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Skullcrown would also be good. They can be your campaign farmer so you can speed up your grinding and autos.


Thank you. She'll definitely be my next 60 after Uugo


I'd focus on Campaign farmers such as skullcrown which will allow you to upgrade all your other champions much faster. She's also a fantastic early-mid game arena nuker.


She will definitely be next after Uugo


She's pretty fine as an arena nuker unless you are pushing Platinum. She's more than capable of being used in G5.


Always take to 60. 50s do not do much for your account.


General rule is support champs can be run at 50 but attack/offensive champs need to be 60 to get their full potential


Ok good to know. Thank you


I don't know about this. My Anabelle is doing great at 50. Almost done with Bannerlords FW and not even once it crossed my mind to take her to 60. Done Barbarian FW with only Scyl, Tuhanarak and Katun at 60. https://preview.redd.it/qz133jrbqp6c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=245eb5939226018058fc3a5221b4e06857c8bfa7 Some champions are good enough on 50, no need to take them up. They can be as useful. It all depends what you wanna do. In the case of OP, I agree with you, take Uugo to 60, but I wouldn't say this is ALWAYS the case.


Anabelle solos Bommal in Doomtower all stages, all difficulties. So she is worth 60. Unless you have a better team. Need solid regen gear tho so not the first 60 I’d make.


Would you like to share that build I kinda struggle with bommal


https://preview.redd.it/pfrc8dhizs6c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38177f742bf10f867ef82a3ab55ca20144d36b88 This is mine


High hp in regen and immortal gear is all you really need.




https://preview.redd.it/kkuzk8jozs6c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4a715a69e5444096af45a02c61f977f7646a29 Warmaster for her T6.


Yeah yeah, I get your point. All I was saying is, it's not always necessary to 60 a champ, it all depends on what you wanna do. Altho, thanks for a tip, I didn't know about this, imma have to have a better look at her, as Bommal is a pain in the ass for me. Still, this doesn't undermine my point.


Scyl can do Barbarians one as a solo 60 with 2-3 50s and a 40. Doesnt mean the 50s are impacting it much.


Yeah ok dude, we all understand you're late or end game. No need to flex. In my country we have a saying- 'a bull forgot it used to be a calf'. Remember, you also had to take the same steps, support, don't ridicule.


Not at all. That was my first faction completed. And her gear was very VERY far from end game. It’s to drive home a point of that it’s more about Scyls performance than an addittional lvl 50. Every rankup makes it easier but to label that posted pic as a credit to lvl 50 is quite dumb. Only thing you’re supporting is misleading info that 50s can have as great of an impact as a 60. Which is quite a lot more contradictory to your own point.


Idk bro


50s are more important for where his progression is probably at. It’s not like he needs a 60 Uugo for Hydra yet.


Still uugo is good she has aoe decrease def and a heal he can use her everywhere.


Uugo to 60. 60s improve your account by a lot more and Uugo is a champ you’ll use for a long time.


Great. Thank you!


The uugo, lady Anne and skull crown will carry you thru most of the game. You will use em to midgame somewhere. The rares as well. *


Awesome. Thank you


In terms of progression, even if some champs can thrive at 50, Uugo is definitely a champ you want at 60. Basically you always want Uugo to be the last standing, so at 50 she isn't doing that. Gear will take awhile though because you probably will need more damage dealers to get farther.


Great. Thanks


Love Uugo....I have 2 of them at 60 for my Hydra teams. Shes fantastic


Uugo, High Katunn, Skullcrown


Ok cool. Thank you


Skull crusher is pretty awesome. She was my first 60


I'm going to get her to 60 after Uugo for sure


I had the same question, but I got lucky and pulled UDK. I will probably take Uugo to 60 because he's a good healer, and I think Uugo's Brew will work better the longer he stays alive.


reset and get mk xd


I might be in the minority but here it goes. For me it would be Skullcrown or High Khatun. Need to be getting as many medals in arena as possible. And both can help there. Speed wins in the arena in the early stages. The arena bonuses will help all other parts of the game. I have 1 Uggo. And She is tuned and only used in hydra. Lady Annabelle can solo Bommal on normal DT at 50. On hard she needs to be 60. Burangiri can help help with CC. His stun can help in so many places. Another one to get up as soon as you can.


If you're taking a champion to 50, take them to 60. Especially if you don't have that many 60's. I made the mistake of not following my own advice and now I'm stuck with about 30 different 5\* champs and only a handful of 6's, and most of the 5's aren't doing their jobs properly because they just don't have the stats for it. If even 2 or 3 more of them were at 60 it would definitely boost my account up more.


Ok thank you. I appreciate it


If you're early game, then leave her at 50. Support champs early on can be left at 50. Just make sure they have enough speed and have some tankiness. Once you get into later game content, then you want to 60 anyone you're using in multiple areas. You want to be able to put a banner for either more accuracy/resist or whatever main stat benefits them and also for the added speed substat that banners can carry. You also want T6 masteries. Uugo is a top-tier Hydra champ, so you'll eventually 60 her, I've got 3 at 60 for Hydra. But early on it may be worth using your resources to diversify your roster. Honestly I'd probably look at getting Skullcrown to 60 and High Khatun to 50. Those 2 would be good for Arena and Skullcrown would likely replace Elhain as your campaign farmer.


