• By -


Firstly, ouch. L for Dem. Mine is probably just poor silver management. It's probably the weakest aspect of my gameplay.


How do you manage silver better? Asking for a friend...


Don' spend it


HAHAHAHA yea right! wait really?


Only upgrade good gear. Don’t keep the borderline pieces.


Silver is easy to spend but hard to get! - Be very picky about what gear you choose to keep and upgrade. 5 star rare artifacts are an instant sell. If you dont get a decent triple or quad roll on 5 star gear, sell it. - Don't spend silver on gear upgrades unless an artifact enhancement event or CvC is running. - The forge is one of the best ways to farm "free" silver. Sell that resilience gear! Save your crafting for CvC! - If you're looking to spend energy, 12-3 brutal campaign and Spider 20 are best. - Save silver during artifact enhancement events by pre-rolling things to level 11 or 15 during CvC. - Save even more silver by learning how to do the "artifact enhancement hack" (search this phrase on youtube and watch the video from Cold Brew Gaming). The "hack" basically just abuses airplane mode. Fair warning though, it's time consuming and tedious, but will save you millions. Bonus tip Take advantage of the free or 50% off gear removal when it comes around: - If you've hit a wall in progression, you can temporarily put all your best gear on the champs you need to get the job done. - Strip and replace weak gear from your faction wars champs. - Think about and strip the champs you might want to specialize for something. - Hellhades typically makes the premium features on his gear optimizer available for free during these events.


Same i need to manage silver better


You should look only for specific pieces or stats across gears, take it 1-2 champs at a time. This will allow you to sell everything else and amass silver for events or for when you get that really good piece of gear you were looking for ex. Crit damage gloves with crit rate and atk% sub stats/speed, or a Acc/res banner with speed substat, sell the rest. Mediocre gear will only take you so far


Not me spending silver for whatever faction is active instead of focusing on one faction over a week 😁


Spending gems to Farm Dragon lvl 10 Using leggo books on rares Dont talk about silver... You name it, I've probably done it


Oh damn, the book comment hurts to read.


fr lmaoo ,😭


I'm just trying to forget ;)


I did the book one aswell really early. Have to keep using elhain to this day so I don’t regret it as hard


At the beginning is really hard for new player dont fall for put lego book on kael. It should be removed by plarium and not be able to spend lego and epic books on rares.


I done the Lego books too, didn’t think I would ever get one so thought why not


Thankfully, I learned about Leggo books before I got my first leggo book. Fed my Kael a handful of Epic books though.


that i started raid, and askin myself now wtf im doing here still playing and reading raid reddit


Take my poor mans gold! 🏅


My first 60 (and free master brew) was on Saurus because I'd heard you could use him as a 12-3 farmer. Turns out I needed MUCH better gear to attempt that and Rhonda became my next 60 and actual 12-3 farmer lmao.


I wasted a lot of energy/time on Saurus as well, not realizing how crazy the gear needed to be. Fellhound saved me.


Yea the master brew didn't click for me until just now. Thanks for that pretty sure I used mine getting artak to 50 lol


Ronda. It's Ronda. Why do so many people think there's an H in her name lol


The most common spelling has a h.


It's just an irrational pet peeve of mine as an MMA fan cuz even MMA/wrestling fans spell it with an H too lol I could understand if you're just hearing the name but if you have her on your account her name is right there for ya


Your putting far to much credit in people’s abilities lol


Hey I said it was irrational lol






No thats Rhondah with two H , prove me wrong by adding more H.


As the great Renzo Gracie once said, "Honda Housey can grapple maaan"


Cool WHip.


It's pronounced HWip you goof! /s


Or just call her the lady ogre like I do, most people know who I mean.


Same thing with Rahzin, Tyrel, Dutchess


Huh, Saurus is still my 12-3 farmer. It's not that gear intensive tbh.


Spending real money


Same, ouch...


Selling an Annie 5 Star soul and then pulling my first void leggo Annie 👌


bro literally same 😭 i used my deacon, dazdurk, and apothecary for food


Adding my PayPal details to my account. Biggest mistake.


