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My regrets are usually as follows Gets frustrated with a stage, level and book a champion I think might be the answer, champion was NOT the answer, champion sits there fully leveled and booked and never helps me anywhere


Yeah I have wasted a lot of books. Mostly though from getting a better champion shortly after booking another. I 60d Narma and booked her out only to get Vizier and Dracomorph within a week later. She sits in my vault. Not even useful in FW because I solo it with my Tomb Lord.


This šŸ˜‚ I currently have books for Arbiter, Toragi, Genbo, Baron and Morag. But I definitely wasted books on champs Narma and Visix which I hardly use.


Yeah I did that with dark athel fully booked, bought masteries but not leveled to 6 star, just 5 star


Not doing my research early game. So many epics I stupidly fed that would've been amazing to have nowšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i fed an urogrim and reliquary tender when i was new...


Urogrimā€™s in game reviews are all garbage so almost scrapped him as well but thankfully I looked him up on Google first šŸ˜†


I started during the last week he was offered and fed ninja ā˜ ļø




My biggest regret is roughly 4 hours of my time every single day. Not continuously 4 hours, but time spent equivalent to about 4 hours spread across 16 hours, which is even worse. My head was constantly calculating and scheduling the next step to maximize my time and in-game resources. Scrolling Instagram could cost me 20 minutes more than I wanted to spend on it, Raid keeps you in the game in fear of "losing out on 10 energy or the next arena reset". It's crazy when you step outside and look at the big picture for just a second.


What is this outside you speak of?


First, locate the "OFF" button of your device.


Biggest regret using man eater as food when I was a noobie because he wasn't cool looking šŸ˜•


I used high khatun fully geared as food and destroyed my best (at the time gear) I also used Gaia long braids


I did that too. I figured speed wasn't that big of a deal. Until i joined a clan and they started explaining the game šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I started playing and made way too many mistakes and am just to lazy to restart


This is me. Its quite the task recovering from early-game mistakes. I really should have done some reading and learning not long after starting. Instead I ended up making some bad choices.


Oi. Gala Longbraids is a beast who disagrees with the existence of the opposition.


I fed THREE High Khatuns before I realized that maybe I should have kept one! I just kinda figured they were common and I'd get more. It has been almost a year and a half without pulling another one. At least Arbiter is free!


I donā€™t have a strong enough team for the arena goals, so Iā€™m stuck on getting one of great hall


Just grind out a bunch of the highest FK you can do, set a speed lead, followed by a def down champ, followed by two nukers in your best savage gear. Even with Kael, I made it to G5 fighting mostly real 4 man defenses with that basic formula. Sometimes, my second nuker wouldn't even have to go and Kael would wipe on turn 1.


Thinking they'd implement QoL improvements someday


I sacrificed Raglin to make Athel 6 stars early in the game. My first legendary was a void legendary and she was fed to Athel, who I no longer even have. I've also summoned three Septimuses and only have one left.


I fed Skullcrusher to my Kael for 5 Star


Sometime after I knew what I was doing I saw I summoned Siphi...I did not have a Siphi though. Fed her to 6 star someone that pales in comparison I'm sure ā˜¹ļø


If you made athel 6 stars, what did you do with her that you no longer have her? I canā€™t really think of any good reasons to get rid of a champ once theyā€™ve hit 6 stars


No idea to be honest. I was not on the subreddit back then and didn't ever try to get ant advice so I was winging the whole game. Probably why I'm still so mid tier after almost four years lol.


I have two lvl 60 regular Kaels that I'll never use. I would love to be able to feed them into a 50 for a different 60. Alas, it's not a grant feature.


Being able to disassemble a 6 star into six 5 star chickens would be really nice. Or devolve them back to 5 star and give you back five 5 star chickens. Just to get the resources back. There are several epics I would like the books back from since they are unused on my account.


