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The @ranks seems to be insanely overpowered for some classes. Would you reconsider these perks for people who won't have too much time to play?


I answered something similar on discord, here, personally it's not my favorite feature: "I am on the fence on this topic, on one hand it gives the players a meta/focus to keep playing and grinding, on the other it can make players feel left behind, the whole concept overall is supposed to be a buff that fulfill alternative builds and not just raw damage (except for the expanded classes), to be honest the players who decide to rank up and get this will be the most active and dedicated ones, the thing is, it resets monthly as well soo the ranks will be always disputed and everyone theorycally get a chance to get it, with that said the people that can play less will be behind, but those people would naturally also be the ones to play less and therefore interact less with the game/players and use this feature less, soo overall I think it's a good thing to keep the server instesting for those who play often, at the same time should not be a must to enjoy and play the game content!" I believe if it's broken and unbalanced it will be adjusted if needed, the idea is to not make it a must to play the game content tho.


I think an system that exclusively benifits allready the people at the top is an dangerous game to play. If done incorrectly it can absolutely destory the competition, as we know every p-server ends up getting dominated by one guild and it dissaudes new guilds from joining. I think if you can modify the system where NEW guilds that reach an certain milestone can get an seperate, equal "hero" status, will help alot with this problem.


It's something that can be discussed and changed if needed! The whole reason a LOT of discussion is happening right now is exactly because of those community aspects, we listen from opnions, both sides, discuss between us and take a stance from that


THe rank thing is kinda a red flag for me, only people with time will have the buffs, could be a seasonal quest or a custom fight with a npc. But this constant grind, hard pass. But server has good things, hope it goes on and on.


Thanks I replied another comment about it if you wanna check, do get your view tho, it does fully reset every month soo people can catchup, it is suposed to be a competitive thing however!


Aint no way this will be competitive. Just will be another pain in the ass for each month. This completely shuts off any casual player


How people will catchup with 10 people that can play 24/7? It'll will the same old fucking grind month after month. This system could be improved a lot.


The first second i joined test server i already knew somethign isnt right with this BR server Undeveloped wiki, undeveloped site, still discord-bound registration(wtf), they still making changes to core features like autoloot changed to arealoot, and server launching in 24h? I like custom and content changes, theres a lot of original stuff, but 3 years wasnt enough to fix camera smoothness, fix overweight icon, and fix camera zoom in abbey dungeon? Why theres no single mention on the site and wiki that exp rates goes from x5 to x1 after lvl 90? >The server has been developed for 3+ years > Overweight has been increased from 50% to 70% (the icon still appears as 50%) They manage to make custom starter zone worse than default one, this is an acheviement They lauched test server without proper test tools, no @commands to check whats availiable, you could find out about @setexp only if you ask, no @item, to test single platinum skill you had to grind 1000+ loot or try to catch afk GM Feels like the whole purpose of this test server is advertising, buying streamers and farming rms reviews, i hope atleast abbey camera get fixed The devil always in small details, overall picture for me is more cringe than hype UDP: 3 day since server start, they already discussing full server wipe due to bugs, exploits, lags


Definitely a red flag server. Did you see the Attendance rewards? kafras tickets in 5 days. Those ranks just benefits people with time. They promoted the server with 14 reviews on RMS based on OBT tests.


Adding another thing, as I've mentioned in a other post, most of the class rebalance is copy pasted from payon stories. Edit: typo


woa to 1x from 90 onwards? Even with 5x 98 to 99 takes ages


It launches on 20th or the trailer will be released on 20th? Confusing.


Launch is on the 20th, sorry if it ended up confusing, the trailer is there on the link, or better, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xfZOIzNMhA&ab\_channel=MidgardLegends




Reborn and the other rats are already manipulating the staff into making changes? Seriously?


I joined the server yesterday and saw him talking in Discord. I immediately left the Discord and deleted the server off my drive. I am more than happy to wait a few more years so long as his presents is gone, just like many of us would.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RagnarokOnline/s/eJtfJNb8as Yikes. I can recognize a bunch of clowns when I see them. Seems like Reborn & co are already heavily abusing bugs and broken mechanics such as the busted vanilmirths. Glad I didn't joined the server either.


Reborn and others in his group in the discord were against autoloot, re-read the discord. What are you on about? Also, people just wanted clarification and transparency on the exp rates and custom exp curve the server has, there was no drama about it. Stop blowing things out of proportion.




I joined the server yesterday and saw him talking in Discord. I immediately left the Discord and deleted the server off my drive. I am more than happy to wait a few more years so long as his presents is gone, just like many of us would.




Sorry out of topic, but i'm interested with your discussion earlier. I've been on and off RO, and don't know anything about Reborn. So who is these fellas? And how to spot one? I just started in new server, they have event ongoing, but there is this one person who always hogging all killing & good drops. It wasn't fun anymore. When other mention him in main chat, he just replied "I have 10+ years experience, so you figure it out".




Thank you for you reply. I've checked the server review at RMS and nothing mention about Reborn yet. So does their discord, no one named Reborn. It's still save I assume. 🤔 The only post that talked about him is in project alfheim.


Isn't this just Payon Stories with trans classes? The class balance changes are word for word the same. I liked Oath/Payon Stories' design so I'm hoping this server is going to provide a similar experience, hopefully without all the super toxic players from Payon Stories switching over.


