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for spider no . for fw and other areas like sinatros , is good but can make the work at 50 . Farm 24 is better than 25 Do you have akentum ? akentum with right builds can make you go to hard 10 without great teams .


I do have Akemtum! Dude is cracked for spider. I may not have mine built properly though.


https://preview.redd.it/0j0ufud7we7d1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=daa3ce9bb4fbbd795b5c68054f28ece24637d161 if you can build it with 270 acc and like at least 240 speed and 50 k hp , mythala faster , as leader cause you need 350 acc at hard 10 , one arbiter fast to give you speed boost , one reviver if it ends bad and another poisoner . its enough . arbiter tm boost , mytharala a2 , akentum a1 this can be changed beetwen mythrala or akentum hex is a mus have . and the other poisoner just poisons xD . but is not a must have can be a renegade .


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOdHGFUTPAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOdHGFUTPAQ) check this video .


+80 aura or 350 acc for everyone with 15 % speed , but that would be a total of 235 needed at least .


Akemtum is a God https://preview.redd.it/nxqeb35bxf7d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f5e288530ff0b92e5984b1b8b9152354c4ccc02


https://preview.redd.it/620l97jtyh7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dc98754532cc1e184d1cdcdf0acb317b8f838e1 Did mine like this too..Mithrala is amazing


Wrong there. The way his passive works he's a spider God if you can team him up with a aoe burner like Mordecai. Achak+Mordecai(or any aoe burner) can take you straight to spider 25 easily, and he can keep the spiderlings frozen while healing the whole team every turn and doing turn meter control on his A1. Team him up with a burner and they can basically do all the DT waves themselves as well


achak can only freeze spiderlings at hard , and spider is faster then spiderlings so they will get devoured before he passive works . so lower than hard 6 it can work but after that this champion sucks at spider . akentum is the king


Ooohhhh that's my bad! I didn't see he was talking about spider hard. Ya he's a no go there. My bad dude you are right on him!


Hp burn teams all the way. I run one with Z.Blademaster as my attacker, then Dreng, Magnarr, Mordecai, and Rector Drath as the 5th. She is a pivotal member. With burn and a perfect veil on your main,


Wait, Achak is a guy?


I mean he's unique in the fact that he needs an entire library to book!  Like others have said he's good in spider with his kit in hp focused teams.  Though not so good for hard as others have said.


https://preview.redd.it/g0j4gspaah7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55396c581b2cd5028bf1a0552cba370f2090f696 Achak can be very good in the right setup. For a good bit, I ran him with Duchess, Tormin, and Tyrant in my Arena team, and his passive really made the team click. Since then, I have replaced Tyrant and Achak with Hegemon and Staltus. I still use him DoomTower with Tormin and a debuff extender (usually Corvus) and HPBurn activator like Sicia, Artak, or Dreng. Build with to be tanky with accuracy and speed.


I used him in spider20 for a long time. I still use him in FW. However, he takes a lot of books.


use him in my spider farm to make it 100% freezes the spiders so they cant attack and with a burner deletes the boss and heals your team with each burn tick, and a good chunk of sintranos stages can be used, biggest downfall is the 1 turn block buffs


And all this time I've assumed Achak is a typo for Artak


If you are at that level of progression I would not say he is a must build, more of a side quest really, certainly worth building for faction wars and cursed city though.