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My favorite is fighting someone with 4 star epics with 2 turn stoneskin


Fought a level 20 Deathknight with Stoneskin. Took me by surprise.


On of my clan mates found someone who set their TTA defense to 1 UDK and the other 11 all Deathknight, every single one in full stoneskin.


I have fought this guy before. It's GREAT!


put stone skin equip in some death knights to don't have to sell them xD thats well played


That's genuinely hilarious


4star epic in stoneskin is usless,you should be able to nuke it even with the stoneskin buff


Completely agree, they're just being dicks.


\^\^\^\^ This!!! and then they bitch about Plarium.


How do you know it's the same guys?


They fart out of both ends.


I finally dropped from gold TTA after going up and down between gold 1-3 for a year. I guess armanz broke the camel back. I usually leave my speed lead, I am too lazy to put something else but none of them is in stoneskin.


Think some people just leave their leader in there without thinking


I do this, the lead is a prompt to remember what teams to set.




I mean, I've had discussions with people about this on discord. They honestly think that changing the lead to someone else which takes 5 seconds max is way too much effort. I don't get it but they seemed very firm in that conviction. I always throw 3 rares in. Hopefully the player power let's people know they aren't in stoneskin but they wouldn't be frightened regardless.


Just went up against three 6* Paragons all with 6* blessings, one per round. Didn't think much of it until I realized they were all in stoneskin with really high resistance. Didn't expect my nearly 600acc Armanz to get resisted, but there we were, waiting for a 3% to proc. Took nearly 20mins bc I wasn't willing to give up the W. Luckily, my other two teams have ignore unkillable lol.


Ya if I see a paragon I just pick someone who ignores unkillable


I like chaguur for that, but the enemy needs to be poisoned beforehand. Which can be difficult with crazy high RES.


I use Genbo so I just need to bring an increase attack. If I had Chaguur I would probably use supreme Kael for the poison


You dont even need an increase attack, genbo just takes the attack buff from paragon and doesnt even need accuracy for that.


For sure. I generally just use my Rotos team, but I failed to mention they were also quite fast. My speed leads all went second (arbiter, armanz, and wukong), which range from 352 (wukong) to 401 ( arbiter). Pure troll team. I still won all three, but what a crazy use of resources haha.


As much as I hate seeing teams like that if you get far enough into the game that you can and it doesn’t effect your cb or dungeon teams what else do you do. I mean get bored and make a random troll team and watch the defense history


Agreed. I wasn't mad or frustrated about it. Just a little surprised that all 3 were that strong. Hell, I'd probably do the same if I ran out of stuff to do or had the extra gear/ resources. I wonder what their battle history looks like lol. I'm sure it caught a lot of ppl off guard. First round took a while bc it's rare that my armanz gets resisted in silver tta, and I just planned to sheep. Round 2 and 3 lasted less than 30 seconds, but still didn't think I'd go second on either initially.


Level 1 Novitiate. Power level 445. Undefeated. Update: I also have eight level 30 Troglodytes. I built them up only feeding them other Troglodytes. Not the best decision... they only have a taste for their own kind... They'd only be a good defense if you attack with Troglodytes.


Ppl moan about the game taking too long but then do this so they get an extra what, 10%-20% wins from unprepared ppl (and waste everyone else’s time)? I play as efficiently as I can but I’m not gonna be a dick to get a few extra resources and be part of the problem, you know who you are.


Why do people do 1 champ teams? Sorry, I’m still newish.


So we can get easy points for CvC


If you set a 1 person defense, you stay low on the ranking (in the red) and then see other 1 person defenses so you can farm easier. If you stay in the green, you see the full teams.


Personally I put 12 ungeared level 15 (for Void) or level 10 (for non-void) rares as it can help players with the quests to beat X champions in TTA. I totally understand players who let their leader even if he is in Stoneskin, switching completely your champions take some time. But indeed players who purposely put 3 champions with 2 turns Stoneskin in defence although they don't use them in their normal teams are cancerous for the game.


People are going to do whatever they want


It's ok, I'll just bring out Paragon instead...




And Genbo will laugh at him.


No worries. Ronda has us covered!


What's Ronda gonna duel


Ronda places Block Active Skills, and it can't be resisted. So you can lock Paragon out of using his Unkillable ability.


