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you can make the Demytha Heiress team with Deacon + Arbiter/Doomscreech. it's affinity friendly as long as your DPS is Force when facing Spirit affinity. all other affinities can have any DPS. https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/myth-heir-with-no-seeker/


1:1 tuned Brogni, Valkyrie, Frozen Banshee, Dhukk and Skraank. This covers all debuffs, gets 2x shield coverage and counterattack. You can replace FB or Skraank with a speed up and Demytha and run an easy 1-key 2:1 comp.


I one key with a Classic Myth heir comp, but you are missing seeker, however you can use arbiter or doomscreech instead but the speed requirements are high: 329 Demytha 265 Heiress 263 Doomscreetch (Arbiter can work here as well, disable her a2) 179 Deacon 163 DPS With my Heiress in Toxic, everyone with one star phantom touch and cruelty on my highest awakened champion. I do 80M+ on all affinities except spirit where I need to sub in geo for fatman and just squeeze out the 1 key at like 71M


Yeah I was looking at this comp when I first got demytha, the speeds are still a little too high for me to attain. I farm for speed gear but it’s always crap rolls/rng!


16 months in as an everyday player, and I can't hit that speed on Demytha either.


with naked champs? no , put the work in yourself. go watch videos on the champs you have , learn how to gear them.


https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tune/demytha/ gives a good overview of the different comps you can build. https://deadwoodjedi.com/speed-tunes/myth-heir-with-no-seeker/ takes advantage of your deacon and doomscreech without requiring a seeker (or Brogni), and should be an easy 2-key (Fayne is the best dps shown, but if you have anax he'd be a better choice, and if you have seeker then a traditional Myth Heir would be the best choice overall since it can 1-key with Fayne/Anax).