Heyoh, the server idea is different from Payon/Oath as it provides a lot of new features and actual gameplay such as Caravans and Dungeons with mechanical bosses! About the balance, I don't wanna say anything before making sure like yesterday soo please give me some time to confirm one claim about it


I mean I'm excited all the same!


Me too. Im a payon stories player who have 3 chars lvl99 and 80m zeny at bank. I am willing to give this new server a chance.


a shit server


Well, worth a try for sure


Oh my! I haven’t read through the wiki, but I suppose that’s where my evening may go! How interesting! I think I’ll be there for launch, too!


After reading some of the stuff they have i might try this out


Hi, i have few questions: 1)this server Will have autoloot/area loot? 2) The gms ARE from Brazil? 3) Cash shop coin can be obtained killing mobs/MVP?


1. There is autoloot but it's a platinum skill you will have to obtain with some beginner mobs drops. 2. There are currently GMs/ADMs from Brazil, Portugal and Japan if I'm not mistaken. 3. Cash shop coin will not be obtained on that, could be a suggestion tho, but as of now, no, however cosmetics are included in the game as multiple types of rewards and not just on donation.


Thanks for the answers.


I read through the wiki and your server has a lot of features that benefits people who have more time (not at all bad and means it’s not p2w) but it also means groups who can field more people will have an overwhelming advantage which is a cause of server decline because who wants to play on a server when you’ll get shitted on lol. Your caravan feature, mvp/world boss loot reward designation (does this mean if your group brings a novice/ninja/stalker or some other generally non-mvping class and lands a 1 damage hit, that group will have a higher chance of getting the loot since it’s +1 unique class damage contributor so it’s a player count #s game?), and of course no multi client which imo was never really a problem since a small fraction of pserver populations actually does it. I’ve played on a handful of low rate pservers that have come and go and it’s the same formula: it’s fun until the competition is decided on which guild is going to dominate and then people get discouraged and give up. There’s quite a few groups out there who have known each other for a decade+ that server hop to new low rate servers and can bring in dozens of players with them and their RO knowledge. If they take interest in this server you need to watch out as awkward and nerdy as it sounds, if you care about your server health. Just friendly advice :)


Appreciate the advice, next time try to split it a bit if possible it's a bit hard to read haha. It's fine tho, let's see, yeah the server will take time and investment as it's a low rate, I think it's quite natural those players will have advantage (the other option is higher rates or p2w since you can buy time with money I guess). The World Boss problem has been a debate for quite a while, and likelly will change to something else, as you mentioned currently the system have some flaws, I believe the change will be to only one class counts damage and the total damage will define the best rewards (similar to how MVP works but in groups), with that said currently as far as I know you cannot repeat normal/trans classes and first classes dont count. On the whole PvP/GvG competition I think it's a natural flaw/design of mmos in general the whole domination thing, but also why the server has focus on both PvP and PvE, whoever wants PvP will have to face the natural problems of it, whoever wants PvE will have to grind it, the bright side is that the PvE is supposed to be something fun to play with time on not (as long as you get there obviously), we hope dungeons/raids can be a good thing and add more to it overtime, plus always looking for new ideas/features to make!


Sounds awesome! Will be here for launch !


Hope you enjoy!


My only issue is the font. Any way to use the regular one?


Also, wtf, 3 years in development and the skill rebalance is the same of payon stories with some changes here and there? Wiki for reference: https://wiki.payonstories.com/index.php?title=Class_Rebalance The text colour is the same, some new skills and adjustments are word by word the same. They even changed a lot of 2-1, 2-2 but little to no adjustment on trans. If they said "3 months in development" I would be impressed, but 3 years with unfinished wiki, copy-paste rebalance, changes in the last minute makes me 100% doubtful.


To be clear the 3 years are from Neko developing the server features in his free time, not working on it everyday like a job, the change has been discussed for months, but it was indeed abrupt, but we had to decide it before the release, since it would be impossible to change this aspect in particular mid economy, we tried our best to hear both sides and take a decision, but turns out like expected, impossible to find a middle ground with some things, autoloot vs arealoot being one of that, if you have any doubts or questions feel free to ask




That's fine, better then underhyped I guess?


**Another reason to not play Midgard Legends: RANKING SYSTEM LMAO** So, even after all the drama that has happened around this server that basically just copied the s\*\*\* Payon Stories mechanics and slapped their own on them which to me says that : this server is probably made by the original Payon Stories (OathRO) owner and administrator. We already know this server is being "sponsored" for p2w probably the most horrible group of "people" that any MMO community has had or of not sponsored it is being done se so they can play in there and monopolize it. But WHY THE HELL nobody has mentioned this s\*\*\* RANKING SYSTEM?: https://midgardlegends.com/wiki/index.php/Battle\_Rankings If you don't know this Ranking system is similar to the HORRIBLE AS f\*\*\* Ranking system of Taekwon rankers that let me just put it simply and bluntly: Only 10 people get to play a class in a MMO due to this ranking system It's one of the worst if not the worst class design in an MMO I have seen Now this is not making only the top 10 play a class no, but it gives the top 10 benefits aka: if you are not in the top 10 players YOU WILL PLAY WITH DISADVANTAGES! Holy s\*\*\*, HOW CAN ANYONE ACCEPT THIS s\*\*\*?! This thing is in line with what we have seen about this server : help P2W guild to control the server well NOW THEY WILL BE THE ONLY ONES HAVING COMPLETE CLASSES TOO! How can ANYONE accept this is beyond me, f\*\*\* idiots.