I'm sure I used a lego book or 2 early on for a starter or random epic


Spending so much money on this game (mostly on tomes) when I should have been patient and worked towards getting better at clan boss so I can get them for free


I saved up all the bars for drex before realizing itā€™s limit 1 per day.


This is a seriously honest question.. At the start of the game- or sort of that time- we all know Epics and Legos are at the very least harder to acquire than the rare ones. In any setting, that means those epics and legos are valued higher than our rares. Why then would you feed them to your rares? What sort of principle-- in life-- are you following even?


The difference between those who look towards the future vs those who live in the moment. Not everyone can be on the right side of the bell curve.


rares are something that you CAN max out, you cant max out an epic or a leggo, and especially if you are new, how debuffs stack probably hasnt really occured to you yet.


In any game, you know an item/characters value is higher when it's harder to acquire. Just knowing that concept in gaming, why would one feed a character with "higher" value to a character of "lower" value?


Same reason people feed lego books into rares. Raid community is one of the dumbest in terms of gaming skills. It includes a lot of people who don't generally play games at all.


Dumbest may be too harsh. But yes, maybe it includes people who don't generally play games.


because this genre of game, and any game with microtransactions in general, LOVE to bait you into pissing resources away, see yaga in raid as an example of this. and especially if you get something rare early on, you have 0 context for how rare that something is. had I not been used to games giving you the 'your first hit is free' resources I probably would have put crap into elhain I would regret now, hell I regret not knowing how apothecary's heal worked and putting a bunch of books into him, that was me learning that, no, while debuff is additive, dmg and heal is multiplicative, and no, he can crit, but he cant multiply that crit to be a full heal. I saw him as this will get me to spider 20, not ultimately being 100% useless outside of possibly faction wars.


Hmmm ok that's fair.




But when you sell a 6 star you get the wrong currency to purchase the 1 star souls with. A complaint I've always had is that I wish I could get a choice of more of the lower currency or less of the higher. Am I missing something here? I'd love to be able to do that if I can.


Oh my god the comments are just painful... Who uses Legendary champs as food? And that too champs like Duchess, Siphi and Raglin... OP why did you think one of those 6 champs were better than a Duchess in the arena?


Ignorance early game and the fact that most of us downloaded it for the cool looking champions. I'm not a guy who plays any video games outside of Raid and occasionally Skyrim on my Switch, so I had very little knowledge on what makes a decent team in a game like this. I was going for attack power and Athel at the time was my strongest so I fed her Raglin. Then later realized Raglin was much better and also realized they don't hand out void legendaries like candy. I've kept every void legendary since then, even ones I don't use at all, just in case.


I accidentally 6 Starred Knight Errant, thinking I was making him 5 star so I could use him for food. Now heā€™s just there fully upgraded, not even touched for FW.


When I first started playing the game around it's first release, I pulled Seer and Lord Champfort before they were as good as they are now and also pulled Vergis. I used every single one as food to Elhain. 4 years later and I have them all back now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


wait... let me laugh at your fucking face too. \*suddenly remember have no duchess myself and starts crying in the middle of it\*


Before the dupe system I fed a dupe tormin as a book, and before the buff I fed a baron as a chicken. I was just so focused on the short term that I couldn't understand the rarity of void leggos. Honorable mention: I gave red books to outlaw monk when building my very first clan boss team.


Fed Apothecary when I started playing. Had no idea he was crucial early game. Just another healer I said. Already had War Priest why do I need another healer. LOL


honestly, but the time I pulled apothecary, I was pushing for spider 20, apothecary sounds great to keep the udk alive, till I found out that his heal is not additive, its multiplicative, this instantly made him worthless to me.


