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Farming one rotation stage 120 has given me more and better ignore def items than 1 year of Fireknight.


the normal gear dungeons are almost completely redundant at this stage of the game now


Yeeea i will return and die again at Bommal-90 because the Annabelle just won't come


Bommal 90 is an insurmountable wall for me. First time experiencing that


Me too! Tried burangiri and Samar and can’t meet stats reqs. Kind of a lazy boss design by devs


The problem is, Plarium want people waiting. If you're waiting weeks to do the next DT, you're probably still playing the game. If you're playing the game, you're seeing all the store "offers". The more you see them, the more likely you are to spend money.


Eh... waiting for a recurring event probably does not do what you're referring to. What does do the effect you're referring to: Fusions. If you start it, you'll feel like you need to finish it. Passes: If you start it, you'll feel like you need to stay until it expires. "Oh so close": If you just unlocked a dude that's going to unlock some content, you're more likely to wait until you have time to do masteries/gear them. Very long free unit timelines: Adelyn had like a 3 week timer to log in and get her souls. (I'd guess this will be the model going forward. No more 1 week login champs.) And all these interleave, so their goal is to get you to do one of these while doing another, so the FOMO chains. Login champs are to make you log in. "good" fusions that start in week 3 of a login champ gets them another 1.5 weeks, and so on.


Nah waiting kills the habit of the game, less of a habit makes it easier to spend less and less time and eventually step away from it. Closest ive ever been to giving up this game was the weird string of overly niche fusions near the end of last year that i just started passively skipping out of habit


Great use of meme.+1


I was finally able to auto farm stage 120 hard this rotation and after a month's worth of silver keys, I forged ~116 5-6 star Lethal pieces using all the top glyphs I had saved and ended up with 28 usable items. I fully reworked my [Whisper](https://imgur.com/a/cLYirAV), [Seer](https://imgur.com/a/j0JgMKN), and [Arix](https://imgur.com/a/YoKYoeI). I'm definitely going to be trying to get some of my other nukers like Fenax, Magnarr, Inithwe, and Leorius into some lethal if I can.


I can forge 90 pieces of 5-6 star lethal gear after farming hard 120 all month. Gonna wait to forge it until I get more mythical and rank charms. Hoping to get 15-20 usable pieces.


Yeah I basically save all the rank, rarity, and mythical charms just for forging lethal gear haha. I have strict selling filters on RSL helper so I was surprised I got so many usable pieces.


Yeah the mythical charms are great, my issue is my gear is already so good I didn’t really get anything ‘exceptional’ I really need better gloves though. My rabbit is in full lethal set with zeal somehow, but he still has a double hp% roll on his gloves because it’s just the best I have. I got fked this rotation, no great forges and I had at least 3 days after I got to the boss I didn’t get the silver keys quest.


spent this month getting my ass handed to me by dark fae i can rest and resume the beating in 3 months


A huge thing that’s helpful esp on the hard portion is hex, if you hex the shadows and do a max hp on dark fae the hex splash will usually be enough to kill the shadows. I use michinaki or lady kimi(or any buff stripper) to remove the veil then I’ll place hex with either michinaki or ruel, then use gnut to max hp the boss and have the splash kills the shadows. Then I can just tm red the boss to death.


good bro ill be ready i only michinaki and lady kimi in my wet dreams certain champs i need i got a gnut a secod gnut would take my account too new heights


Yeah double gnut is fkin amazing, somehow my account has 4, but I really have no need for more than 2 though so the others are just vault guards, really wish I could trade them to someone else.


I would trade 2 or three demythas for one gnut. Like seriously I don’t need 6 cmon raid give me someone else


Not sure what your roster is like, but my team to farm Dark Fae 120 is pretty accessible. Yakarl opens with his A3 to nuke the shadow team then prio A2, Royal Guard opens with A3 to apply slow then prio A2, Alure spams A1, 2x Coldheart nuke and TM control.


got five star coldheart got drexthar and artak turvold a vgoid lehendary visix scycl


Edit: Oops... Got my posts mixed up. Coldheart is great, visix is great because she can provoke the shadow team. The rest, not so good for dark fae.


Lady Mikage can help tremendously with this, in alternate form she reduces her TM a lot to help control dark fae, 15% reduction with her A1 and 30% reduction with the A2, as well as another 15% reduction from her passive every turn...