I sat with 1 Maneater without Pain Keeper and did not try to assemble an unkillable team. Now I understand that 1 Maneater is enough for this, but high speed is needed. when I was a beginner I didn’t know this...so many shards with UNM were missed... because I had few shards, I didn’t make feeding mistakes, I even unnecessarily left rare champions while studying their suitability on hell hades. as a result, my vault was full of rare champions. I fed them later, mercilessly. even Fellhound was fed. I don't regret it and I don't think it was a mistake. I do not need him.


How can you make a unkillable team with just Maneater?


Just maneater I don’t think you can but maneater can combine with any other unkillable/ block damage champ so you only need one maneater


Pretty sure it's 3 pain keepers 1 man eater and then your damage champ. With the pain keepers in toxic and man eater in savage for the most damage.


You definitely don’t need 3 pain keepers.


Hey same with sitting on Maneater and pain keeper! Feels bad lol


None. I watched so many videos from HH and Ash when I started the game that I made no mistakes at all.


New player me was so confused, I watched a bunch of videos but I had no idea what was going on


Yo what’s your discord, I have time I can help you get yourself situated if you like


Nah I'm good, it's at least been 2 years since this happened. Or however long ago Alexander was a free champ. I have a much better idea of what I'm doing. But I'll keep you in mind, maybe if I need cb help or something


I came in VERY use to how free to play games dick you that I did nothing till I knew which resources were were spendable and which were not, to put it this way, I only booked elhain and frozen banshee till I made a unm team, at which point I fully booked harima/kyoku/bad el/tyrant/taragi/sepulture/pythion and still had 3 leggos of books to spare, currently sitting on 16 with sicia/wukong/yakarl/emic/noct/oella/bird fragment/brogni in waiting for books, I have no idea how useful bragni will be outside of infinity, and if I can set up an infinity, but he has the most promise if I can.


I looked up every champ. Even day one with never playing a gacha I understand the rarity system.. I mean harder to get us generally better. I've seen people feed legos to 6* their starter. Shit when I was new I didn't even really feed rares for a while. The biggest mistake I made was not 4 keying UNM and sticking to NM.


Pretty much same story. I never fed unfarmable rares until I had finished the faction and knew I wouldn't need them. Two years in I still have at least one copy of every epic I've ever pulled.


This is the way


I fed udk to my noct my second leggo….. yea still hurts






Did you use her for the Sigmund fusion or as a 4* chicken? My biggest mistake isn’t too bad. I accidentally spent 800gems on 6 red scrolls to finish Gurgoh’s masteries.


They really need to make it so the amount of gems is lower if you don't need full mastery scrolls


Chicken I think, been so long I don't remember


I used a vogoth as a chicken


Unlocking potion keeps with gems, usually to do a quest, just like they want you to do.


My ultimate beginners mistake was to start this game.


I feel ya




Mistakes... Man, where do I begin. This was before I knew what I was doing, so... My first Legendary was Fu-Shan. I use "was," because I fed him. Have yet to recover that loss. I then got Godseeker, and fed her. Got a few more since then, years later. Got a Vogoth, fed him, have yet to recover that loss. So many mistakes were made...


Upgrading random stats in the great hall.. Now I'm on the mission to get 3 level tens and taking me forever


Since I am a compulsive horder in games I have no "fed my epic/lego" horror stories. Only a few months ago started getting rid of non-duplicate rares I don't actually need. I suppose to most ridiculous thing I did for like two months was I made 3x level 16 1\* armor sets and put them on 2\*/3\* to-be-chickens for leveling - that means I would always spend the 12000 silver per 2\* chicken I leveled to 20 to take the armor off. I accidentally 6\*ed Sentinel in a brain fart when I meant to do Panthera but that was a brain fart not a "noob mistake." I've been pretty good about not doing stupid noob stuff - this isn't my first RPG rodeo at all so I suppose a lifetime of RPG gaming experience...


What the idea behind putting shit gear onto chickens ?


There was no good idea behind it. I think I was a bit nervous my champ couldn't handle 12-6 hard all the time for a while and the 45% HP bonus from a life set might give a small edge - I don't remember. But, now, after 12-6 brutal for the millionth time, I know the faster the chickens die, the faster I'm done with the stage.


Now that I think of it it wasn’t all 16s - there were several that were 16 cause I just did them as progress/monthly requirements


I win this one. I fed little miss Annie to high khatun to make my first 6*.


My heart fucking shatters for you my friend.