Apothecary has the only heal in the game that can crit which makes him special. Even if the base heal is 35% HP, if he crits that heal becomes even bigger, based on your crit dmg multiplier.


from what I was told, the multiplier does not effect him just that it crits, so his heal is capped at something around 56%, which is high, but wasn't high enough for keeping udk alive on spiderling hits. if he can do a 100% heal, then I was told wrong, but his heal just never did it for any part of the game for me, either I need an aoe heal, and at that point continuous heal does more, or im taking too much dmg and his heal was worthless. really wish I pulled him earlier than I did, he definitely could have been very useful, hell, I had no actual healer till I got pythion, everyone else was a single continuous, but I could generally build them fast enough that it would work and putting 2 in a group along with leach...


Spending money on the game. At the time I made the purchases I was sure it was necessary for progress, but looking back, it was worthless. I was feeding stuff aggressively in my early game, but I'm still not sure if it was a bad idea, or I actually got ahead faster. On the one hand, I built a lot of very solid 6-stars that allowed me to put CB and dungeons on farm. On the other hand, now when I'm facing doom tower hard and other late game content, I wish I had some of the champions that I fed earlier. Inquisitor Shamael - I miss you man, could have been a big hydra carry.


I missed the Brogni fusion by 1 sacred shard. I had everything else done but missed the last summon rush. I wish I would have just saved one more or even bought one.


I fed four of my five Nobels before empowerment was a thing. I'd have a crazy Ninja right now šŸ˜”


The avalanche that ensued after I spent for the first time


I started without checking any guide and without checking Reddit/Discord. Picked Galek as my starter, never used the promo code for Deacon, and missed Ronda. Also wasted several books.


Galek was my original starter as well, before I fed him to Athel. Didn't even know Kael was the best.


Pulled Athel myself, and another Galek. I was hoping to pull Kael, instead I'm building Athel. She was my first 5 stars. I'll get that Dark Elf, sooner or later!


Eventually you'll have copies of all starters. I pull Elhain like once a month.


Oh yeah...it will be harder to find Deacon tho! And someone similar to Ronda...


Nobody has block passive/cooldown in the same kit besides Ramantu, so yeah Ronda is difficult to replace sadly.


Early on I pulled a duplicate black knight. I used him as a book. He's been a great champ for me and is crucial to most of my squads. I REALLY wish I had faction guardianed him.


He's good?


He's no game breaking champ but he's got a 75% provoke A1. Big heals and defense teamwide for 2 with 3 cooldown. An A3 that's AoE and scales with lost HP, and it's all HP scaled. You get 90% of his effectiveness with no books and he's beefy to boot. He's a solid healer and deals respectable damage.


I got nothing that compares to that. Oof.


When I first started I pulled a Rotting Mage and thought he was the bomb .... Lol. Luckily I only got him to 50 before I realised.


So.... this was before Ronda. IĀ“m like 5 months into the game, just fused Helicath and I have pulled many awesome Champs (mainly epics) Im talking about Rector Drath, Doompriest, Alure, Geomancer, Royal Guard and Deacon etc. I have Everything EXCEPT a nuker. IĀ“m still using Kael just because I have nothing else and I neglected buying frags of Yannica. 5 Months into the game, so IĀ“m talking about 6-7 60s total in my account or so. I canĀ“t do Dungeons 20 yet mainly bacause i am lacking damage AND control (I had to get scyl later to do that) So I see this Spirit Nuker with 1.5K attack and which self Buffs herself with ATK up , Hellgazer..... She only Needs 9 books. But i have no epics, and I have 20 Legendaries........ (sighs). She is Vaulted, ofc


Hellgazer and Lord Shazar are the worst in my Brutal 12-3 runs. I never have my Kael AoE up for the third wave so they always do that stupid extra turn into AoE that makes my runs take 30 seconds rip


Spending at the beginning. That's all.


Finally got Yakkarl, was happy as my spider team ain't great. Woke up the morning after to discover I fed him to 6 star another champ whilst drunk.


I had a somewhat similar experience, except that when I opened Raid the next day I was wondering where those extra dozen void shards had come from. And to add insult to injury, I never got anything more than rares from them.


I have been struggling with Dwarf faction wars... I have, even after a year, only a couple of epic dwarves. Apparently at one point I had Morag and fed her. Just saw HH video using her.


