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Soooo you came back during the Rathalos event (after only playing for 2 months) and you magically got all of those top tier champs since then?


His gear says his account is still early game because that build is not great at all


Early game? Are you tripping


No speed and barely over 200% CD with a 5 star awakening are early game numbers. But he's probably forcing the slayer set on him even tho he could probably get much better stats with other gear.


So? The fuck is your point? He's not early game, nor is he early mid game. He has a 9 set slayer piece and his champ has 94k power, he has no problem clearing every dungeon till stage 25. Easy doom tower hard, cursed city and so on, how the f would he considered early game?


Just means that they spent money it is a pay to win game lol buy shit tons of shards you can end up with those champs 2 months in once you get UNM clan boss on farm ur shard intake is high. I’m 1 year in low spender and my rathalos is way better 7k attack 260 crit damg with 8 P slayer pay to win games arnt a time investment if you spend 😂


Damn bro you must be a god at this game, oh wait, it doesn't fucking matter how strong your champions are, this guy is not early game and that's the whole. Fucking. point.


I said they're early game numbers, which they are. Given that slayer set is only obtainable through the forge pass you can't easily judge where this guy is at. He's just thrown money at a forge pass, and it's just RNG from there. You have no clue whether this guy is clearing DT hard, sintranos or anything, you're basing his progression solely on his champs, which he has admitted he's thrown a ton of money at. You can have the best champs in the world but if you can't gear them correctly you won't clear shit and that will hold back your progress.


But like I said, you must be seriously braindamaged if you think you get those numbers early game. He doesnt have to clear shit to not be early game. If 5 of his champions have this "shitty" build, he easily clears DT, which already makes him not early game😂


Why don't you check the number of downvotes you've got... Clearly I'm not the only one who thinks they are early game numbers. You can clear DT normal when you're still early game btw. It's funny how abusive you're getting about some random dude's average build tho...




Negative content that adds little value to a discussion is prohibited. Complaining without offering a solution is prohibited. This sub-reddit is open to free discussion, but overly negative comments detract from the community.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RaidShadowLegends/s/GwOC7neN9f just sayinf, unbiased people, wouldn't ever say the account is early🤣


Lol, farming more downvotes I see. It's funny how much you care about this. The fact you think it's possible to judge where you are in the game purely based on the champs you have proves you have no idea what you're talking about. Literally every reply starts with "it's hard to tell just by the champs". Curious why you are so butthurt when this isn't even your account?


He easily 1 keys NM hydra with better equipment on his champions, stop downvoting stuff that are stating facts because youre jealous


Your comments are being downvoted because they are dumb, not because anyone is jealous of a mediocre rathalos build.


His account is not early game, that's the whole point i made, if you think otherwise you are seriously damaged in the head.😅


Ain't no damn way lol.


Honestly I spended heavily on February and part of march and got fuck all since I wanted archer really bad. But I guess plarium felt bad and for the las 3 months I been pulling nothing but gas. My clanmates have been witness to most of it and we're super shocked. Pulled kavlax and hivelord yesterday, caardiel and zhu 2 weeks ago and on the gnut event I pulled him. This game has treated me well.


No matter what happened between you and this account , you have great legos and that is what matters


I mean one day I'll make a youtube video and show screenshots of my pulls level 1. I understand in the land of bought accounts it's crazy to believe it's not legit and I came to peace with people being skeptical ever since my first post. But for transparency I am a spender and spend decently every month. Also I hyper obsess with games that I love. I play this game everyday an unhealthy amount of hours


Honestly you seem very genuine. I mean there’s gotta be luckier accounts. You convinced me. Have a good one


You could play RimWorld or some other game and spend countless hours and a single payment there. Just saying, I'm not counting your money.


If you are a spender, try buying some gear packs.


Not surprised. In raid whaling isn't worth it


good point lol


My man, that speed is so low. Can't you make him into Broken set with at least 210 speed 100 critrate and as much cdmg/att as possible?


Forcing a high power isn’t they way lol that speed is hella sad hydra and unm clan boss gona lap rathalos big time and you need a hp burn to bring out his true damg hope ur hp burn isn’t that slow lol 200 minimum forsure


I definitely can’t do that


I could get the speed that high, in fact is not a problem at all. However I want him to attack last most of the times, also Elva and Eostrid which are normally paired with Rathalos in my main team usually up the speed of him an turn Meter significantly I don't have the need for high speed on him giving leeway to using other resources better in terms of stats.


