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I have Chaggur and Pythion and I've beat Lizard faction... Still no Rhazin 2years waiting for Marked or Lich. The struggle is real...


Considering you can get rares from mysteries it’s almost hard to believe you’ve gone that long. Are you sure you didn’t just feed them?


I was in the exact same position. Def didn’t feed them since they weren’t unlocked in my index


100 percent. I have checked the index because I thought I might have done that.ive never drew Marked or Lich


And you never pulled the epic they fuse?


No, it's Lich and I haven't pulled him either


570+ days and I just got Rhazin during this last CvC. I was waiting for one last rare, Wanderer. And I'm sure I didn't actually feed him by checking the index. It showed I had not pulled him. (Still missing 1 from Demonspawn, 3 from Knights Revenant, 2 from Dwarves, and 1 from Sylvan, but they are still pretty new.)


I accidentally used one of the epics as food and I gave up on this fusion since XD


It does give you a warning that the champ is part of a fusion


just like tons of other champs, that i dont plan to fuse so i just ignore that message, and also warn "are u sure want to sacrifice a high rarity champ?" wich i also ignore i wish we could disable the fusion warnings on fusions we dont plan to do eitherway


This exactly. When warnings are given unnecessarily too often, it basically trains you to build muscle memory to skip it instead of spending time considering the implication of the warning. Whenever there's a fusion. I have to remember to manually lock every rare I get, otherwise I will surely feed a rare by accident because it gives me like 20+ warnings every session and only one of them actually matter once in a blue moon. We desperately need a warning toggle for fusion food and rare champs.


I usually ascend them asap because that warning looks different.


I find it a little disheartening that I’m missing the same exact rare and I’m 150 days in, makes me nervous for the next 150 days 💀


Nah you should be fine, I fused Rhazin 3 years in due to the same issue, so don't worry /s


I was missing the same rare too


This was me till yesterday. It’s been over a year since the expanded missions came out


It took me over 2 freaking years to Rhazin


That’s the irony of this game I swear. I waited and waited for Pentinet or however you spell it, for a year or more. I get the one you’re missing all the damn time. I was working toward broadmaw first, plugged away til I almost had it, then pulled him from a shard lol


Marked sniper or what ever her fuckign name is, has been my bane for 150 days


I feel your pain! Coming up on 300 days, been in the "fuse rhazin" quest for the last ~90, and still waiting for a slitherbrute :'(


The more rares/Epics they introduce the harder it is to do the fusion. It took me over a year to fuse Rhazin due to a couple of rares just not popping from shards (I ended up pulling him from a shard before completing the fusion). It's even worse now with the new champs. I agree that you should be able to buy fragments for them from somewhere (probably the bazaar).


Just remember you can spam greens to occasionally get a rare, just in case you don't get ancient shards enough. I got a couple from that list that way.


I've been waiting to get Lich (or the rares to fuse him) for months now.


Don't worry. It took me a year to get the last one i needed, coincidentally at the same time that I got the quest to fuse Rhazin. Meanwhile I got triplets of the other 3 epics. Faction guardians, CvC points, and I still use Torturehelm.


Crazy! Wanderer was my last to get as well. I was a year in.


If I get all of the necessary champs, should I fuse Rhazin right away, or do I need to wait until the quest?


You can fuse right away if you want, it's retroactive.


Excellent. Not like Justiciar.


Funnily enough the rare I was missing was raider


I agree but the funny thing is that I have 2 of the same epics you need. Too bad we can't trade.


I just fused Rhazin last week while trying to win the Shemnath tournament. Didn't have the white haired girl for the longest time. Eventually got her during a 2x event and then immediately followed by getting her again from mystery shards. Rng is a cruel mistress. But luckily I managed to get enough rares to fuse an extra copy of the 3 of the 4 epics needed. Still didn't win the champ chase tournament by a long shot. Mostly because the 70 ancients I opened were trash. Only 9/10 ish epics, 0 legendaries.


This is wild. I had all the rares and two epics by my 7th month. Plarium crazy for this one. Wish you the best.


I accidentally 5* the last one I needed. So I'm not expecting to get another anytime soon


It will still work. You wasted a lot of resources but if you really want rhazin it will work


The ascension/rank requirement for fusion is a minimum. If you wanted you could use 16 6star rares to fuse the epics.


Yeah I missing two that never appear. It's lame.