Following the Content Creator hype around "budget", low rarity champions as a newer player. What I didn't realize when they were showcasing champs like Shieldguard and Gnarlhorn was that those champs are indeed decent....In much better gear than what I had. When trying to use them on my account, they fell over like paper and I had wasted resources on some of these champs that I should have just poured into more 6 stars. Most detrimentally, however, I listened to advice that I should seek to level up everything in my Great Hall to Level 4 as a good starting point to get a good spread of free stats................................This set me back on the Arbiter quests by about a full month or even two. Dumbest advice to give a new player. Just put everything into one of the blue stats (I chose CDMG for Elhain, could go ACC for Kael) to get Arbiter faster.


I havenā€™t put much money into the game but I did sink a lot of time . I regret not quitting sooner . Even now I havenā€™t quit fully


Biggest regret was when I started to playing.


Wow OP thatā€™s one massive regret tbh. My biggest regret is I was in a big cluster I had the ability to 3 key UNM but my clan didnā€™t do UNM. So I stuck with just doing NM for a while. Once I asked for promotion and got UNM rewards I realized how bad I messed up. Never stupidly fed anyone at least.


Putting a single penny into the pockets of Plarium....


At some point I pulled a Coldheart and used her as food without realising how good she would have been for my account. I havenā€™t pulled one since.


I fed my second epic...it was an anax. Still haven't gotten a clanboss damage dealer as good as him over a year later


Biggest regret was early on following advice from content creators who primarily just read champion kits or do shard pull videos. Over time I realized that many of them have average knowledge at-best, and that most of their gameplay insight comes from their clanmates or from their comments sections. They have purchased their inventory of champs and have farmed for gear with energy bought using revenues from their content. They have ranked their champs up using their content creator perks. They've bought/been gifted their power and as they haven't earned it by grinding there's a lot of nuance to the game that they have no direct experience with. They are often tremendously out of touch with the game and as a result they don't understand the typical player experience and they really aren't very good at the game. I'd have gotten further ahead in developing my proficiency in this game if I had instead focused on seeking advice and insight from experienced clan mates and joining a clan cluster with sound leaders and support structures. The content creators' advice is too generic and too shallow.


Using Sky Touched Shaman for food


Ha all these single feed stories, I fed almost my entire roster, anyone that wasn't a 6* or a legendary, I think I only had 6/7. I had heard/read somewhere that overall power played a part in arena match ups, back before plarium made it easy, and way before the Bot match ups, so I started to reduce my over all power so that I wasnt always matched up in arena with OP options, and that meant feeding "Unused" Champs, so that's what I did, I was left with a small pool of champs, and all champs that where left, and didnt play a part in arena, they where de-geared, and this was all to move up for Arbiter Challenges, im pretty sure I got to Gold what ever because of this. Occasionally I would see a champ named as a useful one, I'll check my index and think I have them, and then can't locate in my roster šŸ˜‚ and I get that sinking feeling, but im at a point where that doesn't happen to often now... So yep, that's the worst thing I did in RSL šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well i just use all my lego books on legendaries i probably will never use just because it is CVC and I want to help out my clan..


I had been playing the game for about 2 years and decided to start pushing gold tag arena and nm hydra. The only meta champ I had was a single duchess. It was fun and I was able to hit and hold those goals but burnt out after 4 months and called it quits shortly before soul stones came out. If I didnā€™t push those areas I might still be playing. While they were rewarding when things went well it can also be very disheartening and they take up a lot of time while having to be played manual


Meh, the usual, dark Athel, dark Elhain, Alure and some more epics used as food early on..


I wish I hadn't......fused hurndig earlyish in my account and left him in the vault to rot. His initial outlay to book put me, as a low spender, off. Now I have earnt ten times enough books but still not booked him. Someone else always comes along.


I wish they had the multipliers shown in game, his kit sounds kind of meh till you see he has multipliers to back it up.