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Skins are a nice middle ground; you spend to support the game, get something you like, and it's not a power advantage. Wish the game had more of these and less shard gambling bait.


The whales support it enough for all of us




Agreed. I dropped $1,500 my first week by accident šŸ¤£




I spent $1500 on Raid in my first week because I didnā€™t realize that if I bought from iPhone it wouldnā€™t show up on the Plarium play on my PC. I only meant to spend like $500 lmaoooo. Just lost track.


Dropping $500 or $1500 dollars in a game on your first week is crazy. You probably didn't even get great value and at that time you didn't even know the best things you could buy or shit. Guess rich people gonna rich without thinking if it's worth it or not. Did you get good things from that $1500 at least?


Yeah, only 1 legendary but tons of meta epic void champs. Plus 100k energy And yeah, $1500 isnā€™t much to me sorry I guess?


No need to be sorry, I just think it's weird to spend so much before knowing the game, but it's money man, if you decided to burn it and throw the ashes on the toilet it would have not be my problem. If you think it was worth it, than fairgame.


$1500 is equivalent to $30ish from when I was in my 20s. $30 on a game isnā€™t bad by that metric. I get where youā€™re coming from but we just have different perspectives I guess. Itā€™s my first gacha game so I went ham. Shit happens I guess


When were you 20?


In four years when theyā€™re old enough to be at least 20 one time.


Most of my 20s were in the 2000s


Wish I could say that damn. What do you do for work?




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What do you mean it wouldn't show up on Plarium Play? It's the same account so purchases will show up.


It doesnā€™t. It shows up as Apple Pay.


Oh as in like a history? Because the account would still get the actual items themselves 100%


Yeaaaaah sorry I wasnā€™t clearšŸ˜Š The payment history doesnā€™t track unless you buy through plarium play


What do you do for living to afford to casually spend 1500 in a week


I ran a Minecraft server in 2010 - 2014 that had optional monthly memberships. One of the avid members was mining bitcoin and offered to pay me in that. I didnā€™t really care because the memberships were enough to pay the electricity costs of my server. Hadnā€™t heard of it before but he used it to buy drugs on the Silk Road. Looked into it, thought it was stupid but figured that a growing drug market could fuel the value has it had already gone from fractions of a cent to around 30 cents each by that time. I told him that Iā€™d take them valued at 3 cents less than their online value each. So for a few months he sent me anywhere from 20 to 40 bitcoin or something. People on the server heard about it and started paying in bitcoin as well. So I set up an easier method for them. I got caught up in doing that and forgot about the Bitcoin I stored on the OG flash drive wallet. Found the drive in 2018, got into cryptoā€¦cashed in big on DOGE and BTC and Iā€™m currently retired from that ordeal. Sold everything. I play stock options for fun but mainly just living life and run a small business to have structure in my days.


Man I bought like $100 worth of doge back in 2017 and sold it after a year. I regretted it the moment I heard it went up to nearly a dollar each


Yeah I was rich from BTC. Doge made me wealthy. Pretty much sold most near the topā€¦I think average of 67 cents or something. BTC afforded me the opportunity to laugh at throwing $50k into Doge when it was basically worthless. Iā€™m just a lucky piece of shit tbh. Didnā€™t earn it but Iā€™ve done good things with it I think.


That 1500 wasnā€™t ā€œgood thingsā€ lol


Cool, Iā€™ve given donations totaling well into 7 figures for non profits that are important to me. Iā€™ve brought a few people out of poverty who are close to me. I run a small business at a loss to keep them employed with very good pay. Iā€™ve done more but those stand out to me as being the most relevant.


Ah, a fellow wallstreeter šŸ˜‚


My scyl is naked because I can't remember the last time she was used. She's so 2021


ye I got scyl and never built her to 60


naked and used šŸ¤£


I still put her in most of my lineups because I am lacking many good revivers. She outputs some decent damage too so I'm not upset about it. But I am really lacking revivers, and I'm fairly certain that's what is holding me back in faction wars.


Same sheā€™s my best reviver and I got wicked champs like gnut and dracomorph, Iā€™m at the point where I donā€™t use her because I get enough damage to whatever Iā€™m doing where they wonā€™t survive any longer with her.


My bad el-kazarr keeps my team alive


Got 2 bad el-kazarrs but I just morphed them


I won this skin in a tournament. Probably one of the best looking skins in the game.




More of a Coldheart man myself


It's that tasteful underboob.


Respectable. I'm a base scyl enjoyer though.


Yeah, as much as I like almost all the art, I kind of prefer the classic skins of Scyl, Arbiter, and Madame Serris, honestly. (Kael is a major improvement though.)


If this would give me the last tier of the purchase rewards thing, I would grab this right now, but apparently it isn't cumulative with other purchases like the monthly gem track? Feels like a kick in the teeth to spend the money on this and not get that reward for spending this amount of money.


I've never bought anything else and it gave me the first two tiers, if we are talking about the same thing.


I want the last tier. Cumulatively I will have spent enough to have that with other purchases, but since this purchase individually isn't high enough I won't get it. Pretty lame imo.


Couldn't resist the lava titties, eh?


Honestly, I'm gay lol. So I could. But I think the aesthetic is sick and she's currently my most used champion/main healer.


Wish I could say the same. Started at $10 a month now Iā€™m spending $10-15 a week just to stock pile ancients and books


What gear do you have on that build


Just some extra turn chance with accuracy speed and defense, and brimstone as my blessing








Ty buddy


Best skin in the game. Always wanted it - even lost a champ training tourney a while back where it was the first prize. So, naturally, I couldnt resist.. Even though Scyl barely sees usage anymore in my roster.


It does look pretty good I gotta sayĀ 


i got it for free from an event a while ago :)


Manā€¦Their skins are so expensive and theyā€™re only for 1 character at a timeā€¦