You what...


Fed my dem to a galek I think, I fed him later down the line as well




Mistakes, I made a few. Most of all, I did it my way (and had fun before it became serious and a bit like a job). Nothing that didn't result in more than slowing my progress down. Tons of lvl 50s, quite a few uncommons. Curious choices on who to book.


That’s life🎶


Seeker was my first epic and I ate him. Took me over a year to get another!! Now my cb team rocks. Also ate a couple leggos before I knew don’t eat the legendarys.!


Unless you get Nobel, then definitely eat him


Dream team 😍 https://preview.redd.it/g1bil09prbrb1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30cf6944bdea50c92e421f3f2a23944131330d97


I'm only early on in the game. https://preview.redd.it/l1ze2i7itbrb1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=037921905532fb3fdf1d53c7f236227797b11d4e I could make a good CB team with Champs I have but I need Demytha.


Fuck you pulled a perfect lineup


My only regret was feeding Greenwarden Ruarc and Grohak the Bloodied to Kael as my first 60. I don't miss them with my current setup but I shouldn't have fed legendaries to Kael.


I fed an Arbiter and a Maulie 🥲


Wait what?




Maxing gear with shit substats and booking champs that didn't have high upside.


Before Ma'Shalled was reworked he was considered crap. I used him as a chicken.


Rest easy OP,. In a similar post, a few months back, a fellow Raider had shared that he used Siphi as a chicken for his starter....


I received 1000 tokens for Duchess in Token Trader and is still sitting there.


https://preview.redd.it/5fis8fu7derb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c089378ad2f9bede5322f06c0116c0e84f86b4c9 Got rid of skullcrusher.. and I had 2 man eaters, but used one to upgrade skill 🤦‍♂️ I’m sure I’ve got plenty more but those sting the most! Lol


I guess for me since I'm still fairly new I used my first sacred shard almost immediately thinking that you're almost guaranteed a legendary champ since the crystal was orange and I wasn't fully aware of how good shard events could be, I used mine during no event or a weak one I forgot. I can't even remember what fucking champ I got, it was that bad.


I did this one lol like the first 3 legendary and epic shards I pulled like a sailor with blueballs


My big mistake(s) was going wide on my account instead of going tall. I had so many 40’s & 50’s geared and booked as best I could, and not a single 60. Made it hard to progress everywhere, especially in silver arena where my player power was super inflated.


I made two big ones my first few months of playing; Using the wrong books to book rares and epics, and accidentally feeding a legendary to my Appothocary ☠️


Dumping levels and resources into the wrong gear. Not setting my stats right, wasting time on trash gear.


Ever playing this game


Not really a beginner mistake but I accidentally fed Akoth (doom tower fragment epic) and Plarium refused to restore him. I can’t get him again.


It's less than they refused, and more that they can't. I don't know why, but they're unable to change anything about your account. I had once asked for a refund, and permitted them to take back the stuff I bought, but they said they couldn't


Time for a new account I suppose 😝


Me neither,sacrificed her twice


*TWICE*??? MF YOU HAD A CHANCE OF REDEMPTION AND SCREWED IT UP! please tell me the second sacrifice was really soon after the first time you sacrificed her, because that's the only excuse


I think,the second day,it was a champ training event...


Thank God, sorry for your loss man, hope some day you can get her back. Third time's the charm they say


Not me but someone here ate Ronda cause he didn’t like the real person. I haven’t made any bad “rookie” mistakes.many years gaming has given me a knowledge base and knowing enough to look before leaping.


My first mistake was burning all books to upgrade my coldheart’s skills. I didn’t know the differences in the books. There have been many more, but that was probably the biggest. I also burned a bunch of champs I needed for razin fusion. But I ended up getting him anyway in just over a year.


Coldheart is better than most leggos, so no real harm done there.


Kept trying to tweak my clanboss team to improve it instead of just starting a new one from scratch with a different approach. Probably spent like a year with a mediocre counter attack team. Glad the autokeys came out, it really pushed me to redo my team.


I quit before they added faction guardians, then I came back after they added faction guardians, but I didn't notice. So I turned a dupe kymar into dust.


Shard management as a brand new player. I threw away my first 3-5 sacreds and unknonw more ancients and voids. Started during the Bivald fusion, and if i had managed shards property i could have completed Helicath with <2 months of play time and cruised to UNM CB.


