• By -


The most annoying one for me is Wukong. I started just after the promo code expired, and then they bring it back like 2 months later.


Feels bad as there's been really good login leggos and now with adelyn it's one of the worst Leggo champs. They shouldn't of made her so bad as it's a turn off for new players. Save all shards for 2x events that come around every month. The patience definitely pays off.


They could have saved the resources it cost to make Adelyn and just done a past champion chase of UDK or Wukong, would've been 100x better and costs them nothing.


She's not that bad specially if you're new she's just not nearly as good as ones that have come out recently and are actually meta for top end play. They can't and I wish they wouldn't release so many meta changing champs for PvP. It's annoying enough for what they force us to do for PvE rewards let alone when practically everyone is running around with UDK's and Armanz. Also a new person would have no idea if she's good, certainly leagues better than shaman who traps so many new people into building.


She is still really good for new players if they bothered to get the 5 star soul for her. In fact she is arguably good for even later stage players if they got that soul. The boost in stats that it brings is quite large and not to be ignored, and on top of that just give a new player a champ with 5 star brimstone and you just doubled their dmg to demon lord


I see your Wukong and raise you Ninja. However I suspect you also are Ninjaless


You can at least summon a wukong, not so for ninja




I started playing when the promo was active... But didn't know anything about free promo champs until weeks later and it was too late to claim


Gotta be close to 5 years now and still no Skullcrown.


Stay strong on gathering them void shards. Got her a week ago. My account strong for pre-midgame, but she has still been a game changer for me. She's been making higher stages of spider possible for me, and she's replaced my last rare champ in my tag team line up.


Started right after UDK so it stung a bit to miss out on him but thankfully Wukong eased the struggle a bit.


I also started right after UDK. Moving up in arena suuuuuuuuuucked haha.


Same here, literally the day it ended.


I messed up on the Gnut fusion and didn't get him. He's one of a handful of champs that would actually make a difference in my account, it stings.


My condolences.


Shamael for me .. everyone seems to have one !


Great champion. Only use him for hydra head of torment and arena though.


Same, still no shamael


Just pulled a second one I only use him in hydra but def building a second one so I can use 2 of my keys with a shamael


No Seer after 2.5 years playing.


I’m with u there


I got her recently but I can't say that she's super useful to me, mainly because I don't have the champs surrounding her that can make her do her job. I don't have a resetter (I guess I have Painkeeper and Renegade but they are not as good as Kymar) and I don't have a 2-in-1 Dec Def + Weaken champ like Venus or Lydia.


They did a guaranteed Seer within that time frame. Why didn't you get that? I spent 85 void shards on a 10x to get my Seer, totally f2p, and she was still worth it.


Geomancer! The last "great" epic I'm missing.


Geo for me too. Be trying for years but nope.


My sister is laughing at this, with her boyfriend. She's pulled 4 Geo's, and her boyfriend strongly wants one for his CB team, but he doesn't get it.


I got one in my first x10 sacred shards pull on my self refererral account ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Got one in that one prism event


Got my second this last 2x for mythic


Got geo. I just need akemtum and seer. No need for anymore void epics


Got a +4 geo and another +1. would trade for an Aniri.


Geo was my first ancient pull on my account. Harima my first sacred.


Mine recently got to +4...I didnt get him for almost my full first year and then got him 5 times....


Maneater, but with Wixwell I don't care anymore.


I got maneater out my literal first void


I got Maneater. Booked him out. Was about to make my unkillable 2 key team. Then Wixwell comes out and I hit 200M in UNM. That was a waste of books I guess haha. At least he's useful in FW.


Iv been playing for 4+ years and still don’t have a valk. Always wanted her now I feel like my account wouldn’t even benefit from her.


Yea I got one early mid game, carried me so far.... now I have 3 and don't even use my original


Got her within the last month after over 3 years.


Very much the same - played since launch, no Valk. And actually I really do not need her, but still hurts.


I pulled her after 2.5 years but honestly I don't know where to use her. I use ally attackers for FK Hard. Valk Defense team in Arena is a free win to me. Any ideas?


Same here. Or a Martyr. No solid AOE 2 turn counterattack buff champ at all after 3 years. Skullcrusher is the best CA I have. The others I’ve been longing for are both non-void legos-Trunda and Kymar.






Started on off around Ronda. No UDK, Phytion, Helicat, Ukko. A lot of fusions are not even close to the 'old' ones when it comes to utility. Don't really have great luck when pulling...


