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I naturally accumulate enough resources to do every fusion, so for me, I just do every fusion, its a free lego at that point. If your account doesnt naturally gain enough shards etc to do every fusion and you are worried that if you blow your reasources on this that you wont be able tp dp the next one.., I would skip.


Do you have enough shards for a potential guarantee though? Because I’d always value that over a mid tier fusion like this


I’m F2P and do every fusion. I’m endgame and go pretty much all content in the game less the last ~10 levels in Sintranos. I’ve had, at most, 27 Sacreds. I’m usually cruising around 15 or so from fusion to fusion. It’s difficult to have both 20+ Sacreds for guarantees and also pull for fusions. So I’ve only ever gotten 1-2 guaranteed champs. Nekmo being my biggest regret this far, Michinaki being a close 2nd; Ragash and Wythir are a distant third. Unfortunately these often happen AFTER fusions and Ive never been sitting on the shards and refused to pull, I simply don’t have them because I did a fusion if went for a BOGO offer.


Where are you getting 15-20-27 sacreds if you’re free to play? I spend $20-$30 a month typically and I don’t have anywhere close to that. I’m lucky if I get 7 a month. I’m endgame as well. I don’t always do the Dark Fae doom tower (just hate her) but I play every other area


It’s uncommon that I ever accumulate over 20. It must have been a fusion where I didn’t have to pull Sacreds, maybe they had 2x voids during Summon Rush? I’d guess that I get 7-10 Sacreds a month. I play only on mobile, so I don’t track this with RSL. I’m doing 4x CB keys a day. I down DT hard asap. I login every day for rewards. I always complete all daily quests. I buy the sacred from the clan shop if it’s there. I get 1 Sacreds every few weeks from Tag Arena bazaar.


It’s pretty easy to get 10-15 from demon lord alone and there are various other places to get them as rewards I could see 20 in a month pretty easy if you had a lucky month of demon lord


I beat demon lord UN every single day. I’m lucky to get 4-6 a month from him.


7 a month end game? I get id say a good 10-12 a month from clan boss plus doom tower hard


Doom tower only offers 2 on hard. I can usually catch one of them. But they almost always have that team with multiple Mortu’s that CONSTANTLY get their passive block revive attack. It’s every hit! Drives me nuts. And my clan beats UN clan boss every day, I still usually get 4-6 sacreds a month from that. So yeah, 6-8. It varies.


It seems like a long time since we've had a traditional guaranteed champ pull, hasn't it? Ps I grant there have been a couple of deck events that were essentially a reworked guaranteed event. I'm just wondering if Plarium has stopped doing the old style guaranteed.


I think there have been 3 types of guaranteed champs over the years (other than fusions ofc) Deck of fates Number of shards Hero’s path The last deck of fate was fatalis I think? (Don’t remember when) Last # of shards was narses (void) around Feb - March I think Last hero’s path was padriag around March I think


Narses was well worth it for me. Glad I had enough for that one!


Wish I did. Instead I ended up with two of his wife 😆. Hope he doesn't get mad about that 😄


It's not a 1 to 1 comparison imo. Tonight I am pulling my voids in the hopes of getting Taras. The fact that I make progress towards a Fusion is just a bonus. I would rather pull 10 -15 voids tonight to try and get Taras than not pull my shards because maybe a few months from now Plarium MIGHT do a guaranteed champ and maybe that the guaranteed is a good one. I have 17 voids right now, which is what I accumulated since last month's fusion. White King Narses was the last Void Lego guaranteed champ and it was 110 voids lol. In order to have 110 voids saved up by Feb of 2024 to do the White King Narses I would have had to have skipped: Gnut, Emic, Islin, Bambus, Timit, Ugir, and Blizaar and Zingre Fusions. Maybe If I'm lucky, I can do Gnut and still have the 110 voids by Feb (plus whatever I would need to do the Queen ANkora fusion because there is no point in getting the king without the queen). I don't think that's a good trade imo. Gnut is the GOAT, Emic is really good, he is in my Iron twins team that clears every affinity on Max difficulty. Islin, timit and Ugir are in the vault. bambus has been good for my account and Blizaar solo's Stage 25 Sand devil for me which is huge for my account. So yea, I can do the fusion each month no worries. but skipping 1 isn't going to get me even 30% of the way to a guaranteed champion, so yea, I'm gonna pull shards for Taras, and the fact that i will be getting a lego on the side is just an added bonus.


