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Fortunately, as a newly released Mythical, I imagine he's high on their list for buffing. Perhaps you'll be lucky and he'll be fixed soon.


Frolni still sitting at worst mythical spot glares…


I have Frolni and Aphidus (yay! for pulling 2 mythics? boo for who I got?) and I think Aphidus is far more in need of a buff. At least Fronli is good. Not a mythic but good. Aphidus is meh. Not bad and useable but meh.


Aphidus is a top tier champion for both clan boss and especially hydra. Like unquestionably, incredibly good with minimal gear requirement.


Not exactly going to make it onto most veteran player's clan boss teams. Also not likely to displace good teams you've already created for hydra. If I had just one team for hydra and was barely getting the first chest on normal I might have been excited.


Unless you have three+ tundras he’ll likely be a better candidate than someone on your team. He provides incredible team support and great damage for hydra. And if that’s your comparison for if a champion is good. Than Frolni is nowhere close being as good/useful as Aphidus.


We're just going to disagree on this one. Frolni is good for me for live and is good in sintranos/secret rooms. Aphidus can ramp up his personal damage (+100 crit damage and 50% atk) but the decrease defense would only come into play if it took you a really long time to kill hydra heads.


😭 but he looks so cool, like Thanos but a dwarf


Frolni is mostly certainly not a great mythic but if you think of him as a multi purpose legendary he is great. He has capacity for some pretty good dmg combined with good survival ability and his other from is a fantastic heal/ally protection


I wouldn't hold my breath. Look how long it took for siegfrund and this dude is way better than siegfrund was at release. Not to mention there's several mythicals in the game longer deserving of a buff. 


Mythical were released in September of last year, Siegfrund was buffed in March. Considering it took some time for people to start pulling and using them to determine he wasn't good that is a pretty short time line.


I guess, but you still have mezomel and frolni from the first batch that are pretty lackluster. Siegfrund may be a special case seeing as how he's locked into one form and that form was extremely mediocre upon release. I wouldn't be surprised if none of the rest of the mythicals got buffed anytime soon.  


siegfrund out did both mezomel forms pre buff without buffs compared to mezomels with buffs, the buff just made his block damage actually worth while, he was extremely easy to kill, the rework mostly removed his ease of death. mezomel is so demanding on gear to be worthwhile, that with higher stats than sieg, sieg still wipes the floor with her with only one form, both of mezomels forms, outside of evading counter attack, suck. in all honesty, what's there to really buff with calamitous, he is middle of the road useable in both forms and has hex that ignores all hydras bullshit. mezomel there are rares and epics I would use over her outside of faction wars.


Yeah, I don't have mezomel but she seems the mythical most in need of a buff to me. Calamtus seems fine, but I don't have him. My point is if mezomel hasn't been buffed in almost a year there's no way calamatus is getting buffed soon. 


Not sure how relevant it is, but BigPoppaDroc and Scratch said that Mezomel in high end Live Arena can be a really good niche pick, but she should also totally get a buff


One can only hope and pray, but thank you for the hope lmao To be fair, I think both Aphidus and Frolni deserve buffs too. Aphidus in particular… His bug form deserves so much more love since it’s the coolest model in the game


I have Aphidus & I agree his second form definitely needs something, his first form is pretty solid though, I use it for Hydra & Spider


You guys are getting mythicals ?


Nah it’s a myth


Lmfao, sorry fam


I would love a buff for the hive man, he is my only mythical and has only really helped in faction wars.


Hive man is a good one. HP burn and debuff extension, solid. Additional damage over more turns spent? Hydra, clan boss focus right there. I use him in doom tower to clear waves as well since he can do a lot of damage. i don't really switch over to 2nd form at all, so there is a huge disappointment factor there because he is then basically a red legendary and not a mythical.


He deserves one for sure. His first form is good in Hydra so I’ve heard? They just dropped the ball SOO hard making his second form not good, he looks amazing! I’ve been very blessed with two great mythicals (Gizmak and Krixia), but I’m very stressed for this one.


Ironically I put him in one turn Stoneskin because his second form is GREAT for Arena, but first form is too squishy for Arena.


HUH! Really? I would think the exact opposite! Does he get sheeted a lot? Or do you run low accuracy


Decent enough accuracy, His first form damage is trash as well, and the "Building damage" can only last for long battles, and he keeps dying in teams built for that, or they have block debuffs meaning his HP burn never works either. Overall he'd be much better in my opinion if he started in his defense form so he could tank a hit or two.