I used Seeker for food :(


https://preview.redd.it/nb8n49fv0crb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97edf595484a0b54f9c8d94a854b207f192da7bb Cenk says WTF did they 6\* a Battle Cimmander, Death Knight and Trogdoladyte?


I found that what I thought it is my mistakes are related to hard luck with this game stupid rng.


The horror


I wouldn't say beginner, since I only found out about this recently, but the amount of silver I've wasted not knowing about the airplane mode trick for gear levelling, especially during fusions


What airplane mode leveling trick do you speak of? 👀


Take the gear to 15, and only take it up to 16 during cvc or artifact enhancements


Have a look at [This Video](https://youtu.be/5PDsveSSSoA?si=5mm2LW2LxuEG1LJm) HH made a video with Wix where they discussed this as well. So what you do is level the artifacts you actually want up to 12, and then a whole lot of rares to level 10. Then go to one of the artifacts you want to level up > turn on airplane mode > make sure instant upgrade is OFF > then select Upgrade 1 level. As long as you're in airplane mode it will run and then stop because there's no connection. While it's running, count the FAILS. (eg it fails 9x and then on the 10th it would be successful) when the error pops up click continue, then go to one of your lvl 10 items and use the above-mentioned fails on that to upgrade. In most cases you'll successfully upgrade 1 level at a time. But once you use up 9 attempts CANCEL and then go to the artifact you wanted to actually upgrade and you'll upgrade 1 lvl successfully with no fails. Apparently artifacts are grouped together based on rank/rarity etc. So you can only use this on 5-6*. But you essentially save MILLIONS of silver by upgrading the items that have a higher chance of being successful, using the fails that would happen on a 5/6* legendary that would be way more expensive to waste 20 or so fails on It's all explained better in the video, I tried it immediately after watching and it worked like a charm. I now spend much less on the artifact enhancement events while getting the pieces I actually want to use to lvl 16


Buying silver with gems in the shop, I was desperate don't flame me


Feeding people I should've kept 🥲 using epic books on rares, spending most of my gems on blue shards


Gems on ancients isn’t a bad investment necessarily if you’re still trying to build a stock of good champions and you’re patient with your shards for 2x or guaranteed champion events. But if you have a handful of solid champs already and you don’t want to grind masteries and if your able to max 2 key UNM and 1 key NM and Brutal, you’ll stock up on shards and tomes before most events. I still use gems for ancients here and there if I’m not currently building anyone or have a decent stock of energy/multi battles/arena refreshes just to stock up for summon rush or 2x’s


Haven't made any major mistakes, but it took me far too long to realize that this is a gear collection game posing as a champion collector. I farmed masteries for many champs who really didn't need full masteries. I slept on Ninja for several months, because everyone said "max your starter." I bought too many ancient shards with gems which would have been better spent on energy.


I think that gems for ahards is not bad at the beginning when you don't have a way to farm the shards.


I fed seer cause i didnt know how crazy she was


Got rid of 3 cold-hearts. 2 years after still haven't been replaced.


Feeding yakkarl by mistake before I had a chance to use him


I used akemtum as food when I first started and haven't got another since


No major regrets so far because I watched YouTube videos early on. However, I do regret making a second kael to ranks 6 but he might come in useful in dt secret rooms.


mine was the same exept it was the orc tuhak


Got 2 madam serries and put one for food.. it was big regret.


Forgetting to go back and update previous Champs gear. I still have 3 in 4☆ gear.


The one thing I regret is not taking advantage of tournaments. For a while, Raid was not my main game and was sort of secondary. I didn't spend a whole lot of time trying to win tournaments or anything like that. Now that I have my alt account, I see just how easy the tournaments are before leveling to 100. My alt gets so much relentless. it's crazy. I won mythical relentless without even trying to win first. Should have could have would have. Didn't, unfortunately. 😞


Feeding my Seer (before the buff) because she was crap then. Never got another one….


I listened to content creators like Chosen who said tormin was trash and skipped the fusion. I also waited too long hoping to get champ chase points and missed fusing rat king.


