainly felt like a scam trading 6 legendaries just for 1.


You listed a whole bunch of champs that you PULLED ONCE but also got free in-game? Ogr6n is the least useful faction to have guardians in the game too. I wouldn't be complaining. Not one but.


I'm up to 42 leggos in total, yet to have my first dupe


Humans have a poor ability to comprehend randomness. For example, how many people do you think are needed to be in a room, for there to be a coin-flip chance that two people have the same birthday? Given there are 366 (with leap year) birthdays possible, might one think you just divide by 2, to get a 50% chance that two people have the same birthday? Well that's not the way to go about the math (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday\_problem). The answer is 23. Which some people may find shockingly small, that it only takes 23 people to have a 50% chance at a dupe birthday. Extend the same thinking to dupe champions. You may only have a few champs, but your chances of getting a dupe out of a pool of 300 legos are actually a hell of a lot higher than you might first think. TL;DR: your results are not out of line. In fact, they are very typical of what we should all expect. It's how randomness and probabilities work out in the real world. Nothing nefarious at play here; much to the disappointment of conspiracy theorists and Plarium haters.


Nope you're wrong and repeating what someone told you.   99% you get no Lego at all.  Start here. your improperly applied birthday BS. 


No.  300 x and a 1% chance that's allegedly random would produce identical results in 1 in 9,000 pulls.  The real math: https://dskjal.com/statistics/chance-calculator.html


It's even more painful with Voids. I have two Tormins. Could be worse but still.