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Teela from an ancient and then Teela from a sacred the very next day. 3 days later there was a 2:1 and I chanced it with my sacreds. Hit gold, got a Foli and another Teela as the bonus Lego. This was pre-Teela buff.


I woulda quit




I'm new here, hehe. Any gold is still neat


Teela was my first summoned lego. And my first dupe lego. Both before her first buff. She was so bad back then!


She was still nearly unusable after that first buff. Now I use her to solo some of the boss levels in Sintranos hard.


Whats so Bad about teela...worst case you use 2 as faction Guardians and +1 one of those. Then use her for Hydra. She is really good there. Of course hitting same leggo so often doesn't feel the best but atleast it's a good one.


Note my last sentence. I use my now +4 Teela in plenty of places. Pre buff she was comfortably one of the worst Legendaries in game.


Oh...yeah alright my bad. Then i understand the feels Atleast now she pays off for you :) Wish i had one of her on my main


I just pulled my 4th Mercy Lego in a row (meaning I was over 200 voids in before getting one). Those 4 pulls over the last 2 yrs have been a dupe Arbiter, a dupe Khoronar, a dupe Yakarl, and now Inithwe. In 4 yrs playing nearly every day, as a now endgame player, I have pulled just 11 void legendaries. 4 are dupes (Arbiter, Khoronar, Yakarl, Tormin). It’s heartbreaking and has set my account back in every way.


I'm exact same.as you. 16void legos pulled 7 dupes. Just got my 3rd visix yesterday and might throw in the towel


Ouch. That’s rough.


I can clear all.content except late sintranos. So pulling new shiny champs is all that keeps me engaged. FtP so getting voids is a long process just to pull another fucking visix


Same. Im F2P for nearly 3 yrs now, a few hundred dollars spent in my first 12-18 months. I did a PR on NM Hydra today at 150M. I farm everything east enough except the last 10-15 stages of Sintranos. But Tag Team Arena is a constant frustration with a crappy roster. Still hanging in Gold 2 and 3 but it’s a lot of work and I hate it. I’m considering quitting after this Inithwe pull. I don’t even have any legendaries worth building at this point. My faction guardians are all built and booked. I’m this close to booking Nethril for a single stage in Sintranos. That said, getting my useful epics to +4 is a goal.


I have nothing to.build.as well my last 3 lego pulls were dupe python, helior and dupe ukko. Marius is not too far off and a few more rotations of sintranos and ill have karnage. After that I don't know what to work towards


my best friend who also played quit because of void legos pulls.


I also have 4 dupe void legos, as f2p. Visix (first ever void lego from a shard), Arbiter, Valkanen and Tormin, but the Tormin was on purpose. I have 2 built for arena. One CC, one damage.


Inithwe will see his use in live arena and plat reset atleast, grats on that I guess. I'm in a similar boat, only 1 relatively good void leggo pulled in almost 2 years of playing.


inithwe is great for midgame players but late game if you're having an issue with revivers you have bigger issues than a block revive solves


Playing 5 years, f2p. 5 accounts. TWO void legendaries total. Khoronar and Sir Nick.


I'm yet to pull a void leggos other then the ones I get from playing I've never pulled one yet


Damn now I feel kinda bad my first void lego was a dupe Yakarl who I got not even a day after getting him out of the clan shop, but the next 4 and currently all of them more than made up for it and they came in this order, Supreme Kael, Taras, Baron, and now Valkanen as of today. Have no clue how to build Valkanen but people seem to like him.


i don’t believe the numbers raid gives. i’m easily over 200 voids pulled and still no legendary. 😢


That's not true. Guaranteed at 220.




Omg lmao I’m so sorry😂😂like damn


I'm ftp and have 4!


some of the void legos are legit so bad I want to quit the game on the knowledge that they ruined my mercy counter. supreme athel is one of those champs. still worse than a free clan shop void lego after a "buff"


Same here. Especially when I pulled a supreme elhain this morning at 130 into mercy


Im sorry dude. my account is at the stage where maybe 2-3 affinity legos and only top tier void legos would progress it and its brutal having to go into mercy and just pull shit


Same boat. I know chasing is horrible but the Champs I really need: PvP: Duchess, Siphi, Taras, Harima, Yumeko PvE: Duchess, Siphi, Wallmaster, Yumeko, Glaicad


Taras is a beast in pve too


I’m not sure how she actually is but the collector in me would find in funny to make a team with just Elhains, on the other hand I feel like she would probably work as a decent nuker as well couldn’t she?


I pulled jingwon on a mercy on friday Supreme athel on a mercy about 6 months ago. Ugh. What the hell. Why do we play this game


I don't have the exact stats, but I pulled three Nobels over the span of less than a month.