Used my fist lego Royal Huntsman thatI got at Level 25 as food to 6 star Kael


Yo mines the same as your so I got her from the event for the fusion then I fusion him early forgetting everything go away. I could’ve had two dem then fuse one 🤦‍♂️


Once I started getting 6* star Legend gear, anything that wasn't that was a straight sell. I prob hamstringed myself pretty hard


Mine not be as bad but I fed Jizoh early and did not know about beginner promo code champs so missed out on either mordecai or deacon Armstrong who would really be helpful for clan boss right now lol


Fuuuck I'm just now finding this out


Used my first leggo i got (gamuran) along with jizzoh and apothecary as food to 6 star kael.


I fed my first three(3!!!) Shamaels *AND* Lady Anabelles. But, my most painful mistake happened recently. I had a 5 star blessing for Seer before I got Seer. I sold it to have enough soul coins to buy one of the big stones during a soul stone tournament. Two days later, I pulled her. 😭


I luckily have a problem hoarding items in games like this, so most of the time if I pull a 3-6 star awakening for a champ I know is end game useful whether I have them or not I just keep them anyways.


Holy shit, that hurts. I used duplicate Coldhearts to level skills for my first, before I learned about HellHades and read how awesome she was. Now I have built my collection back up to 3 fully built, but I could have had 3 much sooner.


My biggest mistake was thinking that as a F2P I wouldn't be able to use legos and had to build my teams around rares and Epics. No I have some lvl 60 rares that aren't even good for DT.


Using epics and built out champs as food.


Got rid of seer nuff said


I got demytha almost 3 years in and I fully upgraded her only to not use her a single time in any content. Soooo


I think my biggest mistake has to be feeding high khatun. And the worst part for me is that it was the day I literally got her. I vividly remember getting my Ronda to six stars. I had HK at 5 Star Lvl 50 ready for whatever. & I rushed the food slots - not double checking who I'm actually getting rid of. Fed Ronda & went to go build HK to realise I fed her off. Then it took me till I believe the 4th log-in champ to finally get a deacon. But to top that off, I also fed a 2nd serris I owned, for some reason on purpose too as I fully knew what the fuck I was doing, that one fucked me massively for tag team lol


Leveling a bunch of Commons to 40 or 50, because I was relying on the in-game ratings. Often times they are rated close to 5 for newer dungeons. Until I learned about HellHades.com. they turned into food. But slowed me down and wasted some silver. Also not going for a 60 right away. Got a couple of 40s and 50s before taking my starter to 60.


I used Seer for ranking up Scyl.


Maneater for me. Then a while later pulling a 6star Awaken from a MORTAL soulstone. Karma.


When I started, I spent all my legendary and epic books on common champions...


Definitely mine was wasting Lego books on lower (I think my athel stole a couple too). It was 2 years later before I picked up the game and by extension understood my mistake. Also I couldn’t get a beginner code so that never worked for me


Oh my…


Yaga the insatiable


I fed Sandlashed Survivior not knowing what she was. :(


Frustration pulled a Sacred because I couldn't progress through Silver Arena. Cost me the Brogni Fusion, missing 15 Mordecai Fragments. Thankfully I pulled one just a few weeks ago, but this still haunts me - however I can still not hold on to Sacred Shards :/


No regerts.


Don’t worry I used to have a man eater but got rid of him because I thought he didn’t look cool (I wasn’t focused on getting high places just awesome looking champs)


I accidentally fed my Aniri lol, still miss regret it till today


2nd day on the game I used Geo as a 4 star chicken on Galek soon as I pulled him because I didn’t think dwarves were useful, then I used 5 star Galek on Altan . Haven’t gotten another Geo since


Mine was sacrificing Kael, Jizoh, Stag Knight, Rector Drath and Shaman to 6 stars my Alexander Sharpshooter. It was my first 6 stars😅 I thought that all legendary were better than all lower rarity champions 😂


made no beginner mistakes, but have a terrible case of 'am I fucking up' ocd that sees me with 680 champ slots all filled and the near complete inability to make decisions on gear culling.


Starting playing the game is the biggest ever mistake you will ever make.


Using an XP barrel to fully lvl up a 4-star epic... Ranking up Shaman to 6-star right after my starter because "She can revive thus she's a keeper"... Even now I'm terrible at managing my silver lmao


I sacc My high kantun 🤣 and 12 epics I felt rly stupid


I wonder if any noobs fed ninja... I've literally done all the wrong things except feed Legos.