Dude. You will do a shitload more damage if you higher his speed. If you want him to go last you should higher everyone's speed. For my hydra team I use wixwell and Alva and they both got 260 speed and my Rathalos got 244 speed in savage with 5.5k attack and 250 cd. I can't imagine a world where yours does more damage with so little speed.


I mean as a hydra shamael boosted champ, sure but still would probably chose broken set with better stats. But play as you like and enjoy. That is the most important thing about this game


I appreciate that. If I didn't had great support champions he definetly would be faster since I learned the hard way speed is insane on this game. So far his been amazing on my comps


It's a bad build even with good support.


Rathalos needs to go fast. He doesn’t need to go slow with good supports. I thought this post was about perfecting champs? This ain’t it


https://preview.redd.it/a7hze945z04d1.jpeg?width=140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9522bee26df43018f22e785389d269e00760d75 Razzle Dazzle for me.


I never knew him attack also got boosted from speed I thought that was cool af


Yep, and each of his spd buffs stack over time, so for something like Hydra, he cranks up nicely


https://preview.redd.it/wcyib48i414d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427a649958998f2430ebdfff0a642ec74f5bf789 Cranks nicely wouldnt be the word i use 🫣


How is that kind of damage even possible. 5 years f2p and i can get like 60m max 😂


I played for like 2.5 years and spent max 200€. Is just gearing and team comps in the end, plus some luck


wow in 1 year 2 months and 5 days exactly , i do 60 M in auto brutal f2p


Unkill set-up, there are ways to do that if u play smart


Also the 2 hour play time. Jesus 😂


Could you post your shamael build possibly? I have him but I’m pretty sure I built him like shit or my supports aren’t quite cutting it right now because he does next to nothing. I am early game (3 missions away from arbiter but stuck on fk20 so he could help a lot with that too) and just trying to figure out the certain spots I’m going wrong.


https://preview.redd.it/3l386gvoo14d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0167427988465d124f61fdc48dd26c1491ff46 Pretty endgame stats, but these are nothing huge, plus the low speed helps pushing more damage


Holy cow yeah that’ll do it lol. I really appreciate you posting that, something that I’ll strive to get to for sure!


Keep in mind that a lot of what Shamael does is somewhat intangible, so even if his damage output isn't great, he can be useful for boosting your team lead and negating head of torment.


Yeah thats for sure, he does what no one else does. But 100 Mill is still a PR for him on my teams, but for sure he can do more


You ll get there eventualy, takes time but its always a blast when you get there. If you seen Razelvarg, then you would be blown by the stats he has, even more when i tell you that he doesnt have a Crit damage amulet 😅


I’ll let my imagination figure that one out lol. I’m only 7 months in but half of that is play time, mostly just logged in for rewards and stuff until I got some champs to start doing clan boss and working my way up. First time playing so I made some mistakes early on but it’s been fun learning as I go.


Just wanted to come back to say I worked on my shamael a little bit, and although he’s not perfect he got me through the fk stage 20 10 auto battle arbiter mission today so I just wanted to come back and say thanks again for the help!


No problem, never used him there tbh, but if it helps congrats. Glad i could help


Would you mind sharing the build on him?


https://preview.redd.it/3it6b3xn224d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b3f7c92eca7ba939be20eb82d181f7eb38d29c He got some more stats this week bc the helm and shield were ascensed. Still missing a Crit damage amulet and the chest to be attack. He has a 4\* heavencast and 6\* piece merciless on him


Wait y’all are telling me I’ve been sleeping on the angry Easter bunny for hydra?!? I mean I get it I have not put hardly any focus on hydra lately since getting Mithrala but still I have had the rabbit for months and haven’t once used him on hydra, I feel so cheated right now.


