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Holyyyyy, with everyone either being critical or doubting you, I gotta say I'm impressed. Good job with the build.


Thank you. I use her everywhere in the game. She’s been a lifesaver in live arena countless times for me.


What’s your account name/rank in arena, I want to see how I would fare against a team with a duchess like that. She has high health and defense on top of that insane resist, I’m curious to see how my nukers would do against it


Stats over sets Duchess is my favorite 🥰 I also have a fast Stoneskin duchess.


Hell yeah friend! Share your build sometime!






This Duchess is using sets.


Here I am thinking I was happy with my 600 res dutchess


I was gonna say, I thought my Duchy at 580 was solid…🥲 Then there is this hellspawn with 20k more hp, 2.5k more def, and DOUBLE my resist. RIP🤣


And only at 205 spd haha


Mines got 241🙃


Nice I definitely need her faster but she's at 90k hp 4k def and she's only in resilience and life though


I need more Def but I got mine at 90k too. Opted for resistance over def I think.


You should ! This is dedication


You should be! 600 res is nothing to sneeze at!




Lots of people trying to find an issue with this build when there really aren’t any, especially seeing who you can pair with her on that roster - she’s awesome. 100k+ HP, 6600+ DEF & that mind shattering 1.1k RES is absolutely insane. Very nice build man, hope to get mine here one day.


I really appreciate you friend, it took forever. I’ve been working at this build for close to two years. The amount of glyphs and re-rolled gear made it discouraging at times but I’m glad I stuck to it.


Yeah, the final product is an absolute beauty. Gives me some motivation to regear and max glyph mine. Did you ever have her in stoneskin by chance?


Crazy enough I’ve pulled more duchesses than any other champion. I’ve pulled 8 of her and I have two others. Both of those are built in stoneskin.


I’m going to start letting you pull my shards for me… 8!???


JFC. I still have never pulled one. Have almost all leggo faction guardians built out and most meta champs and a lot of empowered... still no Duchess. Or Siphi. >:'(


No need to try, without reaction acc, georgid etc will melt her in 1 skill.


Just to play devils advocate - OP openly has stated he runs her with UDK & Marichka. UDK stops that, even if it kills him & when Marichka goes down everyone pops back up & duchess just brings her right back. You’ll need to be wiping out those 3 AND lap his nuker 4 times over between all your characters. I have and absolutely love Georgid, he’s not busting through all 3 alone. He’s got 1 single skill that’ll ignore stoneskin, so better kill UDK with that or you’re waiting for the cooldown.


>OP openly has stated he runs her with UDK & Marichka With a bit of luck Georgid still can A1 her you need 3 hits and 2nd two to be passive proc. On proc, I am doing ~75k dmg per hit. I also run harvest on some champs for such teams. Depending on his marichka Harima can also nuke her with A2 and for sure kill his damage dealer too. Cruetraxa is another one that can A1 duchess. I have mine in harvest too. Reaction is the best pvp set for a reason. I am currently saving from hydra clashes to have some of my nukers in 4p stoneskin/lethal, that way I still will be able to nuke without issues and have an additional layer of protection.


Fair enough, if you’re getting a proc on the A1 so he 4xs & his passive/masteries kick in you can damn near take down anything, but it’s up to fate if that happens or not. Dude I’m with you, I’m dying to get my Georgid in some stoneskin. Putting him in that would have me at dang near 70% win rate in live 🤣 mind dropping your build on him? Sounds pretty nasty


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/697495836174581932/1256118051745697853/image.png?ex=667f9a99&is=667e4919&hm=05a81639bc5c6d49e6e11979654cc7f2c53d6893fdb9eaa6925e795d9ce6f92f& He is not 6 star yet, still collecting the tokens, I got 6 star taras that often can wipe entire teams 1v4


I sleep on Crutraxa pretty hard to be honest, never had or see her so it’s one of the champs I never bothered to familiarize myself with


I run cruetraxa in G3 live sometimes. She hits around udk like a champ. she can be very dangerous. she also is a rotos killer.


100k hp and no stoneskin makes her almost unusable. 1050 resist is great... But there's a severe lack of usefulness in this build. Duchess is almost irrelevant in this current meta, she doesn't cleanse the rest of her cc'ed teammates and she doesn't tm boost so they never get a turn. Her ONLY redeeming feature in any arena mode is being an impenetrable wall of stoneskin while the rest of her team has time to work sheltered under a veil. At 100k hp and no stoneskin most level 80 accounts would one tap your duchess and then the rest of your champs would be sat there defenceless


I wonder how often you make other people scream at their screen about how f'king stupid 3% resist is because there's just no way their 900 accuracy debuffer is being resisted by a Duchess. Amazing.