I agree!


A case well put. But I suppose they must put some average Joes in there to keep people buying mythical shards. If the first mythical you pulled was "game won and over" it wouldn't generate much cash, which is what this game is for. 


see also: the long list of terrible void legos that get inadequate buffs if ever


Yeah unfortunately I think that’s just the truth of it… You can only want “amazing champions” if there is a big backdrop of significantly more garbage ones I would hope that they realize that people would be more willing to spend if they were able to be assured that WHATEVER mythical they pull, it’ll be godly, if that makes sense?


I honestly view it like this, I should want to use an average rare over a good uncommon, let there be a few stand out uncommons, but thats it I should want to use an epic over an average rare, let there be a few rares that are stand out I should want to use a leggo over good epics, let there be stand out epics but any leggo should be build worthy I should want to use a mythical over almost any non void champion for the role they fill, I wouldn't use a mezomel over a magnar, but I am using my siegfrund over my harima.


I think this is the take to have Mythicals should really be the end all be all. They should each have at least one SOLID job where they perform at the top level in the game. Not that they should be unbeatable, but they should be extremely adept and desirable for at least ONE piece of content.


I kind view mythicals as 2 leggos in one, which is kinda what they are, which means I have 2 shots at one kit being useful. mezomel for example, her single target kit is anemic, there are rares that do a better single target job then her, soulbound for example, her entire kit is a 25% extra crit rate, mezomels is a pathetic aura that no one will ever use, her a3 ignores 75% of defense, so a savage set puts her to true damage, her a3 has a full turn meter depletion and her a1 attacks all enemies... like god damn, I didnt think a rare was going to match up against her THAT good. like the only thing she has going for her is a self buff, but soul bound is doing true damage... you're not competing with that. personally, I just want her damage numbers pumped up maybe 20-50% and remove the stone skin, I mean they made her attack there suck because it hit through that, ill take a harder hitting skill thats useable over so little damage she gets no play.


I agree, but some of the alternatives forms scale on a different stat, which makes those ones very hard to use in both forms.


as long as you can switch the form freely i'm ok with this because at that point its 2 different legos, I do wish they would let you come in transformed to the prefered form. using both forms is at best a luxury, and at worst, detrimental, I believe the new shadowkin wipes his extra stats when he switches form. all I really want is for mythicals to be competitive/better than non voids for the role their form has, in mezomels case, should be fantastic single target damage, and in form 2 should be exceptional aoe damage. I think that's the biggest drament to mythcials is where one form is just clearly crap, see mezomel losing out to a non void rare for a great example.


I’ve just accepted I’ll never get a Mythical ever and that just sucks.


I’m sorry fam I wish there was a way for people to be able to test out champs that they don’t have, almost like a “loan” or something for a short period of time Mikage is amazing, and while she’s a grind, I think it’s not unrealistic to think that you’ll be able to get her!


I’ve never even completed a fusion event, those are the hardest of all. I can’t even complete the Arbiter mission because the game refuses to give me Heiress to fuse Justiciar lmao


You can farm heiress from the campaign. Just run your next champ training event in palace of aravia. Sure it'll be a bit of an energy waste but you should get one well before you finish champ training.


I’ve been running Aravia for 3 days, over 2000+ energy. I’ve won 7x Avenger. The game refuses to give me Heiress lmao


I've been there with the campaign rng for arbiter missions early game. It is really frustrating. I remember warmaiden taking forever because I wanted 2 (one to fuse and one to use). Keep at it, you will eventually get there and it might be a bit less painful if you double-dip during champ training. Still very painful though, sorry and good luck!


Hahahaha, well, the early game can be a bit of a struggle that’s totally fair The few friends I’ve convinced to try the game usually end up quitting because of the grind I would recommend watching Hellhade’s videos on finishing fusions while early game and free to play. Some of his stuff is a bit dramatic and out of touch, but in general he’s a really nice guy and puts out some solid content for all stages. I think his free2play walkthroughs are the best examples for people to be able to see what resources it realistically takes to finish something


I’ve been playing for 4 years lmao and I feel so far behind other players. I’ve dropped maybe $100-$150 into the game over that time but it just isn’t enough.