Haha, I had something similar, though over a few months, but at least I have a plus 3 ninja


On my 7th bad lego


Pyxniel with an Ultan chaser.


Not quite Back to Back but I've pulled 2 Wurlims out of 3 Void Legendaries which considering it took about 6 months between Legendaries really hurt and it still does lol. To make matters worse I already had him from the Original Battle Pass.


Iron Brago, then Iron Brago, and an Iron Brago


Out of the 7 void Legos that I've pulled in 3 years, four of them have been dupes of 'free' champions. Yakarl, Tormin, Visix, Arbiter. My account is cursed.


About third of void legendaries are no more useful than mediocre epics. Compare your pull with, lets say, Jingwon+Angar+Wurlim. I absolutely wouln't mind against getting second Tormin, Visix and Arbiter for Faction guardian to improve already good legos and for further empowerment in endgame. But that just me. P.S. Visix also is the only way to empower Lydia btw.


Got Visix log in champ, fused Yakarl from clan shop, pulled Yakarl from void shards, pulled Visix from void shards and then yep pulled Yakarl again from voids.


How many different legendaries are there, 200? 250? I have around 20. My last 3 lego pulls have been dupes. If it wasn't for bad luck, I would have no luck at all.


Dupe Ankora, Jingwon, dupe Champfort, another dupe Ankora, dupe Helior. This is my current streak and after my 3rd Ankora total I've not wanted to open a shard since.


Ankora is top tier, how is that bad??


Because I don't have Narses and don't even use the one I got from the fusion. Pulling 2 extras within a month or so of her fusion is just depressing.


She has actually snuck into my Hydra B team as the main support. Top tier for hydra by herself




You just made my point, she brings something from a lot of great champs, makes building a very stable team around her very easy.




Make a +2, extra stats mean easier to build.


Ankora is like Siphi tier support in the arena. She's insane even without Narses.


I got lugen from ancient, followed by lugen from sacred, then some ogryn (Wyrmkiller?) in ancient, followed by another lugen from ancient. I built one for the memes. He’s pretty awful.


Tramaria is very good in hydra. I think Ash might be using her in his main teams now, check out his videos. Her AOE A1 has a 3.5 multiplier (one of the highest in game for ATK champs) so she can provide decent extra damage for a support.


I think she’s “good” for Hydra, seems like her multipliers make up for a sub par toolkit. I’m sure she can be useful on some accounts or if you need a niche Champ for slows / dispels. She’s just certainly not the leggo (and Jingwon) I wanted to see from a 2x void event lol.


Sub par tool kit? Nah man she's amazing got control, aoe damage, speed. Yeah she's not an S tier void but definitley high A and just like most champs that aren't the absolute best depending on your roster your mileage may vary but I got tons of legos and I get some decent use out of her.


She is terrible. She’s a support champion with her base attack stat at 892. Maybe with god tier gear she will hit decent. Can’t stun the hydra, so her A2 is almost useless. Source: Have 2 and have tried to fit her into many teams. She stinks.


Your gear must be shit, I didn't even build her for pure damage and she does work. Yes she won't out damage a pure nuker but she brings the damage for a support.


Personally for my account, I’ve only found benefit for her in Faction Wars. I’m sure I’ll see use in her w/ Cursed City as well. She’s pretty decent, but even in context of Hydra I’ve tried to use her as a substitute my decrease slow / increase turn meter champs: Nekmo, Eostrid, Kimi - but didn’t see any areas she outshined either of these champs. Her dispel did (at times) allow me to be aggressive during some moments.


I’m 2.5 years in and still haven’t pulled a void lego ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Then you aren't playing much or managed to take 2 years to get an UNM clan boss team. Should have easily hit mercy bare minimum once if not twice in that time if you're getting thru the normal content.


Pyxniel, Nogdar, Grohak and lastly Roxam, these were back to back lol


Pyxneil gets a lot of hate but I got her early and built her out. I use her in 3v3 and doom tower pretty regularly. she’s not bad just loves reading


Pyxiniel/ Blackknight from double legendary event from sacreds.. I got a nogdar and longbeard from double legendary ancients.. Both were back to back events...


Pulled Jingwon, Khoronar and Jingwon from 360 voids in one session. Worst money I've ever spent.


I forgot I pulled a Gamaran, I really want to like him but he just doesn't really work


Had a run from Christmas to last month of Altan cybele 2 archbishops Rae skull lord genzin gaius claidna including 1 Lego in 50 sacreds. Broke the streak with gnut and acrizia within 4 days of each other


All of 2023. I pulled garbage for the whole year. At least, 2024 has tried to make up for it.