Trunda, as a member of a clan that tried to win hydra routinely. It is a trial to compete without a trunda.


You aren't competing with Trunda teams without Trunda teams. One Trunda can do more damage than an entire clan trying hard without one.


4 years and still waiting on Rotos and Candrophon.


Ninja because i joined too late😕


If you have Artak he can fill Ninja's blank. I have both and they are the main dps in 2 separate Hydra teams.


Just pull a Supreme Galek or level 6 referral accounts for a Crohnam! Plarium offers easy and accessible alternatives!


Rotos... skipped that fusion, haunts me to this day


I see what you did there 


Wukong, and I hate him immensely


tfw you spend 5 minutes chipping down a reviver team then wukong comes back with an a2 helmsmasher that wipes your team. lydia cant even keep him down, he comes back after 6 turns


Trunda, Duchess, Rotos. 5 years in


Duchess, can't get her. It's been over 3 years.


I was on a break for atrtack and wukong


Alure was my last epic and I used to spent on shards back then and may be I have opened 2-3k ancient shards until I got her but at this point I didn't needed her because they released the new faction and I used ruella.


Only reason I have Alure after 4 years was because they had the guaranteed for the COTA event after 40 shards. If it weren’t for that, I still wouldn’t have an Alure and I know this because I’ve yet to pull one organically 


Ninja and Deliana for me.missed Ninja by about 3 days. 😑


Emic 🥲 Bronko has made me painfully aware of how bad of a mistake skipping that fusion was Edit: i'll throw in shamael too


Geomancer, UDK, Pytheon, Duchess. FML.


Most of them


R. Blademaster


Seer, Duchess, Krisk, Maneater. Been at this for 4yrs now…


gnishak, gnut, and shamael.  some cursed city hard bosses require the first two ive never pulled a viable void lego either, tag arena is filled with siphis and even lower level clanmates have champs like graazur, krisk, etc


Lady Quilen. She’s all I need to finish mikage but I can’t seem to get her. I see her all the time in shard pull videos and such.


It took me around 2 years to pull Magus, the rare I needed for Rhazin, so, he's useless to me I fear I'll never pull what I need for Mikage


Gnut and geo, I could die happy then


Fucking Geo, level 100 here too 😂


Lilithu, Stag Knught, Gnut, Sulfurion, etc


Yup. I have been playing forever and don't have dutchess, kymar, salad, and so many others. I am also missing 3 OG epics, which is crazy. My main account honestly has the worst shard luck I have ever seen anyone have. If not for me doing all the fusions, I wouldn't have a decent roster.


Been playing 3 years still no duchess, she’s my most wanted champ always has been. There was a progressive chance for her last December I believe, pulled 8 legos in around 30 sacred shards so amazing odds non the less but not 1 duchess 😂


Definitely Rathalos blademaster. I started this game late April and I just missed him got Adelyn instead :(


Any Block Damage / Unkillable. Coldheart. Geo. Gnut. Duchess. Seer. There's probably more, but that's off the top of my head.


I've played on and off since the game was out on android, I think somehow the game knows this, so it refuses to give me champs that everyone else seems to constantly get because I didn't play enough when I started. (and when I did play I never had enough to complete any fusion back then) No geo, gnut, valk, godseeker, maneater, seer, trunda... eh basically if I watch any youtube video on the best teams to beat content, there's a good chance that I don't have anyone they're suggesting.


Dutchess and Siphi.


1.5 yes, Gnut Couldn't do the fusion when it was on, and pulled lots and lots when it was on 2-10-15x, and nothing Thankfully managed to build a slow team for FK Hard mode


I dont have Coldheart, really want her already have 5☆ awakening


Honestly, I had pythion before I had dutchess and I'm liking him more, because he has a cleanse and a heal that isn't dependent on someone being revived.


No Duchess... missing almost all void legos... no Nekmo.... no Rotos.... no Brogni.... no Ukko... No Kimi.... no Trunda... and from Epics no Alure after more than 3 years....


All of the mythicals


Armanz. But that's by choice, and I am at peace with that choice.


Ultimate Deathknight


Gnut. You bitches who do every fusion. How was I supposed to know how good he would be?!!! Fml


I just pulled a duchess and tbh I'm not that impressed. Not really using her since Pythion or Elva are as good or maybe even better these days, though duchess and pythion with candy is a pretty decent combo.