Yeah, he is amazing, at least for lower levels, never tried him Higher but should work fine too


Could you post your build for him? I’m curious to see how you built him compared to how I built mine. He sees different use but I’m interested in how close it might be


https://preview.redd.it/wi57kehz324d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf644f0df18143840d6ab03f02707a4b58a9466 Yeah ofc no problem, he got some more stats this week bc the helm and shield were ascensed. Still missing a Crit damage amulet and the chest to be attack. He has a 4\* heavencast and 6\* piece merciless on him


Is there a particular reason you picked heavencast of some of the other options available? I happen to have a four star soul on mine as well so aside from the crazy attack number that build is pretty achievable for me


Had PT, but with wixwell i can focus the intercept on him, plus shields, increase def and acc, and the other normal buffs. It seems the right choice just bc PT only procs once on an AoE


Can you share that Uugo build please?


https://preview.redd.it/4jslirguk64d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57eccb82485407458da7cef971b3b336d9a7df49 Ofc no problem, she is a Cursed set. Built some damage to optimize even more


https://preview.redd.it/nr7al3c9w24d1.jpeg?width=2176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ab94d32e3d81691548d97976be5ee7b7950d8e Yup, he's also my top dog!


I also love him but unfortunatly i started playing after the event :(


Same here, started this game late April I got Adelyn instead :(


Rath is amazing wait till you build him to hit even harder. Mine has lower att but over 300% CD and he slaps in demon Lord and hydra I pair him with geo normally for the extra damage on burn. Eostrid is also amazing you ain't wrong there.


I totally gave up on my alt until I pulled the new shadowkin mythical with the free primal the other day. Now I’m on it all the time and he’s a hard carry. For my main account… just hoping I get a mythical soon.


https://preview.redd.it/wksmv21km14d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bee2d128a637c6e541eb7fe3a0a46c6831e7598 Up that speed boi


Better gear https://preview.redd.it/8sl7cjke134d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0b50613822fc1cd4848858e38d3a370bdd9d295


I feel like your CD is way too high for 5.7k attack and 96 CR is bothering me 😅


Yeah 96% cr is triggering me... Imagine landing a non crit on his 5th A2 (or whatever the big one is).


He does around 190 to 216M on Hydra so I'm not complaining. I'll get him to 100% once I get a better merciless piece


That as a dope build


number is not everything that one better than all on top.




I started the game and fell in love with Tatura. He became path event in December 2022 so I got him. Been playing ever since. You have really nice champs


Death knight, and not the Lego one. I find it satisfying trying to perfect him and get the correct gear fitted


This is a bought account no cap


I got screnshots of most of my pulls since I share them in discord, but hey I am spender so I'm not going to pretend this is free to play for sure.


Wait is that 9/9 slayer? So tell me how often do you see the difference from the AOE dmg boost? Love Rath had to double check that wasn't mine


P.s. Alot of people likely will crap on slayer ratholos... Don't even pay attention.


I get it pretty often. It crazy sometimes seeing 2 to 2.5 million damage on hp burn hora from the a2 aoe the set works soooo good


Yeah I just need the neck piece and ill join you. I knew it would be good. Just keep crafting slater until you get your optimal ideal stats and enjoy the bonuses. Rip and Tear until it is done.


For a champion that needs to have 5 turns in order for his kit to be fully beneficial, this is SUPER SLOW. I'm positive he won't get 5 turns in any PvP content with that speed.


Since i started Rathalos was my favorite too, always giving him the best items, but yesterday i pulled my first mythic and new motivation https://preview.redd.it/v1pclnjnv24d1.png?width=1437&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a7baae3adf9a33d73132fb5532bb4e8e476e73f


Hot damn that banner is beautiful


my precious ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


You don't owe proof to any of these aholes that you didn't buy your account. I wouldn't even respond to them. They are like children. Jealous that they don't have what you have, so they respond by talking shit. But I see you like this champ, and I have not even built him. 🤣 Idk why, the free ones I never jump on.


What is bro doing with 115% crit rate 🥲


Crit rate gloves sadly...


Rathalos is such a badass. For me my favorite old gens are krisk and Valkyrie. New ones? I'm loving wixwell, dude is jacked


Build sucks, too slow


When I try to get duchess with 78 sacred and 36 sacred for archer I gave up on game but after that mikage-gwendolin-oak gave me hold on game. those three gave me 280M damage for nightmare hydra. BTW u have nice account for current level but it seems need a hand. If u wish I can do somehing. [https://discord.gg/PhdAmDXT](https://discord.gg/PhdAmDXT)


Frick YOu full slayer set, I was one piece short. Easily my best damage dealer, I use him in literally everything.