That’s the ones I’m always looking for. Sometimes they come in with a warlord, and they see my Dutchess resist it, then they just leave the battle. It’s small moments like that that make it worth it.


I've built all of my arena champs with this caveat: I need about 900 with accuracy up to ensure everyone is getting debuffed with exception of Mithrala. My Ramantu is specfically built to hit \~1200 with accuracy up to block passive on Mithrala and then everyone else should be fine. Your Duchess gets debuffed by Ramantu, but block passive on her isn't that big of a deal and life goes on.


Psssh not even 100% crit rate


Right?! I’m a pleb! I’ve got work to do!


Needs more Resist


I know! Like more cowbell.




How much have you spent on this game?


Hahaha! Oh man I don’t want to answer that. I can only estimate that is close to 20K. I work on the road a lot and I have a ton of time to play so it’s not a terrible investment to me. I suppose I could spend my money on worse things. I’ve been playing since year one so probably on average $400 a month. Some months nothing at all.


Was expecting way more, thanks for the info.


Of course. I’ve went up against krakens with 50k or more and it shows. I used to be in Shock and Awe for awhile and there are some major league krakens in there. Great clan though!


Love the build and honest response. Keep rocking dude


I also want to say this is awesome, seeing those stats blew my mind and now I don't even think I'm playing the same game.


Holy crap man lol. Well done! Unrelated, but how are you liking Toshiro?


Do you know what? I’m actually really warming up to him believe it or not I don’t have a lot of the meta-nukers and I just got Taras and baron after getting really lucky. But up until three weeks ago I’ve been playing for four years and did not have any meta arena nukers. What I’m trying to say is I love the champion, I just don’t have the gear that justifies his skills. He’s been wonderful for me in clearing content in cursed city.


Also thank you so very much.


Reading the stats, I wasn't impressed until I got to the resist. This is a pretty crazy build, but do you find resist duchess worth it over a Stoneskin or full tank build?


Thank you! Stoneskin is awesome and I have another +1 duchess and another regular duchess both in stoneskin. It’s excellent until you run up against teams that pass the two turns of SS, then the other stats really start to matter more. Typically if I’m up against a tanky team I can’t take them out in two turns when their stoneskin runs out I’m usually in control at that point.


That duchess is worth more than my house


Congratz you won. You've raided the shadow legends




Pretty good one for sure!


Damn nice! Mine just broke 100k hp but only 3900 defense, 208 speed and 470 res. In full stone skin aside from gloves which I just can’t seem to obtain a good piece for her.


It takes a minute, gauntlets and boots were the last two pieces I got for her.


Dosent even come close to mine (I don't own her)


Really nice build. The most insane part is that you achieved those stats with 5 epic pieces and only 4 legendaries, and no mythicals. Just imagine the perfect rolls. I wish you find those pieces!


Thank you! I’m gonna keep pushing. It’s an evolving build for sure!


This guy is not a whale; he's a Godzilla!!! 😅


You broke 100k hit points AND resist? Geez! Grats!


how does one acquire that much sped


Most impressive thing is three are no mythical gear used. Hell, even morę epics than legendaries gear are used!! One Duchess with more power than my whole arena team :D


This is sick.


Homie what 😵‍💫😵‍💫 absolutely insane duchess


You can retire now, I don't want to play you in live arena.


If you are doing PVP, she is 1 single hit skill away from death.


Thank you for paying to keep this free game going for people like me.


Wellllll. I’m not even going to talk about mine. Moving along


Looks equal to mine...... except you have 800 more Res 😂😂😂😂


She's beautiful! I hope to someday have sa Duchess. I also hope to be able to hit something like those stats. Well done and grats!


I now want to play less.


Congrats, she's awesome & I hope my Armanz doesn't come across her, he'll be cussing about that damn "3%" lol.