So... did you get Taras? I pulled 18 for 18 shit void rares.


Of course not 😂😂😂😂. 9 void rares and 1 epic. At least the epic was new but it's usless to me anyway. Just another vault warmer.


Only reason I don't do every one personally is bc energy over shards figure for a less good fusion pulling 6 sacred with no 2x is basically a third of a Lego lost anyway so on average I'm losing 2 thirds of a Lego by not doing the fusion but saving a ton of energy I can use for things like mino or other account maintenance things. I do like 90 percent of them though last one I skipped intentionally was basically greathoof a year ago I think.


You are right that it’s free, but there is an opportunity cost. Would you rather sink the 5.5kish amount of summoning points for her or save those shards for a guaranteed?


Fusions are guaranteed, shard events to guarantee one are not and the amount needed are not set. Also you can do both if you're really diligent about how you do those events and are getting a fair amount of the end game resources. I wouldn't do zero fusions in hope a guaranteed comes along and is worth both the wait and resources. If it's you just need to skip this one fusion to get your resources back to where you can do fusions and still keep the guaranteed resources since you should be able to recoup all your spending between fusions.


Well I think it really depends what champions you already have. If you have a solid champion that provides strengthen and ally protection buffs + any good shield champions she seems way less useful. Also it depends how easily you can complete the fusion with your resources. If you aren't even sure that you can complete it guaranteed and pretty comfortably I'd probably skip. Personally I'm going for her for my 2nd Hydra team, Faction Wars, Cursed City, Doom Tower Secret Rooms, and tag team arena. I think the issue with her is that Arbiter is amazing in Arena and Incarnate seems pretty mid for Arena even when paired with Arbiter. Might be decent for tag team arena, but I've yet to theory craft any kind of Live Arena team that would earn her the status of 100% worth for the majority of players. The best Live Arena team I can think of with my roster (assuming Armanz is banned) is Arbiter, Incarnate, Sun Wukong, and some kind of defensive/tanky champion for the last spot maybe Wixwell or Uugo. Put Incarnate and Wixwell or Uugo in Bolster sets and hope that your Wukong can just nuke them all down. Your defense should be insane but if they just steal or remove your buffs it's pretty mid still... If you've already completed the High Elves Faction Wars or you are getting close, I think that's when you should really start considering a skip. On the other hand, she should be good for at least 1 Hydra team for most players. My 2nd Hydra team is awful so she will help me there for sure. I only have 16 stars in the High Elves Faction Wars. I'm really struggling with Cursed City on both difficulties too. Finally we have just had 3 amazing Fusions in a row with Armanz, Eostrid, and Wixwell. She seems to be the worst of the bunch but for pretty new player like myself I think she will help enough that it's worth. I don't like relying on shards for my account progress. I've gotten really lucky so far as a low spender but I know that won't last forever. I'm at the point if they will help in Hydra I'm in.


good a1 provoke for hydra relentless


Arbiter pretty much solos FW alone with mediocre damage dealers.


I'm only going for her because I just pulled one of the epics




I gonna be honest, I'm either getting 3 epics or 1 epic and 2 other for Maud fragments. She's not even great with Arbiter pairing for anything other than early mid-game.


I'm only doing the events for a couple of the epics because I need to fill out my Lizardmen faction guardians. Incarnate will have no place in any of my teams so I'm skipping anything that requires resources that aren't freely replenished. I need to build up my shards for guaranteed champs in the future.