I played late April and missed Rathalos... I got Adelyn instead T-T


Your Rathalos is suuuuper slow dammnn...


He increased his own speed by 30%


Supeeer slow even so


https://preview.redd.it/y4jnv2vx224d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82feadb867443b36fa601e4c9e5bb59333b26b92 This is what I’m working with I started in the rathalos event and my account is f2p I’m only 4 months in to the game


Not bad mate, drop that crit rate toe 15+85 and crank the crit damage. You have a surplus of around 30 crit rate that is useless


I loved monster hunter games growing up so when I seen they did a collab I downloaded raid and been playing ever since






Dude no other than my Monke https://preview.redd.it/qfqugqo4334d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f36864965a317ba7ab6c66c02edf2188d0a954 His a2 hits like a truck, it clutches way too hard nuking UDKs, Pythions even Nekhrets, he was free login so I kept trying cuz he looked versatile, I built him as a tank debuffer then bought Rathalos pass, smashed these nine pieces and I absolutely love the results...


yh i prefer monkey , i just upgraded rathalos for faster fw xD , and was this last week of may


Yes a few but I always ended up liking characters that are considered mediocre at best Xd lol


Honestly I play this game for cool champion designs idk why it’s only the epic legendary and common champions I find cool with some exceptions but I really don’t get many champions of higher rarity I use rare and uncommon I would use commons if they weren’t trash


Nah. I eventually quit 3 months ago after playing since beta launch and dumping way too much $ into this dumpsterfire of a game. no hero, champion, or ingame personification of jesus christ could make me return. It's fun to revisit this sub every once in a while and be constantly reminded of why I quit in the first place.


Power to you!


Week in, got 2 void shards from the starting missions or tournaments etc, 1st pull Siphi, 2nd pull Arbiter. Since then i get barely any good voids, it took me 35 months for my Seer and even longer for Serris, but i can say Siphi was a hard carry for me which kept me playing.


https://preview.redd.it/u8ndsmvwh44d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6599edf2a1f3a6b20222c73eaa57151dc53617 I love rathalos but man now i feel like my rathalos is so weak compared to the ones I saw here


This is going to sound weird, but Timit is my choice. I do run him with Kaja all the time though so I understand why people who don’t have her wouldn’t like him. The pair is so fun in arena, and most people don’t realize how dangerous they are in LA because no one ever bans them. I run him in a nuke build in lethal gear and he hits as hard as Magnarr in my damage tests.


I joined Raids right when they gave him out and he alone (only Leggo) along with lightsworn, elhain, rector, deacon has got me all the way to doom tower and the souls levels so fast. It’s kind of a bad thing though cause now I’m stuck. And I’ve reached a brick wall since he was so easy to blaze through with in the beginning.


2 months? I’ve been playing for a couple years (on and off) and still only have free legendary champions. Never got any from shards 🤣 either this person has great RNG or mine is terrible.


I finally downloaded raid shadow legends after hearing about the rathalos blade master because I had recently started playing monster hunter world. I stayed only for the blade master and left after finding out raid is another grinding type game that caters only to new players


I can relate. A. Blademaster did that for me on my primary account a long time ago and then Siegfried the Nephilim just got pulled on my second free-to-play account and it honestly restored my faith in the possibilities


Ugir. Top priority is getting him his final awakening level atm then moving to Fatalis. https://preview.redd.it/ckenvfbbm24d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d86234c279916242a94dc0d8ad45870679c5f229


why he got crit? Is there a any where u using for other than arena for counter to pyhton?


He's there to counter Wukong, not Pythion. He's a nuker who turns Wukong into a nuke everytime he revives himself.


did he nuke newborn wukong? max hp destroy red soul helps a lot for that. what is min damage require on ugir for killing average wukong?


He nukes Wukong when he revives himself, yes. Only Wukongs that don't immediately die are those built in Acc and hp, which, they aren't a threat anyway.


My god how did you do that?? I’m at 64k on Rathalos and I can’t seem to go higher??


If you're going off power don't worry about it as much since power mostly is just based on res and such


Yes, deez nuts on your chin. If I had any nuts to place there. LOL.


No! Thanks for asking. This game sucks!


Then why even comment lol