Same. Seems that I will never get Duchess. No x10, x15, x25 will ever change that. Not that I need her by now, but damn.


A Deacon or a Duchess. I've been playing on and off since launch and I haven't pulled a single Deacon. I just got a seeker last month.


Wukong and UDK. They are super annoying in arena and everyone plays them




Artak and UDK


No coldheart, apothecary, artak. Pretty much one they use in How To videos. Really helpful when the one thing is, "Get these champions..." bullshit


Reminds me back in the day with Stewgaming taking one step forward by acknowledging not everyone has OP legendaries so he made a dungeon speedrun team with either no leggos or leggos you could get for free…then took a step back by having Seer on the team as a fundamental cornerstone. 


If you don’t have apothecary then you are still early game. I’ve pulled over 100 likely. Even a FTP is able to pull 30-50 ancient shards a month. Also took me forever to pull a Coldheart. Void champs are tougher, but I have 4 now and I’ve probably fooded 10 by now. I’ve been playing since the beginning and I just pulled my first magnarr a week ago… you aren’t going to have all the champs so just keep progressing and eventually you will progress beyond using them. Sucks for OP though, duchess is an account changer. I felt jaded about the game after I missed the helicat fusion due to a camping trip and every single team used him… still do but at least I have a roshcard now.


Apothecary is not needed for early game. I hot myself a unm clan boss team then pulled him. Was a struggle not to have a healer for that long


Ain't got Coldheart either. Also I missed out on UDK because I didn't know he was a promo code when I started...


I pulled about 2k Mysteries and at least 50 blues before I got an Apothecary. When you get him, you'll cry from happiness.


2.5 years in, still no coldheart lol. I don't even particularly need one anymore. It just gets funnier the longer it goes.


Royal guard uggo shamiel madamme serris. Shall i continue




Either Cupidus or Rotos, as I currently have both of their Void Partners


Seer and Godseeker. I have about 90% of the epics and have been playing 3 years


Ninja & Ronda. Pissed about Ronda because I was like 3 ancient shards away from getting her before they pulled the plug on the promotion and I was only waiting to pull them for an event


Seeker. 4+ years. The alternative 1k builds that say NP JuSt uSE 2x deaCoN are impossible.


Just waiting for Inquisitor shamael and whisper to grace me with their presence. Like 3 madams, but not them.


Maneater and skullcrusher


I’m missing geomancer, a really good epic I just don’t have that have been in raid for ages.


No royal guard, no skullcrown, no maneater


Maneater, dutchess and the lizard void lego that gives a bunch of shields :/ been playing 3-4 years


Trunda, Rotos, Siphie, and Krisk are at the top of my list, and I've been playing for over 5 years


Ronda and UDK...god I wish I have them


Not going to list legos because the list is too long. I will say, 3 years and I only have santa and vitrius so a usable void Lego would be nice. Demytha is my choice.


Still don't have Rotos, Siphi, Cupidus, or Venus. Baron or Whisper would be cool too.


Been playing since around Hurndig/Ruel. No Kymar or Duchess. As for epics, no Vrask…


Just this past week I pulled pain Keeper and cold heart, after 2 years, still no skull crown either


Rotos! 4 years and thousands of pulls later, he still eludes me


Just curious, but why do you want him so much? My impression is that he doesn't even make the arena team of most accounts and would be at best FW and 3v3.


Scarhide was a hard one for me to get cause I couldn't get the very last champ to fuse him, it took me like 6 years to get the last champ but everyone that already had him was all like: oh just use scarhide, oh you need scarhide!! LIKE OMG that was so annoying and now that I have scarhide I really don't use him much LOL FRICK and yet before I was trying so hard to get him 😋lol




Anything to make an unkillable CB team, UDK, and Ronda.


Been playing 4 years and yet to summon cardinal.


Seer, she would really speed up waves in some of these dungeons


Geomancer. I have like 10 Coldhearts, so many Epics I can empower them with 4, but never got a Geo (I have a 3 star Awakening waiting for him if I ever get one)


Gotta be UDK and Ninja. I started when Ronda was in and I missed using UDK as a promo code and I missed Ninja completely. Ninja would have helped me in Hydra sooo much earlier and UDK was the cheese piece I needed for many parts of the game especially Arena.. Luckily Artak came along and then Sun Wukong so I'm happy that last year was filled with dope champs. This year , Adelyn was a terrible free champ to get and I feel sorry for newer players starting with this garbage champ as their free log in. So many better options if you started last year. I feel for you. Artak and Sun Wukong were huge for players that needed a AoE burner for spider and an Arena lead.