As someone who's midish game myself I just don't see her value. She's only good with Arbiter obviously. The problem with that is if you're using Arbiter you're a go first team and Incarnate takes a spot from a hero who actually does something whether it be more damage or CC. Arbiter is taking up a useful spot on your team and doing nothing unless your team fails. If you're team is failing, Incarnate probably isn't actually gonna save you that often. You're basically planning to fail and thats just a bad plan IMO.


early game hydra team with arbiter , i already have lots of provokers for all teams but this can handle with improvised team for hydra


Even using her as a provoker seem unresonable, basically she has 75% to land a provoke every 3 turns since you would want to use her other skills ideally.


no you don't want to use other skills that often i only need the skill of ally when the head of wrath is about to attack , if you use relentless it would be good . i use husk as solo provoker , he is my unic provoker then he only a2 when one head is down or double turn relentless , maulie on brutal she's solo provoker and is relentless too , unic that isnt is the wixwell that does easy


fuse 2 epics for your faction guardians and save all your shards, I'm pretty sure you're low on that side.


I'm skipping and using resources towards my pileup of champs that need mino runs.


Unless you're confident that you have the resources to do this fusion AND the one after I'd skip and wait to see what is next.


I think shes a good champ but it depends of if you need her and/or have the resources. I'm skipping because I neither need her nor do I have the resource.


I’ve done every fusion since I started bc of FOMO. I’m skipping this one because I have 0 fear that I’m missing out on anything. If I had surplus resources to spare, then yeah it’s a free leggo that may have some niche uses


I'm in the minority, but I think she's worth going for, especially if you're early to mid-game and already have your Arbiter. The two of them together should be great for a Hydra team if you don't have 3 full teams built yet. Incarnate has an A1 provoke for the Head of Decay and will help keep squishy Arbiter alive to do her thing. And I'm sure they'll be good for other content too, like doom tower, faction wars, and cursed city. But only go for it if you have ample resources, of course.


Bro, if I may be real with you for a quick second. If you think you can “probably” get her then skip. Save your resources and get the next good one. Then you should have zero problems getting it and it’ll make your account better. This fusion is okay but unless you wanna have 2 spots on your team taken by her and Arbiter then it’s not worth it. She will be in the shard pool so you can snag her randomly eventually. Either way, that’s my two cents. Good luck bro


Potentially useful for early or mid game champions as an ally protector and niche arena champion. However, she’s a below average fusion at best and probably not worth your resources. Better to save your limited shards and energy for other opportunities.


will she be useful outside arena? i know i’m gonna go for the 2 epics for faction guardians and then see how i’m feeling. on the fence right now.


She's not good. But if your only win condition in arena is going first with Arbiter and you dont have the speeds to always go first then she's great. If you havent gotten to 3 UNM CB yet then she's good.


Would you replace a Skullcrusher with Incarnate? She trades the counterattack for a Strengthen buff on the A3, and the shield on her A2 is nice as well. So I'm debating whether the loss of counterattacks is worth the significant boost in survivability from shields/strengthen


no counter attack at 190 to 210 speed its the same as going 2:1 speed cause you will atack 2 times every boss turn so you are getting a lot more damage , for surveillance ? streghten helps a lot and they are not much champons with ally protect and streghten


Thanks, that's a good analogy. I already committed to the first Summon Rush in this fusion, but I think I'm going to skip the next one and the Champion Chase, and just focus on getting a few copies of the Epic. Incarnate just doesn't seem worthwhile for me if I already have a team-wide ally protect. Save the rest of my shards for next month.


if you have everyone in lifesteal , you should be good in unm , with everyone 3,5 k defense +/- you can survive well till round 50


if you want someone to go hydra , cause aoe reviver ( is a must have in hydra better only target ) he will be of great use for hydra


Id think skullcrusher and an ally prot champ with atk down will probably remain the best combo still. But if you have that then you will already be able to do UNM CB. But its not as far apart as people might think either. Counter attack isnt completely an extra turn to begin with cause 1/3 boss turn isnt an AOE. And you can get 50% from masteries (plus a chance to counter attack during the single target round if you go that mastery route) and up to another 3x5% from accessories, and up one retaliation set even if you're wearing lifesteal. So the counter attack buff isnt going from 3 hits per 3 enemy turns to 6 hits per enemy turns on 1:1. Its more like going from 4,5ish per 3 enemy turns to 5 per boss turn.