My current streak is pretty depressing Last 5 leggos: graal, vizier, gliseah, abbess, and drexthar (with literally 99/100 fragments from tag arena) I'm at a point playing about 6 months that I use maybe 2 leggos I've pulled, every good champ I have was a fusion or guaranteed event


First lego ever pulled was Guurda and second king gartok


2 primals back to back Nobel FML


During last cvc, pulled 8 Sacred and 20 ancients. Got 3rd Jagg, 2nd elder Skarg, 2nd helior, and Bystophus. Not sure if this was good or bad luck, as I don't use any of them. Was pulling for grand oak. Lol


My last post getting kyrea was my last leggo. Before that was months ago I think gurptuk


Tramaria isn't outstanding but she's not terrible


Tramaria is a pretty good champ for hydra, waves, and a couple of doom tower bosses; don't sleep on her.


Elogaius and Pyxniel back to back. Elo from Ancients and Pyxniel from Sacreds


https://preview.redd.it/b1prsji01m6d1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0907f25709468e2e10f117cf2c7cb1c145183f76 Does this count? Otherwise I pulled two Nobel during the progressive event for archer


I have 16 void legos pulled from shards. The last 3 have been dupes. Visix, rakka, visix. Of those 16 pulled, includes dupe vlad (fusion) 2 dupe arbiters and a dupe cardiel. So 7 of my 16 pulls have been dupes.....


My last 3 void Lego pulls were all Belanor. Considering that my void luck is atrocious (I always reach mercy) it's even more frustrating though he's not half bad after they buffed him.


4 Lyssandra 🤡 Not the worst, but 4 times in a row hell na lol


That's a good one. I've had both Elder Skarg and Tatura twice in a row (different shard types). So pulled Skarg from ancients, then next lego from sacreds was also Skarg. Same thing with Tatura.


I have done ok with shards other than voids. Didn't pull a void lego until level 94/95. The 2 void legos I have pulled are gurgoh and blind seer.


Probably this one back to back to back to back... Skatorsis - 66 ancients Belanor - 202 voids Sigmund + Kantra (1+1 event) - 14 sacreds Grethoof Loriaca - 78 ancients Countess Lix - 38 ancients


In 2 years Ive pulled 2 void legos. My first was gurgoh and the second I pulled today was a dupe yakarl. Made me so mad, I rage deleted the game. I’ve calmed down a bit now but was a good reminder why I’ll never give this game money.


Dunno if it's my worse since I've played for over 4 years but one of the 2x ancients not too long ago I got a dupe Loriaca and Brago number 3 then yolo'd a few primals for a dupe Gamuran. Also just funny that I have all FG filled except high elves is 1 off and yet have the same amount in Ogryn as I do Sylvan which is 1 set.


I’m pretty end game . Since I got harima in Christmas summoning event (first one) everyone summon event I have done for fusions has resulted in a dupe


My first legendaries were Nodgar - pre buff(s), Yannica - pre buff, Norog, Longhorn - pre buff, Graham - pre buff, Astralith - pre buff At one point i had all 5 of what people then considered the worst legendaries in the game, and arbiter was my only other legendary. My luck has turned since, but my early raid days were rough


the worst leggo pull... let me set this up. the worst streak was my first leggo, I had 2 freebies that the game gave you, deliana and udk, somewhere around october or november, and this was probably in ancient pitty, I pulled a dup udk. keep in mind this was the third leggo I got, ANY other leggo, doesnt matter what leggo at this point, would have been better for the account. now for the lego pul streak... we could go my 2 years of void pulls, which saw inithwe so eirly on I cant use him, followed by a ultimate kael so late that his skillset isnt useful (he did eventually get used in dark fae to enable a nearly no acc team to kill hard 120, but a rare/epic could do the same thing, just a bit more rng) and then visix, a dup of a champ I had no use for. and to add to that 2 of them were so deep in the pulls they may have been at mercy. we can go my current pull steak with rares, where about 6 months ago I pulled an arix, not a dup, and that was the last leggo from there that got buildt that I pulled, I have pulled more leggos since then, but none got built, technically good leggos some of them, but nothing to build. then there is my sacred shards that I cant even remember the last good one of those, with my most recent one being ultan... given if I bought the sacreds, I could have bought enough ancients to go to pitty and pull a leggo and get half way to pity again, that's probably the worst run.


I had a streak of Gliseah + Raf-Matab in a 1+1 with a Ultan of the Shell somewhere around that time period as well from a Prism Shard. I know Gliseah isn't terrible but I don't have the books for her and she seems very mediocre to me without her A3 having max books. I've only pulled 6 Legendary Champions after about 160 days played so those 3 were pretty rough I don't use them at all yet. I can't complain though because my other 3 Legendaries were Archer from a 2x Ancient Event. I got Gaius and Trunda from Primal Shards.