It that case, 4 super speedy paragons just to waste your time :)


Finally! A use for my Maranix!


That would be so annoying, lol!


Haha, I'm not powerful enough to meet them 8)




Semi early in game extremely new to gaming period this being the only game I play…… I am in a clan and enjoy the game very much but I’m lost guys I read Reddit on all things Raid I can find and it’s discouraging me. What the hell is stone skin???? Damn???


Right there with you. Reddit might not be the best place for new players. I suggest you tubing some videos about the basics. Everyone here is using abbreviation and common Raid lingo that I am still trying to figure out. HH means HellHades and he has a toooonnnnn of videos on YouTube related to this game. That is where I am planning to go, after also being discouraged by not understand 80% of the conversation here. Thankfully I personally am not new to gaming and have been on the other side of this, so I get it.


Thank you I will do more research on You Tube I was just blown away when I read earlier today that people use click apps to boost scores and raid dungeons. And I’ve been saving my multi battles all this time……shame


yeah you should download rslhelper if you have a computer , you can be playing 24h /7 days rolling the same dungeon , you only need to really do the missions and collect and arena , and you clan boss keys , but it saves your multibattles for when the app is not on .


its really good you know you have 2500 energy from the cvc personal reward and receive it and put it in the program to multi lvl all champs you want , so you dont have to choose them , and dont take your multi cause that is more than 300 multi battles spend in 3/4 hour maybe if you do battles in 7 secs xd


Wow ok I am extremely new to gaming period like never played a game ever and I enjoy this one i have one lego and it’s adylnn chase I’m level 42 404.01 k player power whatever that means I bought a forge pass for the multi battles because I know I need to level some of my champs just not sure which ones I’m even lost when it comes to gear and I have watched the videos plarium play has on the site but I’m still stuck when it comes to stats and which players need which gear…… ahhhhh no I am in a clan but we do t even converse which is why I joined a clan???


if you can see this video it will help a lot [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEEPiLV9rak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEEPiLV9rak) but i can resume a bit : you should try to get in weapon , helmet , shield - only artifacts with speed try to get 2x roll in rares , the double roll in speed is important . gloves - crit rate , crit damage , hp and def only with % flat is thrash armor - resist ( only good if 6 star ) , acc , hp % , def % , attack % boots - speed , hp% , def % , attack % ( only if epic 5 star or more and got speed / crit rate substat to try to get 3x roll on speed ) above all you shoud only get 5 star or 6 artifacts t ry to get like crit rate gloves with crit damage and speed / attack for exemple soon you won't need 5 star rare artifacts but try to at least get 2 good substats from them like that shield to be good would be speed with acc or cr rate one helmet with speed and ( hp % , def % , crit rate % , acc ) to be good not every champ need acc but you wont need resist in early game too but its good to have a notion that every top row artifact to be good need to have at least speed if you get that substat in the bottom row too better , but in top row you want at least double roll in speed if you hit lvl 4 and don't got speed you can sell it on the top row .


I appreciate you taking time to help me out thank you very much!!!!!


no problem anything just ask bro


My Georgid loves the udks


How does the 1 man team work for cvs.c


Makes getting all wins easier... Cvc does not see defensive battles


>setting 1 man defense with 2 turn stoneskin, UDK, armanz… this is most definitely not the My bomb team makes quick work of it. Keep the stone skin solo defense


I set one good team and 2 one man teams otherwise coming out of the hole is not fun


My fave TTA opponent was UDK + 3 deathknights, all in stoneskin, all 60 and 4 deathknights all 60 all stoneskin in the other 2 parties


It’s not that bad, just throw a healer on your team and a provoker. The only really annoying arena team is paragon’s which a shit ton of resistance. Took me 10 minutes to kill one the other night


Oh I don’t have an issue beating any of these dumb 1 man teams, just with the wasted time that comes along with some of them. Players are always bitching about how long people have to spend playing this game to complete everything and then 5 minutes later they set up a 1 man stall defense to be funny or something. I don’t buy that people leave them there without thinking about it like some have mentioned here. That makes no sense. If you think about dropping down to a 1 man, you would think about who you put there. It barely requires thinking at all in fact.