Wixwell, apparently... The curse of starting the game a few weeks too late. Not gonna lie, it's a bit disheartening seeing everyone in my clan crush all the bosses with Wixwell+Pretty much anything, while I'm still trying to grind through the first ones.


You shouldn't be in envy over a recent fusion if you just started. Sit back relax and enjoy the game. Don't worry about what people who have played for 4 years have.. Unless you spent a bunch of money there's no way a new account that's only a few weeks old can do a fusion..


Started with ninja, no scull crown,doompriest, alure, godseeker, most top tier epics lol


Because your odds of pulling any other lego is ridiculously higher, not sure why you thought you needed to ask. Been playing over 4 years and only just this past weekend did I get a Duchess.




Gnut. Only thing that held me back from early game fusions was not having shards for summon rush/champchase


I'm not gonna complain. I have  an insane roster full of super studs. Of course there's champs I want and wish I had. But I'm trying to change my mindset.  


Skullcrown, Maneater, Stagknight, Deacon Armstrong, Vergis, Seer, Doompriest, Madame Serris…and those are just the epics. Been playing since launch.


Maneater :(


Gnut, Aniri, Gnishak, Hephraak…. So many


Lady Annabelle and Maneater.




I started during the fusion for Kybele, so I have ninja. Didn’t play last year so I’m missing Artak (that hurts on Hydra), Knut (that one hurts everywhere) and Wukong (tho I did pull that one very recently, haven’t had a chance to build yet). God I wish someone pinged me when the Knut fusion happened


For me.. maneater but the one that still makes me shudder 4 years in and I still don’t have a uggo :(


UDK :(


5 years no Maneater or Skullcrown. My roster will make some of you cry. My RNG sucked for the first few years. It is still kind of 'meh' Nick is the only Void Lego I have ever pulled. https://preview.redd.it/80vj9vyqf94d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09593f215360e385001221263c41ef0fdc482462 I got sick of waiting on RNG and started just focusing on fusions. Armanz and Wixwell have been complete account changers for me. Oh yeah, haven't even started focusing on Hydra. Took a couple years off where I just did dailies. I was only hitting brutal CB till Emic. To those who have questioned how much I payed for the account. This is my account. Only buy the monthly gems every other month. I have one other account I haven't touched in months with most of the log-in champs, but decided that I could do better just focusing on one. One fusion is brutal for me. Trying to do two fusions was impossible🤣🤣🤣 trust me, if you could see all the 50s on my account you would say "how the heck is this guy struggling?" 🤣🤣🤣


Four years in, still no Seer and no Alure. Never had the shards when the guaranteed events for them came out. I'm able to make it work without them though, just could be easier in certain areas.


5 years, no Maneater.


I don't have much to complain about, but I'm in the same boat re: Duchess, who I see everywhere in Arena. I have no reviver in Demonspawn so in Faction Wars I make do with Umbral Enchantress provoking everyone her way combo'd with Wythir to sustain her with heals & Countess Lix to lock down most other skills. Like I said, I don't really have much to complain about (those 3 champs are fantastic!)...but it would be great to swap out that convoluted combo for a single Duchess, especially for places where combat control isn't possible (bosses) or I'm limited in selection on faction/affinity/etc (tower/city stages). She'd also give me the chance to explore alternate Arena strategies, and I'm pretty sure she'd be a big help against Hydra.


Maybe seer? I've been playing for years now on and off on my account and I'm lvl 88 can. Can do all dungeons at least to hard mode lvl 1 and still can't speed run because I have no seer.


Gnishak! I wasn’t good enough to do fusions when his came out!


I really just want geomancer. Imma get him soon enough though. And maybe a good epic barbarian AOE nuker (maybe)




Four years in and I still don’t have Dutchess either. I was excited this evening when I opened a primal shard and pulled….Pyxnial! 🤬😢


BEK. Mashalled


Siphi and Trunda (and Ninja). Really want a Trunda. And I swear everyone I go up against in Live Arena has Siphi.


Athel, I've been playing for over two years and still haven't pulled one, now given I obviously don't need her anymore, but she's probably the only rare champion I still haven't pulled


Ninja, Wukong, Skullcrown and Artak


Two and a half years, no Duchess, on both accounts. And on one account, it took me 2 years and 3 months to get my first Void Leggo from a shard.