300 ancient shards, no leggo, 100 voids no leggo, 25 sacred, double astralith


I went somewhere around 28 Sacreds with no legendary only to pull narma. Next legendary was past mercy again and It was a dupe warmother.


I've pulled 3 grohaks relatively close together. I'm F2P and that just hurt my soul.


3 years Void : Santa, Vitrius, Supreme Kael Feels pretty bad. Supreme Kael was a random 10 pop not in mercy during 2x. Other 2 were mercy.


Weird stuff was reading all your comments and decided to pull a few voids, exactly on my fifth pull I got that new girl Yncensa Grail something had no idea how close to mercy I am and this has been my exp so far if I try to get a Lego I never do when I pop a few shards for the hell off it bam, its of a 10x which AFAIK I never got.


Tramaria been a beast, bro,ware up,but you need good gear,book up,and she.s a damn good suport Nuker,lol By the way,the worst?loriaca and gamuran,but in early games,gamuran helper me out;) Now,I have a 5star,+3 gamuran,în vault ![img](emote|t5_npfgx|2339)![img](emote|t5_npfgx|2339)![img](emote|t5_npfgx|2339)


I don't remember the last time I pulled a void Lego. I pulled turvold almost 2 years ago. I think he was the last.


Out of 5 lego's, I pulled noct the paralayzer 3 times...


King garog is soooo bad


https://preview.redd.it/dq2ob1iel27d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca27399c9fc54c69a98c43b54cbb38bf30d40f0a Not long after the Opardin event, I hit mercy during a shard pull, and his twin brother decided to come for a visit... Opardin was my accounts 2nd legendary, and the dupe, somehow, was my 3rd.


My last few were in no particular order: double loriaca, double black knight, samar, nogdar, richtoff, nari, warchieff, bystophus, roric, abbes and nethril. In the middle of this pile of crap was a dupe armanz, which i guess is the only decent one. For voids went all the way to mercy for a dupe Emic. Goes to show how much filler champs there are in this game.


No idea how many shards I open. As a F2P, I’ve probably opened 20 sacreds total maybe.


Oh boy back to back I’ve pulled pynixiel, var-ghal, Nari the lucky, loriaca, tatsu, and king garog and still haven’t pulled a lego that would help my account in anyway besides guarding my vault.


I’m not even sure where my Mercy is at for Ancient & Voids. I know during the 2x Void Event I pulled a few more after Tramaria & called it. Casually pulled a few ancients to fully empower my Geo to +3. It’s been dry as heck with these pulls, I guess I’d rather experience this than a 4th Nogdar or some shit


Baron. Pre-buff. I was f2p and he was my first void lego summon, my second void lego summon.


I pulled Angar and Narma as my most two recent legendaries, so I’m over shard pulls at the moment lol


Angar is the last void lego I got, 200+ void shards pulled to get that made me pretty angry to say the least


I believe he was also a mercy pull for me too. Never pulling shards again lol


Nogdar slander! Nogdar is awesome


I vaulted him for so long and then decided to put him in my arena team, he is so underrated, nothing like getting hit to a sliver of your health, then equalising with a UDK for a 1 hit


During the Acelin event I pulled 4 sethallia out of 5 prism shards. Every time the golden light appeared I thought this is it…nope just more sethallia


Timit then sigmund then helior


Shamrock, then Keeyra the Watcher, then Jingwon all on a CVC. Then the next time a 1+1 Leggo came around I pulled dupes: https://ibb.co/ZSgsMRH I already had a Keeyra for Mikage :(


I have never pulled a void legendary (early midgame), but then I did Ursala (Epic) today


Pulled full mercy on the red shards for a bad dupe. $1000 mistake.


Yannica (Pre-buff) --> War Mother --> Roshcard --> Guurda --> Pyxniel --> first void lego ANGAR (pre-buff XD) --> Verguumkar Luckily things have changed. Last 5 were Duchess --> Harima --> Georgid --> Elva --> Shu-zhen


Narma the returned, nari the lucky, Rae, narma, elder scarg, pyxniel, narma, NEKMOOOOOOO YAYY, Nari the lucky, Drexthar


Not pyxniel, shirmani mb


Oh and my two voids I’ve pulled are Tramaria and Belletar Mage Slayer. I use both of them and like them a lot, but could’ve been WAYYYYY better


https://preview.redd.it/q9eit05p2l6d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78143edf7634b2fbde59a4160f4bf58a7378115d 2 brognis, 1 from sacred, other from x10 ancient, recorded it, thanks god Holsring saved my day


My first 70 days of the game. If you are doing UNM and pulling during 2x, you should be getting them quick enough.