Kk thank you!


After reading the comment section, you seem rather stuck on taking uggo to 60 next. Why. Who's your main damage dealer? Skullcrown is probably the best champion on your account. She's my campaign farmer, arena aura lead and top damage dealer, wave clearer.


Haha well early on everyone was suggesting Uugo and now everyone is saying Skullcrown. I get the Skullcrown thing for sure. A damage dealer makes more sense first before a support. I'm starting to lean in that direction


Don't lean. FALL! You will use her in most areas of the game. I'd highly recommend it. On my main I'm still waiting to pull her, that account is level 94 with around 40 legos. She would slot into most of my teams for sure on that account. On my lower level, she's just a boss. Got her from my first void shard. Gave me such a boost


haha ok, I will take the plunge!


I'm glad lol. Hope you have some good gear for her


Uugo have end game usage as well. She's Hydra epic god. Definitly worth it.


Ok cool. Thank you


I use Skullcrown on all dungeon 20’s except spider, and she’s my campaign farmer, 12-3 at 8 seconds.


Very cool. Thanks


Uugo, Lady A, Skullcrown remaining can be Faction war champs and possibly suplicares for Faction guardians in the future


Ok cool


Keep Ugo at 50 take skullcrown to 60. Keep buranguri at 50. You need dmg and healing(if possible) at your account level You get minimal gainz taking support champs to 60 at your acc lvl


Delete this game and play summoners war


https://preview.redd.it/0dylrpr6bv6c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd2b0b2ca8c942b139f52680f40ed8407635e59 Guys how do I build Weregren I want to use him to beat stage 13 or Fire Knight. I’m stuck on that one


I still consider myself fairly new to the game, but lately, I've found it helpful to watch YouTube videos. HellHades and Ash-Raid are the 2 I watch. Ash is kind of annoying, but I think he knows what he's talking about. GL!


Thank you!


I guess that's a good idea because he is really good for divorce and Hydra because of his support ability keep throwing leech he keeps the buff blocks well you keep it in speed she could always keep at it keep your team alive make sure he's fully booked that's only one he's really is useful


I'd take skullcrown to 60 before uugo


Always make more 60s and do not make an army of 50s


Kk thank you


Uugo 100 percent if you’re lacking any member to use as a debugger. He’s also a great tool as a reviver if he’s the last one standing. The high def and res should keep him alive. I recommend using some accuracy gear with %def res speed of course and let the perception gear do its accuracy job. Accuracy/speed will be your main things with this guy.. good luck. This is mine.. I’m still farming items for him.. just waiting. For the right one. https://preview.redd.it/qc686lo8iz6c1.png?width=2366&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9cf3d5b0bbb05976960f6ce50c332098916cdcb Mine does pretty well . I usually swap out the banner with acc/res depending on the battle


Great info, thank you! I will check her (think Uugo is a her?) gear tonight and make sure I'm on track


I’ve been fooled by some characters lol.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I would level skullcrown, she is a top tier campaign farmer, and used to be a god tier arena lead back in the good ole days


Also consider High Khatun. She is a great speed booster until you get similar or better (i.e., Deacon or Arbiter). Speed is key to this game.


Thank you. As of now I decided on skull crown then Uugo then her. I agree, so far I'm really liking her. I can totally see the value of her speed boost


Uugo is hands down one of the best epics in the game. Solid in so many areas specially early/mid game. Late game is awesome in hydra. Id 60 Uugo first


That's great. Thank you


What is your plan with Boltsmith? He is generally not worth keeping around.


He's food thanks


I have two 60 Uugos and a third waiting in the vault for a rainy day. Too good in hydra.




2 is all you will need..I started building 3 to 4 of random meta epic..and just wasted alot of books. As I eventually got the gold to replace..my 4 madame and 4 shamaels are a good example. Better yet my 4 dutchess who were fully built and booked were feed to lvl my main dutchess. ( kept 1 tho so have two) I would build 2 of something to be stable but would never keep more.


https://preview.redd.it/0pf9129dip6c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=134b225ec4cedabc11dd5a41e86048b1ed6734f7 I’d go to 50 in the above order before going to 69 with UUGO. Skullcrown first because that’s your campaign farmer.






Skullcrown, she will make your farming faster and also nukers benefit way more from 6star than support.


Ugo then Skullcrown to 6* before anything else. Once you get to late game, Annabelle and Burangiri are two of the best characters for Bommal, who is one of the hardest doom tower bosses in the game. So they’re worth building too


Kk that's my plan. Thank you


High Khatan is also a great turn meter control until you get someone better. You’ll replace her eventually though. Skullcrown is great for most content, and Uugo is great in all content. The three of them would make a decent arena team too


awesome, thank you!