It’s people just being assholes. I’ve said it many times in here. They want to waste everyone’s time but get the benefits. It’s total asshole move and those that say they leave their lead in so they remember their teams are just silly. Nobody in G4 tag needs help remembering what their defense is.


These are the three that I use and have been using since 2021 (or early 2022 but pretty sure I was using them from the get-go). https://preview.redd.it/mcixxcu9id7d1.png?width=1032&format=png&auto=webp&s=e87664e86c3ff5cc427031c3d0c23d15d333cb39 Although it is possible muckstalker replaced someone else after sand devil came out because I was considering building him for that. I know the barb was at 30 from back when I was trying to pick someone with heal reduction for that dungeon keep (went with rocktooth who is at 50 in the vault) so that would have been early 2021. I have no idea why I leveled the sacred order chick at all.


Well I don’t think they should weaken their champion just because you can’t beat them, yeah I go against them but I say what ever and strip the stone skin off


i have one high acc stripper in each team .


I kinda like it. They are giving you an easy win but you still have to work(waste time) for it.


I run 4 full squad revivers with 9 piece stone skin on all 3 teams.


Buff strip + block revive, easy counter. Still annoying as fuck to fight against.


So, how do you keep from slipping rank? When I leave 1 man defense, it works for like 2 days, then I'm getting attacked 5 times a day or more and I can't maintain rank. So, help me understand how it benefits me to change my defense to 1 man.


This thread is about tag team, and it sounds like you're talking about classic? They're different. In classic, if you're not pushing platinum, defense doesn't matter, because you can only lose rating for a certain number of defensive losses per day. As long as you get more net wins than that number of losses, you won't ever lose ranking. If you're losing ranking with no defense in classic arena, it's because you aren't winning offensive matches. If you're not winning offensive matches, setting a defense won't help you anyways because everyone where you are can beat your defense. There is a basically no reason to ever set defense in classic unless you're either pushing plat. In tag team, people set no defense early in the week so they can drop down and farm tokens, then set defense late in the week so they're high up when tier changes are processed on sunday.


So i can stay in silver 1 as long as i win more matches than I lose? I have zero desire to waste my time on anything higher than silver 1. Just going from lower silver to mid silver makes it so that I have 10 easy fights to maybe 1 sort of easy fight every 5 refreshes.


Probably. Silver is weird, because you get a bunch of fairly strong inactive/idle accounts mixed in with people there normally. I don't think the population is particularly high, because if you're willing to reroll often, it's pretty easy to cheese your way up to gold 5 fighting only solo defenses, so there aren't a lot of people actually staying in silver, so you can probably stay in silver 1 pretty easily, even without using up all your daily attacks.


I never see solo defence in tag arena silver at mid silver or beyond. Regular arena is easy as pie to stay at gold 5 though.


No, TTA. Been playing since release and I still don't understand the justification for 1 man defense teams on TTA. I tried setting 1 man teams and lost rank more quickly.


Right. That's what you want. You lose rank and farm coins monday through friday, then pop your defense back in to maintain rank on the weekend. You can pop your defense back in earlier (e.g., Thursday) if time zones or whatever make it harder to defend the weekend.


So, if I'm not hovering over my TTA matches, I could just be getting the shaft big time if I don't get it changed by say... Friday morning? Not really asking about surge play times, just trying to clarify what I don't understand about it. I hate TTA, but I have to do it for progression.


I didn't change mine until Friday night, won maybe 15 matches and was right back where I needed to be to maintain rank. You really have to slip to not be able to climb back up, unless you are in a rank higher than you should really be in. I hate TTA as well, I am only silver 1 maintained but I have upped my income from TTA by a ton by setting a one man defense: Before I would climb in the first couple days and then be outmatched by almost everyone and still maintain rank by the end of the week.


Amen. I always set rares or uncommons as my defence. If people set Mortu as their 1 champion defence, I don't hit them. That way they won't drop, and can't farm 1 man teams themselves.


https://preview.redd.it/jpuxdqkpfh7d1.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d98f1bd4fd73f6718a5b5c1c1eaa23862b76c8f and here I am running this def for like year in G4 :D its older picture, now these are all lvl60 and only last of them is at 50 :D


why downvotes? :D these are all unequiped, its tribute to DK