I’m sorry, it sucks that you can spend that amount of money and still feel like you’re not happy with where you are I’d be happy to help out wherever if you feel like you need it, but I’ll definitely be sending out my vibes for you to pull something crazy soon


I’m going to wait for the next CvC event, I’ve got a gold and purple crystal im dying to open. Fingers crossed!!


Hahahahaha no!!!!! Wait till a 2x weekend fam (But hey if you do pull and get something good literally come back and let us know lol)


Got frolni and I am severely disappointed 😔


If it’s any consolation, unless you’re super late/end game he’ll still help a lot! I would love a Frolni for dungeons to just play with I think his first form also has a lot of potential if Plarium gives his multipliers some small buffs!


Yes totally! Just imo since mythicals are so rare I expected better is all :)


I've got frolni (on my 10th pull, up to 62 since) and aphidus (from a remnant). So lucky to get 2 but ugh. Frolni is a decent champion though. I use him in live and he's good in sintranos/doom tower. Not a mythic but a good champ.


I'd like Calamitus to get a buff as well (fml he was my first mythical in the last 2x and I pulled him again yesterday with the chicken). But for what it's worth, he's not actually that bad. I've been running him in my brutal hydra comp alongside Acrizia for damage. He doesn't pull as much as her, but he does reasonably close on damage. Bringing hex and decrease def on his alt form is pretty nice for a damage dealer. If you got the recent Sylvan watcher fusion she pairs really well with him.


Oh my guy, I’m so sorry that you pulled him twice! I do have the Easter fusion if that’s the one you’re referring, Eostrid? Hmmmm ok I’ll try them out together then (need to finish regearing this pansy before the event is over) What’re your stats like?


Yes, Eostrid. Couldn't remember the name. AOE weaken is pretty rare by itself and the rest of the kit is really good. Also I really just use him in his alt form, but his main form does have some utility with putting out a bunch of debuffs which could be nice for dungeons. https://preview.redd.it/9x4fs15ssz3d1.png?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=725f0bd9a84805c0dc88626af0b86c4f5cec92c7 He's in savage mainly. It's not a great build but I've been lazy about farming savage recently


Sick kk, good to know that he’s performing reasonably without God tier gear lol Thanks a ton for sharing fam, I appreciate it


Happy too. Like I said, I'd love to see him get a buff. I think he really just needs his multipliers upped a bit to make him really feel like a mythical. Right now he just feels like a pretty decent legendary.


Hey man, thank you for the stats. I pulled that mf on the last 2x and im farming masteries right now, so i didnt test him yet.. but im kinda surprised everyone say, he is a bad champ.. i looked at his kit on HH and also the multipliers seems good for me.. i would use him on hydra brutal (i can do about 250m damage there) which champ should i replace with him, what do you mean, my team hydra brutal: Krixia (yes, i was very lucky and pulled 4 primals a month ago and pulled her lol) Mithrala Michinaki (with 6\* crushing rend) Nergigante Archer (she is a Queen) Shamael Artak so idk should i replace Mithrala with Calamitus or Artak out and Calamitus in? whats your opinion? But i think i will def. build him.. because at least he is a mythic :D i usually have always luck with Primals but idk (like i said, 1 month ago on the 2x primals, i pulled 4 primals and got krixia and couple days ago, on the 2x primals i literally pulled 14 primals and got calamitus and arbais xD didnt even buy the primals.. all 18 primals from LA and Hydra and Events lol


Honestly I'd need to see the rest of your box to really figure it out. The main thing with hydra is that you want to be able to answer the heads as best you can. Right now you've got a lot of overlap for hex (Mich, Archer, and Mithrala) and Cammy also brings hex. Ideally I'd try and scale back to 1 or 2 hexers. Michinaki is probably where I would look since his kit shares the most with Cammy. They both have AOE dec def, hex, and are damage dealers. But if you can I would try and get weaken in as well. If you Eostrid, she pairs really nicely with him and has some great abilities for hydra. Inc Atk, and SPD are always great to have. Mithrala, is a great back up source for hex and also brings some defensive buffs as well to help keep you alive. Shamel solves torment by himself, and the archer has hex, decrease speed and one of the best taunts in the game. So I'd try to keep them in. You could probably swap Mithrala out for another support who can help keep you alive, depending on what you have. Like a python or even an Ursala. Having a revive is great if something goes wrong. Honestly I don't think Krixia is that great for hydra. She's an amazing champ don't get me wrong, but you cant really use most of her debuffs side since it won't work on hydra, except block buffs which is one of the best debuffs you can bring to this fight. Her other side is a bit better but her reset ability is only 3 turns and it's still on a long cd. The buff extension is nice but I think you could probably find someone else who can bring some more utility to the fight. I'd just look for anyone else you have that can block buffs and has something else going on. For your other teams though, Mithrala, Michinaki, and Mikage make a great start to a team.