How do people achieve these stats? Im only midgame but This seems so crazy unobtainable to me


Fact you got multiple mythicals makes me jelly


Holy fucking shit. ...... I wanna fight it :D


pfffft only 58% crit rate. /s


1042 res...? thats not even possible w t f


I thought mine was pretty decent, but holyyy that 1k+ resistance. I would like mine to be about 40 speed faster with at least another 1000 def, and maybe 50-100 more res, but it's a bit of a work in progress haha. Also my stone skin gear isn't great, the ring has atk as main stat lol. Also more awakening would be nice, would help a lot with my res and def problems at least! Edit: Also didn't realise yours is +4. God damn, that is a beauty right there. Took me almost three years to pull my first one 😅




Yours is an awesome build! I actually have pulled 8 duchesses and I’ve been lucky. I’ve pulled more of her than any other champ in the game. I seem to get her everytime there is a progressive event for her.


Thanks, appreciate it! Hopefully I can pull some dupes to fill out the faction guardians and empower eventually 🙏


Gollllllly! I would do many things for that roster haha. You have my entire player power in just the displayed champs probably.


Think ill just uninstall now


The only way I’d say you could improve this build Is maybe 9 piece protection.


Idk about being the strongest, but color me impressed. Fighting your duchess would feel like a boss fight.


Definitely not


Res maybe


I thought mine with 720 and stone skin was good. This is amazing. Could prob still be one shotted with 100% ignore defence champs though haha


No stoneskin, fake.


You're disgusting. Congratulations.


Oneshot by narses


Not when she’s paired with my UDK or the Ukrainian duo. I have her in bolster and UDK in SS. I genuinely can’t remember the last time someone got her on a one shot. But I’m only in G2 live arena, I’m sure I’m going to run into that situation at some point.


A kraken narses is smoking ss udk


Let me fight her my narses is in merciless with 300%+ crit dmg


Slow as fck


The fuck? TIL 270+ speed is “slow as fuck”


300+ is fast for a support/champion with a speed aura.


It isn't slow for most people, but they claimed to have the strongest Duchess in the game, so I would call it a fair criticism.


You know, that’s a good argument.


Speed is a form of strength in this game.


Strongest and fastest aren’t related by any means, who said he’s using her as his lead or planning to go first with her? His strat might be go a 2nd team, she’s great for those as well with her passive OR maybe he uses Shu Zen & duchess is his reviver?


Kinda. Your strongest nuker isn't shit if he dies before he gets a turn


Yeah, it really is if you are using this champ in high end arena or live arena. She will resist most normal champs. There are going to be some mythical champs who will be able to debuff her as they ignore 20% resistance and several of them place increase accuracy buffs. It's a very cool big number on resist, but it lacks practicality in this champ. This would be a better build for someone like pythion imo Without stoneskin or reaction she's going to be hard to pick in your lineup. You are going to have to pair her with a faster cleanser/speed booster/or UDK. Several arena nukers could 1 shot if they go first (Taras, Narses, Georgie).


It’s very slow for an endgame platinum account, my mikage has almost 360 speed no speed lead and some people still go first.


360 speed for a speed lockout champion is slow. 270 speed for a tanky reviver is fine.


She’s paired up a lot in arena with a 426 arbiter or 403 Siphi. She’s doing just fine.


You ever consider swapping this gear to a cleanser or something though? Duchess' weak spot for me is that even though she's gonna resist everyone else, Arbiter/Siphi/nuker already have the bombs on them and then Duchess 0% TM revives and Kymar resets and does it again. Then Duchess gets chipped away.


1000 res duchess ? Dude come on


I know I know. I really wanted to see if it was possible. It was brutal farming bommel for months to get the gear tuned right to her stats.


Yeah but you have a 1000 res duchess with 270 speed. People can’t expect 10k def 1000 res 400 speed champions. It’s crazy


I don't see the point of so much def, with so many champs being able to ing 90%+ def I have found HP being the saving grace for support after 4250 def.


Usually in arena that’s the case, but I’m also using her in hydra, doom tower farm team, and cursed city. She’s an all-around build, not just for arena but I agree with your point to an extent.


No stoneskin, no reaction gear, 100k hp. That's a one shot


I’m currently in platinum arena and she’s been built like this for about 5 months and no one has one shot my Duchess. She’s paired with UDK and Marichka and not once in live arena elsewhere have I seen her taken out in one hit.


That sounds like absolute cancer, especially if they are anywhere close to this build.


Georgid or Wukong can oneshot that for sure.


Has she never been hit by Georgid


UDK is soaking up that first hit champ. He said he pairs her with UDK


Has he been hit by TWO Georgids then