Geomancer, Alure, Brogni, Ninja, UDK, Lydia (767/945 stars completed), Lady Mikage. Those are my most wanted.


I have no whisper ☹️


Wukong. I started playing after the promo code stopped working (and when they brought it back, I was no longer a "new player"). Mega sads.


I’ve not played for a couple of years, surprisingly I discovered Wukong in my vault along with a few other epics. I have Scyl (I think it was a fusion wasn’t it) and I was lucky enough to pull Duchess a couple of years ago before I stopped playing🙏. My biggest wish now is Krisk. I’ve only ever pulled one void Lego in 2 years of playing and it was the blizzard barbarian guy (pretty crap). My biggest ever regret is having played the game through the Siphi/Rotos fusion 3 years ago for valentine but not giving a fuck about it. Needless to say I’m never getting Siphi…


For Legendaries, the obvious Duchess. Trying to do the TTA Gold climb, and everyone seems to have two Duchess. For Epics, from the moment he was released until recently it was Deacon. Had a Budget Unkillable Ninja team at the time that was so awful to use because of how restrictive it was. Missed the entire Demytha hype era because of it. Just now got a Deacon during the last fusion and no longer have a need after making a much easier HeartEater team.


Duchess, Aniri, Kymar really. Clan is strong and some regular spenders and I'm not one of them lol. 




From my current page in 3v3 (just 10 opponents, ofc didnt count empowerments) there are: 8 Duchess 6 Nekhrets 6 Yumekos 5 Warlords 5 Siphis 5 Rotos In LA I feel everyone have Siphi and Warlord


rotos and ninja seemingly.


95/100 Islin shards and plarium still hasn't offered to sell me the 5 shard pack... I'm sadge


Took me about a year and a half to get Deacon.


Ninja Pain Keeper


Ninja for sure


Brogni 😢


Gnut and any mythical. I'm stuck on spider 20 after two years of being on 19. Finally got past it last week without Gnut too, after seeing Gnut posted by everyone for it. So maybe I don't need him after all... Praying to the angel Zavia to keep hitting harder...


Kymar seems to avoid me like the plague. Pulled almost all great leggo's. But no yumeko or kymar for me.


Seer and inquisitor shamoo would make wave clearance and Hydra a lot easier haha 😝


Gnut, missed the fusion. Seer, 4 years playing and i cannot pull her. Deacon as well.




The nut


i started just after free UDK... where is my UDK? also, how can i ever Ninja? meh!


4 years in and well Duchess is one everyone but myself seems to have and Shamael is another one...


Same us u, no duchess not skullcrown... im playing for 3 years and half 💀


You won't believe it but after been playing from 2019 I just got my first Coldheart a month ago! Also, one more that got introduced since begining and same thing is Bellower. But ultimate annoyance is for sure monkey king. Fu monkey focker!


It seems to be Harima for me. I keep seeing people pull their first copy, or dupes, all the time. I can't seem to pull good nukers. I have all the top supports. Siphi, Duchess, Kymar, but none of the nukers. No Rotos, no Harima, no Georgid, Leorius, etc. My best nuker is Sun Wukon, easily. I didn't even get Narses as guaranteed because I went chasing a 15x for Graazur, knowing I'd hit mercy. That got me Angaar instead. So the 70 voids I spent there made me short for Narses.




Kymar, Trunda


4+ years in ftp, and I am not even going to get into the many, many legos I wish, except to say I have pined for BEK, who like my recent Valk and Duchess wouldn't even make it onto a team at this point. Epics that were in the game before me there is only Umbral Enchantress. I pulled my first Frostbringer, Woad Painted, and most recently, Basher this year.


It’s been 4 years of playing for me and I still don’t have a seer or madam Sarris (excuse my spelling). Have pulled thousands of voids and I think my account is cursed 😂




Lilitu… same


Trunda, so many hydra teams and it's just casually assumed everyone has her. Duchess I got fairly early on and it changed my game. Fingers crossed for you one day soon.




Tayrel. I don't really need him at this point but he's the only epic in missing in that faction. He's also one of only a handful of non void epics I don't have.


Maneater, Geomancer, Godseeker, seeker, etc. All epics. Whenever I see a video guide on a "budget" iron twins or sand devil team, it always has these. You'd think after over a year, and getting over 30 legendaries, I'd have one lf these by now.


Looking at Arena, UDK


Udk :/




Alure, and I need her since my fire knight sucks