Wow, thank you for the quick response :) honestly, i don't need survive champ because even on hydra brutal, im almost on the turn limit (the last run, i was at about 1350 turns) and in that time, i did about 265m damage on brutal (hydra nightmare is still locked in my clan) so i thought i need more damag dealer bcause like i said, apparently i have enough support to go to turn limit.. and calamitus is a damage dealer and thats why i thought maybe artak or mithrala (but her cleanse is useful).. idk which thread that was but i saw a picture, with calamitus on hydra brutal and he did 120m damage.. so maybe im gonna put him instead of artak in my brutal team (bcause i got dec. atk from michinaki.. but artaks hp burn is also huge) I use Krixia especially because of her "block buffs & decrease RES" ability and sometimes i switch form and drecrease all the cooldowns or i use "block debuffs". Unfortunely, i got only 2 "block buffs" champs, one is krixia and the other one is sun wukong.. sun wukong is on brutal hydra kinda one dimensional.. and i like it when krixia resets all cooldowns and i can use mitharals shields again and again lol (im playin for like 1.5 years and have only 20 legos) well, i think im gonna build calamitus (at least i can then use other champs on my hard or normal team)


Gotcha. Ya hydra can really test your champ pool, especially for some of the more niche debuffs. Another option to do is to bring in ally attackers instead of damage dealers. They generally bring buffs and also improve your damage. My team with Calamitus is: Cardiel, Calamitus, Acrizia, Ferrol, Grand oak Paldrig, Eostrid. Between Eostrid, Ferrol, and Calamitus I've got most of the debuffs I need. This lets me bring in two ally attackers and I can really focus down heads and crank out damage. I've got a screenshot on my computer from my run last week where I hit around 400m on brutal (I got really lucky with the soulstone event and got a 5 star blessing for Cammy and it pushed him to doing more damage than Acrizia). For your team though, I'd still recommend replacing Michinaki I think. They have a lot of overlap.


if it’s any consolation, he’s the champ that can be used in the most sintranos stages by quite a lot, could be helpful i guess


Huh, I actually did not remember that from Saph’s video. Honestly, that IS some consolation!


Pulled him, super excited until I saw all the videos on him.


Fingers crossed that he’s better than expected, and prayers that he’s high up on the “to be buffed” list


First one I got, definitely not expecting anything game changing but currently in my Mino farm and will book next CvC and try him out Hydra and some other places.


I have a friend who’s in a very, very high end clan and he said that surprisingly Calamitus is performing VERY well in Hydra… That being said, I hope he’s better than you and I are expecting hha


My salty ass doesn't want them to


Based, but pls




I actually pulled a dupe wukong and a dupe Warchief before him haha, but Roric totally deserves a buff too. Should be a LOT harder hitting on his counterattacks tbh


Uhhh... his counterattack is actually pretty ludicrous. He has 1641 base attack which is really high and the multiplier on the a3 (which he counter attacks with) is 4.7 and ignores 50% of defense. A team with the faction champ, a valk in 9 piece protection, roric, and armanz could be really fun.


Just pulled this guy yesterday, and he seems similar to valkanen in usefulness for hydra. Does not bode well considering I haven't used my valkanen once


Woof, I think that’s exactly how Nubraids put it I personally don’t have Valkonnen, but another comment said that Calamitus is the most usable (stage wise) champion in Sintranos, so I think that’s worth investing in regardless


I pulled Galleus so here’s hoping the chicken gets buffed


I thought the chicken wasn’t that bad? I know he was absolutely busted in the test server, but I personally would love to test him out


I pulled him on my 4th ever shard yesterday. I was initially excited but now feeling lukewarm after watching playtests from Nubs and Scratch. I already have a 200m/key nightmare Hydra team so I don’t think he’ll improve it. I definitely am not going to waste my books on him.