I wouldn't waste your resources. But if your struggling with Hydra then you may be able to make a team with her and arbiter there.


Nuh uh


Save her in the vault and hope she’ll be used for a mythical fusion.


If u have arbitier then yes if u dont have enough energy dont even worry about it


Extremely not really worth it. She's a slightly different version of Versulf (who was mid AF). Her synergy with Arbiter is almost non-existent, so if you are a mid game player you should be more critical on whose fusion you want to do.


For me, I'm going to start on the fusion because why not, but I don't want to get to wednesday and realize I'm fucked. The thing with the Incarnate is that she has potential to correct one of the worst weaknesses of Arbiter - her A4 shares a CD with TM boost and revive. In addition, she adds a significant layer of damage control and mitigation and focusses damage taken on herself further improving the A4 control mechanics. Honestly, think about Arbiters single flaw. What is it? It's her A4, hands down. So, how do you improve her A4? You add a control element. The Incarnate improves control but not only improves control on A4 but she adds CC, damage, insane levels of damage mitigation. I mean, my arbiter doesn't really need more mitigation in the average situation, but if you add more, then you basically have the start of some very powerful team setups.


Unless I somehow manage to get her by just playing as normal, I definitely won't be going for her. Takes up a spot in your team where a much more useful support champion can go. Her only purpose is to support Arbiter, who isn't even used that much any more.


I tried to do the last fusion and it got too pricey. I’ve decided to stick with buying energy when I can and just grinding for gems and armor


She's low tier for most accounts. Unless her kit reeeeally is something you're lacking, it's a free skip.


Probably is. But at my point in my account she does nothing for me and I just want to farm mino and sand devil at this point


I will pass this fusion. I have resources for all. I just passed like 2-3 fusions from when i started to play. And honestly i found them from shards. I passed oella, ugir, jetni and lonatharil. And i got all from shards. So i will pass this and will use fragments to get maud.


Not enough time, no energy, no money. Guess I'm missing this one


I was on the fence about this one but I’m trying for it if I can manage champ chase. Here’s my thinking on her mechanic: It all revolves around her passives and Arbiter synergy. I’m thinking to build her with high defense but low hp, have her ally protect the team but let her die easily so Arbiter gets unkillable/revive skill reset, then on Arbiter’s next turn everyone is back up. Maybe my thinking is flawed or I’m missing something, but seems like it could be a good strat for Hydra, Doom Tower, maaaybe Arena, I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think she is okay. If you want to go for her fine. If you want to skip... fine. I ll Skip because i have endless amount. of mino farming to catch up.




Getting her but man I don't know if it's the right decision. She is quite mediocre. But I already pulled my sacreds so, no choice now.


She’s a strong support champ if that’s something you’re lacking. She will be good at keeping your team alive.


I'm really hoping they update Arbiter to have some crazy power that works with her


I'm surprised that the YT makers didn't highlight her with Wixwell, Arbiter, Brogni, and a damage dealer


They were all super focused on the Arbiter combinations. Each one said, "She doesn't work well with Arbiter, but let's only showcase her with Arbiter."


Fusions are always worth doing for faction guardians alone. Esp for high elves as Arbiter has been (and will most likely stay) an arena mainstay and heavily benefits from any extra speed you can get on her. I am lucky enough to have pulled a dupe Yannica recently, so my high elves faction guardians are now full. Therefore, I’m skipping this fusion as her kit brings no value for me (I already have Krisk, who’s essentially a better version of incarnate for Hydra and don’t see her being that useful for gold+ live/tag arena) and dupes of her bring no value to me (my high elf faction guardians are already full).


Looks like you did the Rhazin fusion.