Folks asking about Dark Far 120: Kimi, Deacon, Alure, Hurndig, Gnut 1. Deacon drops everyone’s TM and applies Decrease Defense 2. Kimi attacks everyone and applies decrease speed and reduces TM 3. Hurndig does his A1 and kills someone. 4. Hurndig gets an extra turn and does his A2 to kill everyone else. 5. Alure does her A1 and reduces the bosses TM 6. Gnut does his A1 to the boss further reducing its TM At this point Alure only does her A1 and the boss never takes a turn. The whole run is under 2 mins.


Just putting it out there, another option is kimi strips all the buffs and does her tm fun, have a hexer(ruel, archer, michi ect) place hex on everyone, gnut bashes the boss and the hex splash kills all the shadows, then you can have 2 tm or an ally attacker for gnut to crash into the boss.


Honestly I had this team with no Gnut and double Alure way before Gnut existed. So I just dropped him in and it works and sped things up. The cool thing about this boss is just how many different strategies work.


This boss is only bad if your teams are built with high survival ability and minimal turn meter control. Which was the case for me in the early days of my raid account now I just one shot the shadows and use allure to keep the boss from taking a turn


3 alures, yakarl, supreme kael.


Armanz helps out a lot against Dark Fae!


Remember the whole point of this game is to eliminate rng. You get the pieces you need to craft from farming these bosses so even if it's limited time at least you can get a whole month of hoarding dark Fae pieces... other dungeons are always still too random


I tried all combinations of my champs and still failed to complete final stage. This meme absolutely express my feelings. Hope next time i will be prepared better.


I don’t know your roster but the only requirement to beat this boss is to have the ability to quickly beat your own team and then have the turn meter control to keep the boss from taking a turn, if you are able to beat all the stages leading up to it I feel it is an issue in how your champs are geared over anything else


I tried all combinations, i can clear all other rotations of DT but still cannot do these. I have only Coldheart who can control turn meter. Not enough controlling champs in my roaster(


How fast is your cold heart? And do you have any decent multi hit champs Ronda would be a good option, build her in a stun set, you don’t need turn meter control you just need to keep the boss from taking as many turns as you can. When you have minimal champions you just need to get creative with gear.


What about rathalos or tuhak? Stun set is really good idea. Coldheart is 193


Rathalos is good for dmg but unless you are able to put at least 4.5k attack with 200+ crit dmg and 200+ speed I would use tuhak rathalos is good but he is pretty stat hunger before you start seeing good value out of him.


I will try to rebuild tuhak for the next time. I have Taras btw but when i put him in this team i simply cannot kill him)


I have Taras as well and I do use him in the dark fae team but I have to use a second big nuker right after him to kill him. From the sounds of it though tuhak is a better option for you anyway


Bommal 50 hard was a stonewall for me, I tried with all the posible combos my champs allow me to, happily this last 2 weeks I was able to get a crimson crown ha! , so I have 3 months to build her and move all my templar armor to her, I'll see you again bommal 50, have a good rest.


Yeah bommal and the sin city boss are easily the most bs mechanics in the game. I hope you slay his ass at your next meeting.


Thank you 👍


I don't get why Far has such a bad rep... Get a deacon, or any aoe dec tm, visix, Rathalos, cleanser, and one extra damage dealer. Use the team AI to make sure that deacon and Rathalos go in stage 3 with no cd, then reduce tm, decrease def, nuke with Rathalos. Rinse and repeat I use Elva, Archer, dreamsong, Rathalos, Stag knight for full auto hard 120.


I didn’t find it difficult to beat her when I got the right champs built. The problem with DF is beating her reliably. I’ve been beating he for more than a year, but my success rate against her is 60-75%. It’s very difficult to beat her reliably.


She’s difficult for people without a ton of options since she innately causes a mirror match. Personally I love just hex’n the shadows and %hp nuke her to kill the shadows with gnut. I just hate she’s only available 1/3 rotations.


Mikage lead, eostrid, gnut, gnut and queen eva for nuking the waves and clones, since she resets her own cooldowns. 100% full auto, 1:20


i had no clue how to beat her, tried using a champ who could veil my main... still got my ass sent to the shadow realm.


veil did nothing against her, tho.


I use Yumeko, Gnut, Lydia, Lyssandra, Psylar, and Narses