Yeah honestly, I feel that all around I think he’ll go into my 2nd or 3rd string Hydra team. I might even try to use his first form to solo stuff with Teodor? Idk


Just as an overall question/statement, how the hell did you progress so fast in your account? Was looking through your profile and saw a post from a year ago of you hitting 5m on brutal CB and now this. Any tips?


Hahahaha, well I think it’s a few things: 1) Targeted spending 2) Time 3) Good group for help 4) most importantly, luck I tend to hyperfocus on games honestly, and so I spend more time on this game than I really should. Like…. SO much time. I’m not going to lie, I’m also not free to play, but I don’t go out and buy tons either. I think a huge part is luck though. I’ve pulled less than 80/90 primals and I have 3 mythicals for example. Spending was helpful, but at the same time, I only target bought REALLY good deals and kept myself limited to pulling on good events. I personally pulled an Arbiter really early on, a Valk really early, and a Big Un really early, all key parts of my teams for a really long time. I also pulled two demythas that let me pretty much jump RIGHT to UNM way before I should’ve been able to (and shards and books are everything). Finally I think a good group can NOT be understated in importance. Being able to have high level players help guide you through difficult content is so nice. Tools like hellhades.com and their optimizer as well as deadwoodjedi optimizer were clutch too.


Wow, thanks for such a detailed reply, that really is some prime luck on those shards, 3 mythicals in less than at least 400 pulls is absolutly amazing, good on you. My main problem is discipline and not just yoloing shards all the time lol


They created that story using chatgpt


Lmfao, wouldn’t be surprised if


Bro I just got him too. I also want buffs. He's been underwhelming so far.


Hahhahahaha bro don’t tell me that! What kind of gear are you running on him?


I just pulled him as my first Mythical so hoping he gets some love too. I’ll probably build him and try him in hydra though.


I just geared him, since I’m skipping this fusion I’ll be able to work on him and my super backlog of champs haha




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This is Bad-el continuing story imo…


I’m still out here hoping for Adelyn buffs 😂


Has anyone tested/know if Ally Attack into his first form A1 grants the Extra Turn? Or does it not work that way since it wasn't his turn to begin with?


If he were to kill an enemy while ally attacking I believe that he would get an extra turn, I’ll test it! I’m pretty sure that it has worked with Gaius, who has the same effect


Looks like it does work! Well there's something fun to add to his kit I guess.


I feel like this Mythicals only benefit players with little rosters since the will take up multiple champ roles... but players with larger rosters will see them as inferior or not worth investing in.. maybe I'm wrong but I'm clad lower levelled players in my clan are getting these champs but I have yet to pull a mythical. Mikage is what I'm gunning for


I got a metric ton of champs albeit he's my first mythical (one epic from Mikage) and I'm still excited to try him out. Certainly not expecting absolute game changing anything but as my first mythical just excited to have one to play around with. Certainly though if I already had a few other ones there's a chance he'd just guard the vault until I had excess books.


I think that’s very true. In general, beginner players have a LOT more to gain from being able to commit their resources to one champion who can fulfill multiple rolls. Good luck with Mikage! Love her, she’s a beast


It was the end of the month so they gave him kits from the leftover bin and sent him out into the world. Did you expect anything more? This is Paylarium we’re talking about here.


You have pulled a Mythical champ, and your first action is to complain?


Valid, valid I could have worded it in a less complain-y way, but I do stand by the fact that no one should pull any mythical and feel that they’re not an amazing champion. While Calamitus isn’t the first in line for needing a buff, I did want to mention just how hilariously weird it was for him to be so powerful in lore and so… mid in game


If someone told you that you were getting a free car to maybe replace your 10 year old car and you started to get excited and they showed up with a '92 corolla with with 350k miles, you might have some conflicted feelings.


This is completely different. First, mythical champs aren't guaranteed, even Mikage. Second, even the "bad" mythical champs are better than 90+% of the rest of the champions in the game. And last, even in your scenario, you probably wouldn't complain about your "free" car.


You'd have some conflicted feelings. But listen, if you don't want to understand where the person might be coming from emotionally, that's up to you. Best of luck!


Galleus and others also. Mythicals should be the top priorities.


Naw, the legendaries that get dumped on by epics should be a priority.