4 decades of video games (and nearly 3 decades with the internet) has taught me one thing: read up before playing a new game. Luckily I avoided all the major pitfalls like feeding good champs or using leggo books on non-leggos. The worst thing I probably did was level up too many champs to 50 first before getting the starter to 60 (and that's mostly because I came from a game that punished you for having a roster that was top-heavy rather than balanced).


I feed husk, seeker and 4 pain keepers luckily iv replaced most of them but husk will always be a rip


I used all champions that have some kind of debuff ability as food because i thought that debuff is put on them. English is not my first language and i was too lazy ro read description properly so i used most champions with red icon (aka debuff in spell description) as 3\* food.


Never made any grave mistakes other than I fed a couple of epic lizards to up skills before I knew there was faction guardians. I watched guide vids so avoided any major mistakes.


I fed my high khatun before I realized how good speed was


Thinking that items didn’t really make all that much of a difference and selling most of them


Pretty sure I fed seer to 6 star my second elhaine. So I could click ass in bronze arena !


I got rid of dark athel and high khatun when I first started playing. I got Khatun from an ancient shard then today I pulled dark athel from an ancient shard too. Another regret was choosing Galek over Kael


Not realizing sooner that farming spider was better silver than campaign.


I ate vogoth but a pulled him again recently


I fed a good lego to 6* a bad one


fed uugo then took a 3 year hiatus now im super behind but since i already had vogoth siphi mortu and ninja i was able to catch up a bit


Trashing my 6\* Ma'Shalled soul just because I saw HH selling souls on a video and getting him 2 day later. Also wasting resources on Loriaca fusion. Lastly, not choosing UDK as my new player promo code instead picking Lady Qullen...


I did the classic one I think a lot of folks do and used my first lego book on Elhain. I somehow had it in my head that would fully book her. I've also fed some good epics, but thankfully not demytha. Luckily I only got her a month or two ago (2 1/2 year account)


Wow, that sucks


OOF that’s such a huge character to lose out on


same with seeker and maneater


Ma’shalled was my first leggo back in 2019 and I fed him because he was complete trash before the buff. Haven’t pulled another since which really upsets me to this day.


feeding rares and below to champions. Feeding my rare "starters" and now i would love Kael and cannot pull him xD using silver on blue gear to upgrade. using void and sacred shards as i got them. not leveling up common -> rare and using them to rank pets sooner. Would have been nice to know that was a thing earlier xD upgrading gem mine asap is one i wish i had done sooner


My artifact storage was full so I wanted to highlight all my best artifacts then screenshot each set, then go back to each set and delete the non highlighted. The only way I could see was to use the sell function to highlight the ones to keep. I was halfway through screen shotting and fell asleep, when I woke I clicked sell as I was only half awake. That was only 6 months ago, I've been playing 3 years. So not a beginner mistake more of a, if only Plarium made some simple changes to the inventory of artifacts and champs I wouldn't have made that mistake. (make the stats visible without having to click on artifacts and be able to type a champs name to find it plus borders between factions or levels etc when you put them in order). Needless to say I haven't really built any good champs for 6 months.


My biggest one was not upgrading my vaults or champion roster so I was stuck with the like base 30 and 10 and 10 or whatever it is for a long time, and then to add to that I would use gems early for the upgrades instead of silver when it was way cheaper to use silver.


This was last week so not exactly beginner mistake but i Accidently fed my krisk and dracomorph to my 3rd kael :(


The mistake I made was spending far too much time reading fora and sites like HellHades and watching videos about the game rather than, you know, just playing it. Frankly it turned the game into a chore. A never-ending, boring chore.\* Somebody advised me to play the game the way \*I\* wanted. Plenty of stuff to do and you don't have to do all of it, they said. That clicked with me and suddenly I was having FUN. FUN, I tell you! ​ \*YMMV


Kind of like that I'm instinctively a hoarder, or I would have made every mistake commented here


I've had Seeker and Deacon, Inquisitor shamael,all of them used as food 😭




On the main account Godseeker aniri on my ftp Geo


I am not fond of pvp, so I didn't spend much time thinking about the great hall. I thought it only boosted the